I say welcome! welcome!! Welcome!!!
December 31, 2024
Welcome 2025
Welcome into 2025 the year of unprecedented prosperity and total restoration seven times of what we have lost .I believe the aluta continua and persistence in the face of trials .
The Battle Of Dreams.part 25.
The prime virtue of a people and nation is the population of creative dreams they could concoct over the life cycle of capacity value chain.Every other thing is secondary simply because the art of burning images to run complex human functions and evidentially social functions begin and end with the praxy of creative dreams.
In the great battle of dreams man must negotiate the quality and quantity of social change it desires at a given period.This however tends to increase development demand at every juncture of new generation.This shortfall in the supply gap could be bridged only by men of great dreams who periodically step in to bridge the missing gap and provide the required quantity and quality of social change nations require.It is the greatest calamity for a state apparatus which suffers from this dearth of great thinkers and great dreamers.
Therefore the quantity of development they require cannot go above the numeric figures of this population.This I regard elsewhere in my write up as objective population.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 24.
Most dreams hardly return back to the possibility of memory capture by artist in question.Sharp capacity to capture snapshot in freaking second untangled the message to flex the new generation of great dreamers.The delicate commerce of dreams in the psyche of great dreamers tend to commercialize itself and it does not matter the time the expenditure of dreams in the allocation of the ledger system can revolutionise the entire gamut of custom and artistic investment.The recurrent outlays of dreams reclassify priorities perfectly tailored towards the returns of such time investment.We pay the price of dream monetisation when others abandon us and we cannot afford to jettison the world of the unconscious and the subconscious ages supplied to the dreamers to immortalize the sanctity of the mission to activate this dreams.
I doubt the solution to the myriad of African problem or developing nations beyond the dearth of great dreamers evanescent from the continent.
Great dreamers tend to be the apex consumers of development and the only positive agents of development in every clime and make development affordable to the shrinking populace that demands for it by boosting the supplies to make civilization affordable to their climes .
The Battle Of Dreams.part 23
All mortals weak and strong old and young rich and poor,wise and fool,tall and short,black and white,righteous and brutes are condemned into the struggle of dreams in the battle of dreams.They barely survive alone until rational elements of the nation's elite group come to their rescue.And that's the story of all great nations excluding the unfortunate part of Africa not having a group of avantgarde that could easily be redeployed at Short notice or quick notice to fix society pining away.
We should not be carefully deceived for we have little expectations of better tomorrow better desires, better prosperity better hope better life better aspirations if we fail to woefully produce men of great dreams.We don't have them and we Africans live and hibernate in mass poverty.The streets are dirty and the roads and houses are bad and cities not planned let alone landscaped and kids and youths are shallow dreamers.It is the best interest of my pleadings for the monumental adjustment be made in the local environment and beyond in the white house.Development begins by great dreamers and ends with great dreamers alike.With great dreams we built a schedule into the future yet unborn spare yourself of time wastage and concentrate on pattern of behaviour you need to attain the identified spots of future obligations.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 22
Using the African case study of leadership and followers hip setback of shallow dreamers we face the critical embarrassment of cultivating the pattern of behaviour when the notion of money was mot involved.However must it be packaged within the estimated pattern of such cultural appropriation to nurture great dreamers embellished with cabbage? Given the despondent situation requiring author's desperate recommendation this suggestions must not be alienated but actualized.
I do believe great dreamers are coming back to this shore of dark continent and the rookie has come home to roost.What would have happened had the Egyptian Nubia not decline in the great giant strides of ancient kingdom? Probably better than advanced countries.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 21.
Parents should mind their own worlds what they say to their kids and when great words are intense it could be adopted in the same way by the child in case of domestic gravity .Once a child is stubborn the use of selective domestic resistance is however suggested to scare the kids in line with domestic obligations.
In my other essay in the Brain 🧠 Ledger System,I was able to portray why the brain functions in counterclockwise direction and when dealing with little kids the best time investment to make is how to use this concept of domestic resistance productively to promote the culture of great dreams in a child in the domestic exposure.When he goes out he could withstand jeers and contempt brandished at his foot.
