March 6, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 40

Societies like nations are meant to decay but the cultural appropriation context of their formation using the concept of collective responsibilities to administer the strategic effect of threshold bonding into stronghold and catapults human administration often an undefeated milestone.The extent of human environmental and social change accelerate the public system of change management at least for every social interval and public goods undertakings.
Damage control and resistance to envisage decades prior to damage outbreak aptly matters more.It explains the difference in developing countries and advanced countries and their sustainability and vulnerability to survive the quagmired nature of struggling atmosphere.
When the state of pleasure trap in a given society or state exceeds the paraphernalia of pain trap, effective damage control might be counterproductive in the long run .The concept of collective responsibilities also declines where motivation decelerate in the mechanical infrastructure of public goods.It is the greatest trap often set in mordern history in which both the weak and strong nations ,rich and poor,until now finds a common ground to resolve but nevertheless lacks the capacity to muster the badly needed solution.

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