O how outmoded,living on trees as
babboons and monkeys are like hagiologists are pretty not undisimilar. And
being set by time entreats as time nicks and to the catchy but tuneful
tales,its gongs euphonious and melifluous trickles by time turneth,prettily
entreats. Amidst this famish,christologists like muhamedans,hung in tempting
piety,slapped with crooked dint,mutilated hagiology and hallucination of the
soul. Till insentient mamoth, trite and truce,piety refrain they to
take,dew'd with windy sail. Hung over this graceless steps,fondling their
navels.Still voyeaurs in this numbed piety,wagering grew,wafting ,waggish and
Viscous time,thou art sticky with
narcisstic winds,thy mountainous field,bold to sport and so being froth to
steed that by kismet,every heavenly moisture dewed,reckoned he with its age
and beauty,that by law and naturewit's salvo on the earth's increas
e not
ossified and nothing is spared,that like Hararclitus all things flow. That
time and only time alone,grows to itself,neither spared customs nor the
accustomed values and so,tis its kiss on rudderless earth,a vertex verdict of
karma.Time by itself,and impenitent billows is vindictive of its artistic
atteliery and stream of fugacious,pugnacious thwacked to spare no exist with
salvos fondled upon its navel. And when it dost chaste,resorgimentos dost
begin. When it chides,her lips barely open nor unleash its potion,supplanted
upon every invidious windy sail and gilded passage alike,even when versified
in ambiguity.
Like every selfied
piety,hagiogists are nothing but sterile wishful cheeks, whose gardens
replete of treacherous flowers and schadenfreude petals,basking in its
vainglorious foils,are like empty eagles,smouldered by time's apocalypse.
What pathetic appologia by recalcitrant apologetics,in their piety,time's
sooth of windy karma murders with her sunset and sunrise potion.Yet,were they
servile to its sonorous ploy phantasmagoria opprobrium.Scorning
pieties'assymetry, even much more scold joyances of heavenly rapture and
nirvana envisage.
It runneth like the winds and
nebulous winds its glorious herald as glorious passage.And once glorious
folklores goeth moribund in the mere twist of nebulous winds,sancrosanct on
its pugnacious but fugacious milky way as the cosmos tintinnabulates,spareth
not polymorphosis and mutants like hagiologies. Behold,burning midnight
oil,beseeching paraclete for benediction,repugnant of day's gratify theatre
of the absurd.A laborious feet beneath a laborious,dewed with heavenly
showers of the reapers bundles.And lo,in the vacuous morning thaw,thatched by
fugacity,it was an obstreperous helot and his heehaw,whose
mudslinging,spareth not this pious speck,mortified his morphology,that
undiluted crasses of personage,an unexpurgated mores and pristined achilles
conspicuous with hagiologists
That visitant to a holy
shrine,prettily supplicates his desirous breath,greedily entreats and toads
his lips,with pleadings a galore,making he red and pale,in every crimson
dance so febrillated,And not cloyed his wagging lips with censorious mean.
Perforce will trove overflow its riverbank,wherein misty vapour,parched with
blue funk,overwhelmed his unfair sight,an overarching menace,palpitating its
oscillate,a palaver,embossed by gall infested pall bearing palate,palatable
upon contemptuous lips when they with nebulous bossom,blots witly hanker of
its blue sky.
11/24/2017 10:15pm
Entreaties spring entreaties even
as entreaties plead for entreaties to greedily clamour like burning
hell,whose clamour greedily stinks clamour.Narcissus irredentist so himself
in a closet libation,an hepthacentric winces,hepthcentric genuflects deities
above for windy benediction.In the hallo of morning mist tis tireless
twists,tortuous verve,with haggard face pleads he,himself yelled and panged
like a woman in labour,sowed tears yet still sobs till dusk,wreathed over
desirous gilded fleece,pure same vertex,his libido,audacious to
sport,hesitant grows painstaking unto its belabour.Still on his toes,with
deities' lines toed;yet toffee-nosed visitant,a self touted toerag,like
Sisyphus whose helot's admonition,his bone marrow disgustingly detest.Why him
did you impugn,kith and kins of Grecian Sysyphus? Then why subterfuge on
subterfuge,basks in his ridicule since helot's eyes,distant land and distant
gale seen? Did he a clue borrowed,from searchlight beamed?
