Wherein gallantry,obstinately melt with androcentric allotropes for his gift of the garb.
Their very ayurveda and allotrophagies of the avellaneous feet.
Here in appassionato,he reiterated his apophomic tenses,
drew accolades from the apophantic garb to applause the avoureneens.
Behold, we invoke Sullivan's apopemptic parting shot ,
That bade them aloha slung in aut vincere auto mori for the apotropaical mission ,
Green aventurine bade ave atqua vale promotes luck with morsels and angels on horseback:
"I ve sent him(Animus) tens and tens of thousands of bees in the kit,
For your a votre Sante and avouchment
Bury them with all possible speed of death
There's no pause whatsoever in their pitiless fury
Tis their preys bland vamoose on deathbed groans
O no clemency tis thou pass them beneath the gates of hades
Let the blood of pyrates littered the streets
To avenge their almain treacheries,allemandes, bloods of the serfs,vassals and liegemen alike
A land of treachery in the thunder of perfidy and earthquake of kleptocracy
And valleys of slothful dreams
Let the wrath of Sullivan's grovel upon them
The wrath of the charmed bees in the terror of the golden blues,
Be the charge o Animus with bees of Sullivan's
And cosmic script of Atesmus till daylight drifts
Let the city cry like a woman in labour and not like the serf in the farmfields
Animus for purport of anklosis, spare Galicia the rod of avunculucides
Not forbid Tumulus at his art to nail the posers if need be
And begat much pyrhic victory as much as feasible for the bajillion hungriots.
Coast home to my roost en masse in golden billows"
They vamoosed into vanishing distance with fury of dust ricocheted behind the Earth's pall.
O the drapes of the earth,the Earth's pall.