December 25, 2024

Cavalry.part one.

Hardly had he left the summer house in the company of the now much sedate spouse did he revert to cavalry,accompanied by the fellow men at arms for the nocturnal expedition.A recruit had fallen in the credo of gallantry reproof him to wits :"O master may my spirit returns to your couch and may I never your defense.My spirit is fallen and unction of fortitude evanesced.Let me breathe that I may flee your service"
Thus saith he unto him in the Tempest of golden sword thrust out of sheath to display fury in the wind."Those asinines are asinines unto themselves 
Those goons are goons unto themselves 
And the sapients are never found wanton
In the dreary of dreary times
Those wits sharpened by wits ate no excreta are gems unto themselves;for by the unction of thy perseverance,
Thou shalt be measured tis you swallow the golden morsel of rosy empiricism for your civilisation ,
Foggish foetid of murky fogbanks footslogged fogbound cast aspersion upon foggy feet of stupendous goons,stick in the mud malodorous tempests whose footprints in forcipated footraces and footrest barely danced a footprint with footprint evidence footsore ,on a tuffer ,foot sure rambling,where footwork smitten at footwall drifted foragers of golden dreams amidst vicissitudes of longanimity and force majeure ,forticated for gathers hung at disavowed foraderrs,forards forsaken, backward forsooth where abnegation clings to Robinson Crusoe's Island in dingy cloud.Crackbrained Crackerjacks gulls of their absenteeism.
I bid thee farewell o cracklewares crepitating and scranching grandiloquent folioses of jimdandies the missing paradise of golden dreams,where cracksmen and safebreakers as fulsome crackpots, crackling hypnotized and lulled craddlesonging Jim dandies as cremated cremains of creepy crawlies,to the craft  in a disgusting limbo of bellicose stupor.
Are there no craftsmen in the city or craunching of foxes or cranks cranking and cranky in their crappy crankshafts weeded them out or cragged them in the madhouse or cuckoo's nest, nuthouse or booby house or snake pit to smother crenature or crenellation ?Camorra creases on the growing anecdotes of afficionados. Peradventure chockablock or cramfull, cragged and Crags fast in disgusting apparels in the crates of crassitude creaking, screeching, squeaking ,honking, conking and cronking in their crapulent loin.Creches of street Creds,as crocodilians ,in crocodile tears wricked and cricked as crookbacked and hunchbacked crickets and cricketers eggressed from the lushy pawn of existentialism.We shall defend alupluto before the sun is fallen.
Crimson of crimpers, dancing carmine-rubby red scarlet ,cringles ,eyelets or grummets of crinkled feet in mizzen course or the crossjack,crispated jailbirds of  melodious drills.Cruses of golden wits fell off from the crupper's saddle.Cuckoos hounded in cuckoo clock;cultus of cuckoldom and cuckoldry in culturati's cum laude and flowing robe, Machiavellian machines in high and low places as mutineers growled in campestral.Cumber and cumber in cumbrous fiddles dancing Golgota or calvary in calvary clovers each cricketer in Junto or camarilla with cross of Calvary in decimated eclipsis.Thou shalt be slain should Maximus battalion unveiled your hideout in the north country wither thou goeth."
Scared to the teeth,took to the arms in maze of horror and maketh a caracole to break distance apart reneged his remorse to cling to the battalion in the battlefield .That they that fight by the sword shall live by the sword and they that live by the sword shall fall by the sword and they that fall by the sword shall rise by the sword.What a rapturous applause insulated by the Crags fast!

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