July 3, 2024

CEREBRAL MEN AT FUN SPOT.Chapter 6-1 to 40pages.

Sonorous Bells rang at the door, Maxwell folded the back cover of the novel he was reading and a couple of books place under it and laid them aside in the sitting room.Then he took up the coffee cup to his lips and sip peradventure but louder grew the ringing alarm as he couldn't seem to concentrate, clutching the coffee mug in her eyes downed the sweet liquid and rose to welcome the somewhat uninvited guest. Standing five feet ten stone passion like frenzy moved closer to the door and thrown into alarm when he saw Gbemi standing aloof and screamed.

"Jesus!How did you get here?Where did you get the direction? People on the street celebrating you re no more homeless and I have to find this place?"

How did you find this place sofola?"

Is dat what you have to say?You don't even ask your friends how they re faring upon all the pains we share?"
"I was accorded rarest privilege for staying here."

You mean your love for debates and midnight burning oil?

Yes of course I told you would not listen and I could still remember there was a Time you burn my two books due to your envy Yet the same two books opened up my talent forever "
"Am sorry that was in the past."

They dont want me to go."

"what does the rich men say?'
Sofola asked

They react too frantically they'll get something from you.They think they have entitlement with you."The two street boys ,' friend, men in the camadarie the

Those who derided you including and now they feel is their entitlement."of course you could only those whom you know and not a stranger who doesn't even know you.Now when are you moving to Los Angeles"Am moving next week.Already they made a down payment in the previous week.please it's too early to say something to them and you know we are working on a research entitled A Nigerian Who founded America."What you and this your golden madness a Nigerian founded America?You better be careful white supremacists would lynch u and you be death in minutes."Until then.I was thought about African voodoo too."You re crazy in the face of merciless missiles? Who is brainwashing you ?Infact all this your noise of African voodoo wouldn't save you"Whatever Are you ready to go now or should prepare something for you?"Get me a cup of coffee early morning.Hope your guys are in?"As he bashed into the kitchen to put kettle on fire ."Not really Femi and his brothers are in the academia.

U mean they re lecturers


They teach in local varsities and now they have some businesses here too

Keep building our capacity? Which capacity u mean unsustainable strategy?he laughed at him."Sofola you re not serious why do you laugh?"Do they have unity even overseas the first time in a long conversation?Go to Peckham in London and see what Yorubas did and are doing to themselves. Apparently they re foodsellers in Peckham.An online merchant had called my attention to the disparity the disunity brought to that was occasioned by backbiting, mudslinging machismo, petulant ire,sabre rattlers, rancourous name calling, repugnant to their national and international interest and further jeopardizing relationship between white and black's critical access ability .Peckham was full of yorubaland people in those days and asserted their ubiquitous influence and the question is;Can precedence that was lost over Peckham be regain?Today a full one or two streets combined were hijacked by the migrants from middleeast countries Iran,Syria whereas Yoruba wealth in the original extraction dissipated.Why they don't have unity was quite shocking gossiping and u think to betray their own brothers is the true way to go?"

Good my true evidence "

Sofola concluded."Sofola you have a way of getting me down."
"Whatever am hungry guy u now live in a palace and moving again into a palace.offer me something."He sat down yawning "Get hold of a book from sitting room's nearby shelf and read it entitled"How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"see Maxy what? is it not one of the books that I destroyed?"he was shocked"Are you going to destroy this one too?It belong to Femi archives of 450,000 books covers ten rooms and you have a query to answer when he comes would soon be around".As he moved closer to the window and opened the curtain on hearing the sound of Femi's Cardillac and another two white and black folks come in another rolls Royce phantom and watched as they unboarded and moved closely to the conveyance at lift section."What is that? they re back .Infact Dave was with him.Dave and bode came in the Rolls Royce.Sofola these guys are rich see gallery of luxurious cars at least 16 cars in the garage plus small jet very light jet(VLJ)that could carry five people or their family."bewildered"How do you get to know all this within small period of getting to meet them ."curious a notch."I was surprised getting too close easily.i saw the photos in d catalogue and I asked who was sitting in d small jet and he said it was his brother who wore afro Rasta style I mean bode.He took it off later.Then I went down stroll around this 1,000acres estate bought for $52million .See take the photos catalogue."As he stood up and bent back to hand over the catalogue to him"Quite bulky"Sofola intoxicated with gusto ."See they re coming up in the lift you have no time okay we LL find swallow at the hotel today would be another round of radical debate.In most cases Dave and Femi often dominate debate and once the two are around it automatically take place."The bells ring and they come in still startled by the glee of meeting again."Thompson my boy would be finishing at Tuskegee university Dave."Femi raised eyebrows as he landed "Oh you mean Your boy went to Tuskegee?"still shocked"Haven't I told you before?"both raptured with shock as they managed to get rphasodised the beautiful history behind the great institution to the admiration of Maxwell laughing at them standing to meet and hug them and they sat and Sofola gripped with little dread to extend his handshake and Femi was shocked with new face in their home.Maxwell saw him and responded accordingly."I thought you re coming differently after the phone calls.". "oh don't worry I called him to confirm and we waited elsewhere."Bode did not sit down went into the kitchen to find something to eat and couldn't come out with something."Shall we move?I hope we re ready now?Let us move.You re looking for what to eat?We re going to the hotel in line with our program and we will be having launch there.Oh we have another man"as Sofola stood up to greet him"Yes"Maxwell said"My fellow homeless mate"he revealed"I thought as much.Everybody let's go."Every one stood up and went downstairs and Sofola took the book with him.What a new enthralling expedition!

