May 26, 2022


Horselaughing,tittering,bellylaughing my boffola,boffos on the tittering twitter,cackling,chortling,heehaws as guffaws,giggles,chuckles,snickering,sniggering,capers on the legpull,where riffs and burlesques giggling on parody,wisecracking,thighslappering,moonshining,railery on wordplays,cachination my prejudice,dielaughing,clowning,hooting as larks and hoots of the raspberry,my hoot of laughter,roar of laughter teeheed.O yuking,capucini-smirking boffola,clucking,splitting sides,rolling in the aisles.Let me bruise my comedy,my laxative,my easement-vikings,junketing my entertainment cosmos in the bespatter of nethertimes,a whoopee of highjinks romp,beer and skittling merry maker,frolic jollification of mirth and girth,bonecracking glees,held up assholes from pitfalls.Let me my mothersense blogs me,my lasso,this disparagement as persiflage gibes,razzing,kidology sneers,a badinage of raffings,razzings,chaffings and jibings.When this howl,titters from howls of screaming,shrieking grin,my girth's mirthing numbed.


We have a overwhelming but indisputable evidence that the great old soviet union recorded most of the early milestones in global space project and were wronght by they singlehandedly without the american support who was caught with the competitive bug of petty rivalry trying to place the catch up to the true grandmaster.I make bold to say were it not for old soviet world space projects wouldnt have been possible let alone been succesful already deemed the biggest understatement of the century until the launching of the Sputnik 1 in 1957.We xray the fundamental facts below that built impetus to space war or space race that still perniciously rages and ravages globe even long after the crash of old soviet.There can be no doubt that the first ever satelite launched into orbit by mankind was the popular spuknik in the first ever succesful attempt by mankind.That really shocked the mainstream science community wordwide precisely trying to place catch spoke too late from slumbe too la them from l and lulled a kt
With the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in recent months,exacerbated the situation.Ukraine and Russia produce close to a third of world's wheat and barley and half of sunflower.The former as one of the biggest contributors to UN World Food Program prior to the invasion supplied ample grain to feed 400m.people.Now could barely feed itself.Russia and Belarus produce are world largest producers of Potash resource for fertilizer production.Russian exports are being disrupted as western firms relocated from Russia and shipping food logistics become much more difficult in the face of tough sanctions against Russia from western powers.Before the war food supply was bad how much more now.Developing countries much more affected plummeted with record high food prices owing to challenge such as drought,famine and internal dispute.The countries vulnerable to Ukraine war include Bangladesh Turkey Egypt Yemen Lebanon.Countries not vulnerable are also exposed to rising food prices.The solution is to reintergrate Ukraine food food production back and Russia and Belarus's food and fertilizer back into the mainstream world markets inspite of the war.He champions their reintergration in the hope of agreement to assuage world food crisis.He challenged Putin to open these seized ports of Ukraine to release trapped wheat to feed the world poorest of the poor who are on the brink of starvation.'So i ask President Putin if you have any heart at all,to please open these that we can feed the poorest of the poor and avert famine as we`ve done in the past when nations in this room have stepped up together.'he concluded.
He also called humanitarian assistance in a meeting that was chaired by US secretary of state Anthony Blinken over the greatest global food security crisis of our time.'Countries with grain and fertiliser reserves he challenged to come to the rescue urgently and also compeled Russian federation to devise corridors that can release Ukraine wheat to world markets.About 22million metric tonnes of grains trapped in silos in Ukraine right now.They can either leave by sea,land and air now at the mercy of Russia's imperial invasion.


were amazed by German designs and till date still baffled when they launch periodic inspection on the project remains and relics at Peenemunde and Mittelwerk after world war 11:Having won the war,as part of allied forces,the winner takes all either by theft,loot or booty and Americans in the operation paperclip,secretly transported top German scientists and innovation including 100 V-2 rockets to the United States.In the Soviet program,the soviets exploited captured German production tools including V-2 manufacturing sites and benefited immensely from looted resources at Mittelwerk located in eastern Germany.On July,1945,captured German scientists and skilled workforce were conscripted by the soviet for the Institut Nordhausen in Bileicherode with mandate to reestablish lost design drawings including engineering data and restore V-2 components manufacturing in Germany.Thousands of German scientists shipped to soviets provided early strategic inputs that provided filip to space project and economic miracle.
Two days,after United States declared intention to launch artificial satelite on July 31,1955,the soviet union equally announced its and by october 1957 launched Sputnik 1 stunning the world and beating America,to the game.It was a schocker. 1957:1st Intercontinental balistic missile orbital launch vehicle R-7 Semyorka;1959:First rocket ignition in the earth orbit;first manmade to escape the earth's gravity Luna 1;first data communication or telemetry to and from outerspace Luna 2;first man made object to pass the moon;first man made object in heliocentric orbit Lunar 1;First probe to impact the moon Lunar 2;first image on the far side of the moon Luna 3:1960,first set of animals to safely return to orbit the dogs-Belka and Strelka(BS) on sputnik 5:1961.the first probe to be launched to venus,Venera 1,first person to spend over 24hours in space Gherman Titov enroute Vostok 2;first crewed spaceflight Vostok 3 and Vostok 4:1962,first probe launched to Mars-Mars 1:1964,first multiperson crew:1965 crew on Voskhod 1:1965,first radiotelescope in space.Zond 3;First probe to hit another planet of solar system(Venus)Venera 3:1966,first probe in lunar orbit.luna 10;first image of the world earth disk,Molinya 1:1967,first unscrewed rendezvous and docking.Coscos/86/Cosmos188:1968,first living being to reach the moon.


and introduced into Russia.We cannot contend the substance of the fact that nuclear fission technology was pioneered in Great Britain but the Americans couldnt understand it inspite of various intensive studies.The emergence of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity created impetus of newfound rave to understudy the theory later exploited to produce the miracle of destruction.The Germans also inspired the Jack Parson's rocket system technology later copies by korolev to spur Russian space technological revolution.The father of Russian unique and imperial theoretical developments.While korolev was the principal head of design and also head of rocket system design.Others include Valentin Chelomey,Vicktor Makeyev,Valentin Glushco,Chapinsky and Mikhail Reshetnev.This were the key scientists and heads of design bureaus.Billions of manpower of researches was disrupted by the leadership cluelessness of Mikhail Gorbachev who could have taken them to higher height was completely fond of western powers introduce
d socialist reform policy of glasnost and perestroika.He became the best friend of his country's arc enemy and clueless as the mule terminated the dreams of many generations lost in old soviet.It was the glasnost which accelerated the declassification of soviet space program and exposed nation's top notch secrets.Coupled with the death of korolev and komanov in Soyuz 1 and Soyuz 11 that flew between 1966 and 1971 fatal crash.They failed to develop the superheavy rocket(1968-1974).It was intended to launch lunar landings.When Soviet union was dissolved Kazakhstan,Ukraine and Russia inherited the space program through the Kazcosmos;Roscomos and national space agency of Ukraine(NSAU).Though Stalin`s great purge of 1930s heavily affected Russian technological progress,soviet rocket technology was comparable to German,american and british related prototypes and compete favourably so that the some of German scientists a group close 2,000, 000Germans were exiled and imprisoned like Ukrainean korolev.The Russians


such as the first moon impact(Lunar 2)first image of the far side of the moon(Lunar 3) and first uncrewed Lunar soft landings(Lunar 9);first space rover with Voskhod 1 including the first sample of Lunar soil automatically extracted and repatriated to the earth(Lunar 16).They launched the first space station Salyut 1 and later Mir Space station in addittion to the fact they pioneered some of the first interplanetary probes including Venera 1 and Mars 1,flying by Venus and Mars respectively. Venera 3 and Mars 2 influencing planet surface not excluding Venera 7 and Mars 3 to achieve selected platnets'softlandings.They started this golden memoirs by using the German scientists to flag off the space and rocket program from V-2 rocket.This transition evolved to later depend on local expertise of Soviet engineers and scientists after 1957,11years after the Americans detonated atomic tombs.We should recall the so called Manhattan project comprising of 100,000 workforce was later copied by Sergei Korolev and then


