March 12, 2024


Social system as an existential enterprise so to say as a social enterprise of human and natural existence be it natural or artificial or man made comprises of fifteen subsidiary systems that defines the social enterprise of nature and mankind.They comprises as noted above in their organic and inorganic evolutionary sequences of existential charts cultural system,spiritual system, natural system, human system, intellectual system, ideological system, political system, Religious system, technological system, psychological system, economic system, social system and socioeconomic should we silence age system and mothernature system we observe fifteen components in the larger social system incorporation ecosystem.They undergo golden transition,as stages of growth in the development cycle for each system to build up their six stages of development from the concept of natural reaction to the concept of socioeconomic reaction to achieve their goal of socioeconomic freedom or attain great charters.We observe about 11 or 12 of these existentialist systems relevant to the strategic course of socioeconomic progress and affordable social life.

All systems must undergo development cycle transition as evidence of general growth same way as the general economic growth of the state and its stages to be able to grow through the six stages of systemic evolution successfully and must be tied to the vision of great charters which unveils how different types of freedom peculiar to the 12 systems under great charters evolves or are attain from the concept of human reaction to the concept of socioeconomic reaction adinfinitum in a recyclical renewal orbit proper.In this context every generation must undertake its own social responsibility to pay off their social debt and social debt outstandings in their own time not leaving unpaid social debt to future generations.The exponential growth of mordern technology affords every generation capacity to pay off their social debt without leaving burden for unborn generations.

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