May 10, 2019
Shall we approach Christian truths or revelation with the help of reason?Many can point out contradiction between Bible and reason,that those who practiced christianity in those days tested the validity of christianity with institutional reason. Belief and knowledge were compatible.Let me go onto to cite two instances of medieval philosophers that dealt with these questions. First St. Augustine of Hippo(354-430)comes greedily to mind.If we take account of his life,we can observe the graphic transition from late antiquity to the early middle ages.He was born in a little town of Tagaste,North Africa.He went to Carthage to study at age sixteen and after hehad traveled to Rome and Milan,eventually settled in the town of Hippo,sittuated some few miles west ofCarthage.He was one of the founding fathers of the church,but was never a christian all his life.But before he became a christian,he tested several religions and philosophies.First,a Manichaen as tagged that is refering to Manichaens who were a religious sect.
May 9, 2019
Byzanthine in the east and Arabic in the south and the world culture was glided with all the colours of rainbow that time and space could offer and glittered with philosophy.Neoplatonism flowed to the west and Plato and Aristotelian were handed to the east and arabs in the south respectively.At the exit of middle ages then they clustered and collided in Northern Italy to kickstart mordern civilisation.It drew inspiration from arabic influence that erupted from Spain plus Greek influence from Greece and Byzanthine empire.This gave birthto another civilisation epoch known as Renaisance means rebirth ofantique culture,that is the culture that survived dark ages.Now let us move onto medieval philosophy.Did the medieval philosophy not take it for granted thatchristianity was true?But havetested several philosophies were able to subconsciously polished christianity with those prejudices.They had faith and reason in it and exploited relationship it had with the Greek Philosophy.It would be strange today to do that.VOLTAIRE
had a latinised Christian culture with Rome at its capital and so we speak Byzanthine Middle Ages in contrast to the Roman Catholic Middieval.Then the North Africa and Middle east also part of the empire formed the third division,a different culture that evolved during medieval into Arabic speaking muslim part.And when Prophet Muhammad died in 632 both north africa and middle east became part of Islam.In the same way Iberian Peninsula including Spain was won over into Islamic Culture,with mecca,medina and jerusalem designated as holy cities.Arabs invaded the ancient city of Alexander with its great library and took it over and that made them inherited much of the ancient old Greek science.This made them predominant in sciences such as mathematics,astronomy,medicine and chemistry and till date we still use arabic figures.To some extent were superior to Christian culture. With that division that was how Graeco Roman civilisation survived through this tripartite cultures.As they say,Roman Catholic in the west,
To draw into the checkered antecedence of Roman Empire,the world's longest civilisation especially its zeutergeist would be to nail the poser on the beautiful memory of one of the most glorious epochs the world ever had.The supreme head of Roman Catholic Church,was the Bishop of Rome and was given the title"pope"which means in Latin 'Papa'that signifies Christ deputy on earth.This testified to the domineering status of the grandest city as the cultural center of late antiquity and was the christian capital throughout the medieval.Although Plato's Academy was closed down,still Greek Philosophy continued to inspire the world and reenacted new civilisation,especially through the writtings and leftovers of Plato and Aristotle.The old Roman Empire was splitted into three divisions and different cultures with the one in Eastern Europe having Byzantium Greek name as its capital but popularly known as Istanbul today,and formerly called Constantinople,had a Greek christian culture.The second in western Europe had a
May 8, 2019
Eastern part with Constantinople as capital.In 410, Rome was plundered by the Barbarians and by 476,the entire western part was destroyed.Not untill 1453 when the Turks defeated and conquered Constantinople,the Eastern part continued as a state and name later changed to Istanbul.In 529, Plato's Academy in Athens was closed down and it implies the Christian Church put an end to Greek Philosophy.The middle ages witnessed the largest expansion in the school system,including both convent and cathedral schools,many folk tales,folk music.Prominent names such as Snorri,Saint Olaf,Charlemagne, Romeo and Juliet, Pied Piper of Hamelin,Joan ofArc,Ivanhoe and so many majestickings,queens, Princes,knights,even friars,crusaders,clergies and witches etc.Rome had a population of over a millionpeople,during the antiquity and by 600,fell astronomically tomere 40,000,so that by the end of 4th century,its time was already over.This was a period of high cultures,public baths,sewers andlibraries with big cities,proudarchitecture.
We can say that the middle ages was begun at the fourth century and by the eleventh,twelfth and thirteenth often regarded as the period of High Gothic and that was the period in which the great Cathedrals of Europe was built.Suddenly by the 14thcentury,the interminable middle ages passed away,choked in the middle and taken over by Renaisance era(1300-1600).Christianity was a strong force during the period and profiteth immensely from its evolution.Around 3 the Christian Church was banned but was accepted in Rome by Emperor Constantine,in A.D.313.Infact the Holy Roman Emperor was baptised on his deathbed and from year 380,it was official religion in Roman Empire,though some sources disputed it.Rome was threatened in the 4th century by barbarians,that pressed from the North,and by A.D.330,Constantine the Great moved capital to constantinople from Rome,the City he founded near black sea and they often call it Second Rome.Roman Empire was divided into two by 395 with western empire and Rome as capital and then
They called the country ruled by Sons Of God,the Kingdom Of God.When it lost its glorious era,the kingdom,Israel was into both Northern Kingdom(Israel) and Southern Kingdom( Judea).The former in 1722.B.C.was defeated by the Assyrians and its political and religious significance was wiped out.It was in 586 B.C.that the southern kingdom was destroyed and conquered by the Babyloans And temple destroyed and most of its people sent of as slaves.The Babylonian captivity expressively lasted until 539,when they were returned back to their land in Jerusalem.Hence,the great temple was restored.Until the birth of Christ,the Jews lived under the imperialism of external agressors and foreign domination.We shall at this point,do awholehearted analysis of theemergent christian era and the apostles,but it appears that the growth of history was structured completely to favour western religions especially Christianity.The apostle of choice is paul,a Roman Jurist,also stood on same Areopagus Hill in which Socrates also taught.
The belief in the God Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob later Israel,obviously show Semites had a linear view of history,to be capped by the history of judgemen t day and the rest.This played an important in the history of these western religion.With their strong emphasis that stress the importance of divine intervention,they were preocuppied for thousand of years,writting and rewritting the ever changing pattern and course of history.The most holy city of Jerusalem till date is a religious center for the three religions especially Christianity.The jews reached their peak,when the Jacob was changed to Israel and the twelve tribes.Around the year,1200 B.C.Moses received ten commandments from God on Mount Sinail and that was the time they were slaves in Egypt.They were later freed after a lot of stress.Before the advent of Greek Philoshy and a thousand years before,rose three kings in Israel And they received the title'Messiah'which means anointed one.Sometimes,they call them Sons Of God as a goalgetter between God,BARON DE MONTESQUIEU
For well over two thousand years,after their dispersal from home,the strategic thrust of history was bent for their sake and favour,when the semitic religion and culture reached farthest of the globe,through Christianity and to some extent through Islam.From Judaism to Christianity and then Islam all being western religions also share same semitic background.Both Koran,holy scripture of muslims and Bible,the holly book of the saints were written in the semitic languages'family.Incidentally,one of the Old Testament's words for"
gods"share the same meaning.that is the same semantic root has the same meaning as Allah meaning "god".It doesnt necessarily means that despite the formulation of christian ideology,that was influenced by Greek,Latin and the Philosophy of Hellenistic Period,New Testament was still boldly written in Greek.Indo European believed in many gods,the Semites professed belief in one God,monotheism,distinguished the three religion from pantheism of Indo Europeans.They believed in the Creationism
gods"share the same meaning.that is the same semantic root has the same meaning as Allah meaning "god".It doesnt necessarily means that despite the formulation of christian ideology,that was influenced by Greek,Latin and the Philosophy of Hellenistic Period,New Testament was still boldly written in Greek.Indo European believed in many gods,the Semites professed belief in one God,monotheism,distinguished the three religion from pantheism of Indo Europeans.They believed in the Creationism
of Benjamin Graham,basically preserving the principal as well as the returns.Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard who was rich then broke due to plethora of lawsuits that bedevilled his company and domains.He was able improved his products and add high quality serviceslater fought back,came back stronger,to reclaim stardom.Be ready to create a consumable products that people love like Cocacola etc and be a service provider in high growth industry.Invest in trickish oil and gas,and then real estate and grow your portfolio over time.Carl Berg like Dean Graphiosi,became a billionaire in real estate investment,the great Rockefeller with his behemoth oil company,Standard Oil of New Jersey,made criminal and phenomenalwealth from blackgold.Above all rays of activities by world brightest billionaires must begin by positive thinking and backed up by otherlisted attributes.Methinks that even grassroot people who aresuccesful in theirown little way must have deployed more or less,same attributes,but the difference is clear.
Learn how to add value.What they have been able to do consistently over time is to simply add value. From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet,it is the old same logic and formula.The former took software expertise down to Microsoft,from the domain of I B M that pioneered it and made it a household name,first and foremost among techies and technological geeks then around the world through microsoft windows.Buffet bought Berkshire Hathaway,a textile manufacturer that started in 1830s or thereabout,bought it in the 1960s and later turned it into investment company and today made it the world largest investment company,with over fivehundred billion dollars worth of market capitalisation on stock exchange.Peter Peterson and Steve Schwarzman,the founder of Blackstone,both world largest alternative asset manager and world largest private equity firm like the Oracle Of Boston and the rest of hedge fund companies,have been able to consistently add value.Buffet,oracle Of Omaha and the Oracle of B
'Video'a typical verb,in Latin means vision,in Roman simply means to see which is also the same as staring at the TV screen.In English words like wise and wisdom in German named wissen meaning to know.Viten is a Norwegian word the same as Indian word Vidya or idea in and the Latin Video.Indo European cultures not just myths are also related and the same with all Oriental religions.Hinduism and Budhism havethe same origin,even with the Greeks.The same philosophical reflections abound between them.The belief in pantheism that deity is present in all things,thedoctrine of immortalityof the soul,the transmigration or rebirth cycle,belief in ascetism as variegated fundamental belief run through many Indo European cultures for well over two thousand fivehundred years.Now let us travel to Israel and discuss Semitism.When we say Semitism,we are refering to the ideology of the Semites or Israelites.They originated from Arabian Peninsula and also migrated from some other parts of theworld.They left their home long ago.