He was elected deputy of the soviet after serving as deputy training director at the cosmonauts training centre later renamed after him and thereafter to the soviet of nationalities lower and upper chamber of supreme soviet.Vostok 1 was his only space flight and served as back up crew to Soyuz 1 mission.This ended in fatal crash killing his friend and fellow cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov.Due to this fatal crash,he was banned from further space travels with dread he might die from same crash.In February 1968,the ban was lifted to encourage him fly regularly on aircraft.He later died five weeks after the lift when MIG-15 training Jet he piloted crashed together with flight instructor.Soviet pioneered the intercontinental ballistics and R-7 put the first animal a dog Laika in Space travelling on Sputnik 2,it also placed the first woman Valentina Tereshkova in earth orbit on Vostok 6 in 1963.Alexei Leonov on Voskhod 2 became the first man to perform a spacewalk.They recorded few lunar exploration milestones such as


Viceroy rebuked.'rave supercalifragilisticexpialidocious`'What rave supercali......what?Yarn again' 'Floccinaucinihilipilification!'somnabulist dozed and hysterical laughter burst amidst a volley of englishistic torpedo.'Oh nope you gripped a macabre dance of hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio!''hyper....'least petite fugueman, stricken with convulsion.'You dipsy too,incomprehensibilities!A medula harp of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis'.'hmmm....'And like hypnosy,vertiginious.'Oh my punsmithing tipsomaniac gushing you somnabulism like your ilks?''tell it to the marine your hogwash!'quixotic a jar'How dare he to scare me damocles'swords?''Plead thee squadrons were smothered by white elephantines.'And empiricus whatsoever reverence please!'A handful dowager queens haemorhaged in gloss of hysterical laughter,benumbed in aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic!At Abesi's riverbank,where they lay,bugged him in warm embrace.The the surrogate woke up cresfallen and dreary.'Nirvana sun pleads

May 25, 2022


And you did woo silicosis bland hogwash and let him not again your stunner be.This naked riverbank sloths for carhops never more shall nirvana finds.Henceforth let no more your pompous pageantry and vagrant psychotics sleep and traverse for honorificabi.....''callest thou...?''Honorificabilitudinitatibus!ab honorifico,hicet hec honorificabilis,-le,et hec honorificabilitas,-tis et hec honorificabilitudinitas,et est longissima dictio,que illo versu continetur:fulget honorificabilitudini tatibus iste.O my arse poetical by Gervase of Melkley:Quidam,admirantes huiusmodi magna dictiones,inutiliter et turpissime versum clauserunt subduobus dictionibus veltribus.Unde quidam ait:Versificabantur Constantinopolitani;alius:Plenus honorificabilitudinitatibus esto.O Unde haec honorificabilitudinitatibus et haec est longissimo dictu ut patet inhoc versu,fulget honorificabilitudinitatibus iste.Not an evasion nor abeyance or aberration,in the pyrrhic battlefield.Yea plead refrain silicosis reprisal'.Aplomb uncouthed urchins


WE ARE FACED WITH THORNY ISSUES OF ARBITRARY RENT INCREASE IN THE COUNTRY AND MOST nIGERIANS ARE AFRAID TO CHALLENGE THEIR LANDLORD OVER RENT INCREASE.WHEREAS THE LAW MAKES PROVISION FOR THEM IN COURTS. It is absolutely insane for landlord to increase rentunilaterally without consent of party after sending the so called thrash of'NRI-Notice of Rent Increment`to tenants.They see tenants in this context as mere inferior parties and so unilaterally increased rent without their consent.According to learned justices of the court of appeal commenting on the issue with their immortal words.They conclude:'The issue of rent between the landlord and tenant is a matter of aggreement.The agreement may be express or implied.The relationship between them too is a contractual one.And being a matter of contract its term cannot be altered by either party without the aggreement of the other.See,Udih v. Izedonmwem(supra).Unless the landlord and the tenant are ad idem a landlord`s unilateral decision to increase the amount of rent payable will be ineffective.A unilateral increase of rent is an offer or a proposal made by the landlord.Where as in this case the tenant refuses to pay the landlord the proposed rent it is left for the landlord who stands to gain where the new rent is accepted by the tenant to promptly take necessary steps to terminate the tenancy.Apellant's (tenant's)refusal to pay the increased in rent is not in anyway tantamount to an obligation to pay the increased rent.Consequently where there is no agreement on an increase in rent the statusquo ought to be maintained and this means that the agreed rent should therefore subsist.See Are v Ipaye(1990)2NWLR(Pt.132)P.298 at 313 G-H;Mba-Ezev-Okufo(1990)2 NWLR(Pt.135)P.787 at 795 F-G."Per GALADIMA,J.S.C.(Pp.18-20,para.B).Quotation is from the COBRA LTD&ORS v.OMOLE ESTATES&INVESTMENT LTD(2000)LPELR-6809(CA)'s case.Also,JOVINCO NIGERIA LTD & ANOR v.IBEOZIMAKO(2014) LPELR-23599(CA) Therefore one is forced to humbly bow to the opinions of these learned judges and admit the fact that rent increment is a bilateral agreement and defies arbitrary increase.Landlords may not raise discriminatorily.In most states landlord cant use rent increase to evict tenants.Precedents. The issue of landlord rent increment is becoming a thorny issue in the country.Ordinarily speaking you have to negotiate or challenge rent increment.When your landlord increased your rent without your consent it is advisable to write him through a lawyer first explaining the position of the law and other reason which makes rent increase unreasonable.You can suggest a new rent.Should landlord refuse to change his mind about d rent law permits you to proceed to court and apply in the required form for an order of declaration to effect that the rent increase is unlawful and arbitrary.In lagos where landlord refuses to accept the existing rent from you you may proceed to court and apply to the court to allow you to pay the rent to the court registry and when that happens landlord may not receive full rent and d court reserves to retain d 10% of d rent and pay landlord remainder.But d above position may not apply when you have signed a property increase is regulated by law and there must be verbal rent increase is regulated by law and there must be agreement between two parties.u can increase rent when there is agreement.In Enugu u can increase rent after 2years and 3yrs and increase must not exceed 15% Unless parties agree landlord decision to unilaterally increase rent in ineffective.When a tenant receives a letter of rent increase it is a mere offer and when there is no consent from tenant is no offe,a counteroffer and there is no contract.lagos tenancy law 2011 section 37 tenant can challenge that at d court that d increment is unreasonable and court suggest reasonable amount.two options available for tenant.1. Negotiate d rent or institute cases at d court.since tenant cannot be ejected till case determination d best option is to seek or vacate d property. section 37(1)-(4)subject to any agreement to d contrary tenant may apply as in form TL11,For an order declaring d increase unreasonable.stare desis e non movere moquieta My authorities include:1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,13,19 and 20 of the recovery of premises act 1945 laws of the federation.(abuja) and other nationwide similar tenancy laws or cases at the states level.2.The judgement of the court of appeal(on statutory maintenance of approved rent price.)case OGAR V.ILOETOMMA(2O15)LEPLR-40694(CA).The police have nothing to do with eviction issues neither the landlord nor agent have legal backing to evict tenant.In COKER V.ADETAYO(1996)6NWLR(PT.454)258.Supreme court held on length of notice needed to truly determine tenancy:for one month tenant is one month but yearly tenants is 6months(b).In other cases the notice required is provided in the tenancy agreement between parties.(PT.264,paras,F-G).On ground of recovery of premises,failure to rent as at when due and reasonableness of the default or making premises'untidy or recovery of premise for personal use.Any of these remedies may be collectively or individually used by landlord.In most cases tenant pay well in 1 or 2yrs later stop.


