July 3, 2024


"I think we Ve spent more than one hours debating
And five or 6 hours to go.

Bode please shelve your engagement and we keep to our weekly meeting of our debating society.Hope no objection before I continue?"

Femi appealed to their conscience."What about my new friend and who came from Washington"Bode said."He could sleep over night at the estate or lodge him here till next day"Femi suggested as he turned to Sofola"Are you satisfied with the new arrangement for you estate or hotel lodging?"Bode requested."Both" Sofola quixotic"Good excerpt for Dave.We have no problem with Maxy."In the next three hours I LL wait becos my son Thompson is flying down to meet here coming from Tuskegee.He might be interested in the debating society to and loved American history too."Dave appealed too for permission."Don't worry you can remind when you re leaving.Back to our discussion the whole colony was agog by the time of the publication of The Farmer Refuted at the same time revolution commenced gradually when the British Parliament declared Massachusetts a rebellious state in a state of rebellion and endorsed the king's order to force them to submission.They were determined to adopt all measures to achieve the king's command not wishes.Subsequently Samuel Adams brother of John Adams together with John Hancock president of the first Continental congress were threatened with arrest and to apprehend and capitulate these eminent colonists on the night of April 18,1775 about eight hundred British troops not only proceeded out of Boston to achieve that purpose but also gained seizure of a stockpile of patriot munitions in Concord.

"Femi paused."You know there was a bloody trail of 273 British casualties during the Boston rampage of revolts.Have u read that too?"Dave added."The Patriots lost men and recorded casualties too about 95 either dead or injured."Femi replied."How did it happen?"Sofola raised up gaze."As they called minutemen being a motley of armed farmers had clashes with the British troops who passed Lexington and resulted into gunfire through which the British troops murdered eight colonists and added two more murders at Concord.So when they redcoats in Helter skelter retreated back to Boston the eruption of snipper fire riddled and unleashed its havoc behind hedges,stone walls and fences led to the blood trails in line with Hamiltonian fragmentary soldiery approach as opposed to open field strategy.

The mood of insurrection that took over New York came in just 4days kind of accelerated when the news of Boston uprising engulfed the city.There were discussions in every public place from taverns to street corners pondered events in the face of quaking Tories.

The drillmaster Edward Fleming who was married to De pester family had stint with the British regiment but had preference for the enfanterrible sons of liberty was a Hamilton most influential figure in the military infancy period and Hamilton like fellow students Nicholas Fish and Troup at king's College were some of volunteer in the company by Fleming name hearts of oaks and identied in the military rolls as Corsicans .These Patriotic young people were devoted to their new military obligations of regular parades, performing tours and got drilled before classes at a nearby of St.Paul chapel a local churchyard every day to gain mastery and warmly attached to Fleming's patriotism to success of the American revolution.Had as their motto "Liberty or Death like a stitch on the round leather caps as the young recruits winced and marched past tombstones .Fleming was unbridled disciplinarian and he must have such ethics from him the hard way and applied it rigorously to his life especially his educational leanings second to none in the history of early republic.Fish and Troup had revealed and linked the formation and the mastery of Hamilton 's evolution of work ethics down to their period.Hence he approached this gust of daily routine with the same rigorous energy he had paid to his studies and according to Robert Troup the invocation of 'military spirit ' to the rigorous routine and 'constant in his attendance and very ambitious of improvement 'was responsible for embarkment of comprehensive military education.He gained mastery of infantry drills,digested extensive and exorbitant military strategies,grew unequaled erudition in the rudiments of pyrotechnics,gunnery and munitions from veterans and so were heavily devoted to the hearts of oaks.

However it was after the battle of Lexington that he fully represented and attached himself to one of the uniform companies in the militia establishment under captain Fleming.

