February 11, 2019


Contro. Sonnet-45-The combat betwixt lust and love,tore down,the ages,should the trojan war,unabashed by wiles of maddening dogs,ranting around Hellen Of Troy,kidnapped by paris of Troy,Gone are the glorious times,and permit me to observe,consequences and retribution,tiptoe and pathfind art of offence and defence,the first offence,not minding its consequences,thereafter,cognisancf of sword of damocle swears and quieker to defend,but behold,retribution is the reward and price of....
offence.desideratum for freedom,is scuttled,given its imperious psychological influence,for when the brutish storms are percolated,in graver guilt of squandered esteem to thee,thy life as slaves to lust,can barely be retrieved,plummets beneath this lifelong punch of blistering struggle,somewhat eternal guilt ,until engraving is done and the boozers,pimps,sluts and philanderers,come to remorse,sweet roses,dainty to smell are much far away,by those rancour,meted to thee,in the headlong rash of struggle,who without resolve but impervious,now cannot be healed by tender care of solicitude,of thy unfair sojourn,masquerading freewill,blight of convalescence,but then no longer,assuage,And return to remorse,to garnish thy faith a restitution and regurgitates thy self.Contro.Sonnet-46-Conquest of desideratum,not in itself an anathema of mortal aplomb,How to eschew offence with dire consequences,blurs a misty eyes,thy indulgence,blots thy eye,the freedom of veracity,thyself endorse that thou in fable,doth lie,a deeper
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sore,that can be only be cured in due time,but maddening rants,doth negligence pay a sloth,And says that consequences,do not matter,to justify salacity,as the norm and public domains,a hint of dire consequences of meretriciety,all miscreant come to obeisance,And by the consequences,their wanderlusts submerged misty eyes nebula,due its bibliomaniasis and sangfroid mettle in part,And to stress, the throng of obnoxious goof,is to fret tuturship, and remorseful wraith,to the rescue. Contro.Sonnet-47-The struggling ferocity, betwixt lust and love,is like that of the feet,tongue and the eyes,And pair by pair, fires their entities from bad turns to good turns, what thine eyes have observed,let not thy tongue utter and if thou art famished to utter it,thou by thy feet,shalt be bound by thy tongue, or heart in deception,swims in deceit,doth grope in the dark,its misty eyes. What thy eyes have seen thy tongue art bound, And then arts is slaughtered,when thy heart is deceived, and every move by nebulous salve and..
nebulous feet and hazy eyes,an helical of pandemonium,ye mince by heart,not cut thy folly,that thou mayest,not factitiously observe,in thy recurrent skirmishes betwixt lust and love?And each straying foot,doth burn,acatalectic guitless part,So either,by foul play or by holistic treat,thyself thy art,still translucent with thyself,delivereth over the long haul,selfesteem,for thou not scribble nor craven thee,in thy identity,cast forth,And i still with legacies of youth and they with me,scrummy and scrumptious,not for once,with a scruppy,and scrupulous scrutineered,they with me in mine righteousness and probity,prompt i to interrogate thee,in mine sight,treachery of youthful guiles,Awake in thine heart and let thy hazy looks see.Contro.Sonnet-48-How mean was i,when i grew up in a penury and contentment,Each conceited strife, with mine haggard bones contend'st,that to mine temptation,licentiousness,of salacious wights abound the countrified,from opprobrium rocketing opprobrium,they swing ov'r intense scruff.....
