February 17, 2025

Time Sonnet.part 6

Not a cannon cracker ,crust of intense cannonballs,by Cannon fodder,
Not a drumfire or cannonade either but modest cannon fire by cannonees
Cannulated at dusk shortly when the cannisters were pillaged ,
Snippets reached Sullivan's hut and discord saith he to the disgusting catechism,
"Unthrifty night bringeth profitless usury
Not cannonised nor canoodle for the cantabile of uncharmed bees!"
"Uncharmed bees!Folks saith so.Were they uncharmed?"
"Neophytes and catechumen breaking the mould 
How dare you slacken the protocols?
Serfs of squirearchy as categorematic nerds
Worthy of strings of applauses
Arraign them from catenulated farmland 
Of the north country".
"Awake from catnap "as he beckoned to some snoozy cannonees
"Arise wince apart the borderlands and fondle the serfs from the north country fringes .
So saith the nature from the caress of catoptrical Oracle 
The coast is clear "

Time Sonnet's.part 5

A dickensian escapades led to the river bank 
To flex with the camarilla in Sullivan's heinous detest
Callithump,chivaree belliing charivari,
Orchestrated by frogmarched instigants 
They struck at the campestral deep dived to the river bed,
A stone distance from the Sarabesa's Kampong,
 Even as the callithumpian Maximus was alien to the pilloried arrows,
Sullivan's afficionados gone berserk at the Golgota 
As uncharmed bees as cam with camshaft in the cam stoke ,
Black and blue, swept up in the balloon of fiasco in the evasion of the warlike callithump,
Canister shot burgled by the invading pyrates,in their pyramid of procession 
"Oh uncharmed bees!"
Uncharmed bees in canescent gloss?
How did Sullivan charm?"saith maximus fugue man

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 19

The bitter truth about the concept of human movement unceasingly moded in the integration with social movement fritters not away the wishful needs of the society itching to demand for social transformations without the use of the actors or social reformers to perpetrate the delivery of this miasma of public goods.Strategic thinkers uncover the magnitude of this social liabilities to propose and propagate social measures to effect the social change.This ordinarily grows by apprehension of human movement to generate human change first then translate the immense benefits into environmental change prior to emergence of social change.
However the utility of human movement capacity is invariably undermined by the illusion that politics by implication far exceeds the kratos or the public realm comprises of the people who needs these strings of social transformations to aggrandise the dreams of public goods.
The public if not rational are in most cases insane about the rational choices of advanced social life.The author extensively campaigns for the emergence of objective followership and objective leadership elsewhere in his writings and the prior submission still albeit an addendum in the postulation.It appears that with the renewed revelation of political developments in the advanced societies the scope of objective context,the construction of such objectivity declines and decelerate as civilisation in the mechanical infrastructure of changing times reaches the peak.
Given the high social cost of arbitrary information arbitraging leading development holocaust,a caveat is added.The caveat assumes the long run objective dissection of political system and deployment of rational public system theory to afford the widespread utility of information exchange and information arbitration for effective use of hitherto unknown fallout of power market infrastructure.
The doctrine of human movement works perfectly tailored to this most ideal ransom of safer social life and the context of objectivity at this point unleashes public goods in the right mass and dimensions as demanded by larger public.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 18

We cannot classify sometimes the wilderness period when the artist is experiencing trial as wasted period .It involves partly human development movement and parenthetically the entire gamut of the period could well be the most formative period of the human actor.The ideology and capacity imbibed during the period leads to the final stage of human transformations.
This is rational expedition and morally expedient in that the school of human knowledge advances more in this period when the crucifix of torment and trial at the peak is armed with complex hurdles that could break or build ,make or mar the absorptive intent of the artist under trials.No one reap the immense benefits at the end of the trial and in most cases it never stop even at the zenith of accomplishment,given the need to consolidate on the prior attainment .
Times and seasons postulate differently and predicates basically alluded to the fact the spectre of knowledge distributed and generated at a given period extremely differs to later time and it builds up in the time tunnel tis it reaches the climax.
Human wishes from the minutest details to the most elucidative opionation,is extremely plain as the letters of history and drives the human persons sometimes to translucent point of converting the power of dreams into action for later empiricism.It is the best interest of the human persons to learn from the tabloid of human conscience that ordinarily digest the rational elements of the human empiricism.Frankly speaking constant reflection is allowed to recall the hidden or often unknown tutelage of this empiricism.It could be subject to further analysis of those on the same page with the human actor concerned.It gives second thought and improves the quality of human capacity and human change respectively.The avoidance ọf dark traits now skewed in favor of the need to improve on the quality and quantity of identified human positive traits.Human change is possible and the concept of human administration is effortlessly discharged in such routine of human movement.
The classical and neoclassical pattern of attitude formation surrounding the parentheses of tradition,passion and power of motivation is better distributed by the mutuality of such empirical flow of knowledge that only history and commerce of history could get.The consequences ranging from human change to environmental and social change affording strategic choice of social work to get badly needed motivation for the procurement of public goods.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 17

Hence from the time of early childbirth,a child begins to dream the moment he  earns his first sleep down to the last day when he dies as old man no longer in the mother's arm but all by himself the last thing he does is to take a breath and dream into death or grave.Dream indeed is the first mental activity and the last mental activity on planet earth .Infact the first and last activity of man under sun prior to lying rest at the graveyard.
Organically it reminds us that man is first and foremost a spiritual animal hails from the unconscious age that it hardly knows and being spoonfed by subconscious age as a spiritual being to feed his constantly volatile world of conscious age.So dream as the most complex lifelong activity matters more than any of the so called events of profitable ventures and social activities we encounter as passing earthlings.We bicker not the idiosyncrasies and the fury of wrong choices,bad intention,wrong prejudices, failure and doubts that come in every guise but by poor and good dreams not understanding  how to interpret them.Such moral impairment and critical inability dissemble quality decision and the delusions of jumping the bandwagon often lure potential good dreamers confused of the path to take finally follows the crowd.The public wastage of squandered time testifies to the journey of wasted lifetime and denotes reason mammoth hardly achieve their destiny.
Obviously it depends on the choices and decision average human person might decide to take.Public delusions in their avalanche tend to unlock moral impairment and causes loss of direction to parsimonious youths who are spendthrift in the management of precious the true patients of lost destiny.
To identify the most rational path to take is no mean feat is strategically linked to power of dreams to initiate the true power of decision and plunge into the canyon and pursuit of beautiful dreams.However public delusions come in different guise and complex package might not be deciphered untill it too late to actors of destiny.The kind of momentary pleasure time wasters faced elsewhere that rub the pain under jacket disappointment, failure,doubt and regrets tie to a particular event or series of unfortunate events cause a change of action in the lifespan of the actors.This is what I called a turning point.
Sometimes if not in most cases this league of bespoke art of beautiful dreamers in their meagre distribution might be time wasters initially too caught in the early deluge of public delusions until they reach the turning point.It takes history of complex art for the integrity of the human person to generate meaningful impacts in line with weights and measures of the human administration.A testimony to the gigantic accomplishment subject to a prior turn around from being time wasters to efficient user of time.
The alleged period of time wasted could be era of human development imbibing capacity and capacity building with clarity the period must mature as sequel to the stage of human transformations.Public delusions are extremely trickish and complex to the extent the felonies of public delusions league of time wasters, hardly unravel the complexity of the intrigue .The proportion of momentary pleasure varies from exposure to exposure blinding their technical capacity to identify glitches in their moral observation of the wasting venom.
Knowing what to do not the main crucifix 

Time Sonnets.part 3

Corpulency of corps diplomatique avails him regalia,
Unassailable but in adiposis ,a savoury of a medley's troths,
across the rancid allegories of effeminate desert plow,
Ahorse the smouldering disclike of corpus delicti 
To nail maximus in the smouldering cauldron of Sullivan's travels ,
And lo but not the blue funk of the paladins, Sullivan's haecceity ,
Sullivan's palilalia on every patois,on the heels of pyrhic victory,
Ọ the cannonball for the loggerhead betwixt the twin wizards at abesi's.
Look in that vendetta and never contempt 
The palavers of vindicative cannon hurled over Maximus ,
To make him swoon,syncope and desquamate,
Slaughters at his foot on crossing the tributary 
Finespun treachery of hooks upon nobbles,pinches upon swipes,
Cabbages,snarfs upon Filchs,
Empathy alienated from yahoo as it with suppine for selflove 

To disdain of the riverine folks 
Fireball's unguent via ignition of firebomb, firearms and firebox
Sometimes in fireboats and Maximus pyrolatry,
Fireworshipers ,frog matched instigants and firebrats across firebases,
Footmen and firebrands of fire range, firing line and firing squad ,
Across the sarabesa's hoopla where footprint evidence of pyracy was spotted anew ,
Not a handful foreswore his allegiance tis the battle of Sarabesa's begun anew.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 16