The hotel stood at 5km away from their estate farm and Sofola new trailblazer stood behind the wonderful team of masterminds and watched himself sat in the exquisite comfort of latest grandiose Roll Royce for the first time in the 42 years of his lifetime as they oozled past the pathway and wonder in wheels blinding red and green directional lights,vamoosed into the distance from the boulevard breezed unto the highway and headed into the hotel in record time.The waiter had accomodated their custom of weekly debate in routine hours scheduled three hours to take place in line with their executive orders and allied services from the hotel administration .The two guys suited and the rest in their casuals trudged behind delectable and Sofola looked perplexed at the blinking horizon to the west of the hotel as they step into the hotel's VIP section.There was thin line of clouds hanging upon his shuddered navel with agapé style of fainted mood bewildered with clear sky and sparkle of optimism.He had a six months of homelessness from a decade in the states with no home insurance and he managed to stay informed with tabloids and broadsheets thrown in the refuse dump across the streets and vicinage.This memory lingered for a long time in his mind and overwhelmed with the artlessness and the hopelessness of migrants to the west.The parent met their demise in the civil right movement and Jim crow era of the 60s when they came in through the sea and both parent buried in the cemetery

Sofola watched from behind as the hotel's winking and blinking fireworks and exotic klieglights in the indoor aesthetics brushed his cheeks with sensation and the erudite team's entry coincided with the waiter's banter on the phone in the hundred stories'skyscrapers on the 97th floor and each beginning from the 15th floor had such VIP section.Some of these condos and buildings were bought by many affluent individuals and societies."Afromericans.We re on the 97th floor today.I heard you were coming today.Where are you people? "bode took up the phone"We the cogito ergo sum are back.Right in the premises.Have u done the needfuls"he retorted with their usual signature greetings"Oh yes with the usual table for 4.Nothing to worry about,coming in coming in !"as Sofola stood behind Maxy and located the choice of luxurious VIP section as distinct from VIP section clubs in general.It was designed with red and blue chairs.The waiter had received executive orders two days earlier to stick to the orders and routine.Did you hear what she said?"Femi slowed down as bode patted him on the back"What?"curious"97th floor "As they bckoned each other and retraced steps back to lift from the 15 the floor into the VIP section of the 97th floor.She welcomed them at a distance winking and pointificating joyous and comical with the grits and glamour of a satisfied customer.She stood at the doorway to the room that looked large and was almost occupied as they adopted formula different from the last engagements at the poolside to avoid distraction.The prior engagement seemed meager and worsened by almost the whole room full of scattered chairs in feverish communication though not noisy environment.The first suggestion came from Dave holding Femi's hand"Shall we suggest the conference hall?"mildly noted as the waiter led them to their seats and gestured to the supportive waiter to bring one more chair to accommodate new fellow."Let's finish the refreshment first and the cocktails and we moved to the hall."Bode suggested and alluded too to Dave's proposition.

Sofola watched from behind as the hotel's winking and blinking fireworks and exotic klieglights in the indoor aesthetics brushed his cheeks with sensation and the erudite team's entry coincided with the waiter's banter on the phone in the hundred stories'skyscrapers on the 97th floor and each beginning from the 15th floor had such VIP section.Some of these condos and buildings were bought by many affluent individuals and societies."Afromericans.We re on the 97th floor today.I heard you were coming today.Where are you people? "bode took up the phone"We the cogito ergo sum are back.Right in the premises.Have u done the needfuls"he retorted with their usual signature greetings"Oh yes with the usual table for 4.Nothing to worry about,coming in coming in !"as Sofola stood behind Maxy and located the choice of luxurious VIP section as distinct from VIP section clubs in general.It was designed with red and blue chairs.The waiter had received executive orders two days earlier to stick to the orders and routine.Did you hear what she said?"Femi slowed down as bode patted him on the back"What?"curious"97th floor "As they bckoned each other and retraced steps back to lift from the 15 the floor into the VIP section of the 97th floor.She welcomed them at a distance winking and pointificating joyous and comical with the grits and glamour of a satisfied customer.She stood at the doorway to the room that looked large and was almost occupied as they adopted formula different from the last engagements at the poolside to avoid distraction.The prior engagement seemed meager and worsened by almost the whole room full of scattered chairs in feverish communication though not noisy environment.The first suggestion came from Dave holding Femi's hand"Shall we suggest the conference hall?"mildly noted as the waiter led them to their seats and gestured to the supportive waiter to bring one more chair to accommodate new fellow."Let's finish the refreshment first and the cocktails and we moved to the hall."Bode suggested and alluded too to Dave's proposition.

The food and the accessories were wonderful to the appetite of sophisticated men as they sat down to the ensconce of feeding and debating party in wild embrace of their creeds and lifetime ideology.In the meantime the waiter returned with another round of western dishes for Sofola who suddenly across his forehead felt the shock of resistance down his navel as he bade to sit perhaps in repugnance of western dishes looking stolid and sombre coming slowly from his shyness in public glare."Oh you don't like western dishes.Waiter pls bring African swallow."Which type"What do you have"eba and egushi,fufu ogbono soup,amala vegetables ""Oh Good bring any of them"Sofola spoke for the first""Waiter be fast this is d real afromericana nigger"Bode pointificating in the glee of engrossed eaters gulping their burgundies with riverie .She brought all the types of food they have with one bottle of champagne.He was ecstatic about him as Maxwell burst into laughter seeing washed his two bare hands and dipped them in bare soups "Are you for real? Eating with bare hands?"What's so strange?Are you seeing afromerican eating for the first time?"Shocked too at his gesture and hysterical laughter."Yeah ."gobsmacked ."You re missing if you try Yu LL not only drop your chemicalised food you re probably going to live much longer."the five men consumed their meals and topped it up assorted wines, spirit and drinks.Sofola stood up first and Maxwell was embarrassed "What?"Dave too joined and they rest a little and Bode saw him pull off the book from his back pocket giggled and beckoned the waiter and promptly requested for the hall.The ambience was a repertoire engross of career people lingering for board meeting, official engagement and business appointment carrying briefcases,accountrements for lodging at the chalets in the hotel and knapsacks perhaps on an official journey.

