April 15, 2022


at scant show of seeing sun,runs the strutted jest that cannot be drooled but inflect her with sedentary sun and lo trudge merry mien in sinking sands. Lest if be wit,passionate eyes doth not aloof deformities cure. To stay reverence to the stickiest ears,from daylight lull,betaken within boisterous prolixity of the winds and bounds. Over frozen bossom of the intemperate and intemperate claws,it lays its bed of substance,fair and unfair as fugacious pinnywheel. To turn on dewdropping and jaw dropping Pentecost of fair writs and fair wits.The pentagrams is it fair?To the forfeit of the much villest sands of untimely much frivolities of time.What verity`s sake which doth them the passing moon of yonder knights?O now i know tis pumpy see wits scathed you mean vulgarian au contraire the cheerful heart`s incision sweet beyond memoirs" "O Your holy radiance come hither,embroidered with gory of scornful spite. When the weary days and weary nights shall spent as my

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