December 30, 2024

Balletomanian.part one

Atopognosia crumpling upon his atopic allergy to goof him schizophrenic dumb with atrioventricular block.Liverish,vilous ,bilious, atrabilious auspicated by ascetic or spartan mensrea.Automysophia of his praxis shrunk his dubiety of the gallantry.Hence to avert her avoirdupois gallivanting teased  from her volatile crush of autotelism. Behold it is  categorematic or autosemantic that we live to learn and we live to learn.How she was embarrassed with the peculiar apparel of amorous rite skeptical to adorn herself.
What an avatar of abarticulated avaritia and what apprehensive Utopia to bear the azygos brunt to impress her cold embrace?Would this aversive stimulus embalmed in aversive conditioning be the ploy of the avirulent but avertable steed ?Pour he not disavowed prejudice to scorn axiological cannon of avouchment upon this knight of old .May this bacciferous balm be your ayurveda when you strike the cannonball alone in the Avian flight over this amorous canyon?The bachantics in the revel of the bachants hobbnobing in the frontier like backwoodsmen,lotus eaters of the jungles.Not as it were pouring badinages to badger her buxom self to stupor.That she couldn't frame his identity so much easily tis he had doffed his balaclava to unveil bald pated bald headed boodle splashed baldrick ornamented upon his shoulders like ball and chain.
"So you re old as my dad"she quiped squeezed her thigh revealing ballet skirt like balletomane as they sat down at the bonfire.
"Are you ballet dancer?"
"Ah you see my tutu?Oh no not again."she crawled her legs rather banausically.
"Your avuncular David was my ballet Master."
Yeah I recall now the yesterday's.It was cool. "
"You balletomanian what do you observe at the event?"
"None excerpt you outshone those fellow ballet dancers .Wonderful and you had no ballet mistress?"
"Yeah none besides your David."
"His ballet company did well.Lot of ballet of dancers,corp de ballets, panache ensembles."
"Infact he really makes a lot of dough and patronage everywhere."
"Your ballet position was wonderful"
"Am done with the ladies.Better things to do now."
"What ? Olympics gold for sale?"dreary eyes moist with joyful tears
"Can you get better offer?"
"Won't you get a better offer at Sotheby's?"

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