July 5, 2024

Knowledge Management In a Public Affairs

The growth orientation of public enterprises as evidence of social system and meaningful existence of the human species plows the hardest surface of natural forces beyond the natural forces beyond nature

Standard routine for social system also abide and where hazy as it were must be properly devised to guarantee this true affordable context of social stability.Oncebit is affordable social life also is affordable in the most tranquil and equalitarianian direction without which timely implosion and balkanization of social units in the web happens intermittently accelerated evidence of historical obscurity.

I think nation states of the world deemed it fit to devise such mode of affordability as it were or permitted by their concrete and discrete circumstances permit.We are not ignorant to say the nature of development in every clime is determine and permitted by the nature of environment and circumstances each nation find itself or could afford.

However the sancrosanct nature of that affordability and affordability measures devised does not depend on the available techniques and technology of human development and allied natural resources to go with it in bespoke terms to afford the use of such measures or might avers the human capitalism but not at the magnitude proportion of disposal bandwidth in the context of universality to attain the affordability but a minuscular portion of the avantgarde is often adequate to build such company of capacity provided strategic thinking is their core competencies and wedged in their society to hamorhage a beffiting standard for a bespoke society

Most importantly the strategic thinkers should comprehend what it takes to devise this golden norm of standard routine in the operative mode of balanced ecosystem.We open it up at the level of cultural arts and harmonizes the humanitarian measures required to make that affordability universa

When we protect the literate tradition though there can be room and rule for successive changes without stress there prior ecosystem of social system stability should not be endangered whatsoever in the insulated interest of affordability spirit and prevalent social tranquility.

However in the society without this standard framework they receive whatsoever biles they encounter on the road of development setback.

Unless we could the propulsion of this routine or social tradition we might not be able to respond to evils of natural forces colonising social space with timely but unpremeditated social upheavals that is timely distributed by rising social debt and recalcitrant mode of reprisal when outstandings of this debt keeps piling up from one generation to generation.

Methinks in the stipulated order of standard routine or scientific social tradition,the concept of human arts in the same way with natural arts automatically first respond with the concept of human reaction and we need to ask what causes humanity to typically react to their immediate environment?Of course it is the circumstances, climate they found themselves and the needs or the necessity of that environment.The doctrine of necessity also react to magnetic influence of the doctrine of liability.Hence human reaction is motivated by the doctrine of liability and necessity to respond to the strategic demand of the immediate environment.However the quality of that reaction also varies markedly across the timing pattern and nature of this circumstances.When human reaction is driven by politics of prejudice much impact may not be achieved beyond being driven by politics of prejudice.Perhaps the retarded quality may go on to evolve human interaction,human relations and human responsibility may follow in the wrong direction.The disparaging disparity dispatched from such politics only heightens to pile up social debt and social space much more unsecured than you ever met it.To be mused by politics of perception we shall have a human arts that is rooted in the standard routine incorporated cultural components to drive use of arts for a softlanding of qualitative human reaction.Hence the embedded quality of such human reaction is transferable to the concept of human interaction and human relations for appropriate human responsibility to thrive appropriate mass of human freedom.

It is embarrassingly convincing to muse that the spirit of human reaction is exhumed from the vestige of human tradition effectively that it nurtures appropriate transaction of human reaction as long as it is tied to the umbilical of the doctrine of necessity.We have plausible reaction not yoked whatsoever with bug of deniability that takes into consideration the growing proportion of social debt in the immediate environment.This sort of ebullient human reaction I dub it 'Rational response' as the very seat of human rationalism and pave the way for a standard animation or vivacity of human politics and perhaps barely guarantee the moral responsibility of social politics is met when the shallow rate of population of the objective citizenry resist increment in the proportion and worsens by lack of accommodation in the objective transaction of this routine.Men with positive human reaction have a good history of human tradition and barely traffick prejudicial politics as the embroidery of pedigree hunting and muster of historical identity.

Understand the concept of human development must be perused only in the understanding of human arts oriented by cultural framework.The same way society functions efficiently on the set principles of this cultural framework same way we optimise the use of human arts for productivity functions and fuel propulsion of rational reaction.

In every attempt to resolve critical social hurdles it takes wisdom to react positively to pressing social demands and necessity at a specific period and with measured response or reaction the interaction of human logic via human relations is wiser to raise consciousness of the human responsibility and ratio of human development to generate human freedom.Human attributes like human intelligence and human rationalism that comprises of human politics exploiting human rights come alive in the transaction of this set framework of human evolution.The proliferation of human evolution in this context must not be inadequate with the sanctity of such rational responses and allied proportion of social debt development and the most critical attempt is to cut down that velocity of social debt development in the long run .

