July 17, 2024


There is element of truth in what we know and the optimal value of knowledge does not retard nor desperately dissipates long after its use value of necessity had outlived its utility.Depending on the strategic needs of the user and accessibility at a time they can still be used to continually influence future generations being part of cultural resources of history as the case maybe.The primary rudiments of knowledge creation assume that the cultural resources first and foremost be exhumed and reexhumed the open accessibility of affordable history that is to be made readily available informatives and information intelligence in the public domain.We appreciate the optimal value of a given knowledge stock tied to the tangled knot of its affordability whereas history must be affordable to be accessible for it may not be affordable even when it can be accessible.The concept of historical affordability defeats the essence of knowledge appreciation and the latter concept tends to appreciate the exuberant stock of knowledge but the competition and availability of these stocks work at polar opposite to the most ideal direction of what the society could achieve in the knowledge schedule.Mankind seeks knowledge through the politics of prejudice prior to being laid open and cast overboard by the politics of perception.However if history is affordable it may not necessarily mean it is accessible and acceptable subject to demand of human prejudice.The concept of acceptability is relative to its growing demand and the inclusive growth of knowledge competition erases the affordability challenge and clears hurdles for the accessibility in a given period.The persistence of this knowledge transition economics depreciates the prices and optimal value of that stock of knowledge at a period as prime resources with which we finance development and assume development management.You cannot exonerate the concept of affordability prompted by the concept of availability and accessibility in the crash of the optimal value as historically unaffordable knowledge stock especially those envisaged with rising potential value are uncovered in the respective knowledge enquiries.The affordable stocks in depreciated mode accelerate rapidly both the rate of development in the development enterprise during development engineering and the enhances the optimal growth of history in the transition circumference of historetical growth.The moment a stock of knowledge no longer excites its user it slowly approaches its critical decline and disuse.Never mind it maybe restricted to the alternative use value of that stock.The opinions as well as the facts of history otherwise also means the facts of science could fade out as new knowledge stock emerge in the critical rendition of new methods,new processes, patterns and tradition of operating system.The change in the forms of knowledge initiated by necessity to resolve the inherent mode of liability enormously creates mutual responsibility for the concept of affordability, availability, accessibility and use to accelerate rapid growth of development in a fast changing development ecosystem.As the new generation of knowledge spiral is ejected from the utilitarian field of culture and history brought about by the extant value of necessity, dismembered influence opens new vista to the appreciation of new demand as the former formula either dissipates,evanesces or at best whisked to alternative uses.The use of depreciated stock of knowledge spiral rapid development and catapult intergrity of historical growth beyond the stagnating posture of historical growth.Such regalia does belong to expensive mode of knowledge and history not yet affordable towards availability let alone accessibility.The arbitraging mode of knowledge trade does not refrain from its suppressive mode where Traders grow their wealth by promoting the differentials and profiting from the difference.We do not buy from the expensive stock not the input but the services it may generate when its  products are released to the public domain.Society that struggles to make sure there is empirical growth in the competition of knowledge demand risks loss of positive pride and theft of accessing freedoms as free allocation and perhaps fade out in the alternative use.The affordability and material assessment of affordable history and knowledge affordability tend unleash slavery to the subjective citizens.

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