February 6, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 114

I have come to realize the 49 Sub-Saharan African countries don't have a good system of government and by introducing this method we can solve the problem of Nigeria once and for all even without being in government.This is possible through sustainable program of public private participation to drive home this quite massive program of public reconstruction rehabilitation and mass sustainability (PRRMS).I think PRRMS program should be implemented by the public service corporation vehicle the establishment of Nigeria public service corporation (NPSC/NIPSECO) to manage the country as a public private entity, invest and inject wealth into all the seven components .We could generate trillions of dollars per annum and turn the country into most profitable factory of money printing in the whole world and use this wealth to colonies the world not through imperialism like the past frontiers of colonialisation but mainly for equalitarian development of marsolism.
It also resolves once and for all the challenge of policy summersaults and succession crisis plaguing the country.We manage and see each component of the public system now privitised as meddlesex public system as asset of Meddlesex public system corporation being managed under the corporation to generate massive tonnes of wealth never dreamt of in living history.
Be that as it may only attempt to do this because the political system that supports government and Nigeria as a whole may not change their insensitive disposition towards the distribution of public goods . Consequently a private vehicle should be allowed to do so with its own commercialisable bureaucracy and keeping provision of public or social services heavily subsidised in the area of national interest services as defence, education and some pockets of subsidised housing schemes also exist.The most rational elements of the society cannot fold their hands and allow structural decay to continue.
When Obama became president things were barely functioning in the United States and to fix this mess Obama handed over the economy to private managers like Blackrock that fixed in almost a decade in power and the same method now is being used by Donald Trump through the Elon Musk's DOGE .So it could be fixed embracing the same approach with a caveat that all Private participation program be totally privitised and continues in operation after the exit of the pioneering government.Trsnscorp in Nigeria a good instance and sovereign wealth fund project of GoodLuck Jonathan era and highly efficient government programs like Pencom,Gas projects etcetera.
We can create platforms in the same way to enable the doctrine of human movement thrive and allow our people to succeed with their beautiful dreams and create further wealth.

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