And swim with scandal,in surest frequency to tempt i,but thou,to whom shekels and jewels of contentment kept,art bedecked,restraineth thy hands from lascivious thriffles of youth,most worthy villains,still now they prowl,being mine vilest grief,thou best of dearest remorse,of best,i care,in the jungle of covetous cannibals,remorse maketh the best sinew out of a resilient art,thee have i pluck,in thy remorse,to exemplify mine course at the summon of the interval for convalescence,feed where thou art learnt,thou out of feeblest pawn,i learnest well,with gentle embrace,of tutorship healest bone,healest faster,from whence consequences evanesce and normalcy entrench,that thou mayest insulate from harsh bite of the furious sun and its smokescreened verdict,even than thou wilt be impervious and fetid with no counsel,thus dread for ken ,with no counsel,by reverting to the same vomit,pays the gutter price of retribution.Verdicts are born,to reproofand refrain mortal foibles,from the indignities of artistic time,
Contro.Sonnet-49-Time against time,countless wars we wage,when shall we become,its jolly fellows,rather than mere fiendish covetous,wherein hast become man's greatest mountain,when thy lust,hath cast ridicule,on its person, And utmost revile by mortals,causes it to disdain mortar art,altogether assembled to scrutiny,by mere inquisition of esteem of sapien arts,to castrate this nebula,time maketh its final judgement,when thou stealthily slumbers on thy bed,And barely tinker with it,how to amortise mortal pawnbrokee's burden in a civilisation,that burden that artisans and technocrats,froth steep to repay,thine misty eyes cannot,when lust stole from thee,the sinew of thy youth,from payment of its cummulative outstandings,it was,shall bankrupts find solace,in lustful league,Against that infest,do i my legacy,laid for posterity,yet unknown,restrain'd within insidious ingrowing of disvantaged childhood,And this importunity and youthful resistance,pricked my legatees,to mimic golden feet of a stormy petrel,to
guard thy judgement and seek entreaties in that concerns thee,to leave distress and regurgitates,from livid prime?Why Battle,since I Can for a cause. Contro.Sonnet-50-How arduous it is,to sojourn in an alien land,without its breadth,unravell'd and decipher'd,when what we seek is nigh,why that logics,that wit to infer,to deplete frugal mile
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we seek is nigh,why farthest plunge and weary travel?A frosty profligate means and why that logics,wit to infer."thus,to deplete fest of frugal miles,shall be to fritter away posterity yet unknown"Why impugn time's sagacity so much?how heavy burden,do i bear,in my heart ,when what i wills,my weary passion desecrates doth infer that volition and ambition events differently,to conform.Thus likewise,indicates events that shaped sapien lives,are determined by exterior,posterior and interior influences,the infection that bears thee addiction,exasperated with undissimilar affliction,props up directly,from such influence,to bear its fruit,and dire consequences,in man, As if by some fustigation,the infected, did know,his vector,immuned,not the predator, being repressed from its guillotine,the bloodfeud cannot excite nor provoke its defeat,that sometimes immolates,thrusts thy volition into blistering competition and struggle,Which densely,it imprecates with a protracted grouch and resistance more poignant to thee...
than mere incursion into the struggle,for that same steely resistance doth pompous incontestable,goads its triumph,victory lurks upon thhs trajectory and my remorse,not incriminated nor surmounted by whatever.Contro.Sonnet-51-Thus pithily,can thy freedom be bargained,to neuter as a nymph protrusive offence.Of parlous defence to castrate the hangman,the public executioner of corporeal moorings,when from thee art found wanton,from which vile,thou art turned sadomasochism,into a craft,like thy ilks,why shouldest not pity remorse,tis thy stress of harrowing writhe,ignite beyond its mean? O,what fortune will tardy resistance ordnance brings,when distress spiral,cannot by its afflict and inflict,be abated?then,shall i not spurred a rugged stance,thou supplanted,though hobbled,on a quirky counterpoise?remorseful candour no regret,shall be ...with thy pedagogue,launch retreat therefore craves of benigned transmutation,intervened shall hail no bogus decrepit,in this fiery paroxysm of contest,and volition for ambition
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than a bewitched sands,gawked by covetous lewd,when locust eaeon,confront thy arm and retribution revisits the woes of a lothario nor mesh his crave,nor in the struggle's burningfire,shall not be quenched,the infected epoch of the contagion,against obloquy and immanent ignominy,shalt your venture be and the mensrea for freedom,be not fouled as gauchy as the unborn timesbeyond shall thou soar,that judgement to root out the headstrongapostasy,thyself arise,to butcher the intents of sadomasochists. Contro.Sonnet-56-Golden guilt by its quilt,bespoke thy force;be it not price resisted,thy resolve should poignant be than its treacle,which by passage of time is retarded,today's resolution sharpeneth yonder heights,So,passionate be thou,penitence envelops thy misty eyes,now even untill full blast,spirit of struggle,sordid plow,didnot quarrantine the ballads,do not massacre lethargy,besidesits rattle,this sullen state doth anew begin,they contendwhere two,ocean struggle never parts and flowing streams,gash not flux,
