February 17, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 13

The substance for social existentialism rest largely on the primacy of the main operating system,being social relation,entrusted to effectively deliver in the principle of social responsibility .The profit of social work is public goods and the profit of public goods being universal welfare maybe threatened when the accumulated outstandings are left unattended to for so long;given the alienation of the people from the doctrine and merit of human movement that ought to demand strategically for this execution.We do not have to avoid the social work and the engaging task of social reforms for social preservation otherwise such outstanding of social debt often times not affordable to both the sensitive and the insensitive in the long run when re almost dead.We re no strangers to crisis, social instability,wars and epidemics and more often not aloof mentality of the larger publics often makes the matter worse.Apparently it appears humanity is quite indifferent to motivation of learning from history and we can insulate against this bad expenditure of moral indifference with the doctrine of human movement.The challenges in mordern society by mode of entry are basically the same for all ages by the basic norm behind the operating texture of the problems .We re shallowed to believe otherwise to think they re technological problems or so to say linked to technology chaos other than the perpetuality mode of human enabled crisis for which there's no panacea to the solution beyond the actors that pull the trigger.
To linger for far too long we face the inevitables of riskier social consequences and we know great nations by the politeness of their environmental sanity to prevent the dissipation of social work and public good system entirely.Time tested and timely adjusted measures undertaken may not even be rational to the larger public including the political choices of moral expenditure to be expended to curb untimely degeneration of public safety system.To reborn, rebound and reboot history with anticipated esteem of glorious dawn,great reformers and beautiful dreamers are not afraid to toe this pragmatic line of action and immoral recommendations.The main challenge is that great reformers and most rational references are often in short supply not excluding sane terrains of the advanced societies.The belief system in the social realm may not offer dignified patronage beyond the unaffordable measures even in the face of reactionaries trumping the streets with uncommon insanity and revolutionary protests.The attainment of public spirit could coalesce and conflict with resolution of such complex decisions.This is uncommon leadership to take decision with their life and if it goes the other way round and unsustainable the overthrow of government or the demise of leadership actors could lead the society into further chaos that same doctrine of human movement might be opted to still be the saving grace .
Mordern societies do not grow less complicated but becoming hyper complex to the yearnings of the state and the public realm in the face of alarming growing gap between the centrifugal and centripetal dark forces of the state.This dark forces often engineer the crash of the state and not the positive forces that could arrive at a compromise for the sake of public goods at the end but we are afraid of the irremediable dark forces the most primitive and most complex settings of cultural misappropriation of public trust that perpetually fails to reach a public compromise.This is particularly intriguing worrying and often associated with ancient societies where wars and battles settle divisive pluralism but not will of the people and democracy or accepted system of government adopted for the purpose of public good settle the matter.I think in the era of mordern and neomordern age the possibility of the return of dark forces through the rising floodgate of technology chaos could be the worst anathema to mordern civilisation.The use of missiles and nuclear warheads and similar armament that could wipe out the entire race of mankind in a jiffy tells the complex but potential return of dark forces more mysterious than ever to the safety mechanism of public system.

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