May 25, 2022


Just few hundred years before the Vikings AngloSaxons from northern Germany migrated to England and settled there.With their emergence the continent was set for landmark epoch.The Vikings were very active in slave trade and grew extremely wealthy in this trade of human trafficking.They obtained pleasure by capturing men and women as they pillaged Anglo saxon,slavic and Celtic towns.These thralls were then sold in wealthiest slave markets in europe and middleeast,inspired arabs later with emergence of slave trade.Most vikings were into farming,sowed barley,rye and oats,given that they brandished scythes in most cases not sword.Though some callous pirates,stepped off ships,raid cities to burn villages,they also engaged themselves in animal husbandry on a subsistence basis.Though ancient Russia Vikings might have invented skiing but scandinavians evolved its crude version of primitive skiis by at least years earlier.They regarded it as a form of recreation,transport and even worshipped Ullr a god of skiing. Besides the fact that were known for excellent hygiene,Vikings were very fond of their boats so that when their prominent rulers and distiguished raiders died they buried them in boats.Little wonder in norse religion valiant warriors entered festive and glorious realms beyond death.They believed like the african myth the vessels that served the departed better in life would also help them reaching their final destination.They gave us names of the days.For instance raven god Odin,otherwise known as woden that is woden's day gives us Wednesday whereas tuesday and friday are named after Tyr god of war and Frigg the goddess of marriage with the norse god of thunder and strength give us thursday.They barely wore hornets in battle and heavily divided hardly called themselves vikings and much of their historical account were left moribund written by their english captives and other subjugated places.Vikings pastimes include wrestling,sea voyage and fist fighting,stonefighting,horsefighting and mountain climbing

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