Not perturbed with the derision inherent in frenzy of impudent Citizen- solidified soldiers by British troops the animal spirit with which they were devoted to their duties was quite phenomenal.Like Hamilton they took up their muskets and bayonets
 as fast as his pen.It was after of the

They looted the British ships enroute and scheduled for Boston as well as the Arsenal at the city hall of supplies for the British troops.The soldiery items include muskets, cartridges and cartridge boxes, bayonets,aggregate a thousand weapons in the store and the provoked sons of freedom already added volunteer militia men as they moved around to the willing derision of loyalists mocking their expertise as tyro or green horns in complex works of arts:Soldiery.

Boisterous rebels stormed the streets in flying colours and violent drums beatings worsened by a mob of ebonoids little kids,pilferers and pocket breakers or pickpockets encouraged their unrivalled national dedication taking up arms and according to Judge Thomas Jones, the right of arms to defend the assailed right " of injured rights and liberties of America."

"Femi paused once again."Am quite sure with increasing threat against the loyalists many of them like Cooper would have fled the colony back to Britain during the period "Sofola was curious abit."Of course many did but for Cooper it was unlikely he did flee quickly.There were various stories peddled aside

However when on April 24 a deluge of patriots a staggering eight thousands mobsters besieged the City Hall and they grew grim death with provocation and it was fiery sight to behold scared and terrified Tories and many booked a passage back to England.Then Cooper and his group about five obnoxious men were implicated in the death at Massachusetts and the colonists resolved to burn them these Tories in effigy in the public glare .They scared them with the warning "Flee for your lives or anticipate your doom by becoming your own executioners"and despite the signature to the blatant death threats with "three lions" Cooper's was said to have stuck to his college position.Prior to the statement you hear popular statement such as "The injury you have done to your country cannot admit of reparation."There was demonstration on may 10 boozers on the rampage and heady youths with dangerous clubs about hundred of protesters stormed king's college to execute their sentence and deal with Myles Cooper and his ilks and it 'was a Tory and an obnoxious man and the mob went to the college with the intention of tarring and feathering him or riding him or riding him upon a rail."That was exactly how Hercules Mulligan put it distinctly.The sight and the swarm of irate mobsters terrified Nicholas Ogden another king's alumnus to the teeth and ran to Cooper's room and aided his escape.

"Femi on the relaxed tried harder to shift his legs and replied Sofola who raised his hands."How did he escape"Sofola interrogated."Ogden was reported to aid his escape scrambled through a back window.Like I said Hamilton and Troup lived in the same room near Cooper's quarters and it was Ogden who alerted of the incursion of the mobs and so with early information,they stage managed his escape when Troup says"Whereupon Hamilton instantly resolved to take his stand on the stairs infront of doctor's apartment and there to detain the mob as long as he could by a harangue in order to gain the doctor more time for his escape"

That was Troup's account anyway various stories ensued and infact the mob burgled the gate and surged towards his residence and by this time Hamilton was out with an impassioned speech that inspired humanism in the vociferous obstreperous protesters to control their conduct irrespective of the emotional leanings that would 'disgrace and injure the glorious cause of liberty."Not knowing he was simply pacifying the irate youths whereas the slightly deaf cooper head poking from upper story window as he observed Hamilton gesticulated on the stoop beneath to ḿistakenly thought he was inciting the mob against him."Don't mind him what he says"shouted from the top to the angry mob."He's crazy." "Maybe because he was slightly deaf "Bode opined "No it's all about prejudice against the colonists."

Femi replied him."Another says "Don't believe anything Hamilton says.He's a little fool"Cooper's shouted at the mob sters."Dave added another version."Exactly several versions of the event.I think the more plausible version was that he had vamoosed and scampering scampered to safety the Ogden's warning was unveiled.Infact he was said to have scampered away in a nightgown.How about that?"

"Am confused abit"Bode expressed mix feelings."Anyway the general view is that Hamilton bought enough time probably his filibustering to avail his subsequent escape and scared of his life,clamber over a back fence and escaped to Hudson meandered all night long at the shore and next boarded man of war for passage to England.