The nature of climate change is extremely brutal to the strategic choice of political framework and the governance control apparatus of the public system often under invasion in any society to consistently undermine it as if by no remedy.The best alibi for mankind to be indemnified from this operative contraption of public infraction is to adopt the plethora of public system theory evaluated in this book.Nothing last forever as system immune to infraction today might be insensitive to unindemnified immunity of future times to warrant the changeability of the set of moral choices. Democracy is not an exception and surgical review every century not an anathema as long as the ground is crying and agonizing unceasingly.
Our dreams and the beauty of alloted dreams often times changes our threshold of visionary choices and the pantheon of moral perspectives available at our disposal.
Nature of mordern occurrence enjoins mordern mankind to think and dream higher than their forefathers.This is undiluted mandate not to be matched by any decline whatsoever given the propensity of times and seasons to finally tilt in favour of technocracy the supposedly proven last system to be bequeathe by climate change to the plenitude of political system choices known or unknown,discovered or undiscovered to the purlieu of governance system and hordes of mortals under sun .
Man lives in a social but negotiable theater of the absurd and constantly interrogating the essence of existence and smoothness of nationhood. He never fails to negotiate the quality of social life and the quantity of social comfort at his disposal.There are endless proportion and avenue to exercise the critical choices of strategic thinking and interactions with the concept of human movement to deliver social work for the operational discharge of public goods.
Beautiful dreams like public necessity is on its own public good not just procurement asset of public good paramount to grow the quality of social life at the disposal of mankind at a given period.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 15

As this threatens the public safety net,the politics of human prejudice rejuvenates and strikes through human movement could save the day in the corridor of commensurate proportion of public consensus. We ought to begin to critically assess the power of dark forces via complex but near invincible technology chaos in a new way.Not as it were with the polemics of advanced societies lost in the adversity of technology chaos where not only their future is under threat but the entire race of mankind.
The possibility of dreams in the most pristine egalitarian propensity of public good for Great reformers is a necessary ingredient for the amortization of such complex dissolution of social debts that ages barely repay.It get so confusing and we re aware of the primordial intent of public realm and awake similarly to the fact that the use of mordern technology specifically in the paternity of its harrowing context lessens this unparalleled growth of moral burden.We re not together if we re not for all and we re not for all if we re not together and it takes two to tango.Quitebuncharitable gesture of social unity!This is quite unfortunate a missing link in the society where the public system hardly exist and the role of every segment and material division and tangible units of every spectre of public system not well defined.Consequently each potential social worker denies the unidentifiable power play,the politics of power and the use of this power and the necessity of this power to deliver in concrete not the mirage of public goods.The mode of aspirations and muses in the public realm terribly undermined where the non existent public system fails to motivate the masses to dream higher and higher.We do not blame politic, inherent system of government and the human institution as catalyst to solid movement of human administration but the lack of public system across the nation states of world.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 13

The substance for social existentialism rest largely on the primacy of the main operating system,being social relation,entrusted to effectively deliver in the principle of social responsibility .The profit of social work is public goods and the profit of public goods being universal welfare maybe threatened when the accumulated outstandings are left unattended to for so long;given the alienation of the people from the doctrine and merit of human movement that ought to demand strategically for this execution.We do not have to avoid the social work and the engaging task of social reforms for social preservation otherwise such outstanding of social debt often times not affordable to both the sensitive and the insensitive in the long run when re almost dead.We re no strangers to crisis, social instability,wars and epidemics and more often not aloof mentality of the larger publics often makes the matter worse.Apparently it appears humanity is quite indifferent to motivation of learning from history and we can insulate against this bad expenditure of moral indifference with the doctrine of human movement.The challenges in mordern society by mode of entry are basically the same for all ages by the basic norm behind the operating texture of the problems .We re shallowed to believe otherwise to think they re technological problems or so to say linked to technology chaos other than the perpetuality mode of human enabled crisis for which there's no panacea to the solution beyond the actors that pull the trigger.
To linger for far too long we face the inevitables of riskier social consequences and we know great nations by the politeness of their environmental sanity to prevent the dissipation of social work and public good system entirely.Time tested and timely adjusted measures undertaken may not even be rational to the larger public including the political choices of moral expenditure to be expended to curb untimely degeneration of public safety system.To reborn, rebound and reboot history with anticipated esteem of glorious dawn,great reformers and beautiful dreamers are not afraid to toe this pragmatic line of action and immoral recommendations.The main challenge is that great reformers and most rational references are often in short supply not excluding sane terrains of the advanced societies.The belief system in the social realm may not offer dignified patronage beyond the unaffordable measures even in the face of reactionaries trumping the streets with uncommon insanity and revolutionary protests.The attainment of public spirit could coalesce and conflict with resolution of such complex decisions.This is uncommon leadership to take decision with their life and if it goes the other way round and unsustainable the overthrow of government or the demise of leadership actors could lead the society into further chaos that same doctrine of human movement might be opted to still be the saving grace .
Mordern societies do not grow less complicated but becoming hyper complex to the yearnings of the state and the public realm in the face of alarming growing gap between the centrifugal and centripetal dark forces of the state.This dark forces often engineer the crash of the state and not the positive forces that could arrive at a compromise for the sake of public goods at the end but we are afraid of the irremediable dark forces the most primitive and most complex settings of cultural misappropriation of public trust that perpetually fails to reach a public compromise.This is particularly intriguing worrying and often associated with ancient societies where wars and battles settle divisive pluralism but not will of the people and democracy or accepted system of government adopted for the purpose of public good settle the matter.I think in the era of mordern and neomordern age the possibility of the return of dark forces through the rising floodgate of technology chaos could be the worst anathema to mordern civilisation.The use of missiles and nuclear warheads and similar armament that could wipe out the entire race of mankind in a jiffy tells the complex but potential return of dark forces more mysterious than ever to the safety mechanism of public system.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 14

We might say public goods or social works hardly concern us but the fate of mankind does not compare itself with welfare of mankind and the essence of social life is to guarrantee the ultimate preserve of human welfare.The mechanism of social work in the raphsody of social relation to deliver public good should obtain muse from inhabitants of any given society.When the former seriously lag behind the welfare of mankind is jeopardised when attainment of public goods is hazy and unaffordable to the larger public that jettisoned its egalitarian ideals.We do not however indulge in the escapade of this industrial neglect and society pines away into social instability through abhorrence of social works.These are spots and lacuna that great dreamers should fill to make life affordable to mortals in any given society.The rewriting of history and retelling of history by concerned historical identities begins at this trial of historical juncture.We cannot shirk such responsibility for far too long and when the expedition and expediency of social work requires such exigencies for delivery of public goods there can be no denial to the obeisance of its luminous intent for the purpose of social stability.Societies thrive on the tedious nature of such stringent social responsibility to usher social change that only this delivery could bring.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 3.

The beautiful days in the beautiful paradox tells us a lot about the beautiful arts .Good chances are by training identifed and the folklore of truth tradition of arts shall forecast and foretell . Glamorous life full of exploit only belong to the beautiful arts the welfare of the human persons and the roadmap to paradise on earth by families fair well to such arts.Rebuke the arrogant spirit and you barely have to expect the denial of slap and defaces.You know the good will declines and then dignity as integrity evaporates at dawn.The spirit of purpose like dilligence, commitment dedication and focus tends to fix the nightmare of indolence and spirit of indolence. 
Pragmatic arts brings a stream of dedicated outcome,scale of sustainability and the metaphor for development hardly denies containment of Han underdevelopment.Structural problem an oversight functions and to fix it the mode of integrity appeals to new competencies to exhume the deployment of the spirit of integrity at norm.We are passionate with drivers of change indicate vividly why the doting spirit of allegiance to humanistic services could draw the line between an evil and good.

February 16, 2025

New Scramble For Lagos As Yoruba Regains Dominance.