Sofola concluded."Sofola you have a way of getting me down."
"Whatever am hungry guy u now live in a palace and moving again into a palace.offer me something."He sat down yawning "Get hold of a book from sitting room's nearby shelf and read it entitled"How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"see Maxy what? is it not one of the books that I destroyed?"he was shocked"Are you going to destroy this one too?It belong to Femi archives of 450,000 books covers ten rooms and you have a query to answer when he comes would soon be around".As he moved closer to the window and opened the curtain on hearing the sound of Femi's Cardillac and another two white and black folks come in another rolls Royce phantom and watched as they unboarded and moved closely to the conveyance at lift section."What is that? they re back .Infact Dave was with him.Dave and bode came in the Rolls Royce.Sofola these guys are rich see gallery of luxurious cars at least 16 cars in the garage plus small jet very light jet(VLJ)that could carry five people or their family."bewildered"How do you get to know all this within small period of getting to meet them ."curious a notch."I was surprised getting too close easily.i saw the photos in d catalogue and I asked who was sitting in d small jet and he said it was his brother who wore afro Rasta style I mean bode.He took it off later.Then I went down stroll around this 1,000acres estate bought for $52million .See take the photos catalogue."As he stood up and bent back to hand over the catalogue to him"Quite bulky"Sofola intoxicated with gusto ."See they re coming up in the lift you have no time okay we LL find swallow at the hotel today would be another round of radical debate.In most cases Dave and Femi often dominate debate and once the two are around it automatically take place."The bells ring and they come in still startled by the glee of meeting again."Thompson my boy would be finishing at Tuskegee university Dave."Femi raised eyebrows as he landed "Oh you mean Your boy went to Tuskegee?"still shocked"Haven't I told you before?"both raptured with shock as they managed to get rphasodised the beautiful history behind the great institution to the admiration of Maxwell laughing at them standing to meet and hug them and they sat and Sofola gripped with little dread to extend his handshake and Femi was shocked with new face in their home.Maxwell saw him and responded accordingly."I thought you re coming differently after the phone calls.". "oh don't worry I called him to confirm and we waited elsewhere."Bode did not sit down went into the kitchen to find something to eat and couldn't come out with something."Shall we move?I hope we re ready now?Let us move.You re looking for what to eat?We re going to the hotel in line with our program and we will be having launch there.Oh we have another man"as Sofola stood up to greet him"Yes"Maxwell said"My fellow homeless mate"he revealed"I thought as much.Everybody let's go."Every one stood up and went downstairs and Sofola took the book with him.What a new enthralling expedition

Keep building our capacity? Which capacity u mean unsustainable strategy?he laughed at him."Sofola you re not serious why do you laugh?"Do they have unity even overseas the first time in a long conversation?Go to Peckham in London and see what Yorubas did and are doing to themselves. Apparently they re foodsellers in Peckham.An online merchant had called my attention to the disparity the disunity brought to that was occasioned by backbiting, mudslinging machismo, petulant ire,sabre rattlers, rancourous name calling, repugnant to their national and international interest and further jeopardizing relationship between white and black's critical access ability .Peckham was full of yorubaland people in those days and asserted their ubiquitous influence and the question is;Can precedence that was lost over Peckham be regain?Today a full one or two streets combined were hijacked by the migrants from middleeast countries Iran,Syria whereas Yoruba wealth in the original extraction dissipated.Why they don't have unity was quite shocking gossiping and u think to betray their own brothers is the true way to go?"

Good my true evidence "

Sofola took a deep breath and with an image stirred his apparatus of reflection,put down the book in his arm as calmness in the rustling silence of the hall stole his agape and gaze away in the most pristine mass of distinct but peculiar moment.His dark eyes extremely goggled to the perplexed by the ongoing drama and widened when Dave spoke."You know Robert Troup tell the story about Hamilton.He said they slept in the same room and infact in the same bed at kings....""You know the origin or birth of Robert Troup?"Femi interrupted "Am coming there.Troup was an orphan like Hamilton because mother died in 1769 his father died in 1768 same year Hamilton's mother died.Troup was born in 1757 in Elizabethtown ."threw the statistics in fiery composure."The guy made the important statement in Hamilton Can you find that statement?""Not really "

They had a great time as the waiter led to the end of the row turned back and gestured them to the hall and bode followed him."You re having a great time here I suppose"Maxwell pronounced "Yeah "as Sofola shook his head and the colleagues in front followed the waiter in the Indian files to adjoining hall.She smiled as she opened and welcome them into the hall and watched from the last man standing Sofola and departed."Bode says"I need champagne.what do you want "Every body was relatedly fed and the topic of the day was introduced as they sat in rectangular format Femi stood up to give directions to their conversation.

We stopped perhaps at the last conversation where Hamilton was admitted to King's college and he coped with friends and the environment.Being vivacious and vociferous elements soon became the centre of ovation was very religious and prayerful and we he was never caught in the college's black book that recorded official infractions against Myles Cooper's rules and was a greater in the effective use of time hardly any prejudice for students prank .Any offender must recite poetry ,translate essays from The Spectators into latin into launching his intellectual human versatility.