Vaner is a word that is related to the Latin word 'Venus'that is the goddess of fertility and in Sanskrit the related word is Vani which means desired.Indo European myths also shared some affinity.For instance,in Snorri's myths which reflects Nordic environment or stories of the Old Norse gods,several myths there are similar to the Indian myths,handed down from about two to three thousand years earlier.All can be traced to a common source,trading stories of immortal potion and struggles between the gods against the monster of chaos.The modes of thoughts are clearly similar across all Indo European cultures.The Greek culture especially philosophy itself originated from Indo European spheres of culture,with the Nordic,Greek and Indian mythologies adopting speculative mode or ideological worldview.Many words are related from clime to clime because it is so from culture to culture.For instance'insight'is called Vidya in Sanskrit and related to the Greek word 'idea'so important in platonic ideology.Whereas theword
Vaner is a word that is related to the Latin word 'Venus'that is the goddess of fertility and in Sanskrit the related word is Vani which means desired.Indo European myths also shared some affinity.For instance,in Snorri's myths which reflects Nordic environment or stories of the Old Norse gods,several myths there are similar to the Indian myths,handed down from about two to three thousand years earlier.All can be traced to a common source,trading stories of immortal potion and struggles between the gods against the monster of chaos.The modes of thoughts are clearly similar across all Indo European cultures.The Greek culture especially philosophy itself originated from Indo European spheres of culture,with the Nordic,Greek and Indian mythologies adopting speculative mode or ideological worldview.Many words are related from clime to clime because it is so from culture to culture.For instance'insight'is called Vidya in Sanskrit and related to the Greek word 'idea'so important in platonic ideology.Whereas differs
Long term thinking is ordinarily the basis of a succesful strategy.Jeff Bezos,posted losses for years,before turning profit at Amazon.Sustainable capacity building,mentorship,creative and critical thinking work only for a long term thinker.You must have capability to take a solid action and back up your vision and goal with it.It is a common knowledge,no plan is achievable without solid action,well targeted action,specific and concrete focus,succesful billionaire entrepreneurs,are so easily made.Be a good salesman.All entrepreneurs have ample recourse and foolproofs of their salesmanship drive,including the art of time scheduling,bargaining or the art of negotiation or the art of manipulation of men to get the best of them.Then again,do not forget,add this strategy also,you must be a great brand builder.Invest in your identity that is your brand is your identity,invest in your brand.Do not try to look for short cost,follow the routine and not cut corners. When opportunities come,be the first to notice it.
May 7, 2019
Be a positive thinker.It must be the first strategy on your roadmaps towards making billions.It was Norman Vincent Pearle,that popularised the word"Positive thinking"and it requires a lot of faith and too passionate about its work.Many of us have read,"Think And Grow Rich"by Napoleon Hill and that is best book to gauge the powers of positive thinking at work.The second thing common to all extremely wealthy people is the power of networking.You must be an avid networker and i think it is a pretty influential tactics among them.Neil Pateil used the power of networking with hundred millionaires to certainly become millionaire himself.The third strategy,you must be good in time management.As they say time is money and also carry opportunities with it.Hence,to move with time,they tend to manage with time,delicate opportunities effectively that come their way.In this way,the fourth strategy comes in handy that is be a long term thinker.All of the above requires critical creative long term thinker to be sucessful .
I know that our hands are not equal and we hardly doubt that equal opportunity exist for everyone.To those at the top of the pyramid,i still wonder how they manage to get there trampling over heads of multitudes of lost souls,struggling for pittance.To be frank,here's what i have found lately about them and i will reveal to you their open secrets.Anyway you already know that and this will just be a reminder.Now listen to the secrets of how to be a billionaire.I mean the same secrets that billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg,Francois Pinnault,Bill Gates,Jeff Bezos,Warren Buffet, Jerry Yang,Larry Elison,Oprah Winfrey,John Dejoria,Ralph Lauren, Paul Maccartney and a host of over two thousand billionaires worlwide. Though i disagrees with global population figure of sixteen million millionaires,certainly they use same formular to become wealthy. Before i mention or open up the secret,you know you must have some skills and also have something you must sell.Now let me list these strategies as noted below .
May 6, 2019
The mutts sport and frolics behind,in her haemorrhaging mutes of epic morn,muttering,grouching and grumpyism in the hagridden gallivant.She,not the namby pamby naivety oik,nailbiting and mudslinging,not to pith with the navelgazers'nausea,but the nativity's nimby,nifty,with misfit's pizzaz egalitarian hue and cry.Sometimes,she gustos with speed,haggard behind the gazelles and greyhounds.Sometimes a timbered trod,dipped pinkies halfbaked into placket of overload plaid,adorned with her pintsized delectable frame,pitterpattering exigency,with the pith helmet of homestead gallantry,not pitch blark,piqued piteously to pipedream the pined snapshots,in her lustrous lustre.What a skypie that she was hoodwinked and charmed in her pigsty and hovel! Wither not pestilential meander,her trademark hood enrobed not to be flushed with multitudinous miserabilists to pall a neuter of damp squid,with hex of pie eyed arcadian muse,petered with egregious pertinacity of the drooping placebos.Pent up thy carthasis for the muse!
that stretched from the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea onward wander southeast into Iran and India,then later south west to Greece,Italy and Spain,westward to central Europe to France and Britain.They then moved northwestward to scandinavian and northward to Eastern Europe and Russia.Germanic tribes colonised most of europe.Now we move onto the fact most Indo Europeans' names and words are similar such as in the ancient Indian,that worshipped celestial gods,"Dyaus".In Sankrit text means the sky,day,heaven.Dyaus in Greek the god is called Zeus,"which in latin cali it Jupiter or father heaven or iov-pater. The word Aser the gods of the Vikings is prominent in the region and in Sanskrit,are Called Azura Ahura in Persia.Deva another word for god in Sanskrit is altered as daeva and deus in both Persian and Latin or tivurr in Old Norse.There were many fertility gods believed in Viking times such as Niord, Freyr Freyja and collectively known as Vaner.
Judaism,muhamedanism or Islam and Christianity form Western mysticism and are basically monotheistic religion.Eastern mysticism comprises of hinduism,budhism,shintoism and other Chinese and Asiatic religions.Atheism also forms an exclusive experience and according to britannica encyclopaedia,every religion including atheism professes belief in the supernatural.The Indo Europeans was distinguished by belief in many gods,polytheism.That culture and names of these god recur round the IndoEuropean region.Before we mentioned that let us know the region and what do they mean by the word"Indo European"?It refers to all countries and cultures using indoeuropean languages.This sprawling region stretches to cover a vast swathe ofEuropean region.Infact it covers all European countries excluding the inhabitants of Finno-Ugrian languages such as Lapp,Hungarian,Estonian and Finish or that of the Basque,including even Iranian and most indian languages.Theancient Indo Europeans,about 4,000 years ago once lived in territories
The first pole refers to divine light governed by One,sometimes calls it God.The second pole refers to darkness which he calls absence of light.That the soul is illuminated with light from God or One,and this darkness has no real existence.He refers to matter as the darkness.While his doctrine is holistically characterisedas wholeness or completely,in contrast to plato's dualism,his metaphor is likened to Plato's myth of the cave.The shadows deep in Plato's cave,also testifiesto the gloriouslight ofthe One.Sometimes he used his life as casestudy,when he experienced a fusionof his soul withthe One,whichthey call mystical experience.Mysticism simply means merging with God,a mystic union or fusion to borrowPlotinus emphasis.Somecall thefusion with greater i or nature or with cosmic spirit or theUniverse.According to an Indian mystic philosopher:"When i was,God was not.WhenGod is,i am no more". Mysticism opens an ideological template for over five thousand world religions and certainly,every saint is a mysticist.
We move onto Neoplatonism.It was the most remarkable philosophical trend in the late Hellenistic period and was inspired by plato's ideology.Plotinus(c.205-270) was the most influential in this school.It was in Alexandria that he studied philosophy and later settled in Rome.For many centuries the city Alexandria,was meeting point between Oriental mysticism and Greek philosophy especially through its gigantic library.When he came with him to settle down in Rome,his doctrine of salvation was ferociously competitive against emerging christianity.Infact,it has considerable influence on christianity.He was familiar with plato's theory of ideas and sensory world and the properly established notion of a clear division between soul and body,making man a dual creature.He believed we had also immortal soul and body composed of earth and dust like sensory world.This platonic knowledge like similar ideas from Asia,influence Plotinus conception of neoplatonism.That the world is made up of two poles or a span between them.
Fear of gods brought a lot of people to Epicurus garden,where they deployed atom theory of Democritus as useful cure for religious taboos.To overcome the fear of death,is then to live a good life and to this purpose Epicurus used this Democritus's theory of soul atoms.Epicurus says"Death does not concern us"that"because as long as we exist,death is not here.And when it does come,we no longer exist."He simply reechoed what Democritus said that there was no life after death and after death disperse in every direction. As intoned in the four medicinal herbs:that 'the gods are not to be feared.Death is nothing to worry about.Good is easy to attain.The fearful is easy to endure'.The four ingredients highlighted here should form philosophical basis,for a medicine chest.Unlike Stoics, Epicureans stayed away from politics and the community.Hence Epicurus says"Live in seclusion". Epicureans emphasised more on selfindulgence with the motto'live for the moment'.Today, the word"Epicurean is related to pleasure .