than a bewitched sands,gawked by covetous lewd,when locust eaeon,confront thy arm and retribution revisits the woes of a lothario nor mesh his crave,nor in the struggle's burningfire,shall not be quenched,the infected epoch of the contagion,against obloquy and immanent ignominy,shalt your venture be and the mensrea for freedom,be not fouled as gauchy as the unborn timesbeyond shall thou soar,that judgement to root out the headstrongapostasy,thyself arise,to butcher the intents of sadomasochists. Contro.Sonnet-56-Golden guilt by its quilt,bespoke thy force;be it not price resisted,thy resolve should poignant be than its treacle,which by passage of time is retarded,today's resolution sharpeneth yonder heights,So,passionate be thou,penitence envelops thy misty eyes,now even untill full blast,spirit of struggle,sordid plow,didnot quarrantine the ballads,do not massacre lethargy,bestridesits rattle,this sullen statedoth anew begin,they contendwhere two,ocean struggle neverparts and flowing streams,gash not flux,
wanning at the banks and flexing at the mean shores,when they meet,in the boat,more blessed,when torn by strife,never call it a day and thrive,where piscatories,running foul of fishing hooks and fishing nets,stik waddled tis the vague shores'contending might relaxes. Contro.Sonnet-57-Be thyself,a karma,what shouldest thou not do to others,the awesome golden rule,but tend upon the times of recuperation,burlesque of profligated morn and the burglary of time,art prevalent with nigges,nor preferences,are tedious,to carress till thy interference increase,its bulwarky ebulliency at its prime,nor dare thee chide thyself,not to binge,with clamour whilst i my surveillance,hoots and chants plaudits,for thy recuperation, nor thy show lethargy,at its bewitched sands,frothy brisky not to transmogrify it,when thou hast chosen to extinguish thy ambiguous willpower and bade farewell to extinct saturnalia boat,nor dare to revert back to the same vomit,with a cajole that wheedles and recalls misty eyes,wherein thou might be...
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imprisoned with thy petard hoisted,in reverse again by psychosomatism and neurosis.Or thyself as captivity captive,but like a sequel and penultimate vomit,brood of its dire consequences,Ectasy,where thou climb,how contented to make the resourcefulness of thy state,so prolific,a steam is resolution and ambition,that in thy willpower,though with addendum of perception,being everything,maketh hay,with substance. Contro.Sonnet-58-That interference,entangle that made thee thy golden resolve,should in grand style,retreat from hedonism,as it were in the locust years or at thy willpower,the disgusting anals and checkered chronicles of a remnant of inglorious escapades be learnt from,By thy companion,bound to spike thy wiser verdict,eschew suffocation,disengage thy feet at the deadlock of bandwagon jumpers,the mammoth in gaol of their liberty,brainwashed by casuistry,chartered with no guilt,frosty tamest sufferance at will,without further tangled ado,be discreet to recoup locust years,thatthy gladiator might be potent
to avert impending doom hence,clings to thy heart,thy bolthole,refrain from being bilked by thyself;for man's self is his greatest enemy,thus shall thou transfigure,into thy own freedom,since from vile to art direst plunge,i thou wast willful lured,towards thy transfigure,i"ll force thee,to run and give expressionism to catalyse ambition for freedom. Contro.Sonnet-52-So,as thou art penitent as thou claimest,whose benediction can bring thee back to the years locust had eaten,recoup selfesteem,a calibration with which every mortal will not indure,a pizzazz for keeping fine struggle of oecumenical justice,chastity and all righteousness,therefore are the banquets to celebrate saints of public justice andpublic temple,since barely in the long strugglelike wars and ailments ,infected art is bashed in the middle of nowhere and sometimes no return,so isthe time of convalescence that keeps,burning in the heart,or as the saturnalia boat,in whichthe binging stigma doth greedily stigmatise,to plaid mitigating antidote
for its banish,by unfolding strategems,to lax thy imprisoned pride,blessed are those whose intergrity and selfesteem are protected,being stressed to triumph,sweetend self,enraged to be freed. Contro.Sonnet- What is thy substance,when thou art slave,within bond,that vilest shadow tended on a direst clouds,witherest go,each with its vybe,struck on the indian files,hath verve,And thou,by one salve,every shadow flees,unveil thy spouse no further,and thy sloven state thou changest not,on sullen plow,all great actions by muster grew, And thee by ridiculous art ,a moulder as a sadomasochistic tyro,knoweth dire consequences of plow,the paddle and its saturnalia boat,speaks of thyself,thy novel substance,the brass doth vile in thy benighted dusk,and thy remorse,not yet blithering and hilted,to foist the lascivious stigma,by alien influence,still not diminished in some cases, but thou like none, and resolved for the mutative plough.
