May 18, 2022


We critically examine the bipolar world and the strategic imperatives to the sustainable growth of science and technology and that the threat of economic freedom could be brutal and we cannot to risk the downfall of ideological freedom in a unipolar world,the blogger ibikunle laniyan concludes that the statusquo should be maintained for equitable redistribution of the competitive gains of science and technology that exist in the bipolar world and that science thrives tremendously where mass competition abounds.We cannot afford a unipolar world and in the best interest of mordern civilisation to think otherwise and endorse rapid velocity of ideological freedom and competitive growth of science and technology as it were in the last half millenium.Enjoy the reading. There can be no iota of doubt that the wisest,most powerful,most dreaded,most hated,most abused and to the westerners the most stupid leader the world until now ever have is none other than the person of Vladimir Puntin.Indeed the fear of Putin is the beginning of the wisdom.Obviously what baffles a neutral mind is the magnitude of the abuses,intellectual affronts,backbitings,witchhuntings and blackmails and the proven claims of genocides hurled upon his neck for the Ukrainean invasion invariably regarded as the worst genocide since world war 2 or vietnam that was begun on february 28 as if he or Russia was alone in this gemicidal attacks.It would be unfair to jump to conclusion without a recall of contemporary assymetrical history and explicit memoirs of the brutal years of repression,equally committed by the west mainly the Americans.Would it have made a sense were it to be equally tagged'genocide'or'gemicide'?Which court of law will try the latter ?Is it the international law at hague struggling under its whims and caprices?Does it make sense to avers that the concept of unipolar is much more expedient after the crash of old soviet?Military expenditures havent been reduced in the post coldwar era with the emergence of china and certainly According to Wikipedia U.S.military expenditures during the cold war stood at $8-$9tr.The spectre of finance for aggresion had ballooned astronomically that led to death of innocent souls.The capitalist democracies didnt fared better in their approach to equalitarian justice.In the attempt to get rid of the communist enclave for over 70years.U.S.had aliance with 50countries including NATO and stationed her troops in over 117countries to feed bitter.We cannot deny that we live in a bipolar world and to deny Russia super power status of a country with the world largest landmass almost twice the size of europe and took possesion of at least 75%of old soviet's arsenal of munitions,missiles,artileries and nukes including landmass.Little wonder there is so much envy against that biggest transcontinental country of the world and wouldnt mind to confiscate its landmass and bury it for posterity the way they did to the old soviet.Putin knew all this casuistry and decided to strike before enemy enter its territory. We shall have to extrapolate and juxtapose ipso facto to exhume their contribution to mordern civilisation and to be adjudged otherwise regardless of vulgar approach and their brutal history whatsoever,we risk the crash of mordern civilisation when eliminate the competitive rivalry of this world powers and overbearing influence on science and technology.Global civilisation be it mordern or ancient as it were over the ages was priced by aggression and competition.We cannot dispute the fact the art of liberty is priced in the art of war,slavery and agression.Mortals hardly cultivate a good sense of freedom until they are repressed and enslaved and the journey of mordern civilisation and all civilised nations followed similar patterns and development approach.The art of democracy does not thrive where imperial powers and external aggressors intimidate weak nations to a callous surrender.The practice of invasion openly or covertly is unique to all world powers and made their name through the instrumentality of war. According to wikipedia man is an aggressive being and how much worse for nations. Since recorded history less than 11,000battles have been fought in the history of mankind.The most significant ratio of victory were won by great empires and the bloodies battle in history of Changpin fought by warring states 260BCE in ancient China.Wikipedia rates the battle of salsu,battle of kalinga,the battle of tumu,the battle of catalaunian plains,the battle of Fei River,battle of Nhu Nguyet river,the battle of kulikovo,siege of alesia and the battle of Leipzig as top ten in that order respectively.In terms of victories won france had recorded 1115 victories,britain 1105,U.S.had 833 and Russia 491,Germany 425,Spain 387,Poland 344,Rome 259,China 244 and Turkey 210 in that respective order.Considering that the United states yet to celebrate a tercentenary of her independence compared to Romans that lasted at least a thousand years prior to the disintergration in AD476 of western excluding the eastern side the byzanthine,
We humbly bowed to the truth of the matter she has fought the most war since history was begun.France and Spain were the first mordern states and Britain was formed on may 1,1707 when U.K. was formed slighly above tercentenary Over the past 3,400years humans have been at peace for only 268years that is just 8% of recorded history only.It took the breathtaking toll of recorded deaths to 108m. in 20thcentury alone while the total estimates for the entire history of recorded time reached a breathtaking 1billion souls.Forget about Malthusian concept of population control reducing population rate when husbanare snatched and taken away from their wives owing to urgent national service war.The combined armed forces of the world have 21.3m.people led by China at 2.4m.people ;America at 1.4m.;india at 1.3m.;North korea at 1m.people and Russia at that respective order and male dominated at 97%of world military personels compared to 15%in america.American military claimed U.S.war casualties stood at less than 1million soldiers and this claim i believed was made up and it inflicts 20times more damage on war opponents than it received.Americans claimed to have killed 850,000vietcongs in Vietnam compared to 47,000dead soldiers 18 times Over 600,000 northkoreans and a million chinese perished in the korea war close to 50times U.S.casualties of 33,000.World war 2 20m.Russians,3.250,000Germans and 1,507,000Japanese soldiers,sailors and pilots died 16times 291,000american casualties dead.The world cannot risk a butcher nation as super power and take a look at this dangerous statistics:Between 1900 to 1990 43m.soldiers perished in wars and 62m.civilians killed during the period.34m.civilians died in world war 2,a million died in North korea,hundreds of thousands in south korea,400,000 vietnam.About 75%to90%civilians constituted of all war deaths in the 1990s alone.They are shot,starved,displaced from their homes and this is not genocide but gemicide right?Firebombing in Dresden within 2days gulped 135,000 in 2 world war and a week later almost 18,000people left dead in 22minutes at Pforzheim,Germany.battle of leningrad gulped 600,000 innocent souls or civilians in a city with population of 2.5m.people where 1m. was evacuated.About100,000 were THE FORMATION OF OLD SOVIET UNION The Slavic peoples in 800 BC migrated to the area of Ukraine where they settled and by 862BC king Rurik ruled the region comprised of the people known as Rus from the city of Novgorod.Rurik dynasty later ruled the empire for the next 900years.In 882BC king Oleg moved the capital city to Kiev and by 980BC the was massive expansion in the kingdom of Kievan Rus under the military rule of Vladimir the Great.Yaroslav the Wise became king 1015 BC.A period in which kievan rus reached the peak of its power and it had written code of law.Unfortunately the kingdom was invaded by the Mongols in 1237 and destroyed many of the cities.In 1462 Ivan 111 became Grand Prince of Moscow and in 1480 freed Russia from the Mongols.In 1547 Ivan 1V popularly known as Ivan the terrible was crowned as the first Tsar of Russia.In 1552 conquered kazan and extended his kingdom. Russian-Polish war started in 1609 when Poland invaded Russia.When Michael Romanov was elected Tsar of Russia Romanov dynasty was begun and will rule until 1917

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