May 1, 2019
The most compelling interest,for the cascading fortitude of sojourner's intent,basically the incentives available for the nativity of the embittered poised into flight. The hanging exigencies of the intended flight even when not premeditated,will absolutely determines the nature of flight's operation not excluding the pattern of exigency at cascading the sometimes unbudgeted trips that might swoop on providence for lifetime transmutation.In this tentative forays of educated hazardguess by the artist's flight promiscuity and sometimes demoralised hagiological bent,the likelymiscariage of the much implacably vengeful troves of horrors and probably rankles of impending injustices of the new end of the tunnel must be swallowed hook line and sinker. The artist sojourner would be held in painful suspense of the new dreamland probate court of distress.To be sequestered from its beleaguered court of distress,is to be extricated from its horrendous hours,shameful stench and misery vomitting,circumstances'bloodletting,
It is incontrovertible that the ordeals of a personage are fertile soil for the denouement and demotion of distress times.It may well be accelerated where microindustrial action is massively ingrained to demilitarize the apron string of failure.We might need to streamline concerted efforts adopted to demystify the ordeal through monomaniac quandrantic approach.Times and space denigrates which approach,with its balancing bundles to be hurled at the licentious bedlam of this boisterous ordeals to divulge effect from induring impression of the impudent savagery and latent depravity,overflowing the artist's pressence,marred with windmills of brutes,minnows and mules,hibernating in an ecology,precluded by loungelizards,simpletons and fatalists.Visionless psyches and men at arms of never do wells and brothels ofbankrupt dreamy lewds share breathless proximity.This melange of visionary executioners specialised in ferocious abolitionism of forward looking precision.We avert the impending horrors by changing location.
Now,we move onto Epicureanism,another school of thought manned by epicureans who interpreted philosophy in a new way,giving it another direction. Aristippus was a pupil under Socrates who believed the highest possible sensory enjoyment should be general aim of life.He says"The highest good is pleasure"whereas stoics and cynics opposed all material luxuries that man had to free himself from its bondage.Aristippus also said,"The greatest evil is pain"opposing other schools.While the two schools believed in enduring all kinds of pain,he vowed to develop a way of life with aim to avoid pain at all forms.Then around the year 300 B.C., Epicurus keyed into the self imbibed vision of Aristippus,visited and founded a philosophy in Athens and followers were called'Epicureans' or so to say pleasure lovers,voluptuaries and hedonist clubs.He perfected pleasure ethics of Aristippus,combined with atom's theory of Democritus.They live in that garden and sometimes known as garden philosophers.
It was merely incomplete mimicry of perfect natural law.They eliminated the difference between individual and the universe and also denied conflict whatsoever extant between spirit and matter,and saw them as one entity.They therefore accepted monism in contrast to Platonic dualism or two fold reality.They were cosmopolitans like the sophists,drew attention to importance of human fellowship and were involved in the politics of their day and many were active sales like Roman Emperor,Marcus Aurelius( A.D.121-180).The great Cicero(106-43 B.C.)was one of them and one of the most successful orator,philosopher and statesman that helped encouraged the growth of Greek culture and philosophy in Rome.He singlehandedly formed the concept of humanism that later took Renaisance by storm and partly contributed to end the feudal and medieval horrors.They believed nothing happens by accident and all natural processes including ailment and death,follow commandment of natural law and mankind must learn to accept his destiny .
Little wonder,the word Cynicism refers to sneering belief in human sincerity and insensitivity to other people's suffering.Stoic school was founded by Zeno of Citium,a migrant from Cyprus who joined the Cynics in Athens after being survival in a shipwrecked.He started by gathering his followers under the portico,the same world from which Stoicismcame from,refering to the Greek word for portico meaning stoa.The school later made meaningfulcontribution to Roman culture.Eachperson was like a world in miniature,a microcosmos a reflection of macrocosmos and eachequiped with same common sense or logos. The universal rightness the so called natural law was born from this reflection.Timeless human and universal reasonthat did not alter with time and space,provide template uponwhich natural law was built.In this disputation of logics,the stoicssupported Socrates againstthe Sophists.This type of law governsall mankind even serfs and the stoic regarded various legal statutes of many states merely as its fake version.
not on random and fugacious things.It is not found either in external advantages such as wealth,luxury,politics or good health and is often been found to be permanent when attained.Diogenes was the best known of the Cynics,a pupil of Antisthenes,was reported was to have lived in a barrel,owned a cloak,a stick and a bread bag and nothing else and wasnt easy to steal his happiness from him.Hence,the teaching was influential in the way they lived and believed.A story has it that Alexander the Great came to him to press him to demand anything.The emperor stood before him while he was sitting beside his barrel.Was there anything he desired"Yes"he replied " Stand to one side.You're blocking the sun".Indeed,methinks,as the poorest man in the world,he was the most contented man in the world to defy and summon courage to ridicule the most powerful man in the world was truly truly,the 8th wonders of the world.They believed,it did not even matter to worry your own health,suffocation and death dont even bother them.
April 30, 2019
Hellenistic science was influenced by amalgam of cultures,with town of Alexandria,a meeting point between east and west.Athens had been center of philosophy,still relevant after Socrates Plato and Aristotle,Alexandria now became center of science.Its extensive library became research center for biology,medicine,maths and astronomy.We shall move onto greater scholarship by highlighting various schools of philosophy,still extant today.Hence,new ideologies and thoughts have been devised over time and some of them have been summarised below.From the Cynics,Stoics,Epicureanism,Neoplatonism,Mysticism etc.Cynics,or Cynic School of philosophy was founded by Antisthenes around 400 Athens.The story goes that Socrates had visited a market and stood gazing at the stall and all its wares been sold.He said"what a lot of things i dont need".That became the motto for the new school.He was a pupil of Socrates and was particularly interested in frugality. They entertained belief that true happiness lies in depending
But prior to the conquest of Hellenistic world by Romans,Rome itself was a mere province of Greek culture.And so the already dominant Greek culture came to play a major force in the syncretic movement.There was fusion of religion,philosophy and science together with the borders and boundaries of the Persians,Greeks, Babylonians,Syrians,Romans, Egyptians completely erased.City squares replaced by world arena and also oriental gods were worshipped in the meditteranean countries.This gave birth to new religious formations and this is called fusion of creeds or syncretism.It did not really matter that doubts,pessimism and cultural delusion set in that characterised late antiquity but the fusion of creeds had certainly achieved its goal of preparing the road to new global religions like christianity or mohamedanism that rose later. Also spiritual teaching about how to obtain salvation from death also spread like wildfire.Philosophic insight with its own rewards was thought to have its own of freing man from death.
But prior to the conquest of Hellenistic world by Romans,Rome itself was a mere province of Greek culture.And so the already dominant Greek culture came to play a major force in the syncretic movement. There was fusion of religion,philosophy and science together with the borders and boundaries of the Persians,Greeks, Babylonians,Syrians,Romans, Egyptians completely erased.City squares replaced by world arena and also oriental gods were worshipped in the meditteranean countries.This gave birth to new religious formations and this is called fusion of creed or syncretism.It did not really matter that doubts,pessimism and cultural delusion set in that characterised late antiquity but the fusion of creeds had certainly achieved its goal of preparing the road to new global religions like christianity or mohamedanism that rose later. Also spiritual teaching about how to obtain salvation from death also spread like wildfire.Philosophic insight with its own rewards was thought to have its own of freing man from death.
Aristotle died in the year 322 a time Athens had lost its dominant influence.This decline was linked to the political upheavals,ochestrated from the conquests of Alexander the Great-356-323 B.C.That long period from Aristotle near the exit of 4th century B.C.up to the early medieval around A.D.400 with christianity as powerful force during the period should provide a rational template for our discussion.He was the young Alexander's tutor,and it was Alexander that won the final decisive battle against the Persians.He had many conquests that linked Egypt and the Orient up till far east,then India to the Greek civilisation.This conquest brought a new civilisation led by Greek culture and their language played a major role and lasted a tercentenary.It was called'Hellenism'to refer to a period when Greek dominated culture prevailed in three Hellenistic Kingdoms of Macedonia,Syria and Egypt.Around the year 50 B.C. Rome finally secured upper hands in both military and political affairs as the new superpower.
He lampooned platonic as infantile and puerile,trapped in the mythical,in which mortal imagination was confused with the real world. That nothing exist in the consciousness which has not first been experienced in the senses.He also held that all our thoughts and ideas have come into our consciousness based upon what we have heard and seen.He disputed Plato's notion of innate ideas and never deny reason as man's most distinguishing characteracteristics,that man has no innate ideas,and reason is completely empty until we have sense something.He was able nature into several categories such as living things and non living things with the former equiped with potentiality for change.Non livings such as stones,drops of water or heaps of soil were classified as having no potentiality,a submission that Herarclitus would have debated and ferociously challenged.It should be noted however that Aristotelian metaphysics and its geocentric principles of the universe dominated European thoughts for more than 20centuries .
According to records from Antiquity,refer to 170titles supposedly authored by him,some 47 preserved and uncompleted books;a repertoire largely of lecture notes given that philosophy during the period was completely an oral activity.He was said to have created scientific terminoloy in use today,a great organizer,established and categorised various sciences accordingly.He sharply critiqued his teacher,who held that ideas were more real than allthe phenomena of nature,Aristotle didnt spare him,retorted he was turning things upside down.He wasan empiricist,consideringutmost significance,he placed in the use of senses like Parmenides.Their highest degree of reality is what we perceive with oursenses,not what we think with ourreason.He contradicts his assumptionthat all things we see in the physicalworld were purely reflections of the things that existed in the spirit world of higher reality and ideas.He thought the contradiction,nature is the real world,things buried inthe human soul were pure natural reflection.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) unarguably the most influential scientist in European history,who not a native of Athens,was a pupil of Plato's Academy for close to twenty years.Like Alexander the Great,he was born in Macedonia and came to Plato's Academy when Plato was 61 years old.Aristottle's patriarchy was a respected physician and scientist and that speaks volume the inspiration especially his philosophical project started from home.He may not have been the last great philosopher but certainly he was Europe's first great biologist.Unlike platonic fantasy,he was interested in nature's study and finding suitable explanation for natural processes.While Plato shut its eyes to everything around us and turn heavenwards to unrealistic world of eternity and ideas,Aristotle did the opposite,a stark contrast and hardly spared him.Aristotle was empiricist while his predecessors were both rationalists alike.Plato was a mythologist and a poet and they claim Aristotle had extensive writings,though debatable and unproven.
