April 16, 2022


deign why all encompasing sun a devout replica of the nature`s eyes barely saw her match?And derision often drowned her lot when they blot her comest high thither.To burst stony limit,where frenzied sky could go,And time's hags maid meed on the back.It's not sunset yet yet danger a stranger to the lost two summers,ere they they think poorly appaled to think that she merry recalls them.Well Annabella was too voluptuary but she was not too good for the brutish earth to summon.Yet some consequence misgive the causes as well as the effect hanging in the stars.Her fearful remorse dank with acrimony frizzling to fiend the broken troth.Derided sloth better hazy than a dreadful slain and too light like lightning which doth cease everlasting.Flattering sleep doth not its thwarted intents morose and sea bottom fallen contradict unsavoury glues.A dram of potion doped with lucre will not matter its dispersed veins,seabound weary barks fallen drudgery stars and crashing rocks.Desperate disparaging dote him battered to

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