Lagos is becoming another centre of potential civil war and I think the battle between ibos and Yoruba is becoming fiercer by the day.We thought by being at the centre the fortune of Nigeria's Yoruba tribe might change .Of course the game is changing and tinubu even boasted before he took over power in the speech in Ogun State that popularised the word 'Emi lo kan'.He said when he saw Buhari crying on nta television program he was amazed and decided to visit him in Kaduna.He told him crying was not the option and pledged his support but that he should promise if elected he would not play with Yoruba tribe in Nigeria to which Buhari concurred . Unfortunately Buhari did the opposite putting his people everywhere in government but thereafter that did not stop tinubu from becoming president with just a speech 'Emi lo kan'.Before the election he had said Yorubas were not slaves or servants in Nigeria.
Our people badly needed to return to our old days of dominance and arrest decline and influence in the Nigerian economy especially with tinubu at the helm of affairs.I quite agree the notion to push Yorubas deeper into the power in Abuja was a high priority.Obviously, methinks was the biggest political comeback for the south west since Nigerian independence even more than the preeminence we have in 1952 general election when the acrimonious seed of tribalism that was sown during the period  took on the bitter pill and sour taste worst ever and led all the way to civil war.Things may be hard and all rots cannot be corrected in a day but certainly tinubu had done the unprecedented.
Gbadebo Rhode vivour campaigned for governor of Lagos almost took over at alausa as it were with the presidential election when they allegedly won in Lagos.In an article on tribune online "The Scramble for Lagos" by Lasisi Olagunju,published on march 13,2023 ,a shocking revelation how Yorubas had lost almost all of Lagos resurfaced and seriously unsettled me led to irritation ,frustration,fear and fierce anger as if it was something new.In the essay he unleashed the fierce details of demographic erosion in favour of the Igbos and how Yorubas worked against themselves.Sure it is our nature.To better explain the satire he had used a television drama by fadeyi Olooro entitled "Fo' po mo'yo' to explain the worrisome situation.
He lamented how the whole Nigeria is scrambling for Lagos similar to Berlin conference of 1886.The latter officially organized take over of Africa but in this former it was gradual take over by a trade war in most cases between Ibos and Yoruba.Why do we resist often times to discuss this embarrassment?Now both sides are calling for their own independence solution both Igbos and Yorubas agitating overseas.
 Governorship election was postponed because of uncertainty .Other contendants include Jandor and funke akindele and one thing baffled me about Lagunju his explanation of demographic erosion of the Yoruba in Lagos State.For instance listen to him:"The Igbo have elective rights but they are very provocative in this Lagos thing.I watched a video clip that was shot somewhere in the south east where the commentator repeatedly said Lagos is non negotiable' and that they would take over Lagos."He raised concern about Lagos elders lamenting existential threat towards Yoruba tribe in the state and the rate at which they re loosing their lands to the extensive take overs by mostly the ìgbo tribe.He was right when he said if you don't sell your head no one would buy it reffering to a Yoruba adage.
I loved the part when he quoted professor mabogunje the first professor of Geography and explored the database on land ownership in Lagos in 1960.In his London PhD thesis he debated how his tribe control the land in Lagos in 1961.Urbanisation and Political Change:The politics of Lagos 1917-1967,by Pauline Baker in 1974 she cited mabogunje extensively. Donatus okpala also cited Baker and Magobunje .Okpala's doctoral thesis at page 39 submitted to Massachusetts institute of technology in 1977extensively quoted mabogunje 's inspiring study.
In 1961 he said idumagbo,ebutte ero and idunshagbe were 100percent controlled by Yoruba groups and Lagosians like the ijebu and the egba as 90%of landlords there.He moved down to Ebutte metta founded by returnee Brazilian slaves of the Yoruba like olowogbowo.Ebutte meta east and west ,isale gangan -aroloya,idumota-alakoro,offin itolo,olowogbowo,Ereko-agarawu,Araromi and Yaba east,were also 100%owned by Yoruba.Surulere like epetedo was 93%controlled by Yoruba while ojuelegba was 80 % controlled,shomolu and mushin were 92 % owned by Yoruba.The Lagos area with the least Yoruba was obalende at 52% in the ratio of 6% egba,13%ijebu,other Yoruba groups 23% and Igbo balance of 13%,other Nigerian groups,3% and non Nigerians 33%.This was 62 years ago.
Then reading through the demographics I thought he had done a current data analysis either at alausa or elsewhere to justify the loss of land and display no data to confirm the demographics of 62 years ago had changed in favor of Igbo and he did not.He ended the essay by lamenting the takeovers of almost all major markets in Lagos were taken over by Igbo but am sure demographics may not have changed that much.Although am at loggerhead sometimes pouring tirade on my people for selling their lands to the Igbos and quite the same elsewhere in Yoruba land.
Hence from alaba,ojo,to the largest plantain market in mushin ,Lagos,to Ladipo in Toyota,Oshodi, Westminster, Liverpool,tejuosho,trade affairs,computer village,GSM market, Ashwani,mile 12 &mile 2,alaba ,dopemu aluminum village,Lekki corridor,festac market etcetera, Yoruba almost completely sold themselves out.Quite unfortunate.
Thank God with the emergence of tinubu as president the economy and almost all parastatals are in Yoruba hands .I saw a vision before he became president how Lagos mafia took over seat of government in Abuja where Ibos constitute the majority and overthrow Kaduna mafia.Today the rest history.Hausa Fulani no longer control the port and port trade entirely in Yoruba hands.
Now to regain control Lagos State should churn out policies to favor Yoruba again and can recover all lost ground.This include the option of multiple taxation and government all over have a prejudice first toward indigene and no big deal to recover lost ground.The American immigration program by Trump is a proof of such bias.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 115

DOGE uncovers many stinking details in the American payment system such as allocation to 150 years old , people alloted payment with no identifying information, people like Samantha power carting away more than 30million dollars as civil servants etcetera.In the oval office of white house where he briefed the press in the presence of his little son X , Donald Trumps and a couple of intimidating questions from the press ,Elon musk slowly come out of his she'll unveiled the stinking rot embarrassingly hidden in the American federal payment system.Who tell you there's no corruption in America?Over 176 billion dollars earmarked for Ukraine Russia war Ukraine president Zelensky admitted only 76 billion dollars was disbursed to them,I asked where the missing a staggering $100 billion?
To my amazement,I was shattered by Musk's revelation in the presence of reporters in the oval office when Trump chipped in the vicious but overwhelmingly proven remarks,a whooping half a trillion dollars deficit to be cut in the payment system without a doubt.Much of USAID's 60 years of humanitarian aid and countering influence from US rivals to more than 100 countries was deemed as excessive wastes sometimes funding terrorism was crapped by DOGE.A billion dollars was saved from unscrupulous public spending by DOGE which also have critical access to more than 70million people database on social security payments.I Ve campaigned that bureaucracy this 'unelected fourth arm of government " as Elon musk put it to be privitised .Trump says federal civil service the nation's largest employer of labour is too big and bloated poised to reduce its service and that many entries in the civil service were unnecessary.The trump's plan was to slash more than 2 million federal employees by September.To be frank bureaucracy is the first system of government adopted in America and after the constitution of 1789 George Washington became the first democratically elected president of the united states' and was indeed heavily run by elected and selected bureaucracy.When democracy came elected bureaucracy became unelected bureaucracy especially under the presidency and for the last over 260 years grew wealthy and secretly and massively corrupt as it were around the world.As a matter of fact Alexander Hamilton the real founder of America was the true American president in principle between 1776 to 1804 when he died .Indeed a selected bureaucrat who ruled America with the principle of selected bureaucracy.The efficiency though too early to conclude may be coming back to this part of the world.
The battlefield of dreams is getting Messier when this fulgurous group of people afford to destroy time investment of beautiful dreamers drastically engineered in their favour .The abuse of political power and the world that is at the mercy of lucre accelerate the inorganic role of traditional public graft institutions.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 12

The belief we have in our society cannot be overemphasized to overwhelm the broken choices we make to insulate our motivation of the sense of purpose to officiate commitment and dedication for the expected properties of material fulfilment.It is not too hard to rinse our motivation and juxtapose with externalities beyond what nature of sense of purpose we re blessed with in aftermath of broken troths and pledges that dié with the growing rate of social insanity .
Corporate development of human movement unceasingly enables capacity building of human administration sometimes driven by politics of human prejudice and to some extent human reflection .These species in their spectrum differ in the segments presented to be affordable by benevolent actors of social debt smortizers.To undergo the launching of campaign sense of purpose provides the leadership for the collaboration of tradition,passion,vision and ministry of action and partnership for soft landing.Public goods or social works requiring exigencies as social reforms must conform the guidelines for the interaction between stronghold and threshold musings to withstand betters outlays with better outcome.The specificities of faith destroying appaling and disgusting moments of truth and leveraging the use of bespoke art and tradition in the field of passion accelerate entry into posterity that may not have been possible.The dishonesty of the people interferes with this ethics and when they arrive at the angle of impossibility they compose themselves and slain the future with the words of their mouth  without them knowing it 

The Possibility of Dreams.part 11

The Battle into the city of dreams begins with beautiful dreams and end with the same fragrance of beautiful dreams.The great fighters in great alacrity seem to keep the fragrance immortal even long after they re posthumously exit the theatre stage of life.This relics methinks all mortals cherish them with the same value as it were with the motif of prior historical identities from which successive generation of men drew their checkered muse.Things are bound to change with the passage of time and the gigantic accomplishment provided by prior antecedence though mankind may not admit it is later a catalyst to the freedom of later generation .The true power of freedom and to a larger extent beyond ribaldry and bigotry inspire the motivation of subsequent times is the power of history and effortless ease at which it generates knowledge for the rewriting of lost history not achieved and those left outstanding.The sense of purpose in the ministry of action as the main secrets of motivation to align the passion to expected ends affords the competitive rivalry of historical identities launching campaign to break persistent record being set by every successive generation of historical identities.Consequently we have a beautiful history rewritten from the pantheon of illustrious pedigrees and beautiful dreams.It then denotes that the context and social contract of competitive rivalry is a kind of gesture that should be prioritized by every historical actor to fill the space of time and cover unmet obligation that should open up vast spaces and breathing spaces for more freedom and more quality freedom too tedious for prior generation could nt achieve.The beautiful promises in the aggregate are hidden in the beautiful dreams fomenting the crucial choice of better society tied to the whims and caprices of better historic society.