Just few hundred years before the Vikings AngloSaxons from northern Germany migrated to England and settled there.With their emergence the continent was set for landmark epoch.The Vikings were very active in slave trade and grew extremely wealthy in this trade of human trafficking.They obtained pleasure by capturing men and women as they pillaged Anglo saxon,slavic and Celtic towns.These thralls were then sold in wealthiest slave markets in europe and middleeast,inspired arabs later with emergence of slave trade.Most vikings were into farming,sowed barley,rye and oats,given that they brandished scythes in most cases not sword.Though some callous pirates,stepped off ships,raid cities to burn villages,they also engaged themselves in animal husbandry on a subsistence basis.Though ancient Russia Vikings might have invented skiing but scandinavians evolved its crude version of primitive skiis by at least years earlier.They regarded it as a form of recreation,transport and even worshipped Ullr a god of skiing. Besides the fact that were known for excellent hygiene,Vikings were very fond of their boats so that when their prominent rulers and distiguished raiders died they buried them in boats.Little wonder in norse religion valiant warriors entered festive and glorious realms beyond death.They believed like the african myth the vessels that served the departed better in life would also help them reaching their final destination.They gave us names of the days.For instance raven god Odin,otherwise known as woden that is woden's day gives us Wednesday whereas tuesday and friday are named after Tyr god of war and Frigg the goddess of marriage with the norse god of thunder and strength give us thursday.They barely wore hornets in battle and heavily divided hardly called themselves vikings and much of their historical account were left moribund written by their english captives and other subjugated places.Vikings pastimes include wrestling,sea voyage and fist fighting,stonefighting,horsefighting and mountain climbing


The practice of development has taken beating after the crash of cold war and now with the emergence of Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning from from 2014,the threat to democratic freedom has heigthened.the BLOGGER IBIKUNLE LANIYAN explores political freedom in South east asia to provide a graphical evidence as new cold war emerges. The spectre of human political system suggests the ideological underpinnings of that system and unless the tactics of ideological freedom is deficient of institutional cluelessness,a political system as a front burner in the mordern socioeconomic system,there is no guarrantee of equalitarian justice,sustainable capacity building for sustainable development and only guarrantees impact underdevelopment let alone a sustainable impact development.The welfare of sustainability is a great challenge to mordern civilisation and we have to blame western democracy in this spiral and to a lesser extent totalitarian democracy.Democracy is a universal metalanguage and peradventure the most contested word in the 20th century.Do we need development or democracy?Do we have a political system that could guarrantee one or both?At what velocity will it dispose its agenda to maintain equalitarian justice?In this critical edition,we juxtapose and examine economies on both sides of divide to argue ipsofacto and nail the poser. Development system quite differs from a socioeconomic system such as political system,social system and economic system.The latter supports development at a time and the former creates the latter and they dovetail into cultural system that supports both systems for the entire stretch of history and transmitting the systems as both lower and upper system from one cultural age to the other.They form cultural system with the addition of arts and culture or customs and tradition invariably supplanted to advocate and defend great charters of liberty the true material culture of the state and society.The organic dispersal of development system or so to say agregate or collective socioeconomic system of the state the cultural system as the foundation of the society is done and catalysed according to the whims and caprices of its law and precisely we refer to the laws of necessity and liability to drive its plantation of cause and effect.The constitution of the state is to promote and defend great charters of freedom Mordern democracy as it were cannot guarrantee development given that a political system working in isolation of the cultural system does create buffers to attain this goal let alone a sustainability and a macrosystem that incorporates them is philogarchy that guarrantees democration,democracy,developmentocracy and development.That is to say democracy cannot save itself only developmentocracy that incorporate socioeconomic system and development system or collectively in the long run could save democracy and guarrantees development.Development and democracy are fiends often at loggerhead with material effect of powermarket given that the political power is endorsed at the top of powertriangle.Social capital politics that guarrantees also political trust declines in a democracy that could impact its nation and snowball into democractic regression with high risk of anarchy and political instability prompted by erosion of citizen's attitudes whose agitation are quite justified in view of poor impact leverages of its skewed developmental gains if any.Across the east and south east asia,rising spate of democractic regression suggest that democracy is at risk.This defies democratic principle based on political trust as crucial tonnage to the success of democratic stability.Hence it is safe to collude that the stability of democration and democracy rests largely on the cumulative stability of extant political trust that must condescend to defend that democratic stability.Mordern theorists however believe democratic stability hinges on intense political trust and rooted in long term factors such as liberal democratic value orientations including social trust to protect it from political scandals and economic crisis and short term flunctuation.This contribution therefore examines political system does not guarrantee sustainable development and universal prosperity when it fails to clearly define and entrench socioeconomic system or developmentocracy and political trust declines too speedily where social trust erodes.

May 18, 2022


There should be tremendous reverence for nations that have made the most contribution to the the groth of the mordern civilisation.We pick America and Rusia or old Soviet as case studies .The blogger ibikunle laniyan the Russian root down to the Vikings and the spirit of such adventure that civilised the mordern civilisation a thousand years after adventurous spirit still with them.Albeit the human foibles such as the invasion of Ukraine they are worth celebration The Slavic peoples in 800 BC migrated to the area of Ukraine where they settled and by 862BC king Rurik ruled the region comprised of the people known as Rus from the city of Novgorod.Rurik dynasty later ruled the empire for the next 900years.In 882BC king Oleg moved the capital city to Kiev and by 980BC the was massive expansion in the kingdom of Kievan Rus under the military rule of Vladimir the Great.Yaroslav the Wise became king 1015 BC.A period in which kievan rus reached the peak of its power and it had written code of law.Unfortunately the kingdom was invaded by the Mongols in 1237 and destroyed many of the cities.In 1462 Ivan 111 became Grand Prince of Moscow and in 1480 freed Russia from the Mongols.In 1547 Ivan 1V popularly known as Ivan the terrible was crowned as the first Tsar of Russia.In 1552 conquered kazan and extended his kingdom. Russian-Polish war started in 1609 when Poland invaded Russia.When Michael Romanov was elected Tsar of Russia Romanov dynasty was begun and will rule until 1917 The Salt Riot crisis erupted in 1648 in Moscow and 6 years later Russia too invaded Poland and signed peace treaty.Peter Tsar came to power in 1689 and established Russia as a world power with a standing army.Peter the Great started the Great Northern War with Sweden and 3year later founded the city of St.Petersburg that became capital of the empire in 1713.Take a look at the rest of the timeline until 1917 of bolshevik revolution.The people of Rus were originally vikings the generation of Eric the Red great pyrates of yore migrated from the land of Sweden who themselves migrated to eastern europe.Russia won the Great Northern war and gained more territories including estonia and livonia in 1721.When Peter the great died in 1725 his Catherine 1 reigned as the empress of Russia.Russo-Turkish War against Ottoman empire started in 1736 and seven years war commenced in 1757 and gained no territory in 1762 when the war ended and same year Peter Tsar111 was murdered as Catherine11 his wife took the crown and ruled for 34years to herald the golden age of Russian empire.When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia in 1812,his army was almost destroyed by Russian weather and two years later he was defeated.From decembrist revolt that erupted in St.Petersburg in 1825,down to the Crimean war that erupted in 1853 in which it eventually lost to an alliance of France,Ottoman empire,Britain,Sardinia,the empire had shown to be a force to be reckoned with in the international community.The reforms of Tsar Alexander11 in 1861 led to the freedom of the serfs so that by 1897 social democractic party was established and was later to split to menshevik and bolshevik parties.In 1904 it fought Japan in Manchuria and recorded heavy looses compared to the Revolution of 1905 that recorded 200deaths on bloody Sunday.The same year Tsar Nicholas was forced to accest the october manifesto forcing him to accept and called the parliament Duma.During the first war Russia fought with the allies and in 1914 invaded Germany.By 1917 Bolshevik revolution There can be no doubt the Russian people were the most powerful tribal descendants from the vikings'days of yore.Vikings were Norsemen or Northman members of seafaring Scandinavian battlehungry warriors who raided and colonised popular wide areas of europe from 9th to 11th century and a profound and disruptive influence on the checkered antecedent of europe in general.They composed pagan Danish,Norwegian and Swedish warriors were inspired to undertake raids due hopelessness of victims abroad and overpopulation at home.This group of landowning chieftains and clan heads including their freemen,retainers,survivors and robust young clan members sought adventures and booty abroad.They were farmers at home and raiders and pillagers at sea and they possesed most competitive,tireless and inexhaustible repertoire of surplus manpower,including exceptional leaders and uncommon technocrats,never before seen in history good at organisational charm and like streak of lightning could conquer lands with the rude shock ofImpossible accuracy with their conquering bands and armies,with longships negotiating voyages on seas with hit and run methods at cities and towns along the coasts.Little wonder they were still the first to venture into space more than a thousand years after their migration from Sweden their DNAs have notchanged a bit a rarest achievement that wouldnt have happened in world history and a proof that common breed of homosapien couldnt have attained this impossible feat despite uncommon arrays of technology possesed by Americans and the British.Americans probably did not know this contemptuous axiom and i beg to disagree had it not been for the impossible feat of Russian Vikings no mortal,no earthling would have ventured beyond the earth's escape velocity. Only mortals with pyrates'instinct,burning,plundering,killing and agression that earned them nickname viking could have done this with such brash nature of desultory raidings opened up everywhere for development and truly pioneered this current sloth of mordern globalisation.We do not know exact composition of vikings armies but the expansion into baltic lands and Russia was attributed to the Swedes.And the nonmilitary colonisation and expansion elsewhere in the faroe island,orkney islands and iceland was attributed to the Norwegians.Their indelible footprints were felt in England with the emergence of their desultory raidings as far back as late 8th century notably raids on the Lindisfarne monastery holyland in 793 though evolved earnestly in 865 led by sons of Ragnar Lothbrok such as Halfdan,Ivar the Boneless reduced Mercia to a fraction of its former size and peradventure Hubba invaded East Anglia and Northumbrian ancient kingdoms.The raids couldnt subdue Wessex of Alfred the great and in 878 brokered a truce instead and became basis of a treaty thereafter in 886.It recognised much of England was in vikings and Danish hands.Alfred the great though had upper hands over them despite threat by fresh armies between 892 to 899 and his son Edward the elder was able to resume reconquest of Danish England.Prior to his death in 924 small Danish states of old Mercian and East Anglian had been conquered with remote Nurthumbria resisted much longer under Irish vikings leaders.By 954 norse rule was in England liquidated by Eadred.The raid was begun again in 980 when England became part of Canute empire.With poor raids of the Canute11 Vikings raids thus ended in the reign of William1.They the scandinavians had indelible footprints in england on social structure,dialect,names of places and human names.From the coast of western seas beginning with iceland down to vinland and beyond ireland from 900 upward scandinavian footprints were felt with colonies founded in Greenland and Northamerica and settlements to faroe,orkney,shetland islands,Hebrides and isle of Man.Erik the Red expedition to north america called vinland the land of wild grapes offers the true account of first Viking visits to North america.Another popular saga the saga of Greenlanders the first European to discover American continent was not columbus with his fabled trip of 1492 but Bjarni Herjolfsson with Greenland bound ship through mothernature or climate change was blown offcourse westward bound and lucidly tricked by windstorm to the coastline of eastern canada prior to greenland return.According to traditional sources Leif Ericson the son of Eric the Red in about 1000 with a crew of 35 men proceeded in search of europe discovered by Bjani and made it to same eastern canada.The Leif brothers made several voyages and icelandic trader Thorfinn Karlsefni infact sojourned in vinland for three years together with his wife were credited with later exploration.Archaelogical evidences such as discoveries at L'Anse aux Meadows proved that on the Newfoundland island's northern tip such as Newfoundland and Labrador vikings made voyages as far south where wild grapes grew and led to vikings as the first european sailors to vinland at eastern New Brunswick.As far back as 985 the ravages of scandinavian invasion Over Rechru a local island are documented as they supplanted scandinavian kingdoms in areas such as Dublin,Waterford and Limerick.The English invaders of 12th century still found them dominant in the regions also including Wexford and Cork.The vikings looted Europe including countries such as England,Italy,Russia which they founded too,Spain,Ireland,France,Germany,Iceland and Greenland for more than 500years before Columbus. Most of the scandinavians led peaceful lives and not all of them did incessant fight kevan Rus and they spoke Germanic languages with two dialects and wrote in runes.They married more than one wife,were christians and worshipped the norse gods of freya,odin and thor.This brave warriors were powerful shipbuilders and norwegian had crept the expertise and the dream alive.They made voyage during their raid period known as viking age from north africa to meditaranean,middleeast,volga bulgaria and north america and profound influence on early medieval history.These sailors not only pioneered colonisation,slavetrade,european civilisation,political system spreading native settlements and governments in faroe,iceland,british isles,greenland,Dnieper,Baltic coast,Normandy and volga trade routes across Russia,belarus and ukraine where they were also known as varangians.To be frank Normans too they were Vikings had done alot in European history from the battle of normandy To be candid Normans appeared to be the most succesful group of the Vikings especially their invasion of England in 1066 the development of mordern english language with ablution from french language and also their contribution to mordern architecture and that from the invasion the whole of England had never since been defeated.The 11th century invasion and occupation of England by the group their army composed of thousands of Normans,Flemish and Bretons and men from French provinces led by Duke Of Normandy later styled William the Conqueror after conquest of all the four kingdoms of England.The childlessness of anglosaxon king Edward the confessor over which he was familiar agitated William 's hopes to press his claim to english throne.When he died in january 1066 he was succeeded by brotherinlaw Harold Godwinson.Shortly thereafter Norwegian king Harald Hardrada in september invaded northern england and victorious at the battle of fulford.In the battle of stamford bridge sept.25 Godwinson's army killed
and defeated him.William later invaded on september 28 with his men and hundreds of ships landed at Pevensey in Sussex,Southern England.Harold's army marched forward to oppose him and at the battle of Hasting Harold was murdered october 14 and William became king.He was not secure on the throne until after 1072 when remaining pockets of rebelion were completely crushed.He confiscated lands of resistant english elites and some fled to exile,land granted to followers,constructed castles in command of garrisons and military strongpoints in england.The Domesday Book the public manuscript documented the great survey of england and wales completed in 1086.Achivement involved classes including village life and most importantlty elimination of slavery w.A group of vikings and normans under their leader Rollo was allowed by the Carolingian french ruler Charles the simple to settle in normandy as part of the treaty of Saint Clair sur-epte.The norsemen exchanged land to provide protection along coast against vikings.