There can be no doubt eternity can be comprehended by simple logic regardless of its complex nature and everything begins and ends with the principles of these fifteen subsidiary systems operating in the five ages of eternity and they control the vacuum of existence.The ages bridge the eternal gaps between the spiritual and physical world using the laws of metaexistence or every thing moving from inanimate object into animate object ,living things and nonliving things.Hence to those who live forever and dies must comprehend this simple but complex logic.Surprisingly the eternity which we talk about is silence as the origin of mothernature and subdivided into five ages mainly the unconscious as the endless mode of eternity and secondly preconscious, subconscious, conscious and post conscious ages of eternity and they are planted in the three fields of knowledge with the birth of cultural system and these fields controls the five and seven senses of mankind ,nature and seven types of galaxies and universes or metauniverse that exists.They uses the law of necessity and liability ,law of gravity and resistance,law of recyclical renewal or that forms its routine or standard tradition and if there is any clock of existence or computer of existence it is called time with the Cosmos botanical name of change and every transition of these subsidiary systems move in between these three fields of knowledge.With the above we comprehend existence in few sentences only with this concept of existential definitude. We should now elaborate them below.

However for every created,creator and reacreator must comprehend this simple law of Physics that ages decipher in vain

It doesn't change if we comprehend them in the world of NOW which equivalent to eternity a revolver revolving on the same trendline.

Does it needs a knowledge systems to evolve?Of course in the current scenario it's expected to evolve before it undergo the standard mutation process not impossible without the application of the laws of mothernature and abstract forces of nebulous existence

To proceed we shall have to authenticate the formative pattern of culture and to apprehend this fact one is inquisitive to say : how does culture evolves?

However I make bold to comment that had it not been for the birth of cultural system as the subsequent foundation of existence a position being erstwhile occupied by mothernature the five ages might prove too much difficult to measure and the vacuum of existence invariably springs too easily more than comprehension of mortal logics.This birth came with affordable measures to afford the gradual computerisation of existence that arose with the cultural system's components being used as measurement gadgets such as the introduction of various activity frontiers for each components including change ecosystem that comprises of timing computer beside activity ecosystem and also newly discovered existence mutated the whole caboodle into enterprise of social entrepreneurship.

This mystery speaks volumes exponentially beyond human comprehension to affirm that the language of dotted systems and code movement not just body language movement replaces what we regard as knowledge system in the operating sphere of human affairs and it is infinite unlike the volatile nature of human learning.

In the evolution of natural system knowledge system use does not apply for it has been programmed to thrive not beyond the concept of natural reaction and natural interaction and this mystique operates differently in the sphere of human affairs in which knowledge management constitutes the objective muse of human survival.It is manageable to observe the evolution of these causal systems as it were growing from the sphere of human affairs.

However in the atavistic era of mothernature's crystalization mode,it does not require knowledge system but it requires the strategic pulls of gravity and resistance using bland arts from the angle of natural reaction to initiate natural interaction and later Natural relation to devise natural development to yield natural freedom .The evidence of natural freedom came with maturity of cultural system upon spiritual system and material system evolve.

The five ages prior to their discovery operated through the same coded system as it were with the deaf,the dumb and the dead bodies among us.Moreso as it were with species of plant and animal in the mysterious ecosystem of dotted and silence movement who communicate in the language of silence movement over which we have none expertise whatsoever.With the birth of cultural system including the components like the knowledge system nature as well as humanity could navigate easily the insurmountable challenges of critical measurement the usage of silence mathematics by the five ages

Do we really do so beyond the unpredictable vague powers of medicine men often considered fetish among us?Of course being the preschoolers in the preschool hardly embraces them even among the class of scholarship lovers.Infact within the operating sphere of the ages only one age is vulnerable to the composite use of our discovery of knowledge system and we basically refer to the conscious age that is clarified from natural cluelessness through the invention of cultural system and evidenced by wise investment in the three fields of knowledge that govern the human senses from the abbys of human reaction, interaction, relations and responsibility marketing onward to evolution of specified human freedom and the rest are value added.

The same ages also govern the brain through the three fields of knowledge beginning their mode of operation froḿ the transaction of the unconscious, post conscious and subconscious ages' strategic interaction with the abstraction fields and conscious ages interaction with utilitarian and empirical fields and post conscious age return back the transaction to the abstraction field.The causal mathematics and predictable mathematics of the human brain follows the same routine in the law of recyclical renewal.

To correct my mistake above the unconscious preconscious and subconscious ages author the activity of the abstraction and we re admonished to take precautions on the nature of our consciousness in the transmission of our utilitarian and empirical fields as historical and historicistic asset to the future generations.