Average human person like the child not interested in mass learning even when it is shown him that resources are adequately provided and no matter what could decline still.Consequently the concept of domestic resistance could be utilised to wisely puncture the child perspective in shape in line with parental ideals.Otherwise in the case of failure it is the state or the immediate environment that has the sole prerogatives to position the child psychology in line with pattern of behaviour like greater dreamers or dreaming great etcetera.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 20
The quality and quantity of the peerage pressure can be greater but if the intellectual capacity introduced by the flurry of domestic exposure is richer and formidable I think street life could strengthen it not destroy it.The best role model should be the parents and they encourage great dreams and instill the notion into the child and sometimes the domestic resistance they provide depending on the thinking pattern of each child could reshape the child's psychology towards greater heights The moment the child could afford to begin and afford to dream great it could be difficult to erase .So train your kids to identify the power of great dreams once they have passed the middle childhood and adulthood could be your best investment returns in them.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 19
They should begin to lay foundation at the broken homes and families should be reserved with the sole prerogatives to assume responsibility as cultivator of big dreamers and massive time investment in science and engineering technology to which there's no alternative otherwise Africanns could perish should they fail to invent.
Growth and development nevertheless are a sensor of capacity drivers in the most diversified portfolio of industrialization and globalisation.Nations in this genre of development tends to move manpower resources from one era to the other equip them with different expertise, experience,skillset, artisanal techniques and technology and culture as they move from one nation to the other in the multinational investment of space and time.
The first education the spectre of domestic exposure begins with the family setting and schools counter as well as reform the residue of what is learnt at home.This is undeniably proven when peerage pressure in both schools and immediate environment begins to reshape the thinking of the growing child now wiser in the street and much more refined positively or negatively as the case maybe from the now outdated norm of domestic exposure to peculiar values imbibed outside on the streets and schools.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 18.
Dis development, underdevelopment, structural dismemberment ,counter development traps are celebrated features of the African state.We have identified the structural morons behind this proven opaque state structures of the so called westernized contraption of nation state system bequeathe to poor dreamers in their shallow backyard.This testify western education though an eye-opener barely work for them as it were in India and china or south east Asia Pacific which sculptured their domestic palliatives to rescue them from the fringes of imperialist counter development measures of Western neoliberalism.
However the scope of growth and development in every clime is a function and functionality device of the intellectual society of those climes.The proper structure that is created by this intellectual class must conform to domestic nightmare of convoluted knot plaguing their nation.Hence nations are saddled with the golden responsibility to make their nebulous people dream big and little flair identified specifically from the wonderkids requires early attention.
It is the other way around and they re receding downhill to common problem that they could resolve in the twinkling of an eye.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 17
Be that as it may the pattern of fulfilment in africa in terms of dreams,visions and development of arts seriously decline over the years.This is self evident in the failure of policy politics, institutional and growing setback of institutional clarity and the natural consequence can be witnessed in massive counter development and growing decay of structural underdevelopment in the country a reflection of similar institutionalization of inherent decadence in black Africa.Above all structural ethics the worst hit and planning and growth mired at the lowest ebb possible.The fallibility of African state is inherent in the fallibility of its scarce human resources contriving backward development and massive deindustrialization as the state apparatus massively both organically and inorganically decimated by the neo liberal perdition of economy development.
There's no runaway from Africa and African dreamers are no where to be found entrenching shallow dreams and conceptualisation of the ample policy capacity that could go around the hinterland as well as the urban settings liberating highly impoverished African people.
I tell the problem with African it's dreamers are nothing but shallow dreamers and destroyers of the same petty dreams that couldn't go around nor ever adequate to lift the people out of darkness.In my Woyco global program we provided the template for eradication of mass poverty from Africa in 60 months give Africa especially Nigeria the most beautiful cities in the world and promote universal prosperity beginning from Nigeria for which we re currently looking for investors in Middlesex Cosmos corporation.