Street Gangsters.part 4

"Who is this?"mother yelled in disbelief as Gbenga returned back home from the streets and bang the door before his now single mother.
"Be asking me.Who are you?"
"Have you gone naught?You re asking me ,am i not your mother ?Oh you Ve gone mad because of those strange bedfellows you move with on the streets those gangsters to have the gut to utter gibberish before me?Am asking you"a counterblast in the raging inferno
"Have you gone mad too?Why did you leave the husband of your youth? Certainly you have gone mad.I ask you and am not surprised you now have many bastards like me.Mother of bastards!"
"Are you crazy you call me 'mother of bastards!"
Why did you leave dad and prefer single status?I ask you"
"Keep quiet but you have a doctorate too right go and marry an illiterate like him,you will realize the sense in my action later"
"Now I agreed with my friends completely and Jide was right about the feelings of daddy."
"What feelings are we talking about?"
"Inferiority complex.Why can't you burry your differences and come together and now your husband sick recently recovered in the hospital had told me he never knew educated folks sometimes could be so arrogant to stay with let alone marry them.He lamented the imbalance ."
"Are you crazy?Boy for your information I did not build this house with my husband money I m a lecturer ,so you should get out now and look for your baba."
"I will not"Gbenga hungry when he came in stooled near the upholstery and heavily devoured the plate of coconut rice on the table as he occasionally lashed out at his mother.
"Am not going.Do your worst."
"I say get out"her strong voice not enough to pacify him wielding anger in her visage and furious movement.
"This is my home after all when you re gone is my house as the only son."
"And so what ? Don't you know you have a brother and a sister."
"Too full of herself.People asked me why am I on the street?You re educated too why?"
"I could nt tell them but my friends like jide knew you re the trouble some character your naggings like a beast was responsible for this homelessness of mine."
"You re lazy like your Dad you don't want to teach they need lecturers in the Universities.Our universities are seriously under lectured with a ratio of one lecturer to 50 to 200 compared to advance countries of one to two and only the seven first generation universities the so called ivory towers have 60 percent of their academic staff to have a doctorate.The quality of teaching is so bad and now pay had improved a little.Still they dywant to teach Iike you."
"Am not teaching mum.How many times have I told you?"
"I don't blame you you have bad role model as your father and nothing l say count."He finished the food in record time still hungry searching the kitchen for left overs and now urchin in the streets returned back to senses at home.
"See the lecturers I have given jobs and doctorates like you.Bode and taiwo your fellow classmates.Why don't you wanna teach?"as she hurriedly flashed the photos of the guys on his phone to illustrate before him who was making calls when Gbenga wore out by hunger entered house at exactly 12.30 on the dot.
"I became a beggar on the streets begging for food because of my mother's arrogant behavior."
"I will not allow you to sit here and be eating my food if you would not give teaching a chance in your life ."
"Mum I asked you jide's mother is a professor unlike the husband but she didn't leave him .They Ve been married for over fifty years now.Now tell me are you a professor yet ?Just senior lecturer! Why can't you stay with your husband?"
"What rubbish?"as she left his presence into the bedroom her fingers still clutching the phone tightly.
"Honestly mum I know you re arrogant.Anyway I need a phone give me your iPhone"still sitting down now from the stool shifted to the sofa weakened by startling breeze and tired of making noise,having been fed with massive mountain of beans and potato chips slept off and snoring like jackal.
He woke up next day to see her mum departed to the classroom and started to entertain the strange  thought of teaching to repay his parent though now separated for years of investment in him and also get a life for himself.
Fortunately he saw the iphone 15 in the bedroom the mother took smaller phones for school lectures and most outings beyond classroom avoiding expensive theft.Gbenga took up the phone and called his mother.
"Mum where are you?"
"Am in school"
"I don't care I Ve taking your phone is now mine"
"Pls boy come to the school if am your mother.Come immediately."
"I LL be there in a jiffy."laughing hysterically at the beautiful phone.

February 15, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 10

The politics of human prejudice assist us in the transaction of purpose and cultivation of the right tradition to reach our expected ends.The expenditure of this politics is financed by passion as the driving forces whose demand of different of choices could render the transaction ambiguous beyond the tendency for the maturity of the sense of purpose to take solid control.In the ministry of action it operates the badly needed activity in line with the improvised ethics of the sense of purpose assisting passion in the motivation of the appropriate direction where the purpose interpretes the use of vision in the bespoke character of commitment and dedication atwined to the fundamental goal of sustainability and material fulfilment.We hardly see the light or the energy of pursuit that is faith until we have seen purpose interpreting them in terms of making commitment and dedication concretise the use of passion towards the main priority of accomplishment.The nature of accomplishment from individual to individual and the power of motivation that comes from purpose in the ministry of action admonishes the possibility of passion 's trajectory towards the attainment.The introduction of purpose to the use of passion optimised the quality of passion and endows the user with character if sustainability is harnessed along the particularity of tradition makes me pursuit even more economical than it ought to be.A purposeful passion is a sustainable character a combination of effective marketing of dedication, commitment,visionary, motivation,purpose and tradition.We require the world of unbroken passion or leverage of sustainable character endowed with appropriate use of time investment for the most rational outcome.No get the clarity of the posterity and all we do we do in anticipation of better outcome and the affordability of such gambling venture is to assume the politics of human prejudice should give us a soft landing.Often times it does even when crashes are inevitable the prospect of human survivors in both context of triumph and failure is guaranteed.And for those who succeed the prime option is to consolidate and to those who fail new strategy is drawn to launch more trial in a battle not for the fainthearted.

Nebulous Earth.part two

Razzmatazz of unbroken onomatopoeia razzling the insipid swine in the razor sharp razzle dazzle of the insensate nebulous woods.
Nebulous woods reach your nostrils o mankind thou being the leech of murderees clung to your riverbank rivet line and in pell-mell of reactive depression, nebulous woods gyrates as murderees moan in the road to Damascus.Road bed into Damascus was in shatters in the rolypody puddings of the broken troths and asinine dreams that could not fly in the romanticization of Romanies and Romany's fortune telling ilks from the Indus valley nor salvage the rose mauve muses of the amplified jetsam.
Sassy feets indifferent to decipher the golden pages of sapiential books.
Hold your breath in fore lorn dreams,indisposed to infallible ambience of close knit succour and serrated savorlessness, fell on the satire of egocentric satiety and imploded.
What an egregious niff and irony!
We ve got the old renegade of dickybirds,neritic nerds,grinds ,swots not the beautiful dreams of the near extinct saxicolous machismo 
To revel in the odoriferous fragrance and manducate the beautiful scallops of Dreamland's memoirs.
Alas the memoirs bereaved by scandalous mongering of these lunkheads , knuckleheads 
See,the immodest scaramouches in retreat away from cumbersome knapsacks of the scapulohumeral burden of Beautiful dreams.
Civilisation heretofore in the mingle mangle of muzzle velocity, totters tis the mutism of the mutafacience smothered to pale muttonheads.
Wail not the nihilistic delusion of neophobia and the dingy cloud of myopathy but the muzzle velocity of the indifferent mysophobia of the lounge lizard at the oddysey of mysophilia .
Mystic jewels of indolence and insolence cluster like a limpet over which insomnia of dreams drew their vivacity .
 And behold the scaremongers on the grand rampage and the shoals- the macushla ,
Above the vulgar and oddments took the cities of golden hills like the streak of lightning blistering
 Beyond the lucifugous ecclipses and hazy traverse of the maculated macumba .
To redefine with mableization of narcistic personalities,the omnium gatherum and  golden contours of yonder heights.

Nebulous Earth part one

Dizzy dickybirds shits of dicky hell gone dicky headed
Hornswoggled by diddlysquat o dielectricity of diehard fiddlyshits,who barely don budge to the succussion of taphephobiac sucker punch,o smouldering insubordinates!
Uhmmmm.....what a motherfucker!
A diffidence of diffusive diffraction,
In the cluster of diffuse nebula,
Percolating nebulous gland of cumbrous digenesis
A dilatory plea of wonderful missing links in history 
A dimsighted deluvian in the diluents of this plea 
Over which millennials of aspersion remonstrance barely remorse to cast 
A dioratic din of dingdong in diplegia of old dickybirds.
Old dickybirds,petty dickyshit
Dump assertive mating for disassortive mating
And the salvation of the world from nebulous earth.
Esteem return esteem oh esteem return 
From doghouses of dog shit,doggydos, dishrag and dishwater 
O dolce far niente cease and desist,
Draftsman of Dreamland's memoirs haunted on the drag coefficient 
And discant your golden applause
Not dilly-dallying but drag down to more than drag a bunt for the Dreamland voyage 
Voyagers of no return in Mother of all voyages
Traduce and mud dragging draggling through the dragnet 
As dragomen of the sandbag drawing beads and drawing linea above the draw and the quarter,
Festooned with riparian rights in the dragoon,
Not for the driblet,dreck ,the driftwood and the shlock but for the fattest fishes and fattest cows
Cuckoo ,twat not eager beaver as immobile fatheads from the dry rot 
Rancidity tears through the sky 
Old dickybirds petty dickyshit as father brown evanesce with beautiful dreams 
Into obscurity of history 
No father surrogate mother surrogate of sonic depth finder to replace him
And like a smoke eternities fractured it far away with obdurate feast and fatuity of fatigability.
Backwoodsmen,hedgehoppers laborious gigs in the hedgerows of lost charade, bequeathed in the heathland of hellishward to betray the hawkish fragrance of heavenward moisture 
A golden dreams with the fireman's axe and with the fireman's carriage at the fireplace of gallantry cannot fail, towers over millennials yet unseen -the in frangible nuances of mankind 
Not in the flocculence of the oddysey but burnt in flintstones of Firestones and firestorm the megalomaniac firth and fulgurous foundry of civilization .
Dickybirds at the floodplain of the tributary,beneath floodlight of fortune 's floodhead,
O gallantry, eremitic henchmen of perfidious heathland,straphangers of Dreamland's memoirs make them drafthorses beyond the snivellers and sniggers of snipe hunts for the new dawn.


Street Gangsters.part 3.