We critically examine the bipolar world and the strategic imperatives to the sustainable growth of science and technology and that the threat of economic freedom could be brutal and we cannot to risk the downfall of ideological freedom in a unipolar world,the blogger ibikunle laniyan concludes that the statusquo should be maintained for equitable redistribution of the competitive gains of science and technology that exist in the bipolar world and that science thrives tremendously where mass competition abounds.We cannot afford a unipolar world and in the best interest of mordern civilisation to think otherwise and endorse rapid velocity of ideological freedom and competitive growth of science and technology as it were in the last half millenium.Enjoy the reading. There can be no iota of doubt that the wisest,most powerful,most dreaded,most hated,most abused and to the westerners the most stupid leader the world until now ever have is none other than the person of Vladimir Puntin.Indeed the fear of Putin is the beginning of the wisdom.Obviously what baffles a neutral mind is the magnitude of the abuses,intellectual affronts,backbitings,witchhuntings and blackmails and the proven claims of genocides hurled upon his neck for the Ukrainean invasion invariably regarded as the worst genocide since world war 2 or vietnam that was begun on february 28 as if he or Russia was alone in this gemicidal attacks.It would be unfair to jump to conclusion without a recall of contemporary assymetrical history and explicit memoirs of the brutal years of repression,equally committed by the west mainly the Americans.Would it have made a sense were it to be equally tagged'genocide'or'gemicide'?Which court of law will try the latter ?Is it the international law at hague struggling under its whims and caprices?Does it make sense to avers that the concept of unipolar is much more expedient after the crash of old soviet?Military expenditures havent been reduced in the post coldwar era with the emergence of china and certainly According to Wikipedia U.S.military expenditures during the cold war stood at $8-$9tr.The spectre of finance for aggresion had ballooned astronomically that led to death of innocent souls.The capitalist democracies didnt fared better in their approach to equalitarian justice.In the attempt to get rid of the communist enclave for over 70years.U.S.had aliance with 50countries including NATO and stationed her troops in over 117countries to feed bitter.We cannot deny that we live in a bipolar world and to deny Russia super power status of a country with the world largest landmass almost twice the size of europe and took possesion of at least 75%of old soviet's arsenal of munitions,missiles,artileries and nukes including landmass.Little wonder there is so much envy against that biggest transcontinental country of the world and wouldnt mind to confiscate its landmass and bury it for posterity the way they did to the old soviet.Putin knew all this casuistry and decided to strike before enemy enter its territory. We shall have to extrapolate and juxtapose ipso facto to exhume their contribution to mordern civilisation and to be adjudged otherwise regardless of vulgar approach and their brutal history whatsoever,we risk the crash of mordern civilisation when eliminate the competitive rivalry of this world powers and overbearing influence on science and technology.Global civilisation be it mordern or ancient as it were over the ages was priced by aggression and competition.We cannot dispute the fact the art of liberty is priced in the art of war,slavery and agression.Mortals hardly cultivate a good sense of freedom until they are repressed and enslaved and the journey of mordern civilisation and all civilised nations followed similar patterns and development approach.The art of democracy does not thrive where imperial powers and external aggressors intimidate weak nations to a callous surrender.The practice of invasion openly or covertly is unique to all world powers and made their name through the instrumentality of war. According to wikipedia man is an aggressive being and how much worse for nations. Since recorded history less than 11,000battles have been fought in the history of mankind.The most significant ratio of victory were won by great empires and the bloodies battle in history of Changpin fought by warring states 260BCE in ancient China.Wikipedia rates the battle of salsu,battle of kalinga,the battle of tumu,the battle of catalaunian plains,the battle of Fei River,battle of Nhu Nguyet river,the battle of kulikovo,siege of alesia and the battle of Leipzig as top ten in that order respectively.In terms of victories won france had recorded 1115 victories,britain 1105,U.S.had 833 and Russia 491,Germany 425,Spain 387,Poland 344,Rome 259,China 244 and Turkey 210 in that respective order.Considering that the United states yet to celebrate a tercentenary of her independence compared to Romans that lasted at least a thousand years prior to the disintergration in AD476 of western excluding the eastern side the byzanthine,
We humbly bowed to the truth of the matter she has fought the most war since history was begun.France and Spain were the first mordern states and Britain was formed on may 1,1707 when U.K. was formed slighly above tercentenary Over the past 3,400years humans have been at peace for only 268years that is just 8% of recorded history only.It took the breathtaking toll of recorded deaths to 108m. in 20thcentury alone while the total estimates for the entire history of recorded time reached a breathtaking 1billion souls.Forget about Malthusian concept of population control reducing population rate when husbanare snatched and taken away from their wives owing to urgent national service war.The combined armed forces of the world have 21.3m.people led by China at 2.4m.people ;America at 1.4m.;india at 1.3m.;North korea at 1m.people and Russia at that respective order and male dominated at 97%of world military personels compared to 15%in america.American military claimed U.S.war casualties stood at less than 1million soldiers and this claim i believed was made up and it inflicts 20times more damage on war opponents than it received.Americans claimed to have killed 850,000vietcongs in Vietnam compared to 47,000dead soldiers 18 times Over 600,000 northkoreans and a million chinese perished in the korea war close to 50times U.S.casualties of 33,000.World war 2 20m.Russians,3.250,000Germans and 1,507,000Japanese soldiers,sailors and pilots died 16times 291,000american casualties dead.The world cannot risk a butcher nation as super power and take a look at this dangerous statistics:Between 1900 to 1990 43m.soldiers perished in wars and 62m.civilians killed during the period.34m.civilians died in world war 2,a million died in North korea,hundreds of thousands in south korea,400,000 vietnam.About 75%to90%civilians constituted of all war deaths in the 1990s alone.They are shot,starved,displaced from their homes and this is not genocide but gemicide right?Firebombing in Dresden within 2days gulped 135,000 in 2 world war and a week later almost 18,000people left dead in 22minutes at Pforzheim,Germany.battle of leningrad gulped 600,000 innocent souls or civilians in a city with population of 2.5m.people where 1m. was evacuated.About100,000 were THE FORMATION OF OLD SOVIET UNION The Slavic peoples in 800 BC migrated to the area of Ukraine where they settled and by 862BC king Rurik ruled the region comprised of the people known as Rus from the city of Novgorod.Rurik dynasty later ruled the empire for the next 900years.In 882BC king Oleg moved the capital city to Kiev and by 980BC the was massive expansion in the kingdom of Kievan Rus under the military rule of Vladimir the Great.Yaroslav the Wise became king 1015 BC.A period in which kievan rus reached the peak of its power and it had written code of law.Unfortunately the kingdom was invaded by the Mongols in 1237 and destroyed many of the cities.In 1462 Ivan 111 became Grand Prince of Moscow and in 1480 freed Russia from the Mongols.In 1547 Ivan 1V popularly known as Ivan the terrible was crowned as the first Tsar of Russia.In 1552 conquered kazan and extended his kingdom. Russian-Polish war started in 1609 when Poland invaded Russia.When Michael Romanov was elected Tsar of Russia Romanov dynasty was begun and will rule until 1917


