My suspicion of Maximus expedition predates some tapestry of leaks,
canker of rampaging escapades and venomous callithump in the open country,
Maximus now sits tersely in his treachery ,
All this banal an unheralded ethnarch,
Lift me pother impuissant with saddening thought above the hellish plough,
Revenge dreamt him dead like a savage found him dead
And choked treachery with kisses of death,
Swindlers of eudaemonia at sarabesa's
No longer the detent in pawls
O how sweet victory in heavenward charm
Summon them
Beyond flooded charm of uncharmed bees at night
"So saith the etymon and eudemon of the oracle.
As he pawed he to his feet, chalice lowered from gulp,
Pointificates hock his bossom cat's paw to broker the expedition.
"So tomorrow by noon when maximus shall be asleep,
Cacodemon in the spirit of good hope
Shall strike "
Enter Sullivan's armor bearer Animus.Boored
Espionage and counter espionage from abesi's.
Animus: Abesi's serfs retreated as maximus piscators fled the riverbank.
Sullivan:Any counter espionage from the north country?
Animus:The serfs and the squirrels fled the open country and there was no columnists in sight.A handful pyrates beaten blue by bees nursed their sores with palm oil.
Sullivan:Pollinate the fugue men.Hetetofore ambush in the novel rose bellied under tort speculated in the ambulate of guerilla warfare.
Animus: Artilleries,shells, beyond bees supposed
Galicia:Thou art goth a tike,a boor to renounce Sullivan's antics.
Animus:Do you insist?then shall I refrain thee.Prior bees trenchwarfare frozen prior to terror.
Galicia: Uncharmed bees goof little stuff.
Galicia bored him and Sullivan's to the rescue
Sullivan: Tumulus come from the East artillery.
Animus placated and reprieved.
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