April 16, 2022


The world is full of aggression,agressive people and aggressive nations and only a handful of world powers controls the true global politics.The blogger ibikunle laniyan in this treatise is advancing a world where political power is relegated to the backburner and economic powewr followed by social power ar allowed to control the global community of power market currently under control of political power.He called the global political system PHILOGARCHY.eNJOY THE READING. The price of aggression is not estimated until the crucifix of the agressive effect has been terminated and paid accordingly.The woebegone effect as well as the post traumatic bliss is not well estimated till aggression exit is fully felt and impact amplified.Aggression frankly speaking methinks mediates a little above standard orthodoxy and far below unconventional norms as the ordination of best practices.The price of aggression is paid a little more by artists under the imperial motif of competitive resistance.Resources differ at each artist's disposal vary with the scale of aggressive drives depending on the articles of faith and action deployed.Aggression is the best strategy to motive mass enlightenment and also a strategy invariably capitalised by aggresors to beat market competition beyond extant capacity. There are no concrete pattern and exercise of expertise to master aggression until conditional threats enables human selfreflection to initiatiate intellectual insanity at primordial threshold of strategic thinking. Subjective factors like fear of marginalisation,agoraphobia,zenophobia,claustrophobia as symptoms of inferiority complexesloosing relevance and battle,failure,threats,slavery,unfulfilled dreams ordinarily speaking can influence texture of extreme motivation for inordinate triumph causes stressful mankind to adopt unholy methods to outlive and beat competition.Unfruitful aggression is no winning strategy,lacks merit,when quantified by its field tactics making requisite expertise outdated and moral capacity to suceed where there are no graphical strategy to get a reward from the true economics of agression or later indiscriminately terminates causes for every failed effect detonated.When mankind turns standard rationality upside down then it becomes a fact that market agression is finally crawling out of standard orthodoxy,intoxicates the artist involved over its market influence. To create wealth aggression is needed and grow standard of living and maximize wealth,it can takreflectively several dimensions based on the existence of aworkpractice or aggrandised delusion of emotional arts.In the projectof ambition,measure by the scale of ambition there is a strategic demand for the mobilisation of artistic aggression that appreciates the quality of arts robed with the latent sedentary technocracy.This cannot be demystified in the face of failure threats,growing much vaunted expectation and immense pressure to succeed beyond garb of immediate environment.To protect checkered antecedence,appropriate scale of ambition is vital to maintain the intergrity of such antecedence and to effect such protection,succesful aggressors go to any length to pay the more exorbitant price for higher form of aggression to get amplified reward.They can mobilise resources for the extensive capitalisation of aggresion including its pricing method to outlive congruent and incongruent competitors old and new monopolising or oligopolising the robust cartel of aggression market for many years to come.Note

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