Do you know something I Ve learnt from that statement? What I learnt was what a person achieved in life was the result of good and bad confession made about him in the early life.No man is special it is a natural law of becoming.How do you survive this greatest evil under sun? The best way thinking about it is to get a hold of your destiny,define your vision and sense of purpose.Infact with the sense of direction you might not excuse that

Or avoid the inevitable but it maybe less disastrous.i mean.He said something about Hamilton "I have often said that your friends would be obliged to bury you at their own expense.'This is a tragic statement that later came to pass when he met his executioner.Quite a fulfilment to work with those who confess good things and see good things about you.They had forged s successful bonds and led to the formation of a club for debates ,writing ,honing speaking skills and conversations like ours.". "You re right they forged a common wealth and they did in the early days and months at kings."Dave confirmed "Nicholas fish, Edward Stevens,Henry and Samuel Nicolle were the first sets of colleagues .I think we re Five now Sofola the fifth man just joined us and we haven't asked much about.Sorry for the consummate and avid passion we have in knowledge sharing.Maxwell you brought him.i noticed we were together early morning at the farm and I think you slept over at the estate.We shall talk about that later."Femi threw a round of applause for him and threesome applause hunted his shy face downward.See Femi,i love the Troupe's comment and that was interesting many lives ruined and wasted when evil tongues speak perhaps the worst remarks in world history that cut short the eminent lifetyle of the world greatest dreamer and reformer.It was at the club that his most extraordinary performed first shot up.There comes a crunch at a time tension was high between England and America infact discussion worsened on the relationship between the colonists and royalists worsened.It was at the club that he formed his political ideology and more or less a mornachist in love with British political system and much learned about the British constitution.Infact he previews his essays at the club.This club had a vision to produce the first true black man to rule America"He shocked everyone including ." It was Obama of course "Femi disagreed"He was a mongrel a half cast and the wife full black woman.We shall produced a true black president that guarantees black economic freedom like the white counterparts.Dave you a whiteman unlike Maxwell a half cast must support us ."Femi insisted"We LL see how far it goes and pan out."Dave concurred as the shocked waves bombarded them into shock then roaring laughter and Sofola burst into laughter."We brief you further and politicians here in the making.They didn't answer excerpt Dave but they wondered as if he had sounded absolutely crazy or gone nuts."Do you know something around the period he entered college...."December 16,1773" "Exactly that time period group of mobs revolted across the colony in the most drastic colonial struggle against the crown about 200 soot faced mobsters crept onboard the three ships appareled as enfanterrible Mohawk indians broke down the 342 chests of tea squandered and emptied their contents into the naked sea.They had used tomahawks to smash open these bounteous chests of tea and the rest was history."Dave screamed"Come again...and the rest was history? elaborate pls"Bode waded in for the first time after finishing his champagne and ordered two more bottles intermittently badging to chat with the waiter."Where did they get the boldness from because it was a popular story of independence "Curious a notch"It was a popular revolts and on the ground about two thousand waited watched them in the acts and urged them for the rascality in the Boston harbor as they hailed from the docks."threw the bombshell."I understand popular revolts."relaxed himself"A popular revolts .The like of John Adams cheered from Braintree, Massachusetts and Benjamin Franklin was not left behind and that singular mob gave birth to the emergence of Boston tea party which expressed capitalism at the colony was being threatened by the crown who had refused the colony their full right as British subjects."Femi noted"The party truly truly fought for economic freedom of their colony and expressed regret and patriotic abuse of their suffocated principles and declining profits .

I think they were prejudices all along"Dave added." The two issues involved I think they're based on land fight and border control.first with the defeat of France in 1763 subject to series of wars between France ceded to Great Britain a large tract of land which lay between the Allegheny mountains and the Mississippi River and with the proclamation of the same year it was closed by Britain to american settlement.Perhaps to obviate conflicts with the Indian tribes.Incidentally the fear by the colonists was that the huge estates could be assigned to few favored realtors,courtiers and politicians.Then small restless folks took over the streets and government could hardly prevent them from settling in the frontier in the period where speculative companies were particularly disturbed by the like of metropolitan vendata.These guys had to speculate on this vast land and then makes higher profit from settlers.The land speculation was a massive venture given the same politicians and imperial capitalists bought stocks in these companies as the most reliable form of investment.The second issue in the critical attempt to consolidate on power and then raise finance or more money in the colonies,the British government adopted peculiar approach to coerce Americans to support the funding of the imperial armed forces and collaborate for their protection in times war and crisis.Therefore the essence of new laws and administrative orders issued in 1763-1765 was to strengthen central authority and ensure strict enforcement of the trade regulation."Femi broke down the puzzling facts."They need money to fund the new project?'Exactly also the funding of the royal governors ,appointees,but at a new turn entirely beyond royal requisitions addressed and approved by colonial assemblies but instead tied to a parliamentary and state legislature in London.The London office had feared that the popular revolts could result should there be partnership and compromisewith London office and 

London legislature or the parliament without any discussion decided to pass the bills alone to avoid such infractions.No circumspection no representation same offence that the British puritans fought in Britain for almost a thousand years to prevent.Trust the Americans and they protested immediately and such vehement revolts astonished government and even the opposition way back in England."expressed the facts."But the parliament in Britain had the power to regulate trade and impose external taxes"Bode now relaxed interrogated."Yeah that arbitrary undertones pissed off the Americans.Then again that could not be challenged but many things are involved but the main issue concerned which they selected out of the voluminous legislation was the stamp acts.The colonists bullied this legislation as too unbecoming as the main target of attack.People never stop to desire freedom in a lifetime and when they have it they continue to demand for higher freedom."Femi chipped"I think the acts stipulated in a court of law no legal document valid unless it carried a valuable stamp in equal proportion to the financial transactions proposed.Though not large a tax but it was first an internal imposts often imposed by the colonial assemblies.It affected every one that could get a loan,a contract or make a will poor and rich.The congressional delegates of October 1765 debated and protested against such laws and the internal taxes imposed from outside.The argument was that no such taxes should be imposed without their consent."Femi concluded

"Did they later pay the stamp acts?"Maxwell crossed legs in the east of the hall."They did not"Dave replied."Obviously the Americans did not did challenge parliament power for trade regulation but that there should be room for compromise but king George 111 and his docile prime minister Lord North(1732-1792) who headed government between 1770-1782 resolved not to compromise and with condescension treated colonists."Femi noted"So what happens?"curious"They entered the Boston harbor and dumped the sea over board ."Sofola to their chargrin gestured."Thank you pay attention I think he was boozy."Femi laughing."They ignored the stamp duty and not enforceable rendered it useless intimidated stamp distributors and buying English goods.In 1766 they repealed the acts in place of declaratory acts which asserted right of parliament to regulate colonies in all matters."

