December 5, 2022


Mankind is an empirical animal planted on the empirical field of knowledge in most cases and it runs the utilitarian fields with the knowledge of the former this treatise the blogger explores the strategic impactthe field interaction with man have had on survival of homosapien. Nature is a journeyman in the empirical field recording the spectre of golden thoughts it mines from the spigot of invinsible abstraction field and supplanted in the utilitarian field of knowledge harvested in the empirical field when the nature of such condition and event periodically dies when they less matter at the depletion of its time and maturity of lifetime in a given culture and cultural life cycle.And lo culture becomes a mother and subsequently,It left behind a gigantic book as the world greatest investment,remains of world information stock market to which time and seasons,age and epoch never weary to admit astrographical riches of the earth.We cannot be coerced to unravel the majestic tapestry of this historically industrialised field until we've gain a mastery of its fortune including both benediction and malediction as the case maybe at a particular time.A good student of history popularly known as historian barely challenges its empiricists'master craft in the critical rendition of empiricism. ibikunle laniyan Wed, Nov 23, 12:46 PM (12 days ago) to laniyanibikunle

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