December 29, 2024

State Ideology and Capacity Building.part three.

We might not be specific in the identification of names of these luminaries and we derived objectively the objective muses behind their own characters or capacity they bequeathe to their nations irrespective of the situation unpremeditated they found themselves at the period.We marvel at the flurry of logical musters passing through their minds during the convoluted period and transitional moment when the golden spiral of objective construction takes place .In the same way like the nation's they birth they tend to grow capacity and outsmart same capacity by time stretching time investment as they stretch the capacity of their studious minds and they transfer moral opulence to the generation after them.They pull public hordes to command the far reaching influence that enables their capacities to mint or birth nations as the saying's nation is born in the mind of man'and thereafter only in the minds of public mammoth it is raised to stardom .As the lord protector of their generations they pick inspiration and ideology from their immediate environment.A nation is as weak as its leaders and a nation is as strong as it's nation.A nation cannot rise above the ideology of his founding fathers and the capacity of its social apparatus.Sometimes or in most cases it does not need the majority to make it great but in the interlock device of few service men and iconoclasts it is made great.

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