Contro.Sonnet-53- is posted above and contro.sonnet 54 ,posted below, as indicated
Contro.Sonnet-54-O how much more of penitence doth thy psyche beams,by one holly candour,swallow thy guilt and regret, which passionate doth give,the injunction delivers consequences,but fairer and harsher,when it deems verdict obeyed,for that golden consent,which doth in it abide,And the effect have influence,cast aboard,as alterable implication of its order obeyed,abode in that throng and livery lively as the cricket,when mortal fate masquirade,compete direst clouds ,but for its golden fleece,only then is the villain known,may live in limbo of art,wooded to stray,do not die indigo dye,to invent.Misty eyes like gumptionless roses of a shallow fields,welded with shallow buds,as blunderbuss and lurid shores invade,And so,of mutation,fastidious and pertinacious distills ,when the dust shall unfolds,fondling with consequences direst contend. Contro.Sonnet-55-Not bullion nor the giltedged palaces,of kingdoms yet unknown,of princes yet unborn,of zurich 's gnomes not yet seen,shall satisfy thee,with treasure trove
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of the golden yonders,but thou shall contend to glow in thy reprieve.
06/25/2017 7:46am
Contro.Sonnet-59-If there be norms,but that which is built by hays,unseen of the posterity and uninformed by how then are the succession of change sees so brightly to moot the right change,which given by consequences of events and outcome of history and scorecard,do glaringly and grudgingly,invariably bear trends amiss,the second hurdle,of an interference.O that yoked art,arts under duress of condition could with stressed verve misfire,Even of a mere entanglement and encumbrances of a domestic ado, unfolds its longuer sinew in those infinitesimal accidents,since neurosis at psychos as sickos,first notified, by countenance,rather than by characters' scorecard,that thou might see above what ordinary folks,could not see,intergrity composed of selfesteem,fits like a fiddle,a man's frame,we are villains or saints,or whether evolution of norms mutates or not, o am so sure,change is a permanent mountain and a permanent valley that mortals ,must climb up and down,to subject every mortal and matter to judgement,a....
Contro.Sonnet-59-If there be norms,but that which is built by hays,unseen of the posterity and uninformed by how then are the succession of change sees so brightly to moot the right change,which given by consequences of events and outcome of history and scorecard,do glaringly and grudgingly,invariably bear trends amiss,the second hurdle,of an interference.O that yoked art,arts under duress of condition could with stressed verve misfire,Even of a mere entanglement and encumbrances of a domestic ado, unfolds its longuer sinew in those infinitesimal accidents,since neurosis at psychos as sickos,first notified, by countenance,rather than by characters' scorecard,that thou might see above what ordinary folks,could not see,intergrity composed of selfesteem,fits like a fiddle,a man's frame,we are villains or saints,or whether evolution of norms mutates or not, o am so sure,change is a permanent mountain and a permanent valley that mortals ,must climb up and down,to subject every mortal and matter to judgement,a....
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cannonade,that ages have,given plaudits like the gods. Contro.Sonnet-60-Like as the winds,maketh a vitriolic judgement,upon all mortals combined,cast beyond shoreless jungle,so do nature reservest change,the esteem to judge,ridden by time,to err,end and beginning,in every toil,uncensured,as the prime arbiter,over all shores,do contendest not its imprimature naively,in limbo of resistance,causes all mortals,to............to its notoriety,whether crowned as villains or saints,retribution either saintly or villainous surgical crooked elipsis,pays the price of freedom,the price of every ado.Time in its oval,doth imprint its sojourn on its entreaties,charters mysticism of the bulge,flung in its lap and nebulous brows,feet thou,the frequencies of truth,it dispenses,and Not the thing that exults,And yet to err,in vague optimism,thou purport,thy verve,shall withstand,that terror,that thyancestors of blessed memory,across millenia fled,beneath the earth,and eulogy of thy art,is like a ridicule,that soon be overwhelmed
by the patient warrior of thy bewitched sands.Contro.Sonnet-61-Is In thy esteem,that the sullen earth should persist,mine salient past to thy misty eyes? Dost thou hanker as mine legatee,should break the ligament,while binges and sadomasochism,clings like to thee,doth mock the glorious anals and genteel mooring? is it in thy valour that thou hallowest not selfesteem,so fain,to abstain from this sulks of shamelessness and shameless being,the length and breadth of thy consequences? Oh no licentiousness,though notorious to thee,is not so lethal,it is thy misty eyes that keeps and infest lascivious guilles,brisky? mine own caring a hoot or a fig that doth thy contumacity a disdain,to play the guilles evermore,at the rapture of addiction,for thy brutish end;for thee relenteth not its tentacles,whilst thou dost binge and lust after a strange woman everywhere,far be it from thee,that thou shouldest persist,degenerate,in a whore of sloven mores.