Jide returned back to the street urchins and therefore began to hear wolewole speak again.
"Where did you go ? Three days now we Ve been looking for you and hardly showed up "looking at him crestfallen.
"My dad returned from overseas trip and we went to meet him"
"Oh yeah you must have been settled."
"Bring out food"other member of the gangsters screamed at him.
"You don't carry any packs why?"another yelled at him
"No no nothing for now.just manage this little cabbage."he bend down to hand over the little quid"25 bucks!"
"That's a lot.You really tried "retorted wolewole 
"Nice one nice one ."next guy came closer and hugged him.
"You re not like other rich guys."
As they poured accolades on him,the gangsters in the opposition far distance started bullying and moved closer to smash one of the fellows with his stolen boots.
"We don't matter right.Every day you serve them ostracized us.We re nobody to you right ."
"You re so vociferous cocoon ,are you not s disgusting disgruntled element of your own parent.Go back home and prostrate to your dad and mum.Scold them for playing smartness with their separation.Let them concede their fault and stop being unreasonable."He moved closer to separate the two angry wolves aiming at themselves.
"Don't abuse my parent pls."as the other guys departed to buy food from the lucre he screamed at jide and others speechless at the unfolding drama.
"Don't you get it?"
"Stop insulting me or my family?"
"They were the reason for your homelessness.You don't get it.Do you?"
"Didn't I follow you to your village two months ago."
Yes you did.Does that makes sense here?"
"Can't you see the root of the problem?"
"My mum had a doctorate my daddy was a vulcanizer and you a bricklayer."
"Oh you reason so sharply.What does that difference look like?"
" Uhmmmmm"
" You can't talk.My father was married for half a century and his wife a professor but he was tailor for thirty five years before he ventured into trading.There was no issue of inferior complex between them especially problem with gap in education."
"What does that mean?What re you driving at?"
"Your mother is rude and your father later geld felt inferior and that caused or speeded the crash."
Uhmmmmm.yea mum was rude.i kinda cede to your argument."
" My Father's secret of marital longevity is simple : Stay stupid stall silly.
He pondered for thirty minutes and departed home five years as homeless bloke.
"Jesus!"marveled from the gangsters 
"He talked a lot too here was afraid to stay home whenever the fight starts indoor and often scared recourse to the street."
"You re right."

February 13, 2025

Streets 'Gangsters part 1 .

He was a pathological nuisance in the streets and homorous and fond of gangsters befriended and accosted them in the streets and was also rebuked and undermined in the union He could recall a certain altercation with his dad"You pettifoggery pettifogging u bramble like a bozo,a scumbag,a scum, schmuck,a magot,a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mother fucker,a goth,a goose,goof,a fuck face impaired by immoral accomplishment. Avoid them he cannot be of good use (citing one of the hooligans)to you nor help allow yourself be freed from serfdom ",Jide Yarned and look enterprisingly embarrassing at his father's stern looks .
"Daddy you blamed me before or you see them as wastes?"
"That's not the same thing as saying you should not follow wastes."
"How did they get to the seething cuss?"
"Parental fall out, family problem,street gangsters,lack of vocational skills "
"I have work "
"Yeah we did it with house arrest "
"That was painful "
"Yeah you Ve read and exhausted almost all the 60,000 books in the library like your dad....."
"I hope I could still play pun on words like you.I did my best.
"Anyway parenting is a choice.When you grow up and raising your kids you LL realize the tedious nature of parenting."

February 11, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 9

We are motivated by the great returns of every venture and nonetheless influence the proportion of phenomenal sacrifice we put into the task at hand to get the soft landing .Times changes as the temperature of time changes and motivation not insulated as it were could underpin this early failure of task at hand.The plight of boring circumstances and dearth of enchantment to the initial spin of ideology disenchants the bigotry for unruffled pursuit.To escape the onerous crucifix of this nightmare of callous circumstances,the best option is for that community of dreamers to encourage themselves beyond the restrictions of the environment.Great minds see the posterity truly well and beyond the infringement of environmental infrastructure,they re never scared to outmatch and out-maneauver the demeaning scenarios.The road is never blurred for the visionary and the battle is never won in the atrophy of logical arts to supplant this entire edifice of motivation for optimal preparedness and artful delivery.The passion for victory hardly looses the magical charm and unleashes the combustion of steam engine for breathtaking outcome.Promiseland entries are not for the crotchety cavaliers, fainthearted fellows and disgruntled elements of uninsulated motivation.The battle of dreams and entries succeeds at the very speed of passion fueled by gallantry of motivation.The patchwork of activity that catalyzes the triumph of this success if not affordable to enthuse successful transaction of purpose at the least assistance must indicate not loss of motivation but also the pace of dexterity that curls gallantry into pyrhic victory.

Streets 'Gangsters.part 2

"why are the families fallen?"
"There's no love there's no understanding,wrong choice of partner."
"How did you then survive with mum?"
"You want to know?"
"Yeah,over fifty years of marriage!Kinda crazy!"
"Am not sure you can handle the reply"
"What!Dad am 21 no longer a teenager."
"No be 22 first!"
"So you won't tell me?"
"You don't need it"
Okay can you give advice to the urchins of broken marriages I Ve been speaking with and I regret being disrespectful to them.Can we go back to them?"
"O boy u re troublesome u want to troubleshoot?"
"In marriage you stay stupid "
"Stay stupid stay silly "
"Meaning?I can't get it"
"Nobody should claim wisdom or think he's wiser or she's wiser . Every one stay stupid."
"Now I understand you."he was still perplexed their marriage lasted half a century .
"That's the real understanding."he left his son and departed.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 8

Humans are complex social animals and sometimes you don't know where people get their motivation from and quite interesting to link it to the sense of purpose and not really from the expected impact and promising returns of the Dreamland or promiseland.The returns are far away and barely human could speculate enough the depth of the revel when it is attained and only sense of purpose can insulate the motivation from crash.It speaks volumes the robust nature of the motivation not just tied to the politics of human prejudices but by the immense stature of the believe or faith in the dreamer.It does not come on a platter of gold but through years of trial and errors to formulate robust ethics that could withstand the test of time and support the gallery of the dreamer's gallantry.A simple disconnect from this embryonic  development could tilt the horizons in honor of failure otherwise unflinching ethics of faịlụre management in the insularity of motivation could save the day.Quiters are bound to throw in the sponge too easily when the insularity is quite impossible and not everyone get to the promiseland.This complex position peradventure defies educative implant and knowledge acquisition but by mere use of Instinction or natural instincts.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 7

A good dreamers take motivation so serious to enable the power of pursuit.The power of motivation is simply the sense of purpose that is tied to the ministry of action  and we can afford to break the stalemate in the most hardy terrain of congealed circumstances.We challenge ourselves first before we can challenge and change the larger world .First, time does not afford us the privilege of time wastage and we pay dearly for every bit of wastage .This is an unrecognizable offence and we hardly realize this tortuous crime until later in life when we re old and by this time it is too late for nature to afford us a viable remorse to turn back the impossible hands of time.We take the blessings inherent in the spirit of motivation to move on and not until the properties of material fulfilment are sighted,touched, felt, received and enjoyed that we realize the significance of motivation in efficiency returns of impact received.Glamours and regalia is often associated with the pragmatic spirits of historical identities who braced the apparent odds to achieve this magnitude of quite unprecedented feat.No one knows the truth of remarkable impact until the victorious elements in variegated episodes yarned by ebullient spirit revels in the ovation of pyrhic victory and serve as luminaries to those contented as onlookers of checkered antecedence.We make our time and the sacrifice rendered a befitting choice of the type of change we wish to see in the world.Since we can not witness this form of change natural instincts endow us with the magnanimous wishes to make a different and usher in the praxis of social transformations in the transaction of the sense of purpose and so timely designed to make a difference and the integrity of human persons exhibit appropriate capacity to achieve this Nothing happens by itself as my sibling would say the Joy of self transformation is far reaching to connect the joy of social transformations in the long run when an average human person responsible for the change we seek has conquered himself and fired the first salvo of social reforms.

February 10, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 6

We stand gallantly on the shoulders of history and by pledging allegiance not to allegories but to the sense of purpose in the ministry of action we redefine the status of history from the point of what we say to the point of what we do and achieve to the very plaudits of historical applause.There can be no doubt every mortal waits patiently for a place in history and this patience bestows carefully to the willing minds the orgy of capacity development on every waiter in the waiting period not to think we re blessed by history for doing nothing to baffle ourselves with empty history when the so called appointed time arrive .The maturity of intellectual project at given time blessed by grace of opportunities meeting preparedness is what we define as appointed time.We re blessed upon this concept of preparedness when such time arrive and we call it destiny fulfilled.Of course, the voyage of lifetime of discoveries is blessed with nightmare of malediction and glistening roses of benediction to differentiate truly the quantity of benediction we desire and to the prepared waiter it is avalanche of benediction galore.The promising nature of self belief could improve the golden choices we make with different sacrifices at different times and seasons at different degrees for the purpose of the avowed returns.We don't expect to arrive at different result at different times at different places and sometimes when it happens the logics of human prejudices may take a new direction launching preparedness for a better outcome.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 5

