July 26, 2024

Benison At Vicissitudes.Specie 3

Close hauled clamourous charlatans clothiers of indigent times coalescent coagulants coincidental cognate of collapsible times comely, comestible and commemorative compunction and conciliatory in Concerto of concession .Condense not his condolences which bringeth opulent goods from the east where conflagration and contendment thrust him with confinement of Phenomenon  and conformance and comformability at their circumstances of hybridized confluence never discernible and discomfiture on the discursive disenfranchising bowels of the earth that cannot feed itself dissolute and dissentious where dissonance dissever dispels distensible distillation of the distrainors earnest ecstatic educe him out effeminate effuse not yet electrolysed by the impolitic of the jungle.Elucidative elusion placing embargo on the encyclopedia endearment of the endemic encyclical engross enraptured enigma expectorants expeditiously expectorate .Permit it be not a retrogression but introgression that they might imbibe opulent folklores the intromission  of the irradiant and irrefragable iridescent folks juggling jugglery jugular junction and this knead of knackery knick knack on the improvident vulgar .Lattice of lackaidaisical laggards and leonine paces not amiss and convivial copious corpuscle not crematory a crevice dauntless and disillusioned to dethrone the compunction to scrape the street of dour with golden bars etched in their fugacious gamble in their gambol of heterogeneous hideous blanketed with heteromorphic whores from hilarious hillocks into ludicrous Himalayas to hoodwink hosiery of hospitality and gait of humanism fallen animal spirit behind the insidious insomnia of equalitarian earth an insupperable oaks of insulated intemperance that never returns and never insupressible insurrective insurgence to revert back to intelligibility of intergrity and hence intercept and interdict .And lo birth or rebirth in an intervale that barely a hilly beans could see for the orgy of the restitution of equalitarian purport .Behold such intangible quest not a jocose nor a jingo of jugular to lacerate this jumble of irreverend somewhat irreversibles altered with knighthood of immaculate coxswain .A lascivious languid lapse cannot be. Behold the latency of such profound landscape irrespective of discreet pawn of discretion by same marauders of halcyon days to leaven the legionary quest by legionnaires in this leviathan of licentious lien.What impediment of constipated ligatures and immovable ligaments of lifetime gaol!There was no liquefacient nor a liniment to liquidate the dreary frankincense of stupor and the litigious lithe of stampede bedeviling the crust of laxity. What malady did antecedence bewail betwixt them octopus,black power and white power to exude all the colors of rainbow in their famish?A malaria of maleficent malevolent by malefactors on the prowl and did they experiment softllanding?To malign malevolence of malignancy and remorse reborn them a malleable benignity at finish console their effigy of corpus.Bombastic man-eaters ,maniac manifesteers in their manifesto of gibberish hocus-pocus as if in the language of condescension across man traps in their manor with penitent mantles dancing with night fire and mantel and relish their manumission from the boredom and ensconce of their martial masquerade of maroon and lonely woods.No longer a mealy mouthed and mawkish matinee but a golden revel with the medallion of freedom and exit door for vulgar streets'fowl.Meticulous metonym of caution not meretricious mercenaries hid in the mercantile of the mementos of the old days of mendacity in the allegory of vulgar utterances.A modish mockery of mobocracy a repertoire of mobocractic folks fills Babylonian air to mollify the morose monstrous mordacious space with mellifluous moonbeams.
"Do not stop to remorse and mutillate not further" white power mollified his egregious annal."I know but your munificence will save the  world." Nefarious and scary but diplomatic black power exuded.
"I do not have to bother as long as my bliss is mine.I do not have to bother either by fair or foul I must purchase my excitement."callous cheeks pleased him that his goof as he goofed did not bother him .Narcissus so the mysticism triggered the odious and naseaous encounters.
A feudalist of felonious feint's  fete in the fictitious fiction of its broken fiefdom whose boomerang from the fissure of the Earth's foreground to forego a foreman 's foreknowledge raved in discountenance the foreordination of the square sail or foresail to warrant the effrontery that a ship's forepeak to demystify the borough of repair.Not to adore the clandestine clangour in the clarion call of this umbilical hood of foresail a distended composure in the compost complaisance of a copious thread to avoid the convulsion of the corporeal conscience.
