December 29, 2024

Capacities Our Utmost Responsibility.part 9

As mortals become redundant there's no job left than for mortals to embrace nothingness than the entire stretch of mankind to move en masse into thinking profession and every body embraces strategic thinking as the last frontier of professional intelligence.The growth and use of intellectual power of the entire eight billion folks on planet earth can be particularly threatening and analyses the essence of strategic thinking capacity bequeath to mankind left moribund for thousand of years unactivated .The planet earth become affordable if utilised to the stratosphere in the most ideal direction.I think it pretty put mankind into difficult position where the use of capacity is left in the professional discipline of thinking capacity that Henry once enthused is "the hardest profession" under sun.It does not need self regulation but also adequate for of regulation to tolerate egalitarian ethics much more in the politics of use.
A lot of folks are scared the take over of jobs and task meant for humans now usurped effortlessly by the skyrocketing of robotic population.They haven't figure out what the place of necessity would be and what it would require mortals to do if left untreated as wont to be .We allay the appalling rate of this dread by the suggestion of strategic thinking clubs emerging worldwide.I expect they should run into millions or something up to staggering ratio of 200 million active website globally same ratio for the thinking clubs.Wr should nr forget public figures like Elon musk suggested the ratio of one human population per every robot a potential 8billion robots in artificial intelligence terms.Quite disgusting you say!

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