Life is a model thrives better on empiricism than in the lure of trial and error and we move faster by learning from the great minds.I ve tried to reflect deeply on this simple gospel and sometimes mentorship is open to abuse and those who ate excreta of their masters if unlucky may fall on the wrong side of intellectual history when they re mentored by intellectual terrorists . Nevertheless they re to get freedom someday not from the supposed mentorship they tend to become wiser at the end of the butter experience and practically very little numbers survive this experience and could be genius who did.The most important point of sacrifice in life you should be able to figure out your point of strength undiluted by competition which is why innovation is the secret of every financial freedom.There is a limit to which you can handle with such mentorship and your exclusive intellectual input is vital.It is unfortunate most people hardly give you something for free and if you think otherwise you may observe this discrepancy when you begin the application.When you find out you re less competitive and uncompetitive you would be forced to unleash your innovation if you have any.I think only rational elements could comprehend this toga of tangled knots.
These are truly the stereotypes and best exemplaries that shape history and the unforgettable luminaries of historical freedom and we can not stoop or condescend to afford less such amplified muse from the pantheon of historical identities we wish to belong.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 4

The power of illusion and sometimes falsehood is frequent in the band of those who jump bandwagon and in most cases leads the ignorant folks to the freedom of liberation through the freedom of knowledge.It may take an eternity for freedom to come and given no option the best alternative is patience an egregious mode.And for everything that we know today we re first freedom fighter moving from slavery as slaves into the freedom of our time and space.Nothing is certain beyond the apparatus of aspirations of the human persons but what if aspirations are volatile or non existent then it connotes high uncertainty of the human person and a shallow lifestyle.The profit of apprenticeship is immaterial to the optimal gains of an artisan and what articles of faith expresses preference for the former beyond the muggins of unborn posterity?Trespass is a bad etymology and best dissection for the inconsiderate inconsistent and the immoral choices depict the pathway of uncertain future .The best alibi to retrieve the intellectual dissipation from this nightmare of moral impairment can be touted and regarded as the wisdom of reflection and restitution of most ideal option for correction of moral impairment strategically laden for artistic freedom.No one is freed until the passion of the human art is freed and no art is freed until the spectre of intellectual freedom from the slavery of imperial and intellectual terrorism is guaranteed.We are only freed from the greed of our predators until the integrity of human arts is freed from the fringes of this intellectual terrorism.The fight of freedom is our choice to make a choice that mammoth in a lifetime barely survive beyond wishes and incapacity that hardly survive the quagmire of the disparaging choices.

February 9, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 1

The truth about life does no show up early quickly to take reform and reflection in our arts until we return to the drawing board ,time might been lost.The good today may not save tomorrow but patience in time investment for the growth of arts is the feat of the human persons.We know what we want they know what they want but by the test of history someday one is going to win and take all the glory.The path of time investment is unresponsive and demeaning strangulatory and immature but impeccable and rewarding . There is only one way to enjoy the essence of this meaningful time investment which is patience and by taking extreme patience we reinvent the creative space of the human ecosystem.We believe in the platform for better operational discharge because we set it up in the first place capable of getting and generating quite unprecedented return.

The Speed of light.part 2.

Black holes are formed by primary particles of mothernature most mysterious cosmic objects ever functions through the speed of darkness not dissimilar to dark matter and operate with the law of resistance which is why law of gravity is resisted beneath and even light cannot escape.They re not a huge of concentration of matter as massless components of dark forces and scientists knew practically little or nothing about black holes beyond Abraham theory of mothernature .To say the nearest black hole Gaia BH1 is about 1,500 light years far away and most distant black hole QSO J0313-1806 is  about 13billion light years away is a slip of tongue when we cannot get anything from such speculation when we don't even the origin of the universe.
Take a look at the Spaghettification a real sample of whatever happens to matter and secondary particles.It eat them off in second.Why do you think they say black holes don't emit light or reflect light making them invisible to telescope? Simply because they function through the speed of darkness and to be frank energy in the black hole or dark matter constitutes the smallest form of atom as the scientifical interpretation of the term "Teleton."
Teleton constitutes the embryo of an atom light as particles composed light and light rays and teleton is formed by oxin.Hence the origin of life is oxin that forms teleton and teleton forms active teleton or light and light as the central particles is responsible for the formation of all atoms and molecules and substance and elements and all matters.Hence teleton and oxin are the two primary particles of the universe formed from the breaking down of the components of mothernature when they migrate from unconscious age .It can be difficult however based on the current laws of physics to solved problem in relation to fundamental laws of physics but here with my theory we resolve them once and for all and we discover particles smaller than atom which link spiritual and physical world together and also link all three ages together.Hence the birth of oxin and teleton opens the possibility of superhuman age and to truly identify how we convert oxin and teleton into light and light into activity which is pioneered by secondary particles,the new research makes the day.However the solution is how to use dark matter and black holes and convert active oxin and  teleton in them into light and light rays for further expansion of the universe .We can understand the mystery of the universe by careful study of these particles of unconscious age's components that use the speed of dark forces or darkness and not fails to tap the particles for light emission.
Without light and power of images nothing exist and power of dream is impossible and causal relationship impossible.Note that teleton and oxin are mother particles main secrets of big bang and big bang particles and the only known steady state particles in the utilitarian universe.Not subatomic particles like electrons and there are so many riddles about the universe that you beat around the bush to trying to know everything that doesn't matter and at the end you end up doing nothing and knowing nothing.
What am I saying? For instance the scientific periodic table is around 150 years now and is composed of every elements composing the universe all matter including you and me as the scientists speculate them to be true or false.Whereas in the preliminary to Abraham theory of mothernature we simplify them on the oxin periodic table as to use and apply them quickly for human experiment into cosmic travels.They thought they re the basic building blocks behind every matter in the universe including planets and stars and man inclusive which in most cases are shallow to the immediate needs of making mankind a multiplanetary species and the oxin periodic table reduce that to barest minimum.The over 100 chemical elements has been reduced to less than 10 on the oxin or Abraham periodical table .OPT/APT is the synopsis of the origin of life and attempt to understand life in brief and create new life and such mastery denote even mankind could create universe from APT particles and we don't even need any atoms whatsoever to do it .One you understand how the central particle of the universe works and how to create it to navigate the space we can travel to the edge of the universe without knowing it .
When Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev first published a recognizable format of periodic table in 1869 mainly to illustrate the growing trends of periodic table he also predicted some unidentified elements yet to be discovered and also the future expectations of unknown elements to fill the gaps in the table though most of his forecast proved to be correct but I hardly agree with speculation deviating from the norm to make mankind aimless and beating about the bush.The current periodic table is a modified version of Mendeleev and that of Mendeleev too is sanitized version of earlier researchers .We have a study of prior researchers who compiled this list of voluminous elements from the effort of Antoine Lavoisier who grouped them into metals and non metals and later Dobereiner came along and thereafter  Newlands but the major contribution came with Mendeleev.No one disagree with this context of curiosity but one thing the universe is written by time and the book is history but the pen is light.There should more focus on teleton similar by name to photon or electron when fully charged.
However better understanding is possible when we focus on the speed of dark forces that uses the law of resistance as opposed to speed of light in the interaction with the law of gravity. 
Essentially in the Abraham theory of natural psychology,nature must be thoroughly understood properly before you can interpret it and since the universe is written by time in the language of Mathematics the first and the last mathematical element is light and it owes its origin to oxin.Oxin is not atom even though you maybe tempted to say so it is natom or atom of thought or better still to avoid the word atom it is better known as a naton,a tone of notion,the very heart of natural psychology the very moment nature streams out of the unconscious age.Frankly speaking the unconscious age has infinite mass otherwise also known as the immortal age of mothernature over which existence is floated and conscious and subconscious age boldly stream out from her jaw and is never created and can also be called as the age of darkness.Through the law of evolution unknown to any design of a creation the dark forces in a re modification also stream out the conscious age and subs conscious age through the evolution of three fields of knowledge.Knowledge is the first product to be created from oxin and later the birth of light is used to sculpture every atom and chemical elements.Abstraction fields in the unconscious age of mothernature is catalyst for the evolution of dark forces where mothernature using its middle component known as faith that is later known as energy on conjunction with its siblings of fate and probability broken themselves down into chemical component known as oxin.Oxin components include psychoton(oxin 1),notom/noton(ox.2) and teleton(ox.3) and oxin.4 excluding others only teleton turns into proton.Proton grows into 0xin 4 comprises of all material elements discovered or yet to be discovered grows into Oxin or Oxon 4 turns into Oxin 1,Oxin 2,Oxin 3,to birth Instinction point .At this point teleton turns images into light particles and from light particles into light to further run and contrive all chemical elements.
Computation for the nature of existence in short : Ex.=m3 where 
Oxin o me.
4 poles for the age of existence namely the laws of resistances and gravity,of necessity and liabilities,law of cause and effect and to go back to the plow they plug their whims and caprices to the law of Instinction and extinction to extinct or reinstituted or restitution point to indicate law of recyclical renewal.

Hamiltonian America.chapter 4.pages 11, 12

"I said it again:Can you defend it  ?"
"You re not even an historian yet and not with the benefits of university degree so what audacity do you have to rant ?"Mark say so
"Am not ranting "
"Even before that what do you know about the history of early republic and how did it impact the successive history of the later years?"
"That question is complex and infact inexplicably complex.American got it right there and during the period also got it wrong."
"How do you mean?"
"That's why I thought you cannot avoid previous question and we must answer it."
"That's there are no founding fathers?"
"You know something so much and it seems you re an Hamiltonian not Jeffersonians?"
" Simply because men of early republic were no brainier and they contributed next to nothing."
"Even the top seven fathers of the republic excluding Hamilton"
"Yeah you know as a student prodigy,and a collegiate he came to limelight when he delivered a speech that endorsed Boston tea party guys and when he finished the old ecstatic ovation was electrified with public applause "it is a collegian!"
"He was 19 at the period.