See Femi you know after the cabal of disgruntled colonists threw the whole tea cargo overboard the England was force or coercion and consequently the colonies drew up strategies and met at the first continental Congress of 1774 and it denounced the measures'enforcement and organised enmasse the commercial boycott of England."Sofola and Maxwell clapped one after the other ."This is what is grossly lacking in the developing region."Sofola remarked"We re too laid back"exactly, patriots in their organisations doubled even tripled."

Geno said."You the word multiplied and proliferated."
"Better.From committee of correspondence to circulate information freely to committee of safety committees were everything everywhere."Dave added"Don't forget in the Boston massacre of March 5,1770 an eyewitness a mullato, a mongrel had provided the information and five colonists were killed and the first person was a Nigerian.…"A Nigerian?"Sofola shouted and screamed." Yes a Nigerian was the first ritual to be sacrificed for America to be possible.Jesus where is your eye in heaven.What is his name?"Bode asked adjusted too his fallen posture on the sit."His name Crispus Attucks."Incredible!My country man"Sofola relaxed"Say our country man was the first martyr for the possibility of world greatest economy to be fulfilled.Not many people knew this glorious embarrassment."Bode submitted."At that time Thomas Paine(1737-1809)an englishman to arrest the ugly situation came out with his famous pamphlet and posit there was no basis for hereditary monarchy in s sane natural or divine right and he said the Israelites were given by God their wickedness was too much and something the Israelites couldn't comprehend left for the mordern times of great thinkers to do. I quote where he wrote "Royalty was born in conquest usurpation and robbery . Between such institution and America there was no room for compromise.In indepedence only and independence at once lay the safety of the colonists and the best hope not only of America but the of the whole western world...."He paused"Have you finished?"Yes" "it remains few lines one sentence and most powerful when he says" Freedom hath been hunted around the globe.Asia and Africa have long expelled her like a stranger and England hath given her warning to depart.O receive the fugitive and prepare in time an asylum for mankind."And what did they do to prepare asylum for the fugitive?They fought independence.Infact George Washington says "that common sense worked a powerful change in the minds of many men."

It deafens my logic to surmount courage that the Americans of the early republic were nothing less than barbarians from the outer space and it took men to let them realise they had to fight independence and Paine's initiative was nothing more than a proposition and there was no clear cut strategy how to get to the promiseland and that was where Hamilton made the difference.Almost all their actions despite the intelligent people in their midst was nothing less than defts of self defeating.Now there was uprising in New York as they critically attempted to choose eligible men as delegates for the first continental Congress.Those who were in support of freedom exceeded the moderate burghers who opposed the measures as over reactionary as well as been self defeating.Hardline protesters that were in favour of outright boycott had upper hands a time the hurricane of hurlyburlies and the attendant rallies,posters,plaques, petitions,broadsides distracted his reading and studying composure amidst the growing dread of federal forces.

There was dread and revolt in two cities "Femi halted"So you mean only two men spoke on freedom."Sofola bantered in a clownish"And you said thhey were barbarians in those days "his face looked like"Yeah barbarians like the African countries today and poor countries.Anyway the choice of winning victory and victory secured was that the hardline protesters won the day the so called militant boys of liberty the secret society members to flout the stamp act had to convene mass meeting in the afternoon of July 6,1774 .It was held on the grassy plains close to kings college known as the fields in the towering liberty Pole's shadow.The meeting under leadership of Alexander McDougall condemned British sanctions against the City of Massachusetts.The meeting boosted Hamilton's fame as it was beckoned from somebody in the crowd and he mounted the platform to give the then oratorical masterpiece that held the Group spellbound.He campaigned for freedom endorsed the boycott of British goods and the closure of the ports.He picked up energy as the speech proceeded supported the movement against unfair taxation and that if independence movement was well supported "it will prove the salvation of North America and her liberties" otherwise it could lead to sustenance of"fraud,power and the most odious oppression"there is on the surface of the earth that will lead to "rise triumphant over right justice, social happiness and Freedom".After the speech he was the center of attraction and standing ovation in the erupted context sustained the outburst and some chorus in the audience" it is s collegian!it is a collegiain!!

The monumental insurbordination was quite unprecedented that it infuriated the British monarchy and the British lost entire patience they had for the rebellious Americans in aftermath of the enactment of the punitive measures by the Boston tea party."They so much loathed the American brethren that someone irate member in the parliament had suggested Boston be obliterated like Carthage.Femi can you quote the exact words by that petulant fellow Charles Van?"he threw the challenge "I am of the opinion you will never meet with that proper obedience to the laws of this country until you have destroyed that nests of locusts "Paused his cheeks"Good That singular acts caused them to loose the American colonies.In May of that Intolerable acts or coercion was passed by England and it shut down the Boston indefinitely unless the spilled tea was refunded."Dave triggered sensation."They also banned popular assemblies,trial by jury abolished, introduced military rule into Massachusetts guaranteed civil society would be protected by colonial forces.Four regiments under new military commander General Thomas Gage on may 13 arrived in Boston took over the maritime town by force.Still the colonists disagreed with notion of levy charges without their consent.Still they balked and through their committee of correspondence each communication to other colonists in other colonists.They issued calls subsequently for trade embargo on British goods and summoned second continental Congress in September in Philadelphia.There was serious uprising in New York too.

It deafens my logic to surmount courage that the Americans of the early republic were nothing less than barbarians from the outer space and it took men to let them realise they had to fight independence and Paine's initiative was nothing more than a proposition and there was no clear cut strategy how to get to the promiseland and that was where Hamilton made the difference.Almost all their actions despite the intelligent people in their midst was nothing less than defts of self defeating.Now there was uprising in New York as they critically attempted to choose eligible men as delegates for the first continental Congress.Those who were in support of freedom exceeded the moderate burghers who opposed the measures as over reactionary as well as been self defeating.Hardline protesters that were in favour of outright boycott had upper hands a time the hurricane of hurlyburlies and the attendant rallies,posters,plaques, petitions,broadsides distracted his reading and studying composure amidst the growing dread of federal forces.