Great dreamers maketh their own countries and a sloth of their own shallow dreams.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 16
The beautiful paradox of dream formation,surrounding activities, pattern of regularity to some extent must begin from the dreamers or the drawers but not so with nocturnal dreamers who dream by unpremeditated attempt.Life dreamers might be influenced to set aside laid down activities and concept and policies to achieve what they believe are the most ideal thing to do.Unlike life dreamers nocturnal dreamers in the the nocturnal expedition hardly plan what they dream and believe in the act of God to give them dreams and visions and out of this cornucopia the dreamers pick the regular episodes of dreamy genre.It may even be once in a blue moon 🌘 and when they see it they mark them down for future execution.For instance the biblical Joseph and king David are two clear samples of blessed nocturnal dreamers and we are talking of the type of dreams that could reshape the brains and aspirations of the future generations.A day came and he was granted the vision of famine prevention later executed in the ministry of divine action.Likewise when David decided to build a house of god in a strict session of live dream he was however in a nocturnal dream cautioned by divinity not to build the house of God giving too much blood he had shed in the battlefield.The glory and the vision was passed to the son the king Solomon wisest king on earth.
Blessed dreamers can be both and quite with the African child the world greatest dreamer and the world greatest destroyer of dream hatched by both live and nocturnal expedition of dreams.
Capacities Our Utmost Responsibility.part 23
Quite distressing and unfortunately that the plight of nation building lays with plight of family welfare and brotherhood.We cannot be nor able to build effective capacity muses in the region where disunity frequent among brothers and family bickering against itself and families venging against families.This plagues of moral impairment strategically snowballs into social vendatta.We hardly build capacity in chaos and no growth whatsoever is guaranteed let alone being sustainable,in the whole agog of social tension.Brotherhood survives upon brotherhood and the primary seed bank of the family basically the farmfields of the families must be so devised to maintain fairness equity and justice in the growing siblings before they reach adulthood.Otherwise the irrational seeds of chaos as taskmaster would make a mockery of the imbalance arrangement leading to irremediable consequences you see in the death bed of families fighting against themselves today.We re responsible for our actions as the existentialist philosophers say and therefore require astute action management to invest in activities that give the utmost returns.There are legal frameworks that must be created for this productivity of operating routine to begin.The spectrum of family investment is no exceptions.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 15
Dreamers I mean great dreamers as most rational human commodities are quite often in short supply.This we refer to creative dreamers who infest and invest from the point of dreams and materialise it from the point of action.Hence the optimal cost of growth and growth management increases even with the avalanche of mordern availabilities and abundance of public resources at their disposal of random and regular despatches the manpower of strategic thinkers or creative dreamers automatically declines in this worse case scenario.There is little they can dream they say and there is little they can do they say as the clarity of institutional structures publicly declines.Professional advisers on the roll call of delusions and public caricature as corporations and public institutions decline to be associated with any one who dare trying.
Capacities Our Utmost Responsibility.part 22.
We fail to realize the significance of unity in brotherhood and nation building as pivotal assets of capacity building.For instance a mentor must treat the mentee as his own sibling not just a mere appendage of learning servant.They recognize the call for duty is a call for national service and the motto should be brotherhood in progress is the same as nation-building in social progress.We cannot identify effective problem solving technology in the atrophy of brotherhood and disunited folks often plead for the crash of the state using self imposed and improvised chaos to stampede citizens into slavery within the same pejorative motif of deliberate negligence of the laid down fundamental principles of mutual coexistence and state charters.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 14
Societies often despair a lot in the same human finitude that create them and no despatch of rational elements in the moment of crisis to crisis points in time and consequently ambush the praxis of social security they re supposed to provide the teeming masses.This spike or spiral of growth in crisis management with no foolproof solution nor credible alibis requires sensitive individuals to respond in time institute operative mechanism and provide timeline of timely defenses for their people.It is often difficult in practice and social reforms hardly work at times worsened the plight than prior time.The persistent reflection of the states in response to this exigencies of social liabilities ordains the timely effective reaction to the herculean task at hand.From generation to generation there is the emergence of new stuff and breathe of fresh ideas when every generation catapults social capital with responsive reform to quell the raging infernos in their own time.This is quite interesting having fail several times with prior generation get solution so easily with the benefits of next generation of their people.Every generation carries a salient charge to provide magical charm that could decelerate mechanical hurdles and rework the state apparatus in the most ideal direction.The beauty of dreams in the battlefield of dreams transfered from generation to generation is blessed with the gallantry and open galleries of uncommon magic powers that tend to resolve with artless ease the Machiavellian lacuna of prior era of crisis insulating the state's against crisis points .Men of great dreams in the morning of great history redefine the fortune of their nation as victors in the battle of dreams.