He then likened a state to human body that has similar three parts,rulers,auxilliaries and labourers or farmers.Plato's ideal state has been likened to the hindu caste system in which everybody has a role for the good of the whole.Prior to Plato's time hindu's has similar tripartite structure between auxilliary caste,or priest caste,the warrior and then labourers'castes.It was like Plato's totalitarian state and his viewsthat warriors and rulers should nothave private property or not allowed family life would consideredalien to mordern times where lucre is god.Plato wrote the Laws in which he considered constitutional state as nextbest stateand reintroducedboth private property and familybond.He calls for education of women.Consideringthe time,he lived,scholars arefond of the fact hehad a positiveview about women.For a state to refuse to train woman is like a man that trains only his right hand.In the Dialogue symposium,he reserves a woman the legendary priestess Diotima,the honour of giving Socrates insight.
His world of reality is divided into categories or regions.In the sensory world,or physical world or material,all thing flows and nothing is permanent and then secondly the world of ideas or spirit world is eternal.With this submission he believed man is a dual creature and all natural phenomenal are merely illusion and shadows of the eternal forms of ideas.He popularised the myth of the caves and illustrates in the myth how philosophers'road evolved from shadowy images to the true form of ideas behind all natural phenomena.He might have been thinking about Socrates his masterthat the cave dwellers killeddue to the fact he disturbed them,given his popularity by trying to show people the true light,when he wrote this myth.He believed the human body is composed of three parts,mainly the head,that controls reason,the chest that controls the will and abdomen that controls appetite.That each of these soulful faculties has a virtue: reason aspires to wisdom; human will aspires to courage or faith;and last modesty.
Just like Empedocles'eccletic model,he borrows from Herarclitus and also says but partly that"all thing flows.That any tangible thing,everything form in nature flows and there are no substances that do not dissolve. Everything that belong to material world that time can dissolve but those after a timeless mold are eternal or immutable.Hence,he borrows partly from Anaximander and partly from Herarclitus to draw an eccletic conclusion.While he points toward heaven,Aristotle points towards the earth.He concluded there must be a force or reality behind the material world and he called the reality'world of ideas.'This contained immutable patterns that back up various phenomena inherent in nature and this influences his propositionthat gives birth to Plato's theory of ideas.He submitted we cannever have a true knowledge of anything in a constant state or flux of change,apart from opinions of those things that belong to the world of senses.We mean tangible things and can only have true knowledge of things by reason.
Plato wrote a collection of Epistle and about twenty five philosophical dialogues,deployed the use of myths extensively than any of the ancient and mordern philosophers. Plato set up his school of philosophy in a grove not too far from Athens.He academy named after the legendary Greek hero Academus and the world academies and academics were from this groundswell.He taught philosophy,mathematics and gymnastics there.Although the right word rather than 'taught'should be used which is were lively discussed and not purely by chance that it produced a lot of dialogues.Inthe Plato's philosophical project,unlike the sophistsand socrates,fighting for their defense of relationship preoccupied betweenthe eternal norms andthe flowingvirtues or morals,samewith Parmenides and Herarclitus,Democritus a monist and then Empedocles at polar opposite, Plato took a different dimension. I still do the belief his theory was that different from that Anaximander's theory on boundless though he categorised them.Platonic heavenward.
Hence,popular words today such as biology,history,logics,philosophy,ethics and psychology,politics,democracy,economy,physics,theory,method,idea,system or sciences by rudimentary emerged from this modest spot,that gave birth to European civilisation.The small populace whose everyday life revolved around this square,where Socrates spent most of this life talking were instrumental to the evolution of sciences in use till date.Now,we are still in Athens of the Antiquity Or the helenistic era,about 2,400years back,in the year 402 B.C.just three years prior to Socrates death,all the marble buildings were fantastic we saw an inquisitive plato ready to explore and defend his master's reputation,even in death. Plato-428-347 B.C. was twenty nine when he drank hemlock and followed his trials too closely.He was schocked to the bone marrow that Athenscould condemn its noblest citizen to untimely grave. Then,his first deed was to publish Socrates'Apology,it reveals his plea to the large jury.He also wrote several others.
Below the Acropolis lay the oldest theater in Europe, Dionysos Theater,where the great tragedies of the antiquities were staged.They include the tragedies of Aeschylus,ill fated king Oedipus, Sophocles, Euripides,were performed during Socrates period especially Sophocles was first staged in his honour.They played comedies,featuring Aristophanes,who also wrote degrading comedy about Socrates as buffoon of Athens.Moving on to the foot of Acropolis,pacing up a small hill,pointed towards Athens,the hill is called Areopagos,where Athenian court of justice passed judgements on murder trials.It was mostly popularised by Apostle Paul who stood there and preached christ to the Athenians.Down to the left,the place called Agora,the remains of old city square in Athens lays its humbled posture.There was also the large temple devoted to Hephaestos god of smiths and metalworkers.The Old Agora in Athens was surrounded by magnificent temples,courts,concert hall,public offices,huge gymnastic complex and many more situated.
Acropolis means'Citadel'or precisely the city on the hill'having been lived by people ever since the stone age. Its unique location was a vantage,an elevated plateau was easy to defend against marauders and also had an excellent view down to one of the best meditaranean harbours.Athens developed beneath this plateau and the Acropolis was used as garrison,fortress and a sacred shrine.The first half of the fifth century witnessed an acrimonious feud against the Persians and by 480,its king Xerxes plundered Athens and all old wooden buildings of this sacred fortress.When the Persians were mauled a year after,the golden age of Athens was begun,including the Acropolis that was rebuilt,prouder,more magnificent and glorious than ever be. Socrates passed through Athens during the period,and witness proud construction ,including those of the biggest temple'Parthenon'meaning'the Virgin's place'constructed in honor of Athene,the patron godess of Athens.He walked through the streets and squares,talking to the Athenians.
In the art of speaking,he chose not to lecture,but to discuss first by interrogation and playing the dumber ignorant to enjoin people to use their common sense.This method was called'Socratic Irony!' It enabled him to expose fragile human things and wasnt even ashamed to do that in the city squares.In 399 B.C.,he was accused of corrupting the youths by introducing new gods that debased their belief and legal acceptance of the accepted gods.A slender majority of above 500 people,found him guilty and put him to death.The truth is that why did he have to die? Because he valued truth more than conscience and would rather have die than to disober the laws of Athens.His friends could certainly have saved his life,but declined.He was sure that he knew nothing and he clearly belong to the school of rationalists.He was concerned finding universally valid definition to what was right and wrong and no one could be happy,if they acted against their better judgement. By turning to Plato,we shall learn trulymore about him.
We quite agree he is possibly the most inscrutable element in the history of western philosophy,though never wrote a single line and had the greatest influence on European thoughts,adopted same method like sophists and Christ,wandering and teaching in the city and village squares and marketplaces discussing with local citizens and scholars,bombarded by schizophrenia at times,stand lost in thoughts for hours.He had bulging eyes,oblonghead,a snub nose,a potbellied element and extremely ugly guyand was saidto be inwardlyhappy.Unfortunately,he was put to death for the sake of theprofession,that he loved.It is popularly known we have no accountof his life and contribution exceptthrough the writings of Plato,hisdisciple.These are made known in a number of dialogues,he wrote,which discuss philosophy and uses Socrates as main character. This made it difficult to distinguish and differentiate what Socrates said or what Plato said.It is thelatter's portraiture that have been to sell his master to the west for 2,500yrs.
Sophist Protagoras says"Man is the measure of all things"and when confronted with his belief in deities,he made the statement"The question is complex and life is short"making an agnostic,a brother to atheist Anaxagoras.The Sophists were globetrotters and cosmopolitans,junketted widely and had studied all forms of government worldwide,including variations in local laws and conventions.With this technical knowledge of good and bad,and what works or what barely works,they were able to challenge individuals,public institutions and pioneered social criticism in Athens. These peripatetic Sophists wandering the city pointed out thatthey were absolute norms for what was right or wrong.They also popularised debates on natural modesty or issues that were socially induced.Where Socrates theiropponent tried with distinction to show them otherwise.That there are some normsthat are eternally valid and generally
absolute.We cannot write western history,without constant reference to the voluminous literatures left behind.
absolute.We cannot write western history,without constant reference to the voluminous literatures left behind.