I think he was 18 "Femi guessed"no I guess around 19 years.He was treated as youth hero and the maturity of mind enabled a good speaker

There was dread and revolt in two cities "Femi halted"So you mean only two men spoke on freedom."Sofia bantered in a clownish"And you said they were barbarians in those days "his face looked derisively"Yeah barbarians like the African countries today and poor countries.Anyway the choice of winning victory and victory secured was that the hardline protesters won the day the so called militant boys of liberty the secret society members to flout the stamp act had to convene mass meeting in the afternoon of July 6,1774 .It was held on the grassy plains close to kings college known as the fields in the towering liberty Pole's shadow.The meeting under leadership of Alexander McDougall condemned British sanctions against the City of Massachusetts.The meeting boosted Hamilton's fame as it was beckoned from somebody in the crowd and he mounted the platform to give the then oratorical masterpiece that held the Group spellbound.He campaigned for freedom endorsed the boycott of British goods and the closure of the ports.He picked up energy as the speech proceeded supported the movement against unfair taxation and that if independence movement was well supported "it will prove the salvation of North America and her liberties" otherwise it could lead to sustenance of"fraud,power and the most odious oppression"there is on the surface of the earth that will lead to "rise triumphant over right justice, social happiness and Freedom".After the speech he was the center of attraction and standing ovation in the erupted context sustained the outburst and some chorus in the audience" it is s collegian!it is a collegian!!

When the mercurial orator mounted the podium and started utterances the transition of his intellectual momentum acquired the burst of uncommon energy that threw the bait he dropped not his gauntlet nor threw in sponge as to discredit the boycott, endorse closure of the port,raged against unfair taxation according words of a writer "after the speech the crowd stood transfixed"beyond appalling measure ferociously engrossed by the child prodigy in an event organised by sons of liberty.Just with one speech he won he knew he had spirit and won the admiration from children of liberty.

Cooper tutored Hamilton in Latin,Classic, moral philosophy, theology and Greek and a scholar in the same context a poet,Greek and Latin scholar and a sophisticated epicurean bachelor.The archbishop of Canterbury as an outstanding choice had recommended Cooper for the post of college president . Within a decade of commitment had established enlarged school library,added proffesors,inaugurated medical school,a vid art collector etcetera etcetera.Like John Witherspoon, produced Benjamin Moore, Robert Livingston Governeur Moris John jay etcetera

Cooper who was prior to the Boston tea party crisis was much confidence of the performance of the departing Governor William Tryon and his exceptional role in the colony only to be distracted and disturbed by the uncertainty of the college future to be turned into a royal university and the future of his own career and overwhelming quest for college presidency both went up in smoke in the twinkling of an eye."

Femi paused readjust his voice."Because the revolution threatens everywhere and optimism subsequently this form of dejection influenced his orgy of media essays against the outrage that threatened his ambitions.He first claimed the tea tax was overwhelmingly mild when he started to influence public opinion with the jumble and inferno of his essays.He wrote Boston people "are a crooked and perverse generation......and deserve to forfeit their charter",If not the most despised he became one of the most assailed in the colony especially from his students like Hamilton.

Some loyalists emigrated back to the king's country like Samuel Clossy who grew overwhelmed with revolts.With the emergence of late August,1774 when every colony except Georgia had elected and picked their delegates to the first continental Congress colonial revolts assumed a more organized form,shifting momentum in according to the temperature of the revolution.John Jay and James Duane New York delegates in the midst of standing ovation departed for Philadelphia.These guys who demanded for legal reforms scrapping of coercive acts were still patriotic British subjects were not prejudiced for independence fight as proposed by Thomas Paine and Hamilton but as law abiding British subjects reaffirmed the loyalty to the crown and even divine supplications were made to avert war .They wanted peaceful end to the Boston tea party crisis and they formed a continental association to implement total trade embargo no consumption of British wares untill the intolerable acts was lifted.Their structure was everywhere and every community had committee to enforce the total ban.Hamilton and his friends also fully participated and not surprising when New York selected his members many of his friends including Hercules Mulligan were also represented.

O Hercules the first friend he made upon entry into Amerika a tailor by profession."Bode was ecstatic about their first outing when they met Maxwell who strayed into the hotel at poolside for networking with big people find work or implore them for dinner or lunch or breakfast as the case maybe.Maxwell too nodded in return.
The loyalists like Cooper including the clique of literary clubs of loyalists like the rector of Trinity church Charles Inglis and Samuel Seabury as the Anglican rector of the town of Winchester.The latter had massive physique redoubtably scholar from Yale and oxford with unbridled mercurial wit ,prose writer but the case of Seabury was particularly interesting on account of Westchester essays he wrote entitled as Westchester Farmer because the town was granted special privileges by royal charters and over this trade embargo local farmers clashed over this crisis.Thereafter he summoned courage and after the continental Congress then he wrote the essay series of pamphlets with the pseudonym Westchester Farmer with the help and knowledge of Cooper.In one of the blistering essays he reviled the gathering and labeled them"a venomous brood of scorpions "to sting us to death "and called for their banishment with hickory sticks and warned farmers to fight the colonists depriving them of massive loses of money.He says"Can you leave without money?"
Femi paused to drink water and relaxed.as Dave drove the momentum."Seabury 's diatribes was first published in New York Gazetteer by James Rivingston.Do you know after the farmer essays became quite popular you would be surprised when I say in those days Americans were barbarians as larger percentage of population inspite of their limited exposure without the benefit of clergy very many many huge numbers indeed could neither read nor write.Hence they committed to writing flames in vain with no serious writing colleagues who could face the loyalists bone to bone man to man.Infact the pamphleteers became even instant celebrities totally overwhelmed by Tories and had no writing pugilists who could face them spilled blood from their faces.Who could be the savior for the Patriots?What a disgrace from the pit of hell upon their supercilious braggart in the face of dancing tyranny."