Contro.Sonnet-62-Malediction of self adulation,that protrodeth,salacity from its umbilical cord,sadomasochism,and all thine springboard and thy radicle,engulf this marrow,and for this incardine that murky gloom,thou art paid dearly,for which there nemesis instincts,and rid off, thy neurosis,from this soulful lay of entanglement,there is no spur,as brave as thy portentous sulk,No bend so false, and so fatal,no consequences so lethiferous,And for nemesis,thy own astray and straying heart,doth pays dearly,And every reward blossoms from every goodwill,and when fate shows thyself,incriminated by its dire consequences,mine own selfpity itself,contrary disdains thyself,of self adulation,And so,brutish shall the misty eyes feed and repay karma,tis thy remorse is holy as the crystal seas,self pity profiteth not,and pouring frosty plaudits on mean values,lengthens its darkest hours. Contro.Sonnet-63-To nymph thy affliction,shall sinew be,as i saintly be,with the sting lascivious guile,not yet outwitted,when binges...
binges have draineth thy vigour, and darkeneth thy cheeks,with disrepute,when thy fortitude is overstressed and outmoded,hath suffused thee aboard,as a villain,And all those vista as ambushed scenery of voluptuary seabed,whereof consequences unseat,are threatening thee,with nemesis,for such happenstances,so much unpremeditated,must thou fortify,against the mountains nigh thee,that he shall not be smothered by its fatal consequences,my sweet remorse,though binging still delusive,And its stigma that stigmatises,shall in this remorse state,be curtailed,and nirvana shall thou return, o nirvana shall thou return,and tranquility thy eternal shallom.
Contro.Sonnet-64-When have i by legacy,sullen barefaced,the ostentatious shekels and velvety treasured trove of the capsized saturnalia boat,overworn,when most times perished they,in their metaphorical avalanche,the mammoth of his ilks,And crass transit,as they ilk,infelicitous and infernal,fled to lowlands and indigo-ed complacent,When have i induced,the addicted folks,distangled to merit on the metamorphosis of the infirmity,And the sloven earth's triumph of the prisoner of war,racketeering verve from conscience,accelerating serfdom,bankrupt with avalanche of serfdom,Or price itself paid,escalated to crease.Addiction hath my pensive erudite,thus to quit so much early,that dire consequences will comeand like a thief in the night,whiskaway thy unbriddl'd freedom.Behold,this kismet knoweth notthe mammoth and strike impromptu,without infraction of nature. Contro.Sonnet-65-Since binges nor addiction,its sloven earth,nor its saturnalia boat's atrophy but direst consequences,outwits its molasis of voluptuary lewd
How with this unfairness,shall infection hold a chaste,whose abrasion,is no fiercer nor ferocious than a hangover?O now shall the boat's vampired oddysey softland,against whirlwind,or hurricane siege at sea;When billows inundated,are not so clement to spare,the hulk,nor meanness of the shore,so fragile but days unknown?O repugnant remorse,where alack,shall time's borderless affliction,most grandiose item,from time's soidisant and selfwritten oddysey,adorned thee,with mortal hell?Or what esteemed psyche can defray his swashbuckling intent of sunny times and days?Or whose contaminates by infection can alter glorious ambition,O none unless,this providence have willing,that in distress,in my nuances,may still leap forward. Contro.Sonnet-66-Exasperated With this miasma,for direst clouds,flung overboard,i groan,And by will to berserk,desert woman born,a terrific pang,and ghastly discharge,moulded out of nihilism,and finest child,holistic girth foreordained, And gilded sojourn in sloven earth,beautifullyblasted...
