March 2, 2025

My Oysters.part 25

You don't know before you set out at dawn?"
"That destroys humanism"
"Nope but glorifies a great achievers."
In everything and every sphere of lifetime 
At every strand life is colonized by the principalities of fiefdom 
Who distributes and redistributes fields of honor
To those out of the fissures and the filigres of the fissures 
At auctioned times punch-drunk as they deem fit,
Who turn dodunks as slaves in slavetown 
Unless the weapons are mercilessly deployed 
They don't have victories that they deserve.
Go to your battlefield every morning to Excell
Before the sun goes down."
The weaponry and musketry of gallantry hardly fails
To recompense the fugitives from the fissures ,five and dimes of misery and emporia of serfdom ,
Although the curlycue,ringlets, convolution,incurvature,crooks,dogslets,hairpins, inflections be real,
As insurmountable cannons of time often dismantles every behemoth,
This wisdom, tradition ,myths,odwives tales, anecdotal,folklifes, folktales,fables,tales,yarn etcetera hardly fails.
And was never glaciated and congealed from the transaction of this virtue 
Be a warrior and let your time fly with your eagle.

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