July 5, 2024

Golden Nuggets of Freedom part 3

Freedoms as hyperheaded sovereign public resources,most primed public assets of mordern civilisation,most erudite societal technology of public life are denominated and arbitraged for per capital Constitutionalised freedoms the very epitome of balanced life incorporate supplanted in the supposed bliss of mordern mankind.There is no publicly subsumed guarantee for public safety and social security without the sanctuary and sacrosanct nature of public domain justice.The publicly certified proven properties of cultural freedoms are non negotiable properties of human collective justice and agregate freedom capital are components of social insurance.Until now it was never partitioned and exploited until the discovery of great charter of liberty.

In a socially sensitive clime we bargain the class of freedom we desire .And the tendency to choose the right type of specific freedoms suitable for societies is extremely withheld from perception and purview of collective humans comprising this modal form of society.Mankind save the most pristine rational class among them is not inbuilt with rational choice of freedom even when decision weight of empirical awareness enables them to make the right choices.This is in most cases prevalent in modern climes where the wherewithal of social psychology is somehow beleaguered and rational capacity of social psychology hijacked from their control.To be under taken by social prejudice extremely denies social strata capacity to choose most befitting choices of collective freedom badly needed to attain public destiny and attest to the fact,it dances to the whims and caprices of this ilks of social imperialism.

Does it not sound clownish that practically few take decision for the majority? Quite funny and so much amazing but practically possible due to the fact that the purview or purlieu of social psychology was gobsmackedly hijacked by social imperialists.Had they been caring enough could probably have reduced the optimal cost of social relation impairment but rather worsened the plight of public domain justice and social stability.

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