February 19, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 22.

I was aghast to realize leadership in most cases lack original thought let alone blessed with revolutionary ideologies that could shake not only nations,the world but also millennials to come.Thoughtless leadership and thoughtless followership are the single biggest risk to mordern civilisation.They briskily risk a war when they face rival nation and they re forced by power of rivalry to fight to think.Otherwise a rival nation could overrun.It is the greatest anathema to ancient and modern civilisation.The struggles of prior generation endless and successive generation may not realize the significance until they turn to the book of history and force to rethink and embrace ideology of mighty nations .And only one firebranded step is needed and then others follow in the blind cloud who may not enquire how it all happens.
The successive times often boast about it and hurl public ovation to the reformers and luminaries.As long as they applause dies they forget the mess before the great relief came and that is the nature of human being.They condescend when in need and stop to meed when surplus is intimidatingly at their prestige.They then cast aspersion to those with no experience no achievement in that regard and infact cited their expensive lifestyle forgetting the erstwhile most disturbed period of their history.They also cast aspersion against competitors that have had or still have similar experience.Those climes that fall under the receiving ends might some day be fortunate to produce the new breed of strategic thinkers that could wrought similar marvel.
The mordern technology excluding the internet, electronics and computers that we use today have been experimented , experienced,used before and deployed extensively before by prior civilisation.The prior civilisation might not condescend to calumniate those who haven't the experience.But when the successive spiral of civilization that came thereafter recycled the same technology which they call discovery and begin to calumniate those who barely have and resort to call them savages launching campaign to wipe them out there's every tendency the fall of such civilisation in the either imminent or unforeseeable future is guaranteed.

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