With the paradigm shift,it gives them a leading position in the history of science where in Athens interest was now based individual and place in society.This led evolution of democracy made thick by popular assemblies and the courts of law.And to take part in the democractic project,education became extremely necessary.The Athenians were compelledto master the art of rhetorics as foremost tool to succeed inthis context.Subsequently,then,itinerant mentors,foreign tutors and philosophers popularly known as Sophists,the group that laidan enduring framework to the basis of mordern jurisprudence flockedto Athens and they taught the people for money.They were exponents of the school of skepticism because they were critical of traditional mythology like the natural philosophers but similarly also detested futile ideological speculation.They barely believed that man had enhanced faculty to know the truth about the puzzles of nature,even though answers elsewhere may exist.Given this dubiety,they chose to focus on Man
As the trends evolved,they were still using the supernatural causes so much deimphasised to back up their so called natural causes.For instance,Hermes in Greek mythology,the messenger of the gods,was also been used as the god of the seafarers.Infact at a time,upon consultation of the Oracles at Delphi,affirmed that Socrates was the wisest man in Greece,even against his dubiety.Now,the three greatest Greek Philosophers came onboard and put an end to presocractic era and instead of focusing on the cosmos or nature,man became the centre of their studies.He was the first of great philosophers to be born at Athens and all of them lived and worked there. Anaxagoras was hounded out of athens also,he said the sun was a redhot stone,but Socrates himself was treated shabbily fared worse and died of hemlock.Begginning from the time of Socrates,Athens became the center of Greek culture.I will like the Sophists first prior to Socrates and now let us back to around 450 B.C.when philosophy entirely took on a new dimension.
The failure to win a war,could be likened to vengeance or anger of the gods and that require appropriate sacrifices to pacify the gods.Common sickness could be ascribed a sign of divine intervention and the gods could make people well again with the right sacrifices.And so,it was the same thing with the Greeks and to debase the supernatural causes attributed to everything like sickness,led to the evolution of Greek medicine.A good knowledge of history,was needed to comprehend the fables and later debase them,an effort that was begun with Hesiod and Homer in the Illiad and Theogony and sustained by successive historians. Greek medicine arose and tried to find natural explanation to the the natural causes of sickness and health.Hippocrates born around 260 B.C.on the Island Of Cos,began this practice.According to him based on the Hippocractic medical condition,the best safeguard against sickness and to maintain good health was moderation and healthy lifestyle.Any illness means by nature has gone off course sorily
Many heads of states dared not go to war without consulting the oracle to take decisive steps,with the priests of Apollo the diplomats and advisers,experts in this field of fortune tellers.At the entrance to the temple at Delphi,had the famous inscription"Man Know Thyself!",which was a reminder to the visitors that man must know his destiny and he not being less than a mortal must be mindful of that destiny.The Greeks had ample stories of fatal destinies and so have a handful of plays-tragedies written in that regard,of which the tragedy of the King Oedipus,is the most famous.Fate had considerable influenceon peoples lives and they believed even world history was govered by it and were swayed thatthe fortunes of war could be influenced by the intervention of the gods.At the same time divine or fatalistic belief was entertained,the philosophers were to find natural explanations to the natural processes for the course of history.The best known Greek historians Herodotus-484-424 B.C.and Thucydides-460-400 B.C.
April 29, 2019
The earliest philosophers from Greek to the Nordic where they entertained strong belief such as" lagnadan"or fate in the old Icelandic sagas of Edda.Other parts of the world also entertain fatalism that people could learn their fate,by consulting oracle.Also people can tell your fortune on the cards,read your palm,that is palmistry,or predict your future in the stars.Fortune tellers or all forms of fortune telling try to foresee the future.Sometimes it is hard to repudiate fortune tellers'claim given the ambiguity of what they see.The famous oracle at Delphi for instance in Greece,could beconsulted by the Greeks.Apollo,the god of the oracle often spoke throughpriestess pythiawho on a stoolsat over the earth's fissure,where hypnotic vapours summoned and arose that put Pythia into trance.She was apollo's mouthpiece and when they cameto Delphi to interrogate the priests of the oracle,who passed it to herand then reinterprete the vagueness in hermessage to the people.In this way,people got the interpretedmessage.
Before i turn to Democritus the monistic unifier,let me cite another philosopher Anaxagoras-500-428 B.C. who could not disagree with Thales and then Democritus theories.Now,he held that nature is made of thousands of tiny indivisible particles not seen by the eye.He called them minuscule particles and was generally interested in the earth study and was the first philosopher we hear of in Athens where he migrated to at age 40 from Asia Minor.He was chased from the city after he was accused of atheism.After studying a meteorite,he concluded all heavenly bodies were made of the same materials as the earth.This gave him clue that life existed in them too.Democritus(460-370 B.C.)came from a little town of Abdera on northern Augean Coast.He was the philosopher that discovered atom and concluded that nature consisted of these smallest units and varieties of atom.He did not believe in any soul or spirit to interve in the natural process.Beginning with natural philosophers'tradition,the Greeks were tireless searchers.
Empedocles was like a dualist in the mould of Rene Descartes,when he came onboard and settled their scores and differences using Hegelian dialectics.He found out that the basis of their disagreement was they were monists and such gap between the two schools would be unbridgeable. He agreed with Parmenides that nothing changes and similarly concured with Herarclitus that we must trust the evidence of our senses.Then,he concluded though their differences nothwithstanding that it is the concept of a single substance that should be rejected. That four elements made up the nature such as earth,fire,air and water.And all matters are composed of them,settling their differences.After Empedocles'accurate classification of nature's composition and transformation as combination and dissolution of four roots,the next line of explanation,what make them combine to be able to operate effectively so that meaningful life can happen?That honour was left to Democritus to earn its prestige and also make a beautiful discovery.
Empedocles was like a dualist in the mould of Rene Descartes,when he came onboard and settled their scores and differences using Hegelian dialectics.He found out that the basis of their disagreement was they were monists and such gap between the two schools would be unbridgeable. He agreed with Parmenides that nothing changes and similarly concured with Herarclitus that we must trust the evidence of our senses.Then,he concluded though their differences nothwithstanding that it is the concept of a single substance that should be rejected. That four elements made up the nature such as earth,fire,air and water.And all matters are composed of them,settling their differences.After Empedocles'accurate classification of nature's composition and transformation as combination and dissolution of four roots,the next line of explanation,what make them combine to be able to operate effectively so that meaningful life can happen?That honour was left to Democritus to earn its prestige and also make a beautiful discovery.
He was in favour of what his reason told him rather than what his sense said.He believed that our senses give us fake evidence and incorrect picture of the real world that disagrees with our reason.With this submission he was obliged to fight all forms of perceptual illusion and deceit.Hence,he belong to a rational school of philosophy,due to his unshakeable faith in human reason.His contemporary Herarclitus 540-480 B.C.around the same period,in the opposing school thought otherwise.He was from Ephesus,Asia Minor and thought that constant change flows.He says"all things flow"and that was the most basic feature of nature." Everything flows"and "we cannot step twice into the same river".When juxtaposed,Parmenides says that nothing barely change whereas Herarclitus says otherwise that all things flow.That our sensory perceptions are reliable in contrast to Parmenides that sensory perceptions are unreliable. They were still burning in hell of disputation,when Empedocles c.490-430 B.C. from Sicily came onboard .
That which comes before or after them must be boundless.The third philosopher Anaximander-570-526 B.C.thought the source of all things must be vapour or air.He must have been widely read about Thales'theory of water to make that conclusion.Now,philosophers begginning from the Hesiod times had debunked existence of deities and religion as myths and legends now begin to recreate their own world,in their own image,in the same way,Xenophanes 570 B.C.had lampooned mankind created gods in their own image.The Miletian philosophersbelong to the monist league wherethey entertain belief only one singlesubstance was catalyst to all natural processes.Then came the Eleatics League.In the Greek Colony of Elea,Southern Italy,at around 500 B.C.They nailed their poser.Parmenides-540-480 B.C.thought that nature has everlasting nature and there was no such thing as actual change,that nature is in a constant state of flux.He might have perceived with his senses that things change,but it sound ridiculous for his reason to agree.
The earliest natural philosophers were not Greeks,but reside in its colonies.There are three philosophers from Miletus and the first philosopher Thales came from Miletus,a Greek colony in Asia Minor,now North Africa.He traveled round the world,including Egypt,when he studied pyramid and estimated and calculated its heights by measurement of its shadow,at the precise moment when his own shadow's length was equal to his height.Not only did he accurately predicted a solar eclipse in the year 585 B.C.but also thought that the source of everything was water.That all life originated from water and later returned back to water.He noted that"all things are full of gods"not reffering to Homer's godsand also enthused that the earth was full of tiny invisible"life germs".After him we know of another philosopher who lived at the same place at about the same time like him called',Anaximander'.He had different views entirely that the world was made of something boundless,that nature or matter has limited powers to exist.
The word'Natural Philosophy'or philosophy of nature in latin 'philosophiae naturalis',was coined to refer to the scholastic study of nature,a practice that was dominant prior to the evolution of mordern science.It is the harbinger of mordern science,which was begun from the ancient Aristotellian times when it was coined 'natural philosophy'.And by the 19th century,the term'natural philosophy'refering to the physical study of nature was later coined 'mordern science'.From the Romantic movement of the 18th and 19th century,a revival in the paradigm of natural philosophy was conspicuous in the German tradition and scholarship of great philosophers such as Goethe,Hegel and Schelling and their contemporaries made prominent contribution to the field.Natural philosophy,is one of the branches of philosophy.The first specialist in the field of natural philosophy Jacopo Zabarella,came in 1577 at the University Of Padua.From the mid-19th century,it came to mean or refers only to 'physics'and not even medicine per say.
Philosophers believed men have created gods in their own image and they extensively challenged Homer's mythology and that the myths were nothing but human inventions and sheer notion.During the period,the Greek founded many city states,both mainland and outside Greece itself,in her colonies Asia Minor and Southern Italy,where slaves laboured while citizens devote their time to thinking in politics and culture.So,in the city environments,they began to think and therefore a new way of life was begun.Myths and legends provided the rich source for this evolution,a new mode of development of development based on reason and experience.They craved to find that esoteric and natural way rather thansupernatural way for explanation of the natural processes.We shall begin the discussion of thisvoluminous topic and philosophers'project with the clinical treatment offirst and foremost the pantheon of natural philosophers and their place in the historical development of philosophy,then science and technology respectively.
