LOTUS?Shall icompare thee to a lotus?A lotuseater and a lounge,fibrillating
in the blue sky, Thou art morelotus and a freakish lounge and no gadfly to
thy freckle, Bathos-wranglings off beam,a beachcomber of subterfuged purple
birth and gilded forays,And downthe hatches,hath all too hellbent-ungenerous
to batten,Sometimetoo benumb,that archipelago ofphantasmagoria anomie,his
bearhugs screwed,And everyindolenceby its bedbugs,like a
walrusmoutache,hanging on his own,its sloven bedfellow,By beatniks'spurned or
bedraggled intendmentbecome or therein moreishpsychotic bedridden,But thy
bedlamtransit bedsit shall not its timber slumber,Nor baulk obsession ofthe
unfair lounge, Nor shall indecisionas sloughed as loungelizardin thy bone
marrow with bated breath,crumblest baste, When in baroquebarkings,to bark
thou growest,Solong as with your barehands or that immanent barrenness can
pluck,So long barefaced,this gong of balderdash lines an
d unfair lyrics
sings,glued to thy feet its doggedtwain
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