unequivocally accepted."Any deviation or distraction from the terms of the offer does not constitute acceptance.Ordinarily speaking to be valid and effective,must be accepted and silence does not constitute an acceptance.Thus in the case-Felthouse V Blindley the court dismissed the application by the plaintiff to rely on silence acceptance by his nephew who wants to sell a house to him.In Brodgan V Metropolitan Railway co.the court established that both parties had been acting on the terms of an unsigned contract over a resonable period of time.INVALID FORMS OF ACCEPTANCE.However,it has been established some acceptance are invalid despite some purported forms of acceptance.They include but not limited to counter offer that it must be unconditionally accepted(Bilante V Nigeria deposit insurance corporation).A.)It does not vary the basic terms of the acceptance once offeree fails to agree to the terms of the contract.There is contract and that is counteroffer.(Invite V Ferando agro consortium ltd.).B.)Condition or implied.b.)Where the rule will produce manifest injury or glaring inconvenience and absurdity.c.)where the letter of acceptance was wrongly addresed.d.)where it was not properly posted or transmitted.As in the case of Orient Bank V Bilante international.It is the elements of acceptance that constitute material nature of the contract.The court identifies 3 modes of communication.1.)By words of mouth.2).by conduct.3.)and by correspondence.In the types of invalid acceptance we identify.a.)acceptance without communication with no external manifestation of acceptance.This we ve shown evidence in the case of Felthouse V Blindley and others such as counteroffer refered above etc.b.)However it should be noted valid contract goes beyond the concept of offer and acceptance analysis.Now,we move onto to the 6 elements of contract having established cases with no valid cause of action.Other elements include.c.)consideration.d.)intentions to create legal relation.e.)legality and capacity.f.)certainty.We have examined offer and acceptance which ordinarily evolved in the 19th century as the basis of valid contract formation.The formation concept identifies scenario where the organic parties are of one mind.We have no tenancy agreement in the first place and so there is no basis for dispute resolution between parties.It shows abinittio there was no intention to create legal relations making likehood of contract almost void and null.In the case of consideration of parties prima facie,given the extant legal capacity,unfortunately we have no locus standi,let alone a valid contract.Moreover in the absence of tenancy agreement,the doctrine of promissory estoppel says the contractual basis for the enforcement of consideration does not exist.Without such framework,the following tips cannot be enforced:a.)the promise was clear and definite.b.)That promisee justificiably rely on the promise.c.)The promisee's reliance was substantial and adopt a definite character.d.)enforcing the promise will serve best of justice.Estoppel doctrine


Malaysian contract act of 1950 part 2,section 4 says'1.)The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person whom it is made.2)The communication of the acceptance is complete.a.)as against the proposer when it is put in a cause of transmission to him so as to be at the power of acceptor.b.)As against the acceptor when it comes to the knowledge of the propose.3.)The communication of a revocation is complete.a)As against the person who makes it when it is put into a course of transmission to the to whom it is made,so as to be out of power of the person who makes it.b.)As against the person to whom it is made when it comes to his knowledge.That any contract to be binding an acceptance of the offer must be communicated to the offeror.Cases like Entores V Miles far east corp(1955).When Lord Denning stated the offeree must communicate acceptance or someone authorised by the offeree.If someone accepts on behalf of the offeree without authorisation,this will not be valid acceptance Stevenson V Maclean(1880)-the law states that for contract to be binding there must be communication to the offeree or someone appointed by the offeree.Though acceptance must correspond to the offer,unequivocal and not a counteroffer though a mere request of information not counteroffer.If B is aware of the contract formed by A but does not communicate his acceptance A cannot fulfill his part of the bargain given the fact there is no acceptance.Acceptance can be defined as the final and unequivocal expression to the terms of the contractual offer.See case Akin Akinyemi Vs Odua investment co.Ltd."Acceptance is the agreement of the offeree to enter into a legally binding contract with the offeror in the terms of the offeror's offer."In the'case of tenant vs landlord to be valid,it must not only be plain,unconditional,unequivocal without any variance of sort but must also shows consideration(Bilante international Vs Nigerian deposit insurance corporation).The court held"an offer must be unconditionally and then

May 13, 2022


Frutaneous the fuchsia,roseate,coral and salmon tamarisks on their whitish gone grey where the lawn transition into the riverbank,bonking fuddled.The horseshoofs and rampaging raids by dipsomaniac squirearchy muddling,discombobulating their heads fuddle of bushy hairs and guitless slant,fuddymuddy,fudgeand mudge the clouded,fuggy,dingy fuliginous,fulgurating fuhrers emerging from soots'mill.November fogs soon began after brimful dews of golden morn`s fulgent hues,full of piss and vinegar,a pep of flight eyed and a ginger of bushy tailed vivacious zingy full pratique at full throtle full to the gills oddysey- jampacked theatre of dreams.Forest stems stuffed up,whittish,grey,downward tapering furfuraceous,branlike,crynbantic,furbuild,forloughing,numerous a cyst,a bleb,a furuncle,a welt dainty lurks for captain hooks a breastplate,a gammadion,a fylfot,a thoroughbred hakenkreuz alupluto's trenchwarfare.Blatherskites,wocky,jabberers adorn him awe like a dippy,a dipsy and diorama hesitate,wampum,choker


sunshine.Across the illfated capiche,the sunshine's capote coronet soloit drills.And the capriole-intermittent brannigans a capstone not yet hooked to the pyrhic vitory nor an insignia to salute captain hook to assuage the capsheaf.Carabinieres masqueraded as gambol in the caracole with decrepit belfry sits,still fledgling far flung from infantry fledgling quip.A punt of canined laughter in the clownish cantata's chou.Capituhim o attic belfry sings!Canting and cantilate aluplutans-chanter-less calash and the caranvasary o soulless state! Captain general smidgen bereft.No goodness forbid,let saturnalia boat sings.And a decapod hardly appeased to the gods to poof,speck and punt off caesura for pyrhic victory's temblor. Cranium o tease me cranium,On attic captain hook the blissful expedition baron summon sunny times!So much carnage to so much hues till so much sighs canst dos to poke marasmus for beulah land.