World mythologies abound and then we take Nordic myths for instance we might have heard of Thor and his hammer,a popular tales before christianity came to Norway. The tale was believe Thor made rain and even lightning with his hammer and rode across the sky with chariot drawn on his heels with two goats.We shall be drawn into even brief glimpse at the world of Norse mythology which the extract vividly deals with including numerous myths about Thor and Odin, Freyr and Freyja, Hoder and Balder.It also existed in Greece at the time that philosophy was evolving,as handed down for millennia,from generation to generation.In Greece,they have prototypes and gods like Zeus and Apollo,Hera and Athene,Dionysos and Asclepios,Heracles and Hephaesto and numerious others which were nothing but an embellishments and minor alterations of the Egyptian deities. When the myths were written down to a larger extent by Hesiod and Homer,around 700 B.C.,created a whole new situation in which they could now be debated and challenged.
In this treatise,we talk about philosophy.-Six hundred years prior to the birth of christ,a new way of thinkingpopularly known as philosophy emerged in Greece,which answers questions in everyfields ofhuman endeavours including religion.First,it began with the story suchas myth,including religiousexplanations handeddown from generationto generation,in the form of myths.Itspecifically explains the genesisof life and its norms have certainly over the course become partand parcel of the human tradition and culture. Hence,over the course of millennia,a wild profusion of mythological exposition,touching philosophical questions,fables and imaginative figments that barely can be trusted,spread over the world.The Greekphilosophers contended and attempted to prove their fallacity or mendacity,that those explanations were not to be trusted.In my unpublished novel"Professor Of Nkata"the first of the trilogy,whose excerpt would soon be posted here,the world mythological picture was clearly painted in theopening chapters.
April 28, 2019
The peculiarity and sanctity of this timely infested necessity,habituates its pristine appeal,ochestrated in a prevailing fatal scenario.The causal degeneration of collective perception,exploiting injurious tradition,swooped at the edge of precipice,will not dismember quality human verdict,much needed to revert back the sinking position to its contented space and elevated buffers that leverages on new ethical norms of the ensuing ideology.Too much bandwagon effect,given the preeminence mankind attributes to collective perception darkens priceless judgement and quality thoughts. The operative framework for growth and development,that hinges on standard,practices,norms,ethics,methods,policies,tradition,custom and programs that guide development work,are byeproducts of this bandwagon effect.The arbitrary influence of higher power and superior technology of extant arts submerges conditional resistance for their populous appeal.The growth of the framework'sliability risk,accentuates as retrogressive impact grows.
We are what we see and the embrace of universal perception sometimes given its unavoidable drawbacks contaminates effect,as well as the outlays of human progress.We are influenced by universal perception and delimits its highly prejudiced boundary tresspasing the disenchanted and disillusioned horizons of percapital sentry and highly segregated human judgement which provides a background for its archetypical catapult.That depreciates originality of individual thoughts and demotes distinction and not until the operating risk of necessity is on the increase,mankind hardly flexes brawn to avert this miasma.The truth is according to the law of this perception:what others look is what you look and what you look is what others look.In the first instance,the former logically produces the latter and once it goes into frequency and even ultravires,unless the liability risk of necessity is fatal,the latter barely contends to curtail the contagion.The main tangled know to sustainable when injurious tradition last longer
Obviously,the 25%should be sold for a $1billion.Step 8- Use that a billion dollar of new equity,to borrow another $9billion at say 0.25% from the Fed.
Step 9.Buy another $9billion of treasuries.Collect another $400million per year and pay yourself and your team twice as large as previous year.You worth for all your hardwork and you now $500million richer.Step 10- Be patient at least wait for your stocks to double or tripple.Really,that wont take a long time due to your healthy balance sheet and inherent good growth trajectory.When you hits $10billion market capitalisation,sell another 10% of the company for a billion dollar.Now ready to grow.Step 10- Now popularise yourself through the media,go into expansion,buying branch network,engage in mergers and acquisition especially the asset management firm could do this.Start rolling out loans or take on new investment.All those risk of expansion arent yours because you are already $500m.richer.Step 11-Sell $500m,to a strategic investor,go and rest.Now $1b.richer.
Step 9.Buy another $9billion of treasuries.Collect another $400million per year and pay yourself and your team twice as large as previous year.You worth for all your hardwork and you now $500million richer.Step 10- Be patient at least wait for your stocks to double or tripple.Really,that wont take a long time due to your healthy balance sheet and inherent good growth trajectory.When you hits $10billion market capitalisation,sell another 10% of the company for a billion dollar.Now ready to grow.Step 10- Now popularise yourself through the media,go into expansion,buying branch network,engage in mergers and acquisition especially the asset management firm could do this.Start rolling out loans or take on new investment.All those risk of expansion arent yours because you are already $500m.richer.Step 11-Sell $500m,to a strategic investor,go and rest.Now $1b.richer.
Dont worry about fed.raising shor term rates. That's not your problem,not much risk because they will have to periodically fix the economy as their major role.It could only delay the making of your first billion a bit longer.Whatever doesnt concerns you,for you already $400million richer in a single year.So,pay yourself fat salary and your executives to compensate for all your hardwork.Dont worry about your bankers or fund managers being stupid or idiot,for you only need one of them to borrow from the Fed.a job that can be done part time.Dont be greedy,pay yourself fatsalary and your executives based on the industry standard compensation ratio of 50percent,some $200million. Step 7: Go Public.After bonus pay,with half earnings remaining and your capital ratio extremely strong,that is 10% equity to debt with clean balance sheet and all risk free treasuries,a beffitting scorecard.Now,you should be able to persuade investors to pay you 20times that earnings or a valuation of $4billion.Sell 25% of the company.
It may be hard to be a billionaire and the task of making billions for yourself,could be an expertise that can be mastered either by self discipline or by tutorship and both makes you thick.But i think,to improve your financial literacy should be the major responsibility of investors in general,that i think it shouldnt be a nightmare.We shall be compelled to follow a Henry Blodget's Law Of Compounding.It explores eleven steps and hereby follows its circadian rhythm: Step 1- Form a Bank:In this case,if you cannot given the complexity involved,can set up an asset management company that specialises in investment management;Step 2 - Employ some unemployed bankers or fund managers;Step 3 - Raise a billion dollar equity.(Note:we use rate obtainable during the meltdown); Step 4 - Then borrow from the Fed,at say less 0.25percent; Step 5- Buy $10billion of 30year treasuries at the prevailing rates; Step 6- Sit back and watch the cashflow in; Step 7- Assuming we use rates of 4% on your $10billion or $400million
April 26, 2019
The techniques of fable and vaudeville,hatswapping,pratfalling with Laurel and Hardylike bantering and jabbering was famously adopted in "Godot",which in the verdict of Irish critics Vivian Mercier that"Godot"is a play in which "nothing happens twice",a scar like malediction stuck to its artist. "No matter.Try again.Fail again.Fail better"an evergreen maxim that media pundits has regarded as his motto and laughter,his signature bonus often appended as trademark.I was fond of the most popular quotation in the play"Endgame" uttered by Nell,an uncivilised mendicant dustbin dweller that"Nothing is funnier than unhappiness"that inspired this semioriginal piece.If one is unhappy,either driven hunger or thirst to succeed,a good sense of commedy and humour could lighten the yoke of distress.To regret being unhappy,could be like fueling the hellfire of distress.We should copy that Beckett refined attributes such as boredom,nothingness,emptiness,reppettition common to mankind in distress times,with sense of laughter.
Endgame as second play,depicts bleak catapults at gallows humour,where Hamn confined to wheelchair and is blind trounced around with prickly attendants"Can there be misery......loftier than mine?"And then he yawns."No doubt.Formerly.But now?(pause) My father?(pause) My mother?(pause)"What a staggering art an embellished repertoire of gallantry and dense imagery!He deployed decrepitude and adversity as magnetic painting charm and emulsifying rich source of humour.A globally acclaimed playwright still widely celebrated a century after his birth with centenary festivals that took place more than a decade ago.He was widely celebrated in London and Dublin when there were highlights in both cities that kickstarted the revival of 1984 production."Waiting For Godot",his magnum opus and best known work according to the Economist Magazine March 18th,2006"possibly the most influential play of the 20th century".When Godot was first staged in Paris in 1953,startled critics as well as audiences hillariously.
of"The Play Of The Western World"same with Jack Yeats'illustrious paintings and its windswept landscapes,but in the mid40s switched to French.It was influenced by dispopulous fictions,the two novels " Murphy and Watt,"the latter was published in 1953. Richard Seaver,his translator could recall reading of Watt in 1952 with much funfare of hillarity that"took many more hours than it should have..."simply "because we kept pausing to wait for the laughter to subside." The switch was glorified by novels such"Godot"and then"Endgame" and later spewed a bleak trilogy of novels from his erudite spigot",Molloy,Malone Dies and Unnamable".The language inspired him to positively explore ignorance,misery,indigence and impotence which was fully liberated from the mood of his 1930s writing style,replete with wits and thickness of literary allusions.He also was his own translator from French to English and then back from English to French,but only once into his native tongue,plainfully funny often evident with distinction.
In a prose masterpiece " Worstward Ho",published six years before his death in 1983, Samuel Becket,the Nobel Laureate for Literature in 1969,concluded"No matter.Try again. Fail better" He was rated to be a master of deflation,fame dreaded,a contrast of self promoter,a self demoter that was intensely privacy satisfied,wielding cliches to withering blast. He was no equal in the capability to paint tragedies and images of human collapse,with poetic elan descriptively where the will to succeed and efforts at living were comically doomed and defied in an immanent hostile planet.A quintessential Irish man whose aggregate writings was rooted in Irish speech latent with rhythmic hoots and sonority.The finest Irish novelist of all time and the acclaimed father of mordern had considerable influence over him. He met Beckett way back in 1920s and 30s in Paris and had great impact on his writing thermometer and thinking distinction.Though he detested the clipped morose blandness of Irish playwright J. M. Synge the author
The deposit funds with the banks are mobilised cheap, compared to bank lending rate of about 20 to 21percent.Whereas,investment in money market funds hover around 15percent.Hence,it guarrantees returns against the inflation rate. Note also,it has a compounding effect on interest where every interest income acrued to principal initial deposit.It grows faster than simple interest fund and also depends on the size of your initial deposit including monthly compounding frequency.However,to start investing you can pool between 5,000naira and 10,000naira respectively.Although different managers require different start up deposits.Parents too can begin to save for the future of their children,with plans for the 16years saving gaps.This benefits from the compounding effects and monthly multiplier frequency on the initial deposits.They need not worry about their future once they implement this plan.The investment can be quickly converted to cash at short notice.People can set up dedicated fund for project finance.
