February 10, 2025

The Possibility of Dreams.part 4

The power of illusion and sometimes falsehood is frequent in the band of those who jump bandwagon and in most cases leads the ignorant folks to the freedom of liberation through the freedom of knowledge.It may take an eternity for freedom to come and given no option the best alternative is patience an egregious mode.And for everything that we know today we re first freedom fighter moving from slavery as slaves into the freedom of our time and space.Nothing is certain beyond the apparatus of aspirations of the human persons but what if aspirations are volatile or non existent then it connotes high uncertainty of the human person and a shallow lifestyle.The profit of apprenticeship is immaterial to the optimal gains of an artisan and what articles of faith expresses preference for the former beyond the muggins of unborn posterity?Trespass is a bad etymology and best dissection for the inconsiderate inconsistent and the immoral choices depict the pathway of uncertain future .The best alibi to retrieve the intellectual dissipation from this nightmare of moral impairment can be touted and regarded as the wisdom of reflection and restitution of most ideal option for correction of moral impairment strategically laden for artistic freedom.No one is freed until the passion of the human art is freed and no art is freed until the spectre of intellectual freedom from the slavery of imperial and intellectual terrorism is guaranteed.We are only freed from the greed of our predators until the integrity of human arts is freed from the fringes of this intellectual terrorism.The fight of freedom is our choice to make a choice that mammoth in a lifetime barely survive beyond wishes and incapacity that hardly survive the quagmire of the disparaging choices.

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