The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 9
The truth about disease management is that we never fully comprehend the comprehensive mystique of how human brain operates and its capacity to cure and prevent the random outbreak of diseases and future treatment.The moment we do we are as healthier than ever before and the sanctity and purpose ọf institutional clarity to a larger extent to adopt sublime practice and move us into the close proximity of this breathtaking discovery could a new dawn in mordern medicine never before seen ages ago.Given that stress and the associated ratio of stress infliction and stress management have been linked as the genesis of ailments in the worst case scenario does the brain ledger system has the capacity to cure and prevent stress?Of course in more ways than one empowers mortals to stay healthy not on random cases but on regular basis . Impression however is the taste of evidence even as expression is lifestyle of the wise.
The Brain 🧠 Ledger System.part 8
The material functions of the brain are known already as it were with mordern medicine and the particularity of disease management including epidemiology are not unfamiliar with the this extracellular organs and nerves in the ledger system.We do not have to pretend otherwise that the competitive rivalry of innovation brings out the form of treatment and waxes stronger to outwit themselves with rivalry for better performance and operative quality in health management of patients alike.The emergence of this metamorphosis contravenes the dreary mode of mordern medicine that hardly cures every form of cancer beyond mere prevention.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 13
And to those who care to fight on in the burning light of glory the sky at the top has roses for them like the stars in the sky.The labours of history history in the true trajectory sane or insane cannot forget.And of those who dare their generations get embellishment of the inherent bliss as reward if service beyond the chagrin of those who never dare and not in any way forgotten when the stars in the sky gather to reliven the golden fortune of those who dare ,of those who pray and plead for social change and of those who fight for the prospect of a new dawn.In the land of the dreams that soar beyond its local environment merit the meritorious splash of unquenchable stardom given fact that the survivors are nothing but the fighters of public cause and no iota of celebration can repay the cause of their selfless sacrifice for the glory of history.I feel that in the new year we shall burn off the candour of great dream mated with the great action for the much cherished intention of a glorious dawn.Nothing happens by itself until a moving force in the drift of cause and effect pushes it beyond its familiar frontier distant glory.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 12.
A great dreamer as the most prime asset of the state thrives in the spirit of public contempt content to contend the opacity of those dreams that barely even a few chose to contend in the parade of baseless spiral that many long ago had abandoned.They seek to deter the moral accomplishment of the new energies of those who try and when they did try and hope to ridicule those who could try where they did fail.The beauty of history in the most appropriate time investment seems to allocate the spirit of lost fights to spiral of most rational successive generation who carry on the golden fight of the elusive trophy in the much revered battlefield of golden dreams.When the trophies are finally secured a new vista is opened to future endeavors deepening prior progress.The optimism of the state is the light that is carried on forever the fire in its citizens who may die in most cases for the golden dreams of their father their very indelible footprint and avowed identity on the planet earth.Why do they salute the glory only and not bears the gathering tears behind this triumph? Sincerely the truth is mankind dread failure like death as if that's not enough they also dread public contempt or shame like a plague and repugnant to public criticism would choose to quit a moving earthwork where the ratio of public contempt weigh greedily on their broken navel.Mankind cannot endure shame not even a dint of the embarrassment it throws.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 11
In the battlefield of dreams we share the bliss only of those who dared but their pains,grief and despair in the lonely journey to Jerusalem a messy details not worth the attention of well wishers in their lip service encomium.We can not get them emotional support like we could a lonely animal like dog in their household.What a pathetic life for the winners?Who would celebrate the losers both in action and in principle,both in mass and critical innovation and only caricature and spittle and keer their slot of public ridicule when the great minds are celebrated in the fanfare of public glare.It does not get any better in a country where misery is the principal heritage and the public hordes of those who dared are measured by the Commonwealth of the opulence you have and the innocent innovative spirit of those who die in the grand canyon of trial and error.They kill the spirit of those who dare yet to dare and demise in the midst of this pang sometimes lampooned in the obscurity of history and sooner or later long forgotten in the sands of time.It is possible to strengthen those who fail trapped in pursuit a wild goose chase in such climes where critical mass of social safety is grossly lacking indignant to the welfare and safety of the present let alone the unforeseeable years.The growth of the nation rests largely on the welfare of its people a plethora of its bases the fortune bases and the defendants of public trust and social capital.When the state is lonely the people can barely defend and how much worse to defend its dreams and aspirations of any nor revive from the pit of hell?We bargain the choices and lifestyles of our nations the hopes and dreams of our forefathers forever live on in our minds.In this thrust of trials and errors,we can leapfrog the hurdles of the posterity that stares blankly in the face.Collectively exploit our unflinching mass of divisive pluralism for brighter days.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 10
In the battle of dreams fought in the battlefield of trenchwarfare,no mortal is not abnormal, characters non existent and the first face of embarrassment often times the next opposite of excitement which is anger or provocation,the two sides of passion and passionate drives as passionometric valves.Many fail to take the glory of dreams and when spoken to the third parties the partying and dining and wining is settled once and for all.Taking the analysis the third party set the vision and raise expenditure to finance the attainment of the world of dreams our most sacred world.