And maiden glory of newborn child,convincingly rooted,on the checkered sands of time,And the boat's capsized paradigm,an allegorical poetry, and a landmark of the greyhack press,and suffused its tingle by imprinted sands over its slattern soil,and folly no more,convalescent smitten defacto craft,and specious vain breath misconstrued as trademark zombies,And captive good release from theft of neurotic incarceration,how thou art captain of thy fate,not tired of this melange,would be gone too soon,before thy time,otherwise,direst clouds banging over thy boat,might soon capsize,with thee at mid stormy seas.
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Contro.Sonnet-67-Alas,wherefore with infection and addiction,should thou live,And with dire consequences,gone too soon,that binges and debauchery by zombie's groove,should tingle and glide itself upon thy wanning soul?why should misty eyes,be routed by specious cheeks,And filth of thy stain,a scarred regalia of a lifetime?why should addiction be adorned as a trademark,garnished with roses of contagion since specious cheeks masquierades as misty eyes?why should thou live as insolvent soul,ur chined by carcasis of thy filth to bland thy discreet self?that thou hast no blanket cover,against artlessness,stinks but a ridicule of thy discreet self,And insomnolence of arts,hath its exchequer court,in the parlour psyches.O thou art like a rudderless bank,wherein ships barely bay,to show what folly,thou art,rusted,in the frenetic pawn of artlessness,thou might be gone too soon. Contro.Sonnet-68-Thus,shall the sullen cheeks,viled by its sporadic tempest,outlive the flummoxed artist,when binges and licentiousness..
coagulate,cast over this gallowed whirlwind,barely powwow the dastardly omens of the immanent direst clouds, Or raise an incense,apposite to incest,salacity and sadomasochism,as potion ,as curatives,to inhabit transquility,with the leadened brows,prior to golden troves,which are carted away,in sepulchres and predated, bashed by second fiddle-hood,to sigh but never sighed,to heave a lasting relief,every beauty that cringes,only to itself are nothing but an imprecated benediction,In this moulder,applique is as worthwhile,as the antique.All things are immanent to themselves,tis is tested by malediction,making no fudge of the green lush of a wanderlust.And thou,a false witness,before evidences' forays. Without ligament,rootstock and equitable assemblage,all plant species and apes,are nothing but growth ornaments,in thy store.And a nature's spring is the seed of its destruction and its rainment of ravishing rai.son d'et.re,towards apotheosis.
Contro.Sonnet-69-With all those sinewy,embedded in thy ramrod and imprisoned in thy impregnable bone,all realms,even beyond thy impiety,cannot impugn with impetuousity thy vacuous impassibility,to remorse.An Impropriety,AndImpropriety,that only thy providence can alter.Unveilingthe truth bare,as it were,thou art being imprisoned,by thy intendments and thy volition,hardpressed by st.blues,and thalt be freed by same,But those intents,that give thee, a transmogrification and transit thee,into a novel widget,to this eulogy,well beyond confounded realm.To see beyond its dire consequences and wedge of its direst clouds,maketh a providence of art,uttering the accents of the gods,perceiving beyond the realms of disgusting beauty.And in that intent,cast bile away,to enslave,what notion direst clouds might ambush thy posterity,Although, unfair flowers,spew vile of the providential intent,thy fragrance,it emits holistically,watereth a blissful posterity,not by thy seeds,which thou soweth,by impending harvest of dionysian intent's importunity.Thy blandishment,at once is superlative,as a neuter of the treachery of sloven
intent and its impressment. Contro.Sonnet-70-That thou be not exonerated,for this gale of Image result for the photos of a spoken poetsimpressment,for impropriety stigma,was ever yet the penitence,for the aromatic bespoke of arts,to groove.A penitence that instigates in the innermost bossom of the heart's impecable grail.So,thou be intendment pensive,eagerbeaver doth but impress impressario,thy wedge the impostor,being wooed of imposture,for imprecate vile,the bitterest birds,doth unleash the leaven of havoc,and thou incurest a besmirched boor of a bothersome plaid,thou hast evanesced esteem by the carteblanche to arcadian bliss,boddle and hedonistic bric.a.bracs,ambushed thy golden intent of unpremeditated bootstraps,and like an enchantment,thou art charmed and a wisp,a cannon fodder,humus and debris,for the burning fire,yet by this,thy destiny cannot be impugned,to tie thee up,in the bitterest clouds,for the days of machiavelli.If some penitence,be then impressment,to betray volition,thy convalescence,might be elusive and not deciphered.

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