"What was the title?"Bode now in relaxed position enquired."A Full Indication of the Measures of the Congress" published by the anonymous Gazetteer that pledged to reply the Westchester Farmer.Aparently the kind of competitive rivalry mounted by Westchester Farmer was quite a conducive atmosphere for him thrive.Hence as a lad that often gravitate towards controversy he gave him befitting position to strike and was not oblivious of the fact any potion of vinegar directed at Seabury was nothing short of affront to Cooper's being the main combatant in the Cooper's controlled loyalists club.Armed with animal spirit for fame and leadership passion of the noblest cause,plunged himself into laudable objectives for the purpose of public benefit did not him to fight the loyalists with the power of the pen.By placing his ambition of nobility guided by great principles in the selfless service of nation building he keeps his name out of print.

"Femi sounded euphonious paused for response."How many pages did he wrote in the "Full Vindication? "Sofola rose from the doldrum."The full Vindication was thirty five pages that promises to fight back the Westchester Farmer .In the full Vindication he wrote "The farmer's sophistry would be exposed
To be "exposed his cavils confuted his artifices detected and his writ ridiculed"

"How many pages"Sofola quixotic as looked up from the front book on the table that he barely opened."Just 35pages of essays written in series two to three weeks and was the launching pad to face the Westchester Farmer's series and he seem to have mastered the grandiloquent style of elegant insults hurled upon the competitor in the embattled fray of intellectual contest with versatile non volatile mindset with precocious knowledge in history, sciences, economics,poetry,law, philosophy theology etcetera.As American first official polymath he had found a fearless mastery of convincing argument to wearing away the opponents with medula infractions and overwhelming stress of defeat into stupor and stampede

Moreso as his organic incandescence in the context of immaculate immigrant's adaptation to new climes so artlessly within a year and a half was quite uncommon coupled with the adjustment of his profound knowledge to the new environment and fully comprehended the politics of his newly adopted country was something unusual and unique of any immigrant whatsoever that he could summon that audacity to face competitive rivalry and thrive in the fray bombarded and swashbuckled any intellectual warrior to defeat in the bareknuckled controversy at large.

In the Full Vindication it shows he's gained mastery of the environment he barely spared of scathing remarks and acrimonious gesture seemed to have jettisoned his past unequivocally and adopted new country so holistically with no prejudice whatsoever and evident in the series.He deemed it fit to find his destiny in the first essay much pronounced about his ministry of self discovery his calling when he wrote that "I am neither merchant nor farmer" but "I address you because I wish well to my country".He became a thorough bred situation expert and the sole intellectual masterpiece and organic Mastermind and absolute authority in the Boston tea party crisis review and specifically the insane license for the murder of the people of Boston by royal troops.He not only defended the tea party new cabal and faulted the British punitive measures especially for the whole province that should have been restricted to only the culprits and even he justified the offenders action as positive impetus for freedom.

The essay was his baptism that was grounded in natural law colonial charters and his unequaled mastery of British constitution was of prominent advantage scripted in legal norms much little for full problem resolution much belated for the next series of essays .
He forecast untold harm by the royalists challenged unrepresented taxation and endorsed trade embargo that England may never recover giving the inherent drastic harm it entails with evocation of indebted England corrupted by luxuries and absolutism.

He did not only caviled and scolded the British prime minister Lord North but his perfidious discharge of duty that he may thereafter not able to recover
from .He says of the first lord of the treasury "The premier has advanced too far to recede with safety;he is deeply interested to execute his purpose ,if possible.......In Common life ,to retract an error even in the beginning is no easy task.Perseverance confirms us in it and rivets the difficulty. ... To this we may add that disappointment and opposition inflame the minds of men and attach them still more to their mistakes.

Not long after the Full Vindication and the hullabaloo around to make the Westchester Farmer goofed and labeled him a dilletante and a tyro in the mastery of intellectual conviction and so Seabury rebutted the essay . Before they could say jack Hamilton also struck with bigger volume of series entitled Farmer Refuted.",Femi stood up the length and breadth of the hall."How many pages this one?"Sofola inquisitive"About 80pages a tour de force masterpiece on February 23,1775 was brought out by the publisher Rivington ."Fantastic"

"See this second essay was a phenomenal task of academic erudition of a collegiate drilling his professors in strictest matter of political economy at a time the academic study of the magnitude never ever mature.Quite disgraceful to Cooper's and Seabury's temperature of temperamental goofs

"Femi jolted from the blue "Did he not taunt his maiden performance in mockery of the status of a greenhorn?

Demystified his sterling abilities as a critic to make defiance.How come a teenager managed to educate a senior don in a university is nothing but the reflection of retarded level of education in America at that time?Isn't it time?He had taunted his riposte as puerile and fallacious."and not just "one of the most ludicrous performances"shown to the public but also viewed him as parvenu or upstart.

With two essays in series about 110,000 pages Hamilton instantly became the most feared polemicist in America.

I can testify with evidence their barbarian status America

during the early days of the republic and the beginning of gravity of both friends and fiends in the common tradition of object resistance and treated the contention of the rivals with panache elegant insults and overwhelmingly compulsive genre of hard core pugilism.

