Continuation of the
poem - meteoric vale,with its first part,was first published on the same blog. O
lupinous hesperian,save me the theft of freedom ,from alien tongue.And
forays,into space and nirvana wherein all men are freed and serfdom,a
nullity. O My forlorn childhood . Do i as lowbred,lovefeasted,upon mine
childhood lunge to lush lustrous lupine from its lutarious plateau?
07/07/2017 11:17am
Meteoric Vale was damn cool as a
logician and a cassanova,with erudite pen mastery of the ways and wiles of a
lorette whose lorgnette sharpshoots greed on every vista.To sift through
logomachy of its nebulous clouds,hewn with the grim death grit and modest
pride of a semantics.Skulk,luminously the lumpish lanking of its timber and
lumberlike lumbago.Their Clowni
sh ludicrously,lucerned and locust-grisly
infest mortar garniture,had not yet still a garbage refrain to stook a
radiating radiance as a fur of a gallinaceous obsessed souls.Doused and
dampered from a vulgar clump of its meanest shores and hazy thrust aplomb.The
miserlies of its meanness and its firmament,rose my chin
emboldened,emulsified by its geniculated buds.And crystal as the ocean waters
and impecable as the alabaster;flagellants,they flagellate amidst the rocky
mounds.Golden feet,supplanted on the fallowed fields of meteoric vale beneath
and then crept into olympus mount.A little geodesy of sullen bank's geogony
timbering amidst the fodders
07/07/2017 12:30pm
of hazy clouds.Born Of locust
eaten tempest steel,that crestfalls crescendos and stooks of starry morn,For
not the villainous gangrene and gesticulation of mortifying pestilence,could
be crimsoned to cringe stalks of starry night bound frenetic volubles,Of all
the nuances that galvanised the downpour of the evergreen,there was a
wanderlust whose contiguous drift crotcheted like an artesian wells of
deadbeaten sickos,janglings of the owlish misty looks.To peer good breeding
upon its pestle of mortar's petrified morsels,mottled mosses gone grey and
petals rottened on st.blues queer street,far driven from its hobson choice 's
glabrous scythe to grisly gripe,And grims the descendo-ed locust steam,the
hackneyed starry night executioners.To winnow the gallimufry of the gnawed
broken reeds and loafers'inglorious bedlam ,of a contemptuous valleys and
shruken aridland,with cavil wodging magnitude,or by bowling grooves and
insulated glacis.Gesticulation by castellation,were the pedagogue gnaws,upon
this sordid bank
breed granulated remorse. Grabbled
i in the dark,hence,halo-ed as the halloo drew mine engross and still mired
in dungeon.As though incorrible of the infamous pests,had defied upon their
heels and encroached intestines and remedies horrified by illusion,withdrew
into my hibernate,
07/08/2017 9:54am
And Variegated atteliery treacled
with ephemeral hedonism,to mine starry morn's incorporeal plainsailing
startled;so harmstrung by duffer,impinged beyond bearings unmasked a bent and
a gusto,tinted with luxuriating passion,sparkling as the morning stars,A
bunch of fair roses meshed with the hallo of avantgarde and juggernauts of
intellecticities,presaged to append resolve; thus gravity,a downhill swing
and apogee's grappling hook is bereft of hays,when they deadbeat at a
deadloss.,deigh as you deigh;steed as you steed ,they steed.And let a fissure
fisticuffs,oversway them,With tackier propinquity,grow fillips to stall their
haemorhage,dampened torch,of a fibre wobbling and fettered; and incense
fervidity,that they may bind themselves with ferocity,adorned in fictile
metaphors,A florescence fondles with weird thematic lineament,endorsed,And
Clumps of disarrays,taking the softlanding,upon their floodgate of
throes,downpour of censure,slammest be,the locust gale of a loafer's
time,that with a score of sloth's
frittered aways,lodestone skyward
shoots from a contemptuous square of loathsome loathe ,of longfaced,barring
lonely hearts,and within periphery hanging like a walrus moustache,at
loggerheads,so sternly of its innate arts and adept virtuoso,the dissuading
lethargic gongs,melifluous bells,how such unfair flowers flung into dunghill
to be internecined by pestilence,from their leadened wits and locust
grails,by asinine mettlesomeness,left to rot on primrose bank,overwhelms
brutes and pundits alike,stitch the wound of thine starry night fodders,Ye
marrooned apollos of shallowed cosmos!Retreat bliss of heavenly moisture,from
the voluptuous bank of fair roses,for howling renaissance,blissful contends
that in these ignoble times,frosty plaudits's sings rebuked,supplanted on
panoply of frontiers,a stanchion,wherein foul plays plow; And when again,your
luminous light and exemplification leavens he,take the crusade aboard,shall i
mine enclave,deadens a bliss?So,laudably,when fisted i in distressing
times,Gentle lambs..
,so meagre ambush in transit,robed
as hermint,a recluse to heed the clarion call for lathes of the augean
stable,whereon,we are placated beneath with the lathes on a jumbled
flight;with the pinions of the eagles in flight,flushed amidst delicate
lances,And laddle substance effulgence,a cynosure of blinking roses,to bind
my lamentable lament,in eulogy of the apogee's victor,in rings of grief and
despair,labourious and loitering a while,at the cliff,a hotspot of the
sapiens,with kittens,at its baptism of fire,winces of that kittenish heel to
nymph a streamlined kindred spirit of the forlorn child,hammered anvils of
the fatuous beams, And these resillient strands of the kindred
spirit,sparsely suffused kindled its kiln:A fleece so golden,a curio that can
be found in lagos,held in solitary confinement,softer than thepassing wind,How
killjoy maketh a killing out of windy kismet,beats me my top hollow with ill
bred fangs beneath.Not the funkiest of inklings wary did it entomb.To
sibblings of teeny boppers,hanging
in this guillotine of dreams;drawn
sword unsheathed of dying souls.In the transit of antecedence,as they
evolve,karate of starry night foibles,foment ebonoid isle of man, Why you
might be forlorn too,plow here with wit and tread my forlorn childhood for a
pedagogue.To wither holy curiousity,not tease thy art to feed on the garniture
of heavenly bliss,A glabrous exhortation to sweeten tendon,where pebbles of
the seashore under brown study,startled to wonder and adhere,where swarm of
locust and summit of minnows,flex for a golden fleece,staying beyond fray of
thy holistic grit,to worn out stale itself,sometimes intimate with the rising
sun,when time and patience permits,blowing storms with ridicule how they for
clamourfreedom,With their golden feet,sweet above compare,ever partake their
gormandised bellies,barring smokey teeth on frivolous sand,If you scold but
scantily scold in open cast,that obvious instant chaste,expose thee for a
ridicule and scorn;but turn dead eye,vommit pleases them to dwell.a lifelong
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