A nice guy had made a comment to buttress my position that wherever light reaches darkness is already there but I was saddened this guy may not realize the depth of his comment.Frankly speaking speed of darkness in the least average is a million times to a billion times faster than the speed of finite light and it teaches universe to expand on its own being the environment of the unconscious age from which universe evolves and originates.
The speed of darkness was discovered by me in the study of mothernature and explains the origin of nature and extremely linked to the virtual mechanism of the way human brain through the ethics of Instinction and extinction guiding the brain ledger system and same law partly also guides the nature's ledger system precisely the law of necessity and liability and peripheral laws explained elsewhere by the author.
Huygens waves theory proposes the speed of light to explain phenomena like reflection, refraction and interference by considering light as propagating through waves .This is in contrast to Newton's Corpuscular theory and Quantum theory of which the former proposes light as particles that it consist of tiny particles called corpuscles traveling in straight lines used not just to explain reflection but also refraction and hardly explains interference whereas the quantum theory developed by Max planck and Albert Einstein which unifies light as both particles and waves.I was baffled to exhume their in-depth illiteracy and narrow reflection and it takes mankind thousands of years to comprehend the most finite particles of existence light and sound.
Hence it is proven that until the Abraham theory of mothernature is well apprehended it appears mankind may not comprehend even the finite particles of the universe and in the treaty of mothernature that defines the edge origin and limit of existence the speed of darkness is sovereign authority and no material observation can comprehend it beyond the comprehensive mystique of the human spiritual nature.The spiritual nature of the human persons functions exactly and is endowed with the same invisible demographic and geographical map of mothernature, existence,time and space.A good dreamer at night could comprehend them but I doubt such nature of dreamer exist.
If light is defined as the electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by human eye darkness is the eco magnetic radiation and irradiation of mothernature that cannot be seen by human eye, human spirit nor felt by nature or any thing material and spiritual only providence or mothernature could sanction the certainty to their empirical infinity.We should know western scientists are shallow thinkers and should realise unlike Biblical postulation nothing comprehends darkness except darkness and light in the attempt to comprehend fizzles out in the finite shadow of relentless trial.Light is a finite material element a finite material wave a finite material sound sometimes it sounds may never be heard and it burns out as soon as it sound deplete.In most cases it's sounds and waves can be easily be heard but the unknown waves and unheard sound of darkness no one is ever aware due to the fact the unconscious age functions at the speed of light in the vacuum of mothernature an environment that is never part of creation but surely part of evolution.The emergence of Abraham theory of mothernature uncovers the truth about light that begins with the origination of knowledge and the first particle knowledge emitted once it is streamed out of abstraction field .Be aware that the limit of existence is the utilitarian field and all existence within this field that seems to expand due to the growing nature of activity in the field is strategically limited to the field including the politics of light .What about the abraction field of mother nature that supports the unconscious age from which utilitarian field of both spiritual and material existence supporting conscious and subconscious ages and empirical field of knowledge came from? Mankind has no answer but the new eternal law of fundamental physics provided the answer.No rational explanation is given to the concept of vacuum tube or what is vacuum or bottom less pit otherwise also known as the abstraction field and mathematical concept of zero being the entry unit or limit of science.
A particle is a tiny piece of anything,finite mass,neglible dimensions and so light cannot be infinite mass because the law of resistance hinders its longevity and the law of gravity through which light functions is a finite force that evanesces in second the moment it meets this law.With all the powers of sun it is weak at night and with all the power of the moon it is weak during the day yet the same law of resistance is being used by mothernature to make two modes of light and light particles fight themselves off even in their alloted duration.To make light infinite or sound Infinite like silence the infinite mass of environment that supports unconscious conscious and subconscious ages and all fields of knowledge that supports existence and nonexistence it must comprehend the mystery of unconscious age.Existence in both material and beyond is still a finite mass composition of the atomic particles of the unknown or unconscious age.
Hence if light is the tiniest particle or most short lived elements how then can the speed of light become the fastest speed ever?It cannot be due to the universal resistant power of darkness to resist this finite phenomenon.Although it has not been classified in the periodic table light unarguably is the smallest atom ever evolved or created from the time of the discovery of knowledge.Hence knowledge denotes as dot procreated light to gloss over utilitarian field and the growth of this activity on this field explains why universe is growing faster (life activity ratio and we must also recall the death ratio of activity all things being constant).
With the new model as critical attempt made to measure the speed of darkness from the least average and with the simple use of rockets mankind can traverse every part of the meta universe confidently millions times in a lifetime and possibly live forever.The mathematical aspect is included in the Abraham 's theorem and conjecture that resolved also all known mathematical puzzles and all fundamental problems of Physics.
How do we know when nature reflects ?Frankly is by the activity and velocity of light and the foremost light ray Is reflection human or natural reflection and the duration of this light in the speed can be used to measure the activity per second in the universe.Be it from the angle of incidence to angle of reflection the politics of light cannot be used to measure the true nature of the universe and Mathematics supporting this concept from western sciences newton,planck name it is badly flawed.From electromagnetic,wave theory, Corpuscular theory and Quantum theory mankind or western sciences is a non starter and to make matter worse they disputed the logics of metaphysics and pseudo sciences as imbecilic.Many scientists do not have their minds they follow the crowd which indicates the knowledge economics and knowledge sciences and Philosophy of sciences by nature is doomed to die in the ignorance of popular deceptive models.
In the logics of Abraham theory of mothernature the only energy in the universe are the components of mothernature faith,fate and probability scientifically translated as unconscious, subconscious and conscious energy of existence they form knowledge and propagate through its smallest particle light and through this particle create, propagate other particles and recreate all known elements and atoms from the point of Instinction down to the point of extinction at the empirical fields in reaction to the doctrine of necessity and liability institutionalising the concept of cause and effect, guided by the law of gravity and resistance through which the components had fought mercilessly themselves in the eternity of unconscious age in the unknown abstraction field prior to point of Instinction that opens up the utilitarian field.At the point of Instinction deploying this energy breaking themselves down into primary particles (indoctrinator,denominator,nominator,incriminatory,recriminator,eliminator )and behind all secondary particles.They institute a dream that becomes images first at the instinction point to open the cause then a vision, a concept,ideology ,an art,a tradition,a being,a condition,a universe respectively.Perhaps if not due for extinction at the effect point of exit not declared insolvent (by the recriminator and the eliminator ) to end a given causal generation may be regrafted at re Instinction point or restitution point.All matters in the utilitarian field passes through this program and loop of existence using the computer of existence known as time.
How do we measure this loop we use knowledge or tiniest light ray and for database computation we use time documented in history and what kind of time ? We know time begin on the utilitarian field and stop there and the type of time we use to give us ultimate truth about the universe is cosmic clock.Cosmic clock or cosmic time try to measure the revolution or evolution of these components and the speed at which they supply energy to the universe and best measurement approach could be the speed of light if not the primary particles.
Given that the speed of light in a vacuum (abstraction)is definite constant as the fields of existence, fundamental physics says you cannot measure it and in this context the speed of light and speed of darkness is fundamentally immeasurable though it varies. Supposing we do not measure it in particle form,wavelength is the speed of light divided by frequency and dark wavelength is the speed of darkness divided by frequency given their measured frequency and given their measured wavelength frequency is the speed of light divided by wavelength.Measured frequency and measured wavelength by products will then be very close to both the speed of light and speed of darkness respectively regardless of the inevitable measurement errors.
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