Therefore you shortwinged or brachypterous broca aphasia, alarm no one with your noshing and toshing.
Cease thy bilgewater ,hokum,bunk, and taradiddle to castrate humdug at sea prior to busk's riverbank to pullulate.Do not hide in your box tortoise ."
He the hector mania could not afford to lose his Sonsy full bosomed bouffant,curvaceous and voluptuous bimbo to fellow pyrates and rant anew".Fence not brabble to squabble thy brackishness of braggy cock-a-hoop over pettifoggery and not to bangle and watch strapping the bracelet of pullulation and bilgewatering brachiate .
Thou shallowest brainstormeth not not even for the pinkiest are not all fairer sex moulded with the same bracket?"
And saith she he unto him"May your brassbound brass knuckles and brass monkeys of brassard like thy brassy brattice of brattish brattle,not elope at brass ring not brayed in vain tis being smother by penury?
Thou art forgotten yesterday's so soon.Had I not recall thy wanton pennyless brat desperate to tie the knot?
Had It not being mine pettifoggery,penury brainstorming thy broken navel might still till date be haunted with thy heritage in forlorn shadow?Now me a bimbo a hag!"
Holding his pantalooned breechclout at the waist as if from the breechblock breech-loading with briquet or briquette his brisant ire to brisken and belch tirade :"
What a brobdingnagian misery have I saved from thy household from this gallows tree or gibbet of penury?How dare you?"See how he hurled her a brochette as he jeered at her crawler and creepy slurs.Then she a lout in a gawp gawked at him,oafish gape in disarray as if like rancorous griot,fired cannon from his grapevine his grapeshot."Did you a mug a seagull not gazumped at the lucre of nuptial knot?Did I not amortise thee you plume o pawn broker?Besides avalanche of gizmos not recalled to pacify your wretched sloth.Did you not in Gehenna crave to gavotte at thy grizzly geezerhood to pay me back with hell?Yelling too late!yelling too late!!"bumping in the jut,he pilloried as the gloaming glitz cascaded in the crepuscular to duck the slop or glop in the day's gnarly glum.Yet she went off at half cock and apprised he not a morsel of Gnosis and grimoire, did she feed with her tirade,nosedived his ranting for a pacified gnat of his acrimonious greaves buttoned within.Then a handful of serenity had drawled for she too groak him and lo she groked too.
In the grot of dead silence's grouchy grotesquerie ,ground bait in the sea returns with love to avert grotto of gunboat diplomacy.Then out of grumose, guffawed their rots of bunks and guffs.Gunlocked gunhos returns to gunflint as the nuptial knot gusseted their affection.Hackamore or halter in renegade lush.As if drunk like dancing fern in the fete champetre with the bouffant feted the fetichism of her backside.Amorous rites pay for libation of drunk lovers .
What a paradise of contrasting parallel!

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