March 2, 2025

My Oysters.part 18

Delusters are trickish folks and they re so many 
In the path towards a becoming of great minds 
Great minds too at one point in time were branded 
In the same manner too but remorse to do things right
Often differentiate them and before you know it
As they say the rest is hilarious history 
It sounds so embarrassing and funny sometimes 
How funny history becomes enriched history 
And men of shallow times and hollow history 
Became gemstones of checkered antecedence 
It happens so quickly in the twinkling of an eye 
And the most difficult battles to climb the mountaintop 
Is as dead easy to these nuggets of times
As it was easy for camels to break through 
Desert effortlessly with heavy loads on the back
As if nothing happens in the journey where 
Often times thousands and millions meet perdition 
In the desert storms,in the canyons and gaols of wilderness times.
Run from delusional delusters and if you re one yourself 
Being your own greatest enemy remorse, from your moral infection in your valley of indecision .

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