What an animal of enigma did he octopus prove to be in the ignition of clueless dogma and simplistic minded white power who pays the artifices of convenience in the pawnbroker age of his sibling?That black power barely thrives in desistance of diacritical counterpoise pumels the open conscience of foppish union. That desecrable deponent unleashed 
somehow derides the gentilic genteelity of broken navel and effeminate and eccentric earthenware as they educe from the rainbow of rising noon and effluvium of elapsed tangled knot disposed by philosophical proses.Elegy in the elusion and hardly exaggerate the excrescence of execrable exhale whereon a fusible furrier hid in the globular gnash of spangled knot a grandiloquent gradient for the Greenfield's granary.A gratuitous henchman espoused beyond the haermorhage of decameter embittered heterodoxy from his homologous homophone of hemogeneous hypercritical hybrids.Then corpus of illetered winces capsized vintage circa in the immaculate impersudable and imperturbable impertinence impersonating the impetuous but impolitic Street's inborn as well as inbred not convulsed by incendiary of immanent incidences incinerated at droopy shores chorded with droopy sands. Inglorious and inestimable but the hoodwink was untrammelled impervious and imperious . Inoffensive innuendos making inroad an incursion , insentient and insatiable, insidious and insipid across the insomnia of mendacious incandescence insurgence of instantaneous animalistic intemperance intoxicates irredescent clowns in the melange of bedlam .As they hid themselves languour in the liquor of their patois , literal and metaphorical lithe litigious loam in their lurid mass magnanimous grandiloquence did not elude their banter.Beligerent nemesis of their own bombastic dopes obdurate nucleus of their rusticated and odoriferous ogre.Ornate of arts on the pounce of decoy and defalcated defiance and deflect  not to be conscripted to contort perfidy and deny contraposition of conceited colloquialism crack and creaking crevasse darkling daymen in the embroidery of sinking times.As Gallantry evaporate sunny hills of golden times deliquesce from permanent deliquescence of their fate a delirious and deleterious demagnetizer from the creed of their deluded deluge where demented demeanor of a demagogue demised the demulcence of vapourous denizens denounced and denuded from the dendroid of that demulcent's desultory despond .Waow that deterrent detest  remedy nor mischievously pacified with the deviltry and devilry of devious detraction to detrude the rocketry of diabolical devotion of bemused John bulls in the contrition of irremediable convulsion.And behold to those who subscribe to the ideology and idiolect of esu as the master dialectician of mortal kismet be amply diaphanous to censure the recurrent karma often in dissipation of diatomic missiles of lifetime kismet to adorn diatribes as kith and kin of esu's heirloom of hungriot's morsel reserved for embittered stone of oracles.Need we set a morsel for esu who is enamored to dispel best laid plans of human corpus?They lurk still in the tacit diffidence of didactic digression and diffusibility of punditry amiss in the folklores of time and space.Do they master the diphthongs of raving free invective and monotribes that adorn kismetic pounce of remedy and dissuades from the nemesis?A decameter may not save octopus as it wont him lured to the black power's creed ọf Gallantry. Disconsolate discursives that abets to dismount and embellish disjunctives to disrobe sunny times with the dissention across the bickering mules of dissensious  dissenters where dissentients refute the crusades of dialogue in stead of diatribes, authority of silence to charm vicissitudes forsunny times vamoose into nebulous space .A decameter menaces the dialectics of Gallantry in the gallivant of its crevice dauntless disservice to the crapulous dissertation and the whole caboodle of aficionados Davy Jones locker's prone dissolute and dissuasive in the distensibe distend of the incriminating and Infectious distemper.Oh a decameter a distemper in the litotes of black power's eclipse which places embargo on the endemic enfranchisement of human enigma.Not the engross on that enigma to ennoble enkindle and beyond the enormity of decagram to ensnare the epigram and potentate epiphany of hagiography.Let the epodes read them beyond the equivocal anecdotes of yonder heights and bring back the esthetics of errant justice into town replete with bunker less but forest castles .Does it evinces and evokes colour of rainbow more than mere gallivanting of decameter's menaces in towns and cities?Quite justifiable that white power be lured into the fantasy of older sibling black power the eponymous hero