Carbonised farmfields at the northcountry a catachresis,a carcinogenic carcinoma drizzling like a monsoon cauterised peasants'toiling klieglight a floodlight,a carbon arc lamps held aloft the catacombs choked by mutineers in the cat and dog expedition.Did the catachresis a lavalliere of the fifth columnists not persist long thereafter the ill fitting, overventuresome, flabby,oversized exit of the mutineers?Not much applause for epigram the obeah doctor,a shamanism,a mundunugu,like a raft a catamaran floated over drowned sea to choke this sore of overaching overdose enroute cadmean victory oft abhored till the golden morn.A calembour,a paronomasia and a joke blazing drill of california sunshine.Canting,crooked,askanting,profiterole,cannoli struts machismos'embryo cucullated and capistrate vain picador,a capeador,a tauromachian,a tawridor of the raving monsoon lacklustre capiche,a caparison of sardonic realm,caracoling canzonet and cascading gulch,filamentous canyon,so much diffused in its camion,barouche via


A metric ton of oafishness demeaning caesura cauterised cocography at alupluto.Cacology of Cacoethes laquendis oversimplied blarneys,obstreperous flowing tongue,struts oversubtleness of obsequious logorrhea,fastidious diarrhea of the mouth,cat and dog weather of verbal diarrhea,imperious logomania and smearing chaste of furor loquendi,as nebulous cafenoir enameling and calciminings at calefaction.Aluplutans'cakewalk on the calamus,a calenture on the cadmean victory.Hardly do they barbarians call the bluff ardoring emasculated cappuccino nor the esspresso overmastered even at abesi,rescinded to the cakes and ales of the demitasse a decoction that held them in thraldom of the galipot,the blue funk.Grimace now the blue funk's caliginous California sunshine.Obfuscous,calenturic,calescent,sizzling and singeing like the inferno,an object trouve california sunshine,ranting and objurating,obsequious and brownnosing burns greedily at Abesi.Outthedeepbluesea,the Squirearchy's battlement drivel a carbuncle carbonised


in abesi's deadwood.Cantankerous easterlies detest ever twinkling twinkling east street's palava tumbling eastwards raving rapids with dense fogbanks.Easy as pie it came like falling off a log as like a barrel's shooting fish ate the dust and it was gone eu-de-vie as acqua vitae.A gag person with the gagrule like the windy sail gone gaga in the gagshow galactic galerina, plumbean,plumbiferous pewter at the tethering ends,could not console him,eloping brasstack.Amiss the dinghy galleon galiot to capsize with saturnalia boat,a riverie at alabaster even as gallstone of macabre humour vaporises,brasstacks on the high sea flee to vain safety.To the mother carey's kitchen screeching snow,gamesmanship and ganders at gangbanger,gaping coast gloating and blinding at meagre parley of the gaff-rigged sails and gallipot's thraldom,containment much farthest cry with no reprieve.May we not be sloths in dainty times and blue funk the galipot with the smoking gun bled the ilks'scorecard profusely in the emasculated jungle.


and the battle of abesi.Blunderous blunderbuss,blunder-in-etiquette,bob a curtsy,meaness-damned,efficacious slothed him dire.Now he smoke his goof,a bobsled,luging,toboggan bodacious bodement.A bodice of bodhis,a droll boffo bogard of bogeyman,bodysuited bodyguard bogged down raptured too late.A boggy,paludal,quaggy,soggy,miry namesake of the golden morn like ilks jubilant hills bluecoats,goblins,hobgoblins,bolt-in-blues bollox up.Creeping bugaboos as bon mot's bon appetit! creep vicariously the bouquet of hautmonde.Refrain the bogeymen at alupluto,they connoiseurs and bonafideses of vulgarian bon voyage.Brambled,muffled brake loose blanchly braise,coddle,bake him cocksure,brashes,brash and brannigan.Brashballs with dimples smoking brass knuckles.A dingle,a brushwood,a chaparral,a coppice of egregious dimple brutuses of counterespionage and earsplitting silvermoon,easels drowning easement of the forlorn east street,groveling torrents of easterly winds enrobed with vacuous vegetation,wild fire infernos in


his embroidery with panache and all the colours of rainbows coronate him bitterstream midstream.Panache did he bevel,panache did he gavel.A beseem,besom featherduster of white elephantines,besprinkled mensrea bestrode spoof of gallivanting heels besieged commeupance at the vestry,chantry of commeupance whereon he was betrothed between the sixes and sevens,rockhard places,devil and deepblues and scylla and charybdis,a hobson choice till ruse in a truce of wanton fugacity unleashed epic of golden morn over the rainbow for the beulah land.Clandestine at his navel struts he upon this bevel of happylands drunk with promiscuous gallivanting hoofs tilts this goateed bewhiskered bevy above 12'o clock at bewitching hour.Bitchy bit by bit bit the bullet till bitten bullet more than he can chew primafacie.A bittersweet blueribbon not the puritanical prim and propper prissy bluenosed wights.Bituminous,obsidian,midnight coalblack,bivouacking,staying on the treadmill,pretty punky frozen at the eve of biten midge and battle


A spasmodic vacuole,vagarious,helterskeltering,vacilating,iodinophilous contractile, seesawing,capricious,adamantine with trademark vade mecum.Ebulient with a vanila of a moustache,scolloped round neckvandyke upon its vantage ground of a vanward flight from ambiguous shore,he walked the corpses dead grotesquely took off his vaporized vaporware coast's blur of vapourous vista.A poofed ethereal,dashing belly prodding vaquero not demystified vastitude of his variolate freeware.Like the rumbling daedalean daddy longlegs and byzanthinous beetles he was muffed with petite dainty pedigree,witticism,apothegm as daffodils of silvermoon quakes upon secluded shoulders aloft.Not daltonism nor its nukes to make him queer to the elixir and dance ochestra of the dandified quixotic quips,a dandruff to elude pelted cheeks and dangersome subcutaneous grim.A chamberlain of comedy,prima ballerina,a hoofing figurante of dancing scorn,a darkhurled darkhorse of the mutineers,a barretta of apotheosize,a womensfolk's besaint.He wore


I know he cannot deceive you you re intelligent.''To be frank i aggree with him 70%of the time'.'you re a liar.''if you like gather all of your iboguys from alaba,westminister,liverpool,ladipo etc to face him you will loose your head.Am coming.`'Dont come i m going to alaba'the phone zoomed off mark entered paragon headed for ladipo at toyota.Dimeji dropped from the cab with nose mask headed for onelove to the waiting embrace of the controversial yoruba kindred.'dimeji you came late.''but the guy complained you insulted him''i dont trust those people''we hardly trust each other too.''point of correction please that is not the bone of contention.i didnt insult him either.we met you know all of us at the newstand.The truth is this ilks of disgruntled folks are invariably uncomfortable when they hear of great achievement by the yoruba people.They feel inferior and to be precise that was the genesis and to say origin of marginalisation crusade.''uhmmm.....i dont agree with you because civil war set them backtoo