February 8, 2025

The Speed Of light.part one

There's a lot of discussion on my TikTok account about the speed of light and I was forced to make several comments to counter the proposition about the speed of light.Obviously it raises my holy curiosity beyond stratosphere and mated with my Abraham theory of mothernature that the nature of existence or the universe if it is growing at all is eternally fixed within a standard ontological model and that the origin and limit of nature is mothernature and its speed if it's at all ever known in the unconscious age where nature is streamed from is not the finite speed of light but the speed of darkness.
A nice guy had made a comment to buttress my position that wherever light reaches darkness is already there but I was saddened this guy may not realize the depth of his comment.Frankly speaking speed of darkness in the least average is a million times to a billion times faster than the speed of finite light and it teaches universe to expand on its own being the environment of the unconscious age from which universe evolves and originates.
The speed of darkness was discovered by me in the study of mothernature and explains the origin of nature and  extremely linked to the virtual mechanism of the way human brain through the ethics of Instinction and extinction guiding the brain ledger system and same law partly also guides the nature's ledger system precisely the law of necessity and liability and peripheral laws explained elsewhere by the author.
Huygens waves theory proposes the speed of light to explain phenomena like reflection, refraction and interference by considering light as propagating through waves .This  is in contrast to Newton's Corpuscular theory and Quantum theory of which the former proposes light as particles that it consist of tiny particles called corpuscles traveling in straight lines used not just to explain reflection but also refraction and hardly explains interference whereas the quantum theory developed by Max planck and Albert Einstein which unifies light as both particles and waves.I was baffled to exhume their in-depth illiteracy and narrow reflection and it takes mankind thousands of years to comprehend the most finite particles of existence light and sound.
Hence it is proven that until the Abraham theory of mothernature is well apprehended it appears mankind may not comprehend even the finite particles of the universe and in the treaty of mothernature that defines the edge origin and limit of existence the speed of darkness is sovereign authority and no material observation can comprehend it beyond the comprehensive mystique of the human spiritual nature.The spiritual nature of the human persons functions exactly and is endowed with the same invisible demographic and geographical map of mothernature, existence,time and space.A good dreamer at night could comprehend them but I doubt such nature of dreamer exist.
If light is defined as the electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by human eye darkness is the eco magnetic radiation and irradiation of mothernature that cannot be seen by human eye, human spirit nor felt by nature or any thing material and spiritual only providence or mothernature could sanction the certainty to their empirical infinity.We should know western scientists are shallow thinkers and should realise unlike Biblical postulation nothing comprehends darkness except darkness and light in the attempt to comprehend fizzles out in the finite shadow of relentless trial.Light is a finite material element a finite material wave a finite material sound sometimes it sounds may never be heard and it burns out as soon as it sound deplete.In most cases it's sounds and waves can be easily be heard but the unknown waves and unheard sound of darkness no one is ever aware due to the fact the unconscious age functions at the speed of light in the vacuum of mothernature an environment that is never part of creation but surely part of evolution.The emergence of Abraham theory of mothernature uncovers the truth about light that begins with the origination of knowledge and the first particle knowledge emitted once it is streamed out of abstraction field .Be aware that the limit of existence is the utilitarian field and all existence within this field that seems to expand due to the growing nature of activity in the field is strategically limited to the field including the politics of light .What about the abraction field of mother nature that supports the unconscious age from which utilitarian field of both spiritual and material existence supporting conscious and subconscious ages and empirical field of knowledge came from? Mankind has no answer but the new eternal law of fundamental physics provided the answer.No rational explanation is given to the concept of vacuum tube or what is vacuum or bottom less pit otherwise also known as the abstraction field and mathematical concept of zero being the entry unit or limit of science.
A particle is a tiny piece of anything,finite mass,neglible dimensions and so light cannot be infinite mass because the law of resistance hinders its longevity and the law of gravity through which light functions is a finite force that evanesces in second the moment it meets this law.With all the powers of sun it is weak at night and with all the power of the moon it is weak during the day yet the same law of resistance is being used by mothernature to make two modes of light and light particles fight themselves off even in their alloted duration.To make light infinite or sound Infinite like silence the infinite mass of environment that supports unconscious conscious and subconscious ages and all fields of knowledge that supports existence and nonexistence it must comprehend the mystery of unconscious age.Existence in both material and beyond is still a finite mass composition of the atomic particles of the unknown or unconscious age.
Hence if light is the tiniest particle or most short lived elements how then can the speed of light become the fastest speed ever?It cannot be due to the universal resistant power of darkness to resist this finite phenomenon.Although it has not been classified in the periodic table light unarguably is the smallest atom ever evolved or created from the time of the discovery of knowledge.Hence knowledge denotes as dot procreated light to gloss over utilitarian field and the growth of this activity on this field explains why universe is growing faster (life activity ratio and we must also recall the death ratio of activity all things being constant).
With the new model as critical attempt made to measure the speed of darkness from the least average and with the simple use of rockets mankind can traverse every part of the meta universe confidently millions times in a lifetime and possibly live forever.The mathematical aspect is included in the Abraham 's theorem and conjecture that resolved also all known mathematical puzzles and all fundamental problems of Physics.
How do we know when nature reflects ?Frankly is by the activity and velocity of light and the foremost light ray Is reflection human or natural reflection and the duration of this light in the speed can be used to measure the activity per second in the universe.Be it from the angle of incidence to angle of reflection the politics of light cannot be used to measure the true nature of the universe and Mathematics supporting this concept from western sciences newton,planck name it is badly flawed.From electromagnetic,wave theory, Corpuscular theory and Quantum theory mankind or western sciences is a non starter and to  make matter worse they disputed the logics of metaphysics and pseudo sciences as imbecilic.Many scientists do not have their minds they follow the crowd which indicates the knowledge economics and knowledge sciences and Philosophy of sciences by nature is doomed to die in the ignorance of popular deceptive models.
In the logics of Abraham theory of mothernature the only energy in the universe are the components of mothernature faith,fate and probability scientifically translated as unconscious, subconscious and conscious energy of existence they form knowledge and propagate through its smallest particle light and through this particle create, propagate other particles  and recreate all known elements and atoms from the point of Instinction down to the point of extinction at the empirical fields in reaction to the doctrine of necessity and liability institutionalising the concept of cause and effect, guided by the law of gravity and resistance through which the components had fought mercilessly themselves in the eternity of unconscious age in the unknown abstraction field prior to point of Instinction that opens up the utilitarian field.At the point of Instinction  deploying this energy breaking themselves down into primary particles (indoctrinator,denominator,nominator,incriminatory,recriminator,eliminator )and behind all secondary particles.They institute a dream that becomes images first at the instinction point to open the cause then a vision, a concept,ideology ,an art,a tradition,a being,a condition,a universe respectively.Perhaps if not due for extinction at the effect point of exit not declared insolvent (by the recriminator and the eliminator ) to end a given causal generation may be regrafted at re Instinction point or restitution point.All matters in the utilitarian field passes through this program and loop of existence using the computer of existence known as time.
How do we measure this loop we use knowledge or tiniest light ray and for database computation we use time documented in history and what kind of time ? We know time begin on the utilitarian field and stop there and the type of time we use to give us ultimate truth about the universe is cosmic clock.Cosmic clock or cosmic time try to measure the revolution or evolution of these components and the speed at which they supply energy to the universe and best measurement approach could be the speed of light if not the primary particles.
Given that the speed of light in a vacuum (abstraction)is definite constant as the fields of existence, fundamental physics says you cannot measure it and in this context the speed of light and speed of darkness is fundamentally immeasurable though it varies. Supposing we do not measure it in particle form,wavelength is the speed of light divided by frequency and dark wavelength is the speed of darkness divided by frequency given their measured frequency and given their measured wavelength frequency is the speed of light divided by wavelength.Measured frequency and measured wavelength by products will then be very close to both the speed of light and speed of darkness respectively regardless of the inevitable measurement errors.

February 7, 2025

The Golden Dream of Sun Landing.

I saw a documentary lately on YouTube and president Robert Mugabe said in reply to interviewer who said Russia was the first to go to space and America the first to land on the moon what would africa do first ?Then I marveled at what he said exactly what I had thought and saw in a vision.He said we LL be the first to land in the sun and he was opposed by the interviewer who said the sun is too hot you cannot land on it .Then he replied the CNN journalist we re not stupid,we LL go there at night.
I have not recovered from my senses when I stumbled on this interview on the greatest words ever spoken by a black man and black leader.I stumbled earlier on the breaking news and the video of Trump's speech enjoining the American public that they have decided to put the stars and stripes flag on the mars and begins the mankind attempt to colonies Mars .
I Ve said before we would land people in the moon ,space and mars and beyond without the use of western sciences.I saw the repeat of the rivalry between Russia and America playing out again now between Nigeria and America and we shall take the lead in line with the vision of Robert Mugabe.I never knew Mugabe was a thoughtful leader of this magnitude.I said Musk may not succeed in this context of space program and before they could do my vision of launching space program and beat them once again like Russians did would repeat itself.
Nobody else would believe it and I Ve seen it in the vision a repeat of the cries and agony in the white house during the 1960s by  J.F.Kennedy is quite undeniably proven to repeat itself.