I wrote a lot about passion and the two valves .The miscarriages of dreams a blessing for the other two ages and vamoose Into cloud like the miscarriages of women.It does not matter what circumstances artist found themselves at a given point in time but the time resolution to undo the hurdles face the crucifix and get to the right destination in record time.Infact when the action is set accordingly the perseverance of optimal capacity could see to the end the pragmatic spirits of the artist in question.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 9
The building of roads,ports, material and non material activities including childbirth is sculptured and fabricated by the legal process of dreamy proceeds including later concepts,ideas, visions, politics, plan that are screwed from its avalanche.They birth events, ceremonies, anniversaries and all form of earthly matters,events and beyond.The belief System of the wonderful dreamer enables capacity to avoid mortality and mortgage future generations into appalling abyss of historical obscurity.The child birth of more than 50years and 210 years ago for instance have been forgotten today .This simply indicate quite indifference to physical world or the world of the conscious and the miscarriages often live forever and not just the pregnancy and birth of the dreams.All matters are spillover of public scrutiny and being born by dreamy proceeds also inform the exit of the living.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 8
Sometimes those who dream may not have resources to do it or achieve it.Besides those waves those who have do not have capacity to culture the dreams into fruition.Consequently when dreams die society lives in illusion and thrives on subterfuge.Hence social instability rears its ugly heads and we pay dearly for bad breath and lack of response to mourn the dearth of quality, miscarriage of dreams and ever growing graveyard of dreams.Note the battle of dreams does not stay with the fighter but the environment of dreams the battlefield of dreams.Society too should also encourages dreamers with planners drafted into the external ecosystem of production, concept refinery,envisioning and proper launching of the contract of concept in the ministry of action .We can reduce mortality rates and mankind file more patents and trade increasing volume of scary trade secrets previously unknown to mordern sciences.The scholarship of dream management and dream process management and dream architecture should be proposed and under taken by psychology investors in the strict sense of the world.Under normal circumstances,the nature of dreams and the format it takes to unravel this complex mystery,is almost volatile.Rarely they transmit images and rarely downloaded them especially when the art in question is tardier in development of his inner man operating in the burning task at hand.
The Battle Of Dreams.part seven
It is clear the three ages of mankind and existence being mainly the world of the conscious the world of the unconscious and the world of the subconscious composed the construction of ontology .The only vehicle of momentary transition between these tripartite ages of eternity is through the principalities and powers of heavenly places the power of dreams.We travel through dreams in this ages and I think Sigmund Freud wrote about interpretation of dreams and psychoanalytic effect on human psychology.The impeccable mass of meaningful homosapiens is determined by the strategic quality of these dreams that badly needed ministry of action to concretisef and erected its pillars of fulfilment.
Given the complex nature of its origin fully explains why it is the most mysterious endeavours on planet earth.Mankind journey into eternity is orchestrated in the travel of dreams traveling beyond the compost of his spiritual existence.They re so mysterious that you can hardly interpret them unless you re under the occultic vapour of medicine men.Life is meaningless tis you can interpret them from which we derive concept,ideas,vision and instinction to formalise certain codes guiding meaningful actions.