Stop wasting my recharge card.who brought it down to naija which white people?''I beg shut up you re nauseating.Late chief obafemi Awolowo did the magic'.the phone switched off and stood up and he left in a huff.''Bury your head in shame.'Folu laughing hysterically as he vamoosed from onelove's fast food transparent glass door.And the phone rang again.'Folu.'Dimeji called.'yea,how re you.''have u started the discussion?`Mark replied'of course''am coming near oko filling''Your ibo guy just now in annoyance.''What? happened so soon?''Ask him'.And the phone rang'Mark where re you?Folu said you just left.''Forget that please today's talk is over unless you arrive too early''So you thought white man brought TV like the rest of your kinsmen used to think.I told you you ought to have searched online because he will mock you.''come quickly please.'' know is an uncommon tribalist yorubaman believed they laid the foundation of mordern civilisation in africa''Are you agree with him?Tell me because i know he


with maitredhotels,carhops swept beneath hysterical aphonia.O this blackeye,booboo of ignominy`s macroseism,abesi's mackintosh frolic macula contuised over maculated jungles stings drearily.Turbulent with hornet's madness,when they fed him manicotti,tortelini,fetucini,lasagna,booze,mannikkins,concocted houtecuisining and bhanging him with jutes,hashish,manila and abala in abesi's bloodthirsty forest.Fuming obverse viceroy avers in counterblast as if wacky and kooky like the apes of manic depression:'O that manna from heaven sweet above compare stoke forest fire as golden roses of adamantinous bustery bred us white at strife with rustic fiends alike`.And lo pooved his heels'This manequins,your dearest abala from manor house,jettisoned vicarage and trickish manteau.Censure plead thee o censure,slash their mantlings,flowing mantras,dolman,manteaus,fichus,mantelleta's flung at thy face and all the goonish escapades;for they once marauders'frankeinsteinwhen chips are down shalt be thy damocles'sword.'Macoma quiped


Hardly had the habitus with consuetude catachretic hachure halter'd his bristling tantrum of the happyhunting ground,the hackamor'd hacienda,haddest a tantrum haddest dib`d Maximum,hunting in happycoincidence,god in the machine but loath'd he sloshed the guffawed sepuku,har dehar'd harakiri hard and fast harbour a grudge hardcheese hath him goose bumps,haute coutur'd,warweary and belveder'd frothed Maximus makes high dudgeon unto high falutin for abesi`s smother.And like a brash hyalined high man on the totempole,sportish fugueman habitude carcinoma gushed him high jinks muckamuck.Thrice,he hurl`d defiances at brickabacks.Not too huntinged for hurryscurry that in hushhushes amidst the huzzah,makes amain with hutzpah unto abesi's wartorn hyaloid.O that geyser hydrolysate of white elephantines'betrothed at gunpoint,hyperbolic connubial incest,hypersonic hypermetropiac senoras and schlumps capsized.Sometimes at pica,bingeing,hypheragiac,bulimarexiac,purging,hypochondriac dipsy,subterranean lewds,hypogeous with


the attainment of progressive needbased goals.The backward forces and forward forces and we divide them into retrogressive needbased goals driven by backward forces and the progressive needbased goals tied to the apron string of forward forces.The best form of forward forces is the personal motivation and public motivation in the backward forces tends motivate graphically the individual choices by retrogressive needbased goals.At this selfimposed organic trap cycle of needbased hypothesis,the spectre of human development enterprise is haltered unceremoniously and with sustainable growth and sustainable capacity building murdered and the complacent retarded growth resistant standard of living masqueraded as ideal choice of needbased hypothesis.This is backward motivation and to compute cummulative returns of time investment,provide by forward forces of personal motivation,one is made to lament magnitude of cummulative losses recorded in the needbased hypothesis of backward returns.


bottlenecks supplanted by bucanneers of justice who found their way into the corridors of power unknowingly haunted by putrefaction of a psychotic vagrant that sewers their virtuous crave of humanism whatsoever as the case maybe.The world becomes much more polarised against itself in the mean berserk,callous jettison and public contempt of the golden sense of equalitarian justice.We are supposed to find strength or fortitude in the much vaunted choices and mechanical radius of our motivation so we can target selfactualisation of specific goals.We can be sure most Maslowian needbased voyages of a lifetime were driven by the helterskelter pursuit and selfactualisation of lowercadre needs which when attained cease to be motivator of bulge bracket cadre needs.This is what i called'Maslowian-Abrahamic trauma or a need hypothesis or selfactualisation backward returns.Most people settle for less at this lacuna once lowercadre needs are met and upward drive evanesces.There are two factors militating against the


Life methinks tends to baffle me alot and i still could not decipher where,what,when and how people get their motivation and attraction from and since sometimes i could hardly understood properly the riddle involved in this manic depression of medula miasma,i make bold to dissect and peruse my personal experience.And behold what i did find was personally outlandish and left me macerated and gobsmacked.The most important thing in any oddysey of lifetime investment is the gravity of this motivation and what substantial outlays apposition inclusive and the magnitude of outcome it could get to impact the attention propels the passion and muster motivation of the artist involved.However i do think the experience of lifetime of pursuit of every homosapien is exactly the same worldwide albeit a little alteration the primordial template for this method and pattern for accomplishment have been standised by mordern civilisation exclusive of sparsely distributed lacuna of regulatory bottlenecks left unmoored by bucanee


factors noted not genderbased or by age.One is driven by behaviour and dominant drive depends on life experience.They include achievement that is determination to achieve and demonstrate competence.People preffer self dependence and personal responsibility for individual progress.The second affiliation refers to the need for love,belongingness,social acceptance,participatory impulse in social gathering and conflict averse or peaceful conduct.Power:power is vital,people love power,love to exercise power and exert influence.In my new book entitled:Neomarxism:How To Conquer World Power'slated for publication in america,the blogger argues that power is the overriding force in the world society either in politics or economy and the main challenge to the operative task of capacity building is how to manage this vastitude of power in the complex power market economy.Right from exodus of life when you notice the persistent cry of a little child sobbing for power to graveyard of passing man demand for power constant


include need for respect and recognition.Self actualisation needs deal with opportunity for personal development,learning,fun,creative and challenging work.Self actualisation is the highest level of needs to which human being can aspire.People work together as a team in an organisation to attain its goal and at the same satisfy attainment of those specific needs to achieve equally the balancing act.In the Hertzberg's two factor theory unlike Maslow it classify needs into broad categories namely hygiene factors and motivating factors.That hygiene factors would destroy the individual's motivation and will not improve team motivation.Though hygiene factors not enough also requires motivation factors and increasing the hygiene factors decreases job dissatisfaction.Influenced by motivation factors or satisfiers such as working condition,coworker relations,policies and rules,supervisor quality.Achieving recognition,responsibiliv,work and personal growth.In the McClelland's theory of needs about three motivating


and led to proliferation of many motivation theories.We hereby examine the top 5 motivation theories in the study of psychology.Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs tops the chart and he identifies first in his postulation,physiological needs.The average individual is motivated when all of his needs are met though may later cease to be motivator as he climb economic ladder and craves higher needs.People work and contribute through their expertise.He created a pyramid in the demonstrative chart and shows how people are motivated and cannot rise to the next level unless lower level needs are satisfied.In the hierarchy he identify physiological needs which includes basic needs such as air,sleep,food,water,clothing,land,shelter and sex.Then safety needs including protection from threats,deprivation and other dangers such as health,secure employment and property.Social need deals with sense of belonging and love.The need for association,affiliation,friendship or camaraderie etc.He noted selfesteem needs and this


prompting or driving it into action.`According to Michael Jucias it is'the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action.'Chuks Esogbue uncovers motivation as the motif of employees workpractices'in organisation,provides definitive sources and the theory of the balancing act in an essay published in defunct postexpress(November 2,2001,friday,page 29) entitled'Motivating employees in Organisations`In the types of motivation he provided two types both positive and negative forms as strategy to motivate group or individual.He noted negative motivation is also referred as'wielding the bigstick`.When you explore the use of threats of disciplinary actions,violence to cow but not motivate people into achieving the organisational goal,and to work due fear,embarrasment reason for punishment and reprimand,he classified it as negative motivation.When you dangle the carrots which may be achieved through the external rewards,increased pay,cash disbursement,compensation,grants,award and promotion.


a balancing act.In this context it shows that to meet up with the balancing act,author avers that'by deploying the right formula to satisfy the needs and goals of the individual employees so that they work together to attain collectively the goals of the institutions is a primordial necessity`.Frankly speaking those things that satisfy and attain employee's goals invariably motivate to increase dedication and commitment to the chosen course.The balancing act categorically speaking can be achieved by motivation and nothing but motivation.Motivation is the organisational benefit a derivative of well intentioned and dedicated staff the sole energizer that spurs into action.infact an underlying force that propels into action the individuals and prompts one's will into action.While Richard Hodgetts defines motivation as'the process of creating organisational conditions which will impel employees to strive to attain company goals',J.C.Lillis says it is'the stimulation of any emotion or desire