The money market instruments as short term fund papers provides the template for the investment.They include discount securities such as treasury bills,bankers acceptance,commercial papers,certificate of deposits,bank bills and promisory notes.These money market funds are basically managed by seasoned fund managers,being mindful of shareholders'returns,with balanced investment portfolio to guarantee investors'funds with returns higher than the inflation rate.The benefits of money market varies markedly and laden with many advantages but here are some of them.First and foremost,it is a low risk investment platform with higher returns benchmarked against inflation rate.It implies that your capital is safe,from the volatilities of the stock market when yourfund managers invest on your behalf in a very low risk debt securities such as treasury notes and government bonds.Moreover,current inflation rate stands at 14.6% per annum and such growth of prices signifies depreciated currency that then buys less over time.
April 24, 2019
Financial literacy is low in this part of the world and explains why poverty is on the increase.We examine the prospects and benefits of investing in the money market.-The financial market a giant enterprise occupies the heart of any nation's economy and a place for investors,shareholders and creditors to borrowers,seeking to raise funds for business finance to meet.In one of my essays written on financial market,i treated the topic or the nature of financial market worldwide but in this edition i shall narrow down to money market and the benefits of money market investment.Money market is a market for short term funds and the investment taken place with investors fund has an interest yielding compounding effect than a simple type.Practically very few Nigerians have heard about this form of investment.If they do,may not take to its working principles,let alone invest in it.We shall define money market as an open ended mutual funds where discount securities are traded
April 18, 2019
That it should either pay up or face foreclosure.After that when somebody was on the brink of bankruptcy,it was then that he discovered his hidden blessing yet he lived like pauper for donkey years without himself knowing it.A man from an oil company,his heavenly angel knocked on his doorstep and asked for a lease to drill oil only almost bankrupt land.He was stuck with amazement and since he was going to loose the land anyway,there was no need keeping tight ownership of it and decided to let it go.Then it was drilled and the oil company hit a gusher astounding 82,000barrels of oil per day and so farmer Brown became instant millionaire. Imagine!what an amazing story and was he a millionaire when he first bought the land?or when he was driven to the edge of the precipice?A missing link a hidden blessing.Let me recall the story of a famous publisher William Randolph Hearst who read about a certain painting and became interested in acquisition to make it part of his collection.Then,he sent people out to find it.
That it should either pay up or face foreclosure.After that when somebody was on the brink of bankruptcy,it was then that he discovered his hidden blessing yet he lived like pauper for donkey years without himself knowing it.A man from an oil company,his heavenly angel knocked on his doorstep and asked for a lease to drill oil only almost bankrupt land.He was stuck with amazement and since he was going to loose the land anyway,there was no need keeping tight ownership of it and decided to let it go.Then it was drilled and the oil company hit a gusher astounding 82,000barrels of oil per day and so farmer Brown became instant millionaire. Imagine!what an amazing story and was he a millionaire when he first bought the land?or when he was driven to the edge of the precipice?A missing link a hidden blessing.Let me recall the story of a famous publisher William Randolph Hearst who read about a certain painting and became interested in acquisition to make it part of his collection.Then,he sent people out to find it.
Life is funny and when you seem to discover that those who are blessed sometimes barely live in clover and denied that opulence.People suffering in the midst of plenty due to ignorance of this hidden blessing.In his book Outlive Your Life,author Max Lucado said the Greek word for'blessed'makarios was a name given to an Island off Greece.They called it"blessed island",because it was self contained and the residents didnt need to travel to have their needs met.It contained all natural resources so rich to meet all these needs.The inhabitants were well awared of their blessings and hardly denied the usage of such resources to benefit theirsociety.Unfortunately,there are still people who impenitenly hardly surmount the courage to identify this matrix of hidden blessings. Then the secret of Farmer Brown in America,blew me away,the day i read the story.During the period of great depresion,he had problem paying his mortgage on his farm. And so suddenly his bank gave him thirty days to catch up back on payments.
April 17, 2019
Various forms of microlending have certainly evolved worldwide from India to China, South East Asia to Latin America,have absolutely taking their grassroot and the world by storm.The Microcredit Campaign Summit 2015 report noted that by 2013 about 3,078 M.F.Is had touched over 211million people worldwide and about half of that figure were classified under extreme poverty bracket.The Asian Pacific region and India is expected to strengthen this growth.The market for microfinance investments ranging from micro,small and medium loans was envisaged to grow by 15percent.Now,many economists submit,it has a powerful force to alleviate or contract mass poverty,despite overwhelming odds by western pundits to the contrary.Despite the devastating tales of failure in some countries where it has plunged many households deeper into poverty due to inability to repay small loans,tremendous growth has been recorded elsewhere.This case of random failure cannot be exonerated from the inherent punitive or penalinterest charged.
Whereas over 50percent of subsaharan african population still wallowsin mass poverty. Phenomenal progress has been recorded in the last two decades,impacting heavily on the millenium development goals of united nations.Little wonder the proportion of world's poor in relationto world poverty has declined from 50percent in 1990 to 14percent by 2015.Western Asia like therest of Africa and middleeast is seriously lagging behind by all indicators to the contrary.Though poverty is still a majorthreat in peoples lives but certainly retreated.The practice of microloans giving small loans to the poorbetween $10 to $500 can be traced to Grameen Bank Founder alongside other financial services such as saving mobilisation has come to stay.He started the practice back in the 70s,empowering poor women in the Bangladeshi village of Jobra.As reward for this breathtaking innovation,he was awarded nobel peace prize for himself and his baby giant Grameen Bank of Banglandesh that has influenced more than 70 countries ever since.
Microfinance has been growing exponentially ever since 1970s,with thetechnology of microlending developed by Muhammed Yunus,transforming Bangladesh Communities.According to a study published in the B.E.Journal of Macroeconomics,it found out that a small boost in microloans or microlending in the developing countriescould lift about 10.5million people out ofmass poverty.With about 836million people,approximately 12percent of world population,living in extreme poverty,on less than $1.25 a day,the efficacyof microfinance driven by development aid can create a soft landing.Infact its unprecedented growth over the last twenty years specifically as shown in the prior analysis,is solid evidence that through the instrumentality of microfinance,mankind can battle the global poverty to a standstill.The available data from 106 countriesthat covers the period between1998 to 2013 found out that a ten percent increase in gross microfinance loans'portfolio,could this above number or population of world poor by 1.26percent.
And 0.5percent in Middleeast and comparatively low in South Asia where comparatively smaller loans are doled out.The microloans in the year under review or generally are relatively driven by the concept of development aid or by non profit approach.Now,of the top 50 MFIs under survey,about 40percent states their goal is pure lending to micro,small and medium companies,while 14 percent mentioned individual development and poverty alleviation as the overriding goal.Serving the underbanked through rural microfinance was cited as the main goal,giving support to local economic development.The rest 4 percent cites the growth of microfinance as the main intent. The desire to lift the poor out of thedespairor asshole of mass poverty ordinarily inform its growth,making development aid and influence of the nonprofit approach override initially.As commercial microfinance stabilises and intensifies its strategic impetus,this approach could wane on the perfectability of microfinance,with boon on the growth of population.
The microloans'movement and outreach is growing exponentially around the world,gulping billions of dollars,with the world biggest Microfinance institutions(MFIs) and lesser brands,doling out record funds,for the purpose of poverty eradication and development aid respectively.The world largest MFI Postal Savings Of China,doled out a record 14billion dollars in gross total loans;with the second biggest % followed by Vietnam Bank For Social Policy(VBSP) in Vietnam and BRI in Indonesia,coming second and third,with $4.6b. and $ 3.6 b.respectively.Now,of the top 50 MFIs,the average loan is close to billion dollar approximately $996m. This transcedent disbursement that could avert the malthusian trap,by record is situated in Latin America,Carribean andthen followed by SouthAsia,Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Given that the Chinese boastsof the world largest MFIs doled out 55% of the gross loans'portfolio located in East Asia and Pacific;24.3percent in Latin America and Carribean,9.3percent in South Asia;4.2%africa.
This group should spearhead the battle and then the nonenlightened group through capacity building,training,workshops and seminars should follow from the rear,prior to microlending.In some parts of the world like Nigeria,it is a calamity to conduct empowerment seminar and capacity building without affordable to microlending. Microfinance is driven by philantropic motives and donor subsidies and sometimes high cost of lending drives poor people back deeper into poverty.Conventional investors see it as investment opportunities and disputations gather on these two sides of intellectual bickerings that it should be seen as development aid or driven by capitalist propensity. Institutions like SKS in India or Mexican Compartmentos already listed on stockexchanges,pulling funds from investors.These are emergent symptoms of the golden age era of commercial microfinance. It is illogical,irrational or baseless to compare the social cost benefit ratio of microfinance with the strategic intention of development aid.