However it should be noted the types of dreams especially nocturnal dreams in the dreamscape architecture is quite the archaic one and more popular and often happens to us on a nightly basis but not every man is gifted to life dream bombarded special man from instant meditation visualisation imagination and greymaterisation and they form life dream which you harness without sleeping.Sometimes those extrasensory activities may accumulate to accommodate wonderful vision at night.
The Battle Of Dreams.part 6.
The Battle of dreams sometimes too complex for the undertaker of good dreams that is man himself to comprehend and they kill their own spirit too as well as that of the other Should we quarantine the thoughtless and the wonderkids?Of course though maybe abused certainly the benediction outweighs malediction.In the battle of dreams there's no rest and no one can chase your destiny away from your destination.The originality of dreams the authenticity of dreams can be deciphered amidst phalanxes of voluminous comparison or better still major comparison to unearth the component texture of this engraved substance.They may not share regular traits across the sampling board but may enjoy near monopoly and certainly interesting when the perform in critical alignment to the sanctity of the original reflection.Most dreams are ablution in the conceptualisation of its concept which may have been watered down when the original capture drop quality retention.The drop in originality maybe linked to poor memory reflection of the artistic invocation at the disposal of production.A dream is reproduced when the snapshots are captured and bad explication of authentic intentions.By a fraction of seconds it is gone when the first snapshot of brain impression fails to respond.This is due to charging of the brain response system overwhelmed perhaps by immanent images which often strikes brain capacity often in the friction of unbelievability.
The Battle Of Dreams.part five.
In the essay" Brain 🧠 Ledger System" the blogger wrote about how the extramaterial system of the brain functions the understanding of which could herald effective use of these features productively positions the man artist involved with sense of clarity for successful wits end.We should unravel the simple formula to use our brain to dream and achieve those dreams through meaningful actions.We use our impression wisely and that takes care of our public use of rational expressions.
The author opens the essays by affirming the brain box works in counterclockwise direction and could make or mar the owner.Infact in most cases it does especially when you see intelligences not being able to take control of the brain to achieve wonderful things in their life.
Dreams are complex universes trillions ọf years far away from mortals and takes only only a little sleep of one or two hours or more or less to travel inwards to get them in a single lifetime.I once wrote from the point of dozing to the point of intense sleep we mankind per capital are known to have traveled 50,000 years or light years back in time to receive trillions of messages at least one or few that has equally travels trillions of years to deliver the mysterious parcel of mothernature.What a misery?Not being able to tap it immediately results into total decay or fast mortality.I dare not to disbelieve the fact that ideas and dreams have the shortest lifespan in the universe of all species of matter created or evolved.I think is imperative to realize that the 'catch them young' phrase often before it is too late.Those succeeded in a good capture like brilliant goalkeeper often rebound late keeping memory file of poor dreams and bad quality that does not move the earth and heaven.We re suffering today from the laziness of dreary dreamers with shallow dreams.Practically very few people in history successful dream of endeavours that carry majority and make life better and probably the most under celebrated humans.
December 30, 2024
The Battle of Dreams.part four.
In the battlefield of dreams nothing is certain and nothing is sure and the only thing that is sacrosanct and certain and indisputable is failure.It clings so easily to ever cavalry in the inferno of trenchwarfare and barely make a dent when go a fishing for accomplishment with no ideology and above all get defeated easily with bad planning.The history of great minds does not get defeated when these hurdles in the likely pitfalls are cariously and variously avoided.It is not fitting for the migrants of immediate gain and a whole lot of pain does not end even when victory is attained.Those who truly fight one thing is clear cannot be thoroughly defeated they often win and set exemplary for succulents of successive generation.It is not in the mind or dream that the visions are fought for but in the battlefield of action as they say is the battlefield of freedom.Beware of lazy fight who often attempt to please others and those who fail to realize selfish individuals and bitter persons should achieve more than the righteous.The path of accomplishment is a lifetime mote of trust of trial and errors and also a potpourri of objective mentors not being confused nor pigeonholed by them accomplishment ride could be an effortless drama .
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