All over the world human development is a concrete pillar of economic development and people oriented organisations provide a participatory platform for employees to work,explore their potentials and so complete the strategic goals of human development.The most important thing about the concept of economic development is the creation of organisations for human capital development and places for employees to work and so complete human capital development goals.People work in organisations purposely to enable the organisations to fulfill their corporate goals.On the other hand,employees and individuals who work in organisations equally have their own goals to fulfill moving up the bread basket and economic value chain and growing the standard of living befitting of mordern life.Both bilateral goals must be met and the moment both deviate from these goals organisations begin to fall apart and employees loose interest.Although the strategic goals of the organisation and employee extremely differ and so requires

May 4, 2022


my calendar.''You could borrow a thousand naira?''See,you polymath atheist you hardly know simple stuff almost everybody knows''No,no o stop abuse.When you load 100naira you get 250naira bonus on trutalk.Economically you manage to browse.''That's life but if i may ask who did i love to hate?''Now you re talking.Call your friend.Let him tell you.He put on the dial and the phone boozed'Dimeji,how are you.''Am fine and you?''Am okay.''You didnt come back yesterday?i waited.....?`'Later,we ll talk later but please i wanted to ask you something'when did television enter Nigeria or when did the white people brought it down Nigeria?`'Are you mean you dont know that simple question?''You better go online search for that topic because that's exactly part of today's discussion`.You might be laughed to scorn in Fola's presence.''He already insulted me.Dont bother yourself.''Ah,tie ti bae''the grandmaster did the damage already.''you mean already started the discussion.''See you re wasting my recharge card.Who brought


who brought that to nigeria?When?''You re asking me!See,yourself,blackman,a high school highboy for that matter.My egghead cant you that?Everything at least can be googled but i can help anyway with the the secmd question.The man you loved to hate brought it down to nigeria.''Which man do i love to have?'he was astonished with embarrasment fallen cheeks began to grope for the dark.Luckily for us that gesture fits perfectly our mode of hocus pocus today'.How did africans get mordern civilisation?`'Did we discuss that?`he check the internet connection intermittently.'My band is zero`'No data''Barely switched off my data previous gone.''You re asking.Didnt you see the last text messages forwarded to your MTN Line two days ago?''That line was off.Moreso,as i had shifted my passion off that radar.I used airtel more to browse and i can even borrow a thousand naira.So,i kinda patronize them more and switched my allegiance.Sorry for that but i did check our meeting schedule debating saturdays on my


The Sun was morose had stuck and glittering across the feverish day,shot from the dank moisture and plethora of its parabole the started in earnest when they met this time around in igando at the newly opened fast food restaurant One Love.` 'Dont you like this place?' 'Yea sound chilly.`'They are lucky and blessed even with space so commodious like that`'Eko five suddenly became a dream.`'That is the beauty of competition'.'Look at that program!''You seem to have enough time for the television.Last time,we i noticed you were so much glued to it.`'Dont you know what it takes to get information?Media is one of the avenues to get knowlege` charge`.'You re head when you pay attention to that intellectual box.``But i prefers radio or the internet.''You re a journalist what do they call with the newspapers.`'O Poor boy that's my alma matter they call that 'print media'.How many of us can afford the readership expenditure today?So if you have smart phone read online.''When did they invent that box?And


Infact,it changed everything i had proposed for my country and included free electricity program.""'So,you get the free formula from there.""yea not outside but right here in the country.""Gist me.i cant wait hit the nail.""Cool down your biceps boy.Your varicose vein is bulging.aba!""uhmm""lo,i glanced through the paper.It was the Tribune edition of July 29,2001,pg.7.The column:'Pandora box`belong to Dolapo Ogunwusi".There,i received the shockest heartbeat of my life.So,free electricity is possible.Myto is complete fraud.Now i know why obj removed Alamieyesegha cited corruption and leveled Odi.Who says there re not related?The columnist ends the beautiful piece with'Why"is it so difficult to learn something from Alamieyegha?"Iittle wonder it was the only state not connected to national electricity grid way back then.""Obj after he spent the widely reported 16b.dollars,we still couldnt get light.""So you know.i thought you said we have to keep paying for fraud so we could get light""nail the poser pls."During


Books and newspapers and we can show you trends even in my barlines,unfolding nature of electricity industry's darkest days and gloomy days.So i have a dedicated furniture parking close to it my archival materials and rest of unorganised stashed pieces of newspapers flying around my improvised alcove.The house was quiet and sombre when my brother was away giving me quiet time to reflect with files,journals,newspapers and books.One day i stumbled again upon a fallen sheet of a tribune newspaper on the sofa.I glanced through and i was stuck.""What did you find?""Can you imagine?That paper had been with me for over two decades yet i barely paid attention.See,we cannot dispute reading is the most effective artistic investment for moral perception,matured reflection and personal salvation.I was surprised i could not pay attention to that jaw dropping and eyepopping intelligence hid under my nose my navel and in my closet.It means mankind hardly pays attention to self reflection and honesty in a lifetime.Infact it


mean rather than the aplomb cavorting the vacuous neighbourhood as voluptuous elements do lock up yourself indoor to feed your medulla.""reading that way comfortable?""That is the best method.You read and write in bathroom,bedroom is easy like toilet.""Toilet?are u crazy with stench flying like streak of lightning?""much easier just sit on the basin.""what if another desires the use to defecate how manage?""i ll vacate and return there to read again when he finishes and stench subsides.That happens sporadically with my brother when he returns from work.Moreso as i have the often lonely house to myself especially quite beneficial for the eligible bachelors.That was my most challenging period and my formative years as writer before we moved to banana island and we celebrate lollapalooza.I even celebrated the bliss with a poem and the same diction,'lollapa....absolutely amazing to hide your self in your alcove.""uhmmm,.......interesting"."Now to back your point because i have almost 40years archives of journals


annually in total revenue from the new tarrif,cash problems with nepa would be over in the sector and efficient services guaranteed.What have they not told us;all blatant lies and still power outages persist.We re in 2021,2023 going to 2024 do we have stable electricity now?intelligent man talk now.cant u speak?"" re right,but it will take time..,""You re totally insane a bigger fool insanity is your trademark your mine.Since 1940s my forefathers told me the same old slogan of up nepa hasnt waned and they believed we will pass the same hackneyed old slogan to our children and for eternity we will never get light in naija.""spare my your spitting and saliva because you havent prove your case.""Now listen.One early morning i left the kitchen after dining and satisfied with my concoction prepared from food parcels my brother bought the previous day.The following day i started my solitary confinement headache"."headache?""i mean my usual hour of imprisonment""imprison....."stuttering.""i mean rather


mr re like them""So you know myto?exactly!where did you then get your insanity?"keep quiet !you petrifying pestilence,vitriolic indigo.""uhmm,...he too can dabble oratorical atom.chei."he muttered in gutter silence."myto for your information to me as cub reporter was introduced in 2008 with terminal date of 2013 to stabilise the price of electricity services and to generate more funds for electricity industry and government.That grew revenue with the newly reviewed tarrif from 1.1tr.naira per annum over that five years period.Now they claimed that old revenue was gross inadequate to guarantee efficient services to the consumers.""Uhmmm.,.so point taken,u understood that verily verily well.thumb up""i do,because i did cover energy beat for solid 5 years.i should know better than you,a goonish member of free readers association,mere verbose discussant frequenting newstands riddled with complex bigotry.Open your mind.The fraud is just too much.They even told us with 1.5tr.naira annually in


Methinks this might be the most powerful piece i ever wrote."i said to myself as i put pen on paper to write this wonderful piece. Oh you mean free electricity is possible in naija?You've always been saying it.Are you insane?Why do you like to deceive yourself to stupor with satisfaction so that you deceive others without you ever knowing it?You must be out of your senses.Are you truly out of your senses?""Anyway listen you wretched of beapole highboy,let me talk please"."Oya go on with your rashness of clueless cheeks.""Beg your pardon dont abuse please mind your speech.""Mr knowhow you are insane.You don't know anything.Who would shoulder the operating cost?i ask you.You re not even rational coming at a time when the chairman of national electricity regulatory commission NERC reviewed an increment in electricity tarrif from 8.50k to 10.00naira per kilowatt per hour in compliance with 2008-2013 regime of multi year tarrif order.""MYTO right that fraud i know""fraud!wont we pay for it?""You can hearyourself