.This includes also clothing,education especially of the children and the environment( Montgomery and Weiss:2011;Ibikunle 2019).They also found a relation between microfinancing and economic equality,anda relation between microfinance borrowers,nutrition and medical treatment,that is microhealth and then education. This improves relationship between microfinance borrowers,education and theenvironment that supports their survival.The micro borrowers'empowerment also had enduringimpact on the education of their children and microhealth,environment boosting economic,social and financial capital.These criteria and impact analysis so easily proved its success rate.There are studies that show that capital is not only the major problem of the poor but also citedknowledge,products,prices,skills and markets as albatross behind poverty and ability to conduct a succesfulbusiness.It is also noted only a handful of the poor boasts of resourceful attributes.It implies that the battle thenshould start from enlightened group
Given the challenge of inaccessibility,were largely exploited by loan sharks and money lenders.Now,that it accelerates and facilitates access financial inclusion and someday sort of environmental inclusion that most economists,scientists and ecologists especially climate change scientists,hardly talk about.This consequently expanding finance to the vulnerable groups,basically members of the base pyramid.It leads the fight against environmental degradation and global poverty respectively.It also spreads the unobserved ideology of corporate democracy and economic equality,something unthinkable in western macroeconomics and social Darwinists who enthused and theorised that it is fitting that the poor be allowed to die if indeed they can die and the fittest to survive.To negate this is to boost human rights,engages and enables more women to participate in the bread basket.The quality of life tends to grow,under this crusade of microfinance,as Microfinance Institutions(MFIs)care more about borrowers' health etc.
With affordable access to sustainable capacity platform like microfinance,the poor cannot only create sustainable wealth,but can also take endurable and meaningful control of their environment making wise judgement with all the available information at their disposal and reducing thethreat that their economic and microeconomic activities including inherent global warming risk poses to the environment that support their survival.With the emergence of microfinance,the poor and communities at last have hope of productively controlling the environment with their philosophicaljudgement not one driven by hunger,disease,famine and genocide and a host of other survivalist instincts,predated by capitalism.The truth as income of the grows through this conduit of sustainablewealth platform,they think wisely,handle environment wisely and the challenge of desertification and deforestation tend to reduce.Now prior to the emergence of microfinance,the poor had no formal access to financial services including microloans.
She was curious to know why the fuss about the two weeks interval. And Ghandhi replied"Because i needed two weeks to stop eating sugar myself."Wonderful! So the lives of commoners are worth ample research by the mighty and certainly,they provide cover and tutelage to inspire the latter out of their weaknesses.Change is a reflection that transforms a notion from point A to point B,where the new motion trains transports new reflection into another horizon.There is no change elsewhere around the world the real change lies within us.The poor provides the fortitude base for the mighty and both leadership and followership shares the burden of communicating that be knowingly or subconsciously,voluntary or involuntarily,must belabour for the attainment of timely needed mandate to transform mankind. Change is constant by nature and in human society but the strategic demand that paradigm shift for a meaningful is in short supply and a symptom of lack of visionary leadership and ambitious artists.Indeed,it is a fact.
We are refering to the unhallowed tension felt by change makers at ensuring that the change they seek is granted at every hanging horizon in question,making the world a better place than they met it.The incompatible and sometimes plausible connection between the followership and leadership provides enduring charm that guarrantees this possibility.They said:"Ghandhi,we are told was approached one day by a woman who was deeply concerned that her son ate too much.According to Al Gore account,"Am worried about his health"she noted."He respects you very much.Would you be willing to tell him about his harmful effects and suggest he stop eating it?"After reflection on the request,told the woman,he would do as requested,and upon one condition that he brings the son back two weeks later.Two weeks after the woman returned with her son after the two weeks interval and Ghandhi spoke to him and suggested he stop eating sugar. Then he complied to his idol's advice.The mother,though thanked Ghandhi wondered about the
Change is as constant as eternity and we may not befar,from the truth,if change thatis all encompasing and the environment surround us inside andoutside,is also,the real eternity that we are headed given they share similarity in their infinity longevity.We are haunted with the spectre of ever rising social debt crisiswhich certainly requires utmost change that guarrantees utmost relief for the salvation of dying humanity.The evidence of epic struggle ordinarily calls for artistic flexibility,uncommon expertise and technocracy of an ambitious and visionary people whomay hang onto the precious butarduous task of proffering solution to the myriad of human tumultuous challenges. Frankly speaking,it is all about good leadership andgood followership.True change requires potent salvos being firedon both sides of the divides.Mahatma Ghandhi once concluded:"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."Gary Schindler,Gary Lapid and Al Gore provides a graphic portraiture of the kind of intense pressure in context.
April 11, 2019
Many thanks to Malthus,for opening up the fundamental evils of overpopulation and the dearth of appropriate subsistence technology to avert this evil of malthusian trap.Almost during the same period of Malthusian lifetime,Lysander Spooner expounded the concept of microcredit,a unit of microfinance.In the same way,in which Malthus undermined or could not foresee the use and potential impact of contraception,initiated by neo malthusian like Richard Place,even though not much effective at curbing population growth,albeit a reduction,but the use of Spooner's concept of microcredit certainly will reduce death rate and skyrocketed birth rate.The same concept must have been utilised in spurring the industrial revolution peradventure its second's phase which coincided with Spooner's lifetime.It could be a far more effective phenomenon at growing human and economic welfare and wealth creation sustainably,beyond the disputation of western pundits alike.A good practice of sustainablecapacity building and economic growth
The strategic imperative of microfinance in this most volatile mordern civilisation cannot be overemphasised most specifically its widespread or fast growing popular appeal at this critical juncture of human history,strangulated by overpopulation and extreme poverty,for which microfinance is a better panacea.The Blogger Ibikunle Laniyan examines its significance and potential and empirical impact.Stay tune.-There can be no doubt about the efficacy and sustainable capability of microfinance at alleviating mass poverty and at eradicating poverty through sustainable wealth creation.In my treatise:Global Warming: Ecology And Human Spirit"one of my longest ever written series,i pourplaudits and similarly also heavilycriticised the book written by Al Gore Earth In The Balance,for discrepancies in the use of facts and then his armchair criticism of the Malthusian theories.I reservedmy applause in most cases,for Malthusian popular study.This unprecedented scholarship is still influential a century after and beyond.
April 6, 2019
A Helping Hand Part 2
He took him by the hand into the president office,with whom he had direct access.Then,he said,"Father"passionately",this man really needs to speak with you. According to the narratives,that son was the president's son.Is it not the same president's son that historians have reported and concluded died young.He perhaps had achieved his greatest mission albeit died untimely.Indeed,a helping hand is a lifting hand aod the hands that shower justice save generation yet unborn with the compassion of mercies,not yet evaluated into far distant age yet unknown.There is no compassion in the grave and certainly his widow's mite could arguably,have surpassed the freedom granted by his father to three million black slaves. Pardon me comparison please!
We all desire charity and everything in life is not money.But i doubt in amplitude that in this volatileage,we shall have charity in amplitude as well.We are all living witness that a helping hand is a lifting hand.Every humanity needs a helping hand.The dearth of philantropy explains why public injustice or monumental slavery is on the increase.A helping hand saves souls many times before they are saved.The cardinal virtues of mordern civilisation do not share these equalitarian impulses,but certainly that dearth still a missing link of this golden age.There's a story during the American civil War days of a good samaritan,alittle boy of renowned charity.Notmanyknew till date that simplestact of charity,still remainsunmatched in american history.A soldierwas sitting outside the whitehouse,looking depressed,for thepresidentialguard,wouldnt let him see the president.Then,that little boy passed and asked what was wrong.And he said,the guard wouldnt let him in.Hearing him directly,the boy took him by the hand to
Ithink it is much easier to get distracted than to stay focus,due to our common propensity to jump the bandwagon.You never know what works for mahommet and taking the onus in grabbing the mountain could be considered a better alternative than patience,but the worst alternative is to rationalise inaction.This we could do or prone to making excuses and giving excuses of a lack of the right weapon.I know when it comes excuses,we are infinitely blessed but why not the same energy channeled to positive ways.That is focus,a winning medicine.It also implies we understand the significance and strategic imperative of purpose,when we stir our spirit and spur our hearts and mental drive to move in that direction.It is a defining moment in your life,when you are learned to stay focus.You hardly worry about the results.To be frank,focus is an art that drives the whole summit of science and a ministry of the becoming.Focus on doing the right things,for the right reasons and being at the right place at the right time,
Gomwalk had told Goyol,before he left him in detention that he was at a loss,for been associated with a coup,he never knew.That nobody hadtold him what his offences were except the letter,he wrote to Bissala,that soldiers were harrasing him inhis house.This was after countless investigations and tribunals moving from one table to theother.Up to the time they left,he never mentioned anything about the coup and was far better thanany of those granted presidential pardon.He said getting rid of him,was a northern agenda to fulfill all righteousness,for daring thenorth,to develop middlebelt. Because,they could not get Gowon,to rope him,then Gomwalk now became the prime target.He did not regret death which was evidenced in his letter where he said his killers might think,they had succeeded in getting rid of him but that they had only succeeded in getting him out of this wicked world.He concluded Gowon read the message when he launched a book on Gomwalk.Wonderful! It is clear they can be no development in Nigeria.
Dimka's visit to London no doubt was to inform Gowon about the coup and he met those who visited Gowon who were with him also in prison and told him Gowon had no prior knowledge of the coup.Had he been seduced back how,he would have been killed.Infact the failure to extradite him by the British angered the Nigerian Goverment to launch vengeance on Gomwalk and the first set of people that were killed were thirty three soldiers,including Dabang,who was evacuated from Hospital where he was recuperating.Goyol eulogised Dimka for savinghim from death,that he would havebeen killed had Dimka,spokena lie against him.He said,while they were before the tribunal and gave testimonies of their involvement,investigations showed he was close to Dimka and they felt,he must have known a lot about the coup.He too did not deny Dimka,who did a lot during his wedding as in law but did not tell him about the coup,in order not to disrupt his education.That was how he was saved from the hangman's noose.Nobody knew Gomwalk offences.
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