While the post conscious dies Into the abstraction field in the vacuum of existence.

However we need to be in mind the cross fertilization of thought and arts and every components of culture requires the subconscious interaction of this ages feeding in the evolution and revolution of tripple fields of knowledge to govern the activity of mankind

Cross fertilization begins from the subconscious age of abstraction field feeding the conscious age of utilitarian and empirical fields and we do illustration from subconscious age excluding unconscious but including preconscious and then subconscious immersion of both utilitarian and empirical fields of knowledge.Using the architecture of cultural components'texture as the historical assets of social relation web as operating platform for social metamorphosis or mutation,the birth of cultural and social system intergration afford the use and affordability of entire social existence and human survival.

The design of culture in the strategic interaction and relation between the two critical contours of existence materiality and formlessness, physicality and spirituality was a turning point in the strategic evolutionary course of existence .The invention was begun first by discovery of knowledge age the sixth age and the last age the cultural age disposed in the cultural framework of the fifteen subsidiary systems and their evolutionary laws collectively perfected the unknown theory of existential evolution.

Infact with the discovery of knowledge and knowledge age the first five ages existing before is exhumed and the field in which they were later transplanted the cultural field as median field of knowledge provided the foundation for materiality .

Hence cultural field itself is the utilitarian field of knowledge the median field of knowledge where the subsidiary systems are planted and experimented with their astro-ecobiological and astro-ecophysical theories and evolutionary laws .

Hence cross fertilization of thought and knowledge is possible through either learning,telepathic and psychical interaction of the ages basically the preconscious and subconscious interaction with the conscious phenomenal to supplant.The activity of the senses basically the seven senses of mankind in the interaction with seven ages of existence witnessed as evidence in the utilitarian field gives birth to materiality as times in the investment of arts and investment of time permits.

However this template of causal investment is somewhat not undiluted saving the growing ignorance of the cognoscentis devoid of critical assessment and profound observation to unearth expertises of ignoransmuses doing a lot of untold hardship to the appropriate growth of material evolution of the universe.

Our speculation of phenomena at best a fable guesses not even intelligence guesses until we come to terms with incisive techniques and manifold but uniform pattern through which this phenomena relates and interacts with themselves in the commerce of evolution and existence.The critical assessment of historical growth and the essence of historical growth is ample alibi as well as critical platform for the workability of matured observatory in the art of evolution and commerce of existence.This changes the operating dimensions of growth and development on one hand and survival and management sustainability and management in the commerce of spiritual, natural down to socioeconomic trade equip mankind with methods and patterns to manage human and social life affordability and manage not just survival as long drought weapon of drastic swearsong of growth and development stalled backward but that every spiral of growth and management survive beyond the operating chasm of historical survival and earn sustainability that is guaranteed even beyond the precedence of historical growth essence of neomorphic neomodern age on the other hand.

We are washed with innumerable volumes of material assets of cultural fields that supplant our very existence for which we mankind as common denominator makes amain our eternal sacrifice for the proper maintenance of our existence.As long as various faces of historical growth is guaranteed mankind is emboldened with the operating goal of historical progression even when it struggles to ensure the maintenance of historical survival.Hence the proposition of the historical economic perusal enables mankind to move beyond elementary means of historical survival attains beyond mere essence of historical growth into positive historical growth . Henceforth we unveil the mysteries behind natural evolution to enable mortal insight into the sustainable historical trajectory of neomordern societies.This formulates the fundamental basis of historetical leanings as fundamental basis of existential evolution from finite age into infinite age.

The effective use of human sensationalism in respect of human senses driven administration of the environment encapsulated under human politics that requires the use of human senses refers to as the use of human intelligence evidence in effective discharge otherwise termed as human administration does not truly exist in the social sphere of throught where it is assaulted to a larger extent by undue influence of environmental and social politics .

We are oriented to reform the pattern of knowledge use and effective discharge of its utility functions to optimise the potentials and inherent but patentable potentialal value of the human politics and human administration at large not to be encroached by the nebula of immediate environment and assault of social politics that truncate the pristine lores of the human intelligence if not assaulted from the closer ambience of social politics might redefine the cultural system of the social relation at large.Apparently the theory of evolutionary existence captures its sphere of autonomous growth mode as it wèrè from atavistic antiquity of eternity down into the materiality of existence for a workable existential model of human affairs constantly being annexed by the intensive turbulence of social relation.

Take a critical look at the human affairs in general in its pristine sphere of thoughts and not the delusive point where the mingling with the immediate environment had occurred and we re suppose to know that the purity of thoughts had been intruded and debased

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