There was nothing concrete steps among the barbarians to face the most enlightened society on earth and the bravura of immaculate defense left in the hands of a collegiate who had gained the provocative sky craftful method of educative triumph sailed through easily nailed the poser that the Westchester Farmer could not refute.He had defended the elaborate version of the British constitution and contended the colonists owed no allegiance to the parliament but to the king and the colonies are saddled with prerogative to break the shackles of parliamentary control and set up commonwealth liable to the monarchy and not to the king and then in an iconoclastic untiring writing style and statistically inclined back it up and traced royal charters for north America from the time immemorial back to Queen 👑 Elizabeth that deprived any power whatsoever for the parliament.That "the sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among the old parchments or musty records.They are written as with a sunbeam in the whole volume of human nature by the hand of divinity itself and can never be erased by mortal power."This justified the remarkable legal choices available to the use of the colonists beyond the sensation of human custom and social and political prejudice

He was indeed the true child of the revolution in a society that was grossly lacking in seasoned columnists flourished in wisdom in the midst of camaraderie and hostilities.

They claimed to be intelligent now but I doubt it and I say which intelligence? Otherwise they remain in their deceit and I will decide America into two ." "You re probably crazy"Dave added"Any the fragmentary ambush approach was adopted well articulated even before at Lexington and Concord battle was begun .Ron Chernow had called the' Intuitive judgement of the highest order'.He became household name even more when it became clear the collegiate scribbled the wonderful pieces to the consternation of Cooper's and Seabury's camp.They had cited Livingston,John Jay and infact Cooper in a chat with Robert Troup insisted it was not John Jay but Hamilton making the debating club extremely popular.

"Femi paused and cleaned his face still with drowned handkerchief."See the quotation was a reminder of John Dickinson's a reecho that the essential rights to happiness are bestowed by divinity and not by man given that"they re not anexed to us by parchments and seals".He actually did justice there to John's happiness ethics and you know is about the uneasy issues,a public oratory substantially beneficial in a way the intelligentsia hardly fathom.You know he quoted a little from David Hume the social philosopher behind the theory of the balance of trade that in the formation of government man must be knave and every selfless service is badly needed to harness its benefits for public good."Dave gestured as Femi nodded to help in the quotation.That "every man ought to be supposed a knave and to have no other end in his actions but private interests "and to think that the role of government was to stop private interest was In itself a hopeless task subscribing indirectly to Laissez faire concept of capitalism by Adam Smith and much better to harness the benefits for public good .He itemized the immense benefits of colonial trade to mother country and availed entrepreneurs of this venial sin of rapacious motifs that would skyrocket the size of the colonial trade even more than mother country.

In the long term plan for America he had said in the farmer Refuted "If we look forward to a period not far distant we shall perceive that the productions of our country will infinitely exceeds the demand which great Britain and her connections can possibly have for them"This sounded too ambitious for a united states of a people and multinational nations yet to be born in one of the world largest mass of lands.Prior to that ambitious declaration,he had admonished the loyalists about timing of action taking and they should act quickly to avert the tyranny before it dismembered the whole body.He says"If the swords of oppression be permitted to lop off one limb without opposition reiterated strokes will soon dismember the whole body."

Femi was aghast with such scale of unprecedented vision of a yet pregnant nation that the monumental mass of human mind had conceived.The Farmer Refuted was an intimidating piece embarrassed by breathtaking prophetic insight flourish of most ambitious declaration by unguarded utterance s of most audacious and sagacious provisions tarred beyond the jugular brush of human prejudice and proven later by the logics of its pioneer.A mere collegiate!"In the first quotation,let me finish the completed line when he says of future adventure that he will later spearhead and golden economy that he will later diversify ......'And as we shall then be greatly advanced in population our wants will be proportionately increased."Infact he quashed the rude notion and the dread of a potential defeat by England in the so called war of independence and decided military war strategy for the colonies and accurately predicted Spain and France would come to their aids.

"Femi paused "By coalition with Spain and France how sustainable?Was that the strategy?Dave critiqued Femi for the first time?See there was the fragmentary soldiery sporadic approach,how did he put it?"Dave knocked his cheeks with fairy tale and sounded too fairy to be sweet."In the approach it says and I quote "Let it be remembered that there are no large plains for the two armies to meet in and decide the conquest ....'.."Femi cleared his throat and adjusted his ottoman."Exactly the fragmentary ambush approach not open field firearm approach was conductedly convinced the British could win."Dave added".....That 'The circumstances of our country put it in our power to evade a pitched battle.It will be better policy to harass and exhaust the soldiery by frequent skirmishes and incursions than to take the open field with them by which means they would have the full benefits of their superior regularity and skills.Americans are better qualified for that kind of fighting which is most adapted to this country than regular troops."Femi halted breath still gesticulating"Exactly"Dave impressed"And you quote all these hollow verses offhand." Sofola expressed his enthusiasm."A white man like struggling to beat him how much worse a non American quite a blessing to our generation.That fragmentary approach was the sole reason behind the victory of the early republic and at a time when it was ignored by Washington out of over 25,000new York citizens the British massacred 20,000 Americans In new York using the much belated open field strategy just because they ignored the wonderful devise of fragmentary approach ."Dave noted"Exactly and you can see why we say in those days Americans were barbarians had no sense whatsoever.None whatsoever beyond the teleguided-devise of Hamiltonian America.

They claimed to be intelligent now but I doubt it and I say which intelligence? Otherwise they remain in their deceit and I will decide America into two ." "You re probably crazy"Dave added"Any the fragmentary ambush approach was adopted well articulated even before at Lexington and Concord battle was begun .Ron Chernow had called the' Intuitive judgement of the highest order'.He became household name even more when it became clear the collegiate scribbled the wonderful pieces to the consternation of Cooper's and Seabury's camp.They had cited Livingston,John Jay and infact Cooper in a chat with Robert Troup insisted it was not John Jay but Hamilton making the debating club extremely popular.

He was indeed the true child of the revolution in a society that was grossly lacking in seasoned columnists flourished in wisdom in the midst of camaraderie and hostilities."

"You hardly find such seasoned pamphleteers with combative mode of exorbitant expressions."Bode Moved closer to his brother put a word behind his ears as they debated time spent and exigencies of other commitments.

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