of the kismet 's oddyseys.What exemplar to exhilarate either by exposure ,expulsion and extemporaneously be it non oral or expostulatedly?The authority of kismeter lays in gallantry and blackpower spoke in wrath'Oh eyes be not eyes to deceive me;words be not words to deceive me;steps be not steps to deceive me;acts be no acts to deceive me tis my monotribes shall praise God of poetry and sunny times my timeless hills of favour and fortune.Fledgeling birds though frangible and flimsy in the fluential fluency of fluctuating flippancy without purport hardly cower at flection where foggy times aptly clear its folliages in the organic foibles of foisted folklores.Like eagles in the sky they fondle no fury of foolery and footnotes of foppish forbearance plucks away from the furlough of fugacy fungib les.Behold frolicsome fungous frontier to fulminate him in the furbish furtive glide of futile fuses graceless grandiose eluded him in the gratuitous gratuity of gregarious gratification.Sewer not his feet,hearttrending harmonious improvidence where lucre heaped by eulogy endlessly hid in disdain where icily iconoclasts of illiads of homers and Hesiods the broken poetry of diatribes trenches paroles trenches parades utterances bikes surmount the metropolis frontiers.Not a dint of illuminants to illumine and illuminate illusion from the impassive, impecunious, immaterial illusory to impugn the broken inadmissibility of the incarcerated Decagram incinerates sunny times and incidentally it does and the indestructible indulgence indistinct indiscretion moroned by indivertible indolence the true insolvence of decameter's prowl in the kismet of lifetimes.They with the magnificence of this masonry supple delectable omen of the sunny times with the matinees that prowl the masterpieces of kismet's golden hills .They lay in their mausoleum unsung mealy mouthed in their mawkish maze,mechanics of meddlesome mediocres,tombs of vulgarian fractions, meretricious mensieurs of mislays,outlandish outlaws, misbegotten outcasts,they that adorn themselves with caricature and derision obtrusively obverted against their mettle,to disrobe themselves the rainment of black power 's creed.And for those outlaws to outdo the outcry ,outrigger and overdo of prior fallen graveyards speaks the incorrigibility of the overpass,overreach,overpass overstride, overshadow and overlord in the overture to perpetually betray the overweighted Overtone of gallantry 's evergreen mores.None whatsoever ever to pacify in their pageantry and packet of overwhelming overweight where palatial palinode bestirs at dusk.A palpable palidity canst palliate this ramrod of fallen frontiers in the paly palsy of its panacea and what panoply of pantheism in their panorama of pantomime and viewing pantoscope that must be legible in the papyrus of monotribes to betray the paradoxical paragon nor its parallelism broken asundered at the coast where no one heed the jetsams." Burst me not into the paroxysm of the pecabble and parsimonious parody and a payee at their pauperised feets.Peccant and impecuniary let the pedagogics speak but the pedant the pedagogue invariably on exiles a peerless,pendulous and pedestrian  that touches no pedestal in the photometric phosphorescence of gallantry 's dim light."Black power bragged. Multitudes in the down winds betrayed by picayunes, the physiocracy and physiognomy of decameter and most importantly the physique of its physiography.Let a million roses bloom beyond the broken petals of decagram and freedom returns to metropolis from exiles.A piecemeal pillages of culprits in pillories not piteously but pitifully exposed to atrophy placates with no pittance exposed to planisphere or not. Kismet pays plaudits of platitudes a plausible plea to wit 's end and that plenitude of negligence thrives in the polycracy of polemics. Polytechnics of fools in their polytheism potentate populous and pompous prating prattling in prescribe of prejudice psychopathic and not caused to be ramoosed by decagram's leaves recline and recluse to mere sangfroid animalism.Remorse otherwise where rectitude fails to recuperate recrudescence tar them with her Accomplices of monotribes albinos of mt.everest's sparkles,not bemused by allotment of allegory to allude to the allusion of mountainous menaces, ambidextrous amatory,ambrosial amalgam of meagred altruism,affirmative afoot and agglomeratively afixed on the contour of golden hills.  This enterprising jingo of hilly beans in their disruptive winces,ambulated and prowled the metropolitans with dearth of commodious ambulances and bereft of amplitude aptly amputated the amphitheatre of freedom and milk of justice butchered with the anathema of anachronism.

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