February 11, 2019


Is a hollow of winces,across burning ghats,haphazardly hankypanki'd and laced betwixt the submerged causeway and its winding slope?Of happygolucky harlequins and harlequinade,hexes the briddle with highwater mark,of highly stung,seeking palladium,slung in the hightide beyond,And there inroad,the high tension and highwater come hell bled.One placid morning winces ere the cloud had highton'd ensembled,sunbaked,hotfooted,in this hotwater and hotpotatoed tardypath,ill sated hothouse plant,planking the bay,with barehand hypochondriarchal in turmoil,toy'd with subterfuged winces as mere stroll in the park.It was an illusory and dare not vommit,such illwills not immaculate as fugacious winds and blasting storms had tossed beneath,wither or wince,o wight in thy widgets,cluttering feet or gnat straining,each incognito,incoherent upon prior salvo,googly as they goof,and in that mote of infiltrated neurosis,Not inviolable or innoculated,did they insouciant trigger to inveterate tisImage result for THE PHOTOS OF ACADEMICS IN AMERICA
some inverse proportion of introsective intumescence or introversive intuision that hardly reinvigorated the surface and stormy surge of the sedentary bonemarrow.Heypresto,not yet halting nor ebbing,an inviolable composure!And remedy of winces once again,deemed with freak as vile;in its omnibus beguiling sports,dandy invertebrates all along,making a hoodwink of irremediable reproach,that was its pinions,its vulture,its cricket flight,its ironmongery,rather its verve,and invariably,jackbooting with remedy-jettissoned,what with this jelly are jetsams'alike,all asundry pitfall,were purged nor jejuned by this vile,And now to inverterates,pluck judgement at a fresh perchance,to instigate remediating levees or scrutiny too fain groovy,either to be dissected from its jeering spots,On which it grew or to be lacklustred to venture to its own vomit,diverse a fern,jives this tardypath.Mammoth still impenitent ferns recalcitrant and haply that those jocunds of jestering jibs.So,stately dignified of this damsel,
nomenclatured:hotheaded charm,in its humble abode,set ablaze on lovers'night than placate by the parade of belicose brood or jingle grin of the manx,on a fine piety kettle of fish,whacking his kettldrum at a recess lawn:So fared she by passers' by,that sparkling dusk,from the sunset,Meanwhile,a niggling was slapped upon he,when he first amorous salvo fired,the rodeo mirth of lovers'bug,flocking the recess lawn,to groove its flamboyant clubbing,disdained greedily his feet to the furthest encroachment,flocked to those fancies and damsels earth,were emotive blank fires of the spirit,he plunged in this mire,when in a twinkling of an eye,a glitterring and glimmering haze was unleashed,infront of jawdropping fanfare.
10/23/2017 1:38am
Image result for the photos of a spoken poetsA handsome wight of Adam,pigeonholed as a bully,a draper,winced his golden feet artlessly,but obdurate at her emotive garb,in the estern wing of the clubbers'night,it was moonrise and was like an oasis from the desert' 'Obfuscating,improvident and feckless'lover bitch dazzles maidens'partying,blokes must be adorable,fashionista and oarsmanship unblushed,a breed,who can loose no sleep of the strangulating amorous oddysey,when it strike,lunge's tactics hire immaculate is ample and some meagre alterations,widget'd wherewith to hedge her slippery antics' Eavesdropped he a stranger,intoned fellow draper and alone stood he as melodrama unveiled the obverse.His sickly gaunt awakened.Close to the spot,drapper winced his legs so long as his frame could carry him,which alone maketh him,loungelizard cringe,for his hagard self emaciat'd,Alas,the ambidextrous adonis,in this grandfinale,alternates his horsepower to ploy her to his tent and heart,with one wince and then successive volleys,winces by winces he,cavorts
with ease remedies,won her heart.What plays and coys,so cunning a fox,were soon to be jubilant as the old sleigh bells.And sobs he,the lounge lizard at first volley and salvo,frittered away providence and the boon of a precious gem,motheaten by haply longuer'd intendment,in contrast to she who fell weakling for his wizzardry.

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