Nebulous feet hastened by nebulous
winds and gumptionless sickos,And oft is it gridiron and goldsmith
furnace,embanked hazy to trod.Shall i not be compared to a nebulous feet?
Oh,shall i not be compared whereon nebulous feet had bee
n raped by simpleton
and nebulous wind? How sedulous sedition,seethed in its tangled knot, So
fastened in its serfdom seeps,Sensuos sepulchral thatched with serpentine
groove,made him slouch,Which bred more vulgars in his sickly pale gaunt
sickled,Frosty addendum to its briddle that is slothful vile,Perforce
purportless sickos like fecklessness,will overflow its bank,Still nebulous
feet,windy sail,as contaminant of nebulous winds gallivant,still a skintight
skintish;for to a slathering numb,naturewit slangs its slinging match,Still is
he nefarious,still is he bicker and slices slink,twixt gall
fathom,unflinching trudge.
Look,how purportless he himself,he
cannot purport,whereon purportless spasm elongated.And by his spanking
sparkle,he skinflints from nebulous winds,nebulous feet,windy niche
carved,Till he take off rodomontade with her stealthy apparel,Which long have
had tinpots,making nebulous feets to be tricked by nebulous winds,And with
twice crimson transfixed,pays his pristine price of liberty,upon this
scaffolding of sedulous scabrous,did his purportless himself,a savoir faire
uncouth,like a saturnine satire,honing sardonic emboss,in saphire foams,Who
being appendaged on jiggery pottery as mere sabre rattling,sacks moreish
sabbatica.So offers still not sackcloth and ashes,a sacrament of shrimp's
But when pouted lips were
ready,for his karma bone.Saga and saga,flown by saga over saga,turns victory
away,Never did a traveller's sahib,more brisky satellite for a satiate than
he did for this strangled satiety,His scintillate,he seeks not but
scintillate,he cannot get,His scientology,he submerges,but buddhism of
scientology he with a scintilla,can not proffer;His scion wryly drowns in
this sclerosis,yet his glowing coals like glowing fire must burn,'O pathos
boy',gan he trudge,'frosty leaden sprite!' Tis but a frosty
scholasticism,rebukes,why are thou scrounge?Scums of the earth's scrums,booed
by nebulous winds,as they nebulous feet's scuds of the scuffles,Thus,these
hordes of scatterbraineds,frittered golden morns at the ratrace,receded, And
for thy sake, o scallywags,vendatta retractile rearms.
Tether rythm pulses affray,for a
bud-nipp,puerile but puffy clouds,quickwitted servile,purportless himself
objectionable and being so quarrantine,choke its pleading tongue and nebulous
winds. And being judge with thy intendments,so shall i be freed,o nebulous
feet but not with quidproquo struck on a bed of quicksand.
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