February 11, 2019


Appanages,hung On eggregious mile avariciously they woo the apocalypse,and tends the appendixes of kismet,to append futurology of the homosapiens.And dancing the arty crafty,timologists,befuddled in its beguilling sport,and the morning appeases to the night for the ap.o.gee of the great apocalypse.They play with the dart forth fire of the pejorative arrows,as they banter and badger ashcans of naturewit's persiflage,effusive and ebullient,eggressed and effused,on the eggregious mile,With eggs thrown on their faces,the ascetic minded and the hedonists alike,the clan's eke,as festoons of parlous roses,festooned by fetor of eunuch's effete pouch,Elapses time's docker of vaudeville doddle.And they dole a pittance and a penance for a livelihood it.sy-bit.sy,waow,what a scrooging lifetime! Dogsbody-birds,mousetrap cheeses and pipsqueaks,squelched in their marshy,motheaten squadron,dissuaded their infantrymen,rottened sports in the damp squib,dogstired and still doggoed,rummaging like a fodder in the doghouse,
Squeaking,squawking,squealing,squinting,squiggling and bustling like a squire and the swiftest canst pacify timology for a pie of gravy train.Dickesian clamour of the egregious mileage,sings the dirge of the Dionysian dingy,to refute the persnickety of nature's boundless ever cooing persiflage,diddles the sojourn of a sojourner,Birds Of passage,squarebashing in the earthly sojourn,as vile felonies,cryptic and a crucifix of prejudice as volition cross,bent on the edge of the precipice,crumbles neath earthcrust in fest of timological squandermania,as golden morn,the true price of freedom,goes up in smoke,and esplanade of espousal,wails beneath its labyrinth,to unravel even the frittered escapade of the jungle.She bares the fangs of hell and the promenade of the seventh heaven,whereonmalediction and benediction,being malevolent and benevolent,oozes from its sedentary butmutational couch. She flies,in thevacuity of the cosmos,her pingpong,plays with the mouses,the bats of the rolling moss,and the languiddickens
and the obstreperous motes,languid dickens of the raving monty,a leveller for the marshy moles,in the truculent morsey's tiring trudge of the egregious mile. Matrons of honour flock to her orchard,as insulator of the supples of its mines and crucifixes.whose moult,decked with unflinching plait,matadors of this mileage and time's machismo of masochists,maroons of the serenades,Ambush bedwetting pageantry of fatalism,to jail the bedlam and bedbugs of time,she rejoices in the beautitudes,the hobos,beatniks,sorcerers,villainous,mavericks and the libidinous,dancing gore on goreish horses of the starry morns and starry nights alike,to celebrate the backwaters,backwoods,the backbenchers of the idle courts of sapiens'trojan horses,with their ambidextrous regalia,wrought marvel of the open sessame,Her invincible and invisible cult personalty of esoteric hewn bustles as noble and ignoble pawn that frets in labourious sun,a golden fleece of the rising sun and fallen moon,and Thenthe day junketing into the deep as night
07/14/2017 8:41am
woven into darkness,fugacity flies away,ambiguous into empty space as freebooter of meteoric vale of checkered antecendence.All You a cat's paw,let there be no cavort,cease,to cavort and gallivant with cavil,a caustic cause celebre,to scorn her cavalcades of cavalrymen,masquerading up the spout,with the cavalier spout of catch 22 spoors,robe no more thyself,with obscuratism,casuistry and catatonia schizophreniac carousel mental catalepsy,Neither its howler and cussed heap of gallivanting mirth,nor its fickle of raizor-edged perfidy,cuspy and cushy,to do your damdest as your cart horse relishes,Carol no more in oblivion, o birds of passage as she flies away into empty space,with her carnivorous fibre and trouncing with her cannibalistic canopy.She plays the blindman's bluff,to blink and be butchered by itsblast furnace and guillotinous foundry,bleeding hearts crumble,into gaol trumped by the blandishment of the blankverses,and bland poetry of the languour but long and everlasting mile,oh,everlasting mile
,the Basketballcourt of the timologists,whose complex umpire,knows not scorn,Hung on armchair armada,an awesome craft and spawn ofattelieries,enamoured by neurosclerosis of arson,to slay the apothegm of its appliqued in trodding the longest but languour mile,a slothfulvile detest this trudge,her anthromorphic alopecia nebulous withapathy,unmasks anorexia spawning of fleeting times,plodding her womb in clamour of anticlockwise and anticlimax of cacophony,All You vilest cat's paw,why the anomie and season of anomies that frisk that you frisk might bleed?Caustic temperament caterwauling,burning on a sunk but cattied caisson,ambrosia itself burnt to a frazzle,on its cauldron,and so much caverns had gone beneath the bridge,to cling to stampede and catfight,chatters and old chatterboxes like a cheapstakes,flock at the chasm,the cicatrix of morbid chutzpah.Cockfighters hurl into dunghill,coddles a cockpitof cock and bull cognoscentis of the cold hearted and cold bloodded,coaxed into nebula,in their colloquy..
smouldered morn,with the rapturous conk of the bats,Concuspicence rises,gathers momentum smites concussion,to condole its confection,impudent voyage of confidence trick,conflagrates its consecration, And then they speak with one voice even with a broken gourd,As She flies,trading her consignment of eternities away in vacuous space,convolution coos proclivity and then ages unrestrained fret infinitude,to kick its round leather game,at the ignition of time,Plead thee,come to me and depart from the countryside of perfidy,that we may confab,Courtesans of coupde'graces and melees of coxscombs,cramp on the vintage creel of the old lady,to damn her dalliances,with ambivalent spaces,Where is the deed of covenantthat they might pay whatthey owe?A decrepit mission of thefritterred generation of distant memory,stupefied by embellishment of fugacioustimes.how furacious times fly,at the furtive cloy of her couch.In this couch,sobs not karma,when it cometh,on this couch,deleterious trenchancy denounces denunciation..Image result for THE PHOTOS OF ACADEMICS IN AMERICA

to depose and desecrates folklores of the deep,oh old lady of mothernature,this vile,it clings piouslyanddesuetude lingers pouting andporting like a pooh-pooh alone,up the pole,in the desert and savages of the delirium tremens,stilk dingled with the innuendos of the rapport,Hence delirium dances its double dutch dealing and draconian double crossers'grin where doss by its dosser,fly rampaging,jumbling the cosmos,like a flash of lightnings,in the asshole of dystopia,dyspepsia and dyslexiac earnest brawl twinges,wherein,dynamites are fallen,where she lingers ,delirium becomes its in laws,to curry perfidious favour and esperantoes of theguille,murder sleep of time. Bewareof she,the old lady of mothernature,shall with karma repay,her furry barely obliviously ,piously shall repay,with the swords of eschatology and retributive justice,she holds the plumbline of justice as the final arbiter,elope Brownstudy Of the escapologists and the sarcastic grin,let them compete,from which side of the trenches,trenchwarfare

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