Contemptuous contempt contends them as soon as their asinine contemporaries were begun in their Pandora ranting to conjure conspiracy that they could barely smother,so much froth in the concurrent conference of concupiscence and immaculate confection of loved ones exhumed in the compost of compostmentis.How colourless do they coltish shrivel to commemorate cold blooded cold hearted frozen in cold snap and through their coat of arms coddle by the dingiest infractions of cloudcuckooland.May we not be chock-a-blocked nor tarred with the same cheeseparing chisels of chromosomes?Do they still couch on their broomstick so that the witches may fly or brigade of cannabis and hemp smokers not BreakDancers with olive branch?Bling bling Blindspot in the fiendish prowl of blindman'sbuff soon to ebb the unbiddables of bigmouthed bestrides and bellyaching berserks at full moon?Oh the batsmen with the cricket had lost their bats and battering rams in the rampage.The battalions of boozers and bartenders had guzzled their Winchester to the dregs as bales backstabbing on the backspin.They hardly in the aura of auldlang syne priori or apriori fathom to revel in backslapping.Apostolics of apoplexies not the antidotic anodynes of sacerdotals had gone arcane but still we revile not gusto that the mercurial angelical had come to town in the androgynous anecdotes of new dawn.Those who ran amock to heave a sign of monumental relief shall find solace .Behold amnesiac corpus canst not this ambivalent ambrosia beyond fraternity of almshouses, Maundy money and charity galore to discombobulate its alibi from the sordid cringes of hell.Feral algebras feistier in their boddles cremates.
Fatcats culprits on the fauxpass not the featherweight culprits the ignoble faucet of peasants fastidious bade them farewell to the nirvana they now abide.The falconers in their falconry vain falsehood of fanciful false alarm supplant otherwise the stolid Fahrenheit of immaculate fair game enrobed with befitting fairy godmothers and fairy godfathers to eschew the resilient smother of fairweather friends and fairweather fiends respectively.It was no fairy story decrepit junctures were fired in full salvos of the disdainful ramrods
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