And in his eyeballs,he looked to
chide. O bathos boy,refrain mortal entreaty! Laborious toil,beneath laborious
sun,thronged with the smartest wrestle,an incontrovertible therapy,a balm to
indolence,a medicine that wows undiluted apotheosis,whose writ ,every wriggle
obeisance be. Plead so,now,if deigns fiddle,on thy mat and desirous
knees,even for eternity itself cannot libate apotheosis,on thy bended knees.
Fortune Keeps its apotheosis,where but indolence on the stampede. Time
thwacks misery with its jaw,when the smartest toil and smartest grace
persevere.O thyself brethren,not be bled,upon thy bended knees infecund.And
in the morning libation,passeth his windowpane to apprise him and unto him,he
saith;"Is hardwork so intemperate,o pathos boy,that winces cannot to
thee succumb and toil?May it not spare thee,had thou smartest think it heavy
to cult?Is thine own heart heavy that its salvo,so froth as teensy weensy or
deadweight thyself cannot fire?
When in glasshouse,barely do you
throw stones and when in Rome do as the Romans do.Those tearaway
clubbers,revel not o revert not in their sport". To Whom,he again
goofed,pleading tempo rose and windowpane shut,but he in reprisal heehaw as
guffaw,obstreperous took the better part of him.And now out in a thumb,those
sports synchroniously and asychroniously bedevilled himself,his hauteur his
banacle,swindled his meeky face.O how the dusk skids speedily,the sissy still
on bended knees,but window opened,though not to alight his siroco of
sisyphean skate.And now,back from the toil of laborious sun,being now on the
promenade,fondled once again his psychosis and rabid routines. Nevertheless,helot's
admonition perpetually fallen on his heels,neither his heehaw nor guffaw,did
the trigger pull.This ignoble clubbers,sunken morphed its palatine with
molassis, Same supplication they tendered,but visitant was stupefied,when
helot,his entreaty procured,succoured,by exemplification,seduced to
moult.Alas,subverted piety studi
studiously inclined,now sturdily
crept its mound,strenuous in the old yore,did him stripe,to elope to the
strangle of ignoble den,he strewed.
11/25/2017 12:32am
His pollard no longer seizured and
from closet bended kness,in his retractile resin,that switched allegiance to
helot once ridiculed.Strapping now in the moult,did his stringency
fret,ovation rollicked,amidst the exhortation, Helot's reproach did not to
him to condescend,tis he replicated by choice and destiny,the same treasured
trove,procured,that which visitant on his bended knees,could not
pronto,reposte,as if with the spirit of the beguilhg sport,hauting
gongs,forbade and pool in a sinecure.
Ovation eulogised and when the
mammoth had dispersed,left him standing with him,who repelled exhortation.
And pronto,his chin fallen,jawdropping as helot heehawed and guffawed his
teaser of temporised teeter and frittered" Had I been heard long,long
ago,two glorious feet would have been this dawn celebrated."tablet of
tears was his guerdon.Wail,supercilous cheeks,how come helot,,in the vacuous
morning thaw,his gasconade and rodomontade,time's paroxysm,prettily
rusticated and sewered its final stray?.And it was merely his guffaw that did
him to moult at evasive eleventh hour,to graze he,himself,a transmogrified
personage,smouldered from specious soprano? O pity boy,gan he snob tis but a
twain he sops. Why art thou snob?
Ovation eulogised him,a helot of a
vulgarian fraction,and when the mammoth had dispersed,left him standing with
him,who repelled exhortation. And pronto,his chin fallen,jawdropping as helot
heehawed and guffawed in reprisal his teaser of temporised teeter and
frittered temporal;"Had I been heard long,long ago,two glorious feet
would have been this dawn celebrated."tablet of tears was his
guerdon,but the damage had been done.Wail,supercilous cheeks,how come
helot,in the vacuous morning thaw,his gasconade and rodomontade,time's
paroxysm,prettily rusticated and sewered its final straw?And it was merely
his guffaw that did him to moult at evasive eleventh hour,to graze
he,himself,a transmogrified personage,smouldered from specious soprano? O
pity boy,gan he snob tis but a twain he sops. Why art thou snob?
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