February 6, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 114

I have come to realize the 49 Sub-Saharan African countries don't have a good system of government and by introducing this method we can solve the problem of Nigeria once and for all even without being in government.This is possible through sustainable program of public private participation to drive home this quite massive program of public reconstruction rehabilitation and mass sustainability (PRRMS).I think PRRMS program should be implemented by the public service corporation vehicle the establishment of Nigeria public service corporation (NPSC/NIPSECO) to manage the country as a public private entity, invest and inject wealth into all the seven components .We could generate trillions of dollars per annum and turn the country into most profitable factory of money printing in the whole world and use this wealth to colonies the world not through imperialism like the past frontiers of colonialisation but mainly for equalitarian development of marsolism.
It also resolves once and for all the challenge of policy summersaults and succession crisis plaguing the country.We manage and see each component of the public system now privitised as meddlesex public system as asset of Meddlesex public system corporation being managed under the corporation to generate massive tonnes of wealth never dreamt of in living history.
Be that as it may only attempt to do this because the political system that supports government and Nigeria as a whole may not change their insensitive disposition towards the distribution of public goods . Consequently a private vehicle should be allowed to do so with its own commercialisable bureaucracy and keeping provision of public or social services heavily subsidised in the area of national interest services as defence, education and some pockets of subsidised housing schemes also exist.The most rational elements of the society cannot fold their hands and allow structural decay to continue.
When Obama became president things were barely functioning in the United States and to fix this mess Obama handed over the economy to private managers like Blackrock that fixed in almost a decade in power and the same method now is being used by Donald Trump through the Elon Musk's DOGE .So it could be fixed embracing the same approach with a caveat that all Private participation program be totally privitised and continues in operation after the exit of the pioneering government.Trsnscorp in Nigeria a good instance and sovereign wealth fund project of GoodLuck Jonathan era and highly efficient government programs like Pencom,Gas projects etcetera.
We can create platforms in the same way to enable the doctrine of human movement thrive and allow our people to succeed with their beautiful dreams and create further wealth.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 113

Most crisis in the world is basically alluded to the disgusting trend and nightmare of public system's  power market crisis and tend originate from the top which hate to see evolution begins from the bottom.
Long before Trump came to power I wrote in my first Neomarxism: How To Conquer World Poverty, about the precautionary use of political power and that economic power should dominate the power market and assume and wrestle domineering control ọf the power market system from insensitive political power.The purpose of that dominance basically to enforce the ultimate goal of the public system.Hence the research framework has since been advanced and we have better public system to make a paradise of the human society.
The mythical development of power market is the distribution of information power and spiritual relation of the power market components.They influence growth and development in the long run though often unsustainable where the doctrine of human movement is brazenly sabotaged.The main saboteurs often the abuse of political power and lack of power market regulation to curb with censure any likely further future infraction especially in clime where power market infrastructure is advanced.
In most cases political relation launches remorseless offence on the antics of economic relations to the repugnant wishes of its perpetual decline and originate economic crisis in most cases.How much worse should the entire public divisions throw in the towel and that may lead to the disintegration of the state.Mordern scholars ought to know what hold the state together and is not the the paper tiger weight of the constitution but the bond of material existence simply the public tradition.The successful disintegration of any state lies in the deposition of public tradition.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 112

Understanding the nature of public system enables formal knowledge of various components of public system that are supplanted in the power market and their moral capabilities to benefit from the public pie power distribution to each of the component structure.Society has no asset and is never formed nor ever exist in vacuum of public system.The public system is the body of the society in the same the public system is composed of several components and we afford to regard them as public tradition or public culture.They relate together with the concept of strategic interaction in most cases oversight functions with overlapping activities working towards the attainment of public justice,fairness and equity as fundamental public goal .
The nature of public architecture often changes over time based on the quality of information disposal at the power market,the fair distribution of power and the quality of strategic interaction of public system components at a given period.The transaction of the public purpose often in doubt which is why in most parts of the world despite breathtaking advancements in mordern technology at a blistering pace,the magnitude of poverty prevalence and astronomical rise across the  world denotes the street evidence of this ignorance.
The formality of new public convention must however be scrutinized and adopted and another century set aside to prove the workability of pragmatic worksheet.The role of induction and deduction in the adoption of this conglocracy a fusion of the components belittles borders of modern insanity and promotes conglocracy or developmentocracy  as the case maybe.The pluralised effects of mordern growth and development could be awesome.
However every groups such as interest groups and associations trying to participate in the distribution of the components power of this public architecture must work towsrds the fundamental goal of the public system.Some mentions were made about interest groups in American public system.
The form of interest groups that fit perfectly into the social system should work toward the fundamental goal of the public system but should they deviate as evidence in this case study tilted towards the upper elite class as critics of pluralism would argue the case for neo pluralism it is ideal that they be censored and most ideal parties summoned and supported for a new dawn.This ignorance is glaring.
Using  America as case study the American power market is dominated by American political power of the American political system and the political relation of this public system focuses less the human system and less and less on the doctrine of human movement.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 111

Truth to be told for everyone to be able to achieve their beautiful dreams we must begin from the concept of human movement down to the top.
However the emergence of Donald Trumps and the Elon Musk's control of department of government efficiency (DOGE) has called to question the quality of leadership and bureaucracy in mordern society.It may be controversial of some sort certainly it is the best way to learn and unlearn how the largely undiscovered public system works .Having access to federal payment system,medicare and medicaid system and the aviation and traffic control system in America musk's led DOGE is highly interesting and a launching pad to begin to test reform that could make government work efficiently than ever before.
I might have doubt about Trump 's aggressive program,we certainly have to give him the benefit of doubt.His pedigrees however remains unchanged and certainly the highest presidential liar ever to rule America who was reported to have told over 30,000 lies in the first term as president ,maybe blessed to launch the most profound public sector reform since the great depression.Nonetheless as liars are sometimes blessed with traits of a creative genius and certainly trump not an exception.
I Ve campaigned tediously and critiques numerous time how the socioeconomic system works against the aspirations of the poor and the underprivileged.Better advancements were to prior to research for the successive discovery of public system.I also wrote against similar nightmare and how the challenge of mass poverty eradication, unemployment and inequality of wealth elimination in addition to general social crisis balloon and economic depression may never be achieved for once in mortal history.This is particularly intriguing and worrying and interesting with the emergence of the new administration taking the insurmountable hurdles head one in such unprecedented flurry of an impossible but highly controversial mission.
I was skeptical at first but I decided to launch my support upon realising Elon Musk's concept of DOGE was involved and as Trump was to say the success of such corporate titan like Musk in the civil or public service could be an interesting piece of political system revolution unprecedented in American system.Why interested in foreign country and not your assholed country to matter?The truth if the reforms ever succeeeded in America it could set further pace across the whole world to unbundle unstrategic systems that intentionally or subconsciously make government less efficient than it ought to be.
I was baffled in my little research the mordern society could nt even define the word public system and the system of government adopted thousands of years such as democracy getting outdated and with less emphasis on almost all other forms of government still being engaged till date.The question is not whether they work or not but the bottom line on the poor population is what really matters.Those who adjudge democracy as the best do not take the pain to realize development is better than a system of government that impedes and we do not dispute whether the west had tested democracy or not or it works for them but which system of government actually bankroll the critical attainment of poverty eradication in mordern society? 
I doubt Trump team ever grapple with the development holocaust they re trying to stop and the importance of focusing on the grassroots to drive home the public reforms.Western civilisation and governments worldwide or nationststes in general both in theory and practice that underpin them never show the dexterity of being able to define what a public system is or civil system or civil service is prior to definition of the word development.In the presence of such ignorance,it is unarguably true any concept of development works massively in reverse position and that chronic counter development.What we have today is assymetrical development or backward development.
 Unfortunately they confuse the two together leading to development holocaust and chronic underdevelopment and allied structural factors hindering development capacity and the grassroot capacity of the human movement to attain the promises of beautiful dreams.
Unknown to many America did not start as a democracy nor a monarchy but the first system of government adopted was bureaucracy.Today nobody ever classify this word or this foremost system that built the world greatest economy in any nation state as a system of government.Infact public service and civil service two different things entirely are classified as the same thing.Can you believe that? Here the author beg to disagree.What then is public service or civil service or public system or civil system?
Before we make apposite definitions it is important to correct an impression that at every particular period it is blatant lie a pathological lie to suggest only one system of government is adequate to carry the complex nature of the society especially in a mass land oriented and highly populated nation state.This is genealogical lie from the pit of hell.There is nothing like three arms of government and if they share no common values as autonomous entities then it must be five systems in a public system at least or maximum of seven systems of government operating at every given tenure in the power market.
A public system that should be floated in the power market system comprises of the human system, environmental system, economic system political system, social system,legal system , cultural and spiritual system.This public system is the aggregate corporation of the nation or so to say public corporation that requires public corporate governance structures to govern this system.The body of the public system simply being public corporate governance relation of the state comprises of social relation being the body of social system or denoted as civil relation as body of civil system or social system.Cultural relation as the body of cultural system; environmental relation via it's system, legal relation via legal system and economic and political relations via economic and political systems in the hepthacentric systems formalises the public corporate relation of public system or so to say public service relations.The interaction of these corporate relation composed the public system and are united together in the power market by power relation, spiritual relation and knowledge management.This is what I call public science that the mordern civilisation has resist exponentially to discover for millennials.Government is largely inefficient due to dearth and chronic lack of public science .
However each of these systems is endowed with a system of government