He boarded ship next day for England where in the safety of study he continues his militancy against the colonists.Infact a poem was written by himself about his fortunate escape and how the rabble threatened him with death."a murderous band " broke into his room "And whilst their curses load my head /With piercing steel they probe the bed /And thirst for human gore."I think this version was passionately true and laid to rest the likely authenticity of these various versions and not reliable to follow those who speculated he ran off half naked into the night.

He became the saddest man when England lost the revolution to the colonists and it was reflected in his will his greatest regret or perdition of legacy was the loss of colonies by England and "shattered to pieces by this abominable rebelliion".

Above all Hamilton 's passionate milk of human forgiveness and the pedigree of sacrificing heroic exploits for the defense of average human personality bad or good and the audacity to avoid terrible injury on his body for his immaculate conviction of human defense over revolutionary vengeance."
"He could have been beaten to death had it not been for his revolutionary speech as a collegiate and best columnist in the colony"Dave said""exactly."Sofola supported this notion."He had wrestled his emotion over danger of mob rule and damage that the revolution heroics could unleash on constituted authority when left uncurbed.The superiority of forgiveness over plaster of revolutionary vengeance was alien to passionate mobsters with popular sentiment in the colony.

He was skeptical about sadistic lour of revolutionary vengeance over an unbridled bias for insurrection which they fretted immensely and supported that could go awry in this lambast of awry times if not approached with strokes of censured measures and same opinion were entertained by leading public figures during the period John Adams was alarmed in such frenzy of insurrection and revolutionary vengeance that with extreme dread he wondered the grave situation and apprised what would happen" if the multitude the vulgar the herd the rabble" persisted in the open disrespect of public authority.There came a season of pride covered with fest of fear and optimism for the new york patriots like Hamilton in the late spring of 1775.They marched through Philadelphia on May 6 where thousands of new York mobsters bombarded the rooftops,jammed streets,stoops and doorways."Femi paced slowly."Who marched?"Bode asked"The group of new yorkers and Hamilton's friends and patriots and they revolted for the stoppage of regular clanging of church bells 
."Femi committed a blunder."Let me correct that.Am an American in that scenario the thousands of revolutionaries you refer to voiced their endorsement of delegates and were approved even beyond according Ron Chernow "the incessant clanging of church bells."He corrected the fauxpass."Exactly sorry for the slip of tongue.You know the old loyalist assembly in new York did not send delegates to the first continental Congress..."Femi retorted."Not exactly put it this way they refused to send.....okay."Dave noted to avoid him villainful execution of characters."Exactly not just refusal but they also scrapped the first continental Congress and replaced it with a new York provincial assembly.What was the advantage of such adventure?Femi was interrogated by Dave once more."I think the new body in their delegates'slates you know was to send delegates into Philadelphia including Phillip Schuyler his future brother in law 
"you know your Governor George Clinton as future political nemesis was also there."Dave added."Yeah, finally they flocked together and the Congress on may 10,convened in the now independence hall formerly Pennsylvania state house at a time the frustrated colonists were still praying for the peaceful settlement of their fall out with the crown and it showed how much bond of affection they expressed for the king's country at that material point in time as the most powerful country in the whole world and the first industrialised society in living history.They barely contemplated the wisdom of Hamiltonian spirit of freedom though had reached a point armed conflict was not only inevitable but potentially disastrous.

but also potentially disastrous."
However the progressives did not bicker themselves and managed to institute the second continental Congress that is bereft of the true properties of a responsible government or bonafide political system incorporation of a currency,tax system,with taxing power, revolutionary army,a coast guard, police system but one thing cannot be taken away from its curio of historical regalia that it became in Pell mell,brazenly improvised form the first ever government of the united states of America.All eyes wrestled upon a lonely Gentleman from Virginia when the fundamental task for the appointment of commander in chief pressed heavily on the congress.A man with reticent and resilient poise often in uniform to advertise his.. experience in the french and Indian wars.He was forty three when he was appointed as the commander in chief .

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