February 28, 2025

My Oysters.part 14

Who reads his fortitude like
 decimosexto or sixteenmo
In the flings and spiral of his 
And  not speechless at the spring 
Of immaculate morn
Not a decumbiture in decumbency
In the torpedous battlement of de die in diem
With uncommon gallantry to decumulate
This ignominy of decumbencies,
That centuries of dread implores to whack,
A sedimentary dedolent of his indefatigable dedolens 
Still yet a deditician in sedition of gallantry 
Will he be the dedimus ,the dedimus potestatem,
And salvage himself from stranglehold of this dedolo of defervescence?
Bandwagon jumpers the path of vulgars,
The blindfold o the deindividualisation by dei judicium

My Oysters.part 13

Dread in the bowels of the heart
May never let them plead decarceration 
From the serfdom of valleys 
To thrive in the archipelago of this freedman's quest
Yet tradition believes not all mankind born rich
At childbirth nature says all men born equal
Yet the nature of human politics rephrase it
"All men are not born the same, beneath for others,valley for the vulgars 
My everest for the privileged few
No matter how you try mountain is flooded And beneath for you there's always a room
He lost fortitude his prime fortune then he lost everything 

My Oysters.part 12

A man who is a deaf mute 
Must not live in a slavetown 
Excerpt a deafening deaf mute
 Debbie downers
But not acatalectic deaf mute
In the debellatio of sovereign wish,
He dies long before his entry 
Let alone fortitude to pay his debitum fundi,
Like debita laicorum,in debonne grace,
Dead mouth in a deaf March
With deathrow hanging ,
The valleys beneath man's greatest 
Yet a lifelong heirloom of earthlings 
And quest at mountaintop poses itself 
As brotherhood in disguise to which 
A daring handfuls may someday fortunate 
Mammoth never dreamt to live this quest

My Oysters.part 11.

Let me the beauty of my beautiful 
That colossus should walk into
 my realm
Tis the mission impossible becomes the mission accomplished 
Let my arrows and bows fly more than the 
Spirit in my wishes,than the wishes in my 
The beautiful morning of golden dreams
Arise and enter into my courts in earnest 
The crucifix of changing times be my benediction 
Let my eagle be not dismayed in the flight 
Above the Bermuda triangle 
Let me fly above the Himalayas and far above the mt.everest
Let my eagle flies above the canyon farthest unseen in the milky way 
Let it fly let it fly let it fly

Marsolism Theory of Growth.part three

With the emergence of artificial intelligence AI era the Marxian value of surplus appreciate exponentially at the same to depreciate exponentially to denote that in the long run the Marxian theory of surplus value is now tabulated to indicate the marsolist theory of surplus value or robotic theory of surplus value.It means robot no more man is now the creator of surplus value a supremacy that Marx  once claimed belong to mankind.
Neomarsolist growth models redresses this imperialism uncovered by marxism.
It is apparently clear old established practices and tenets embedded in the Smithian, Ricardian and Marxian theories of value may no longer applies and labor cost might reduce exponentially to a fraction.
Economists often conclude the optimal value of a commodity is often incorporated in the proportion of labour hours used to produce the commodity .That goods were exchanged in the marketplace for certain relative prices based on the proportion of its labor hours.The labor value the amount of labor used to produce economic goods better explains the value of the commodity.Such relative prices between goods tends toward natural price and natural price explains relative amount of labor that goes into the commodity production.The theory took over dominance shortly from the subjective theory of labour prior to reprisal of subjectivity in regaining control.The ancient Greeks possibly Egyptian and later medieval philosophers coined the labour theory .The reining subjective theory assume values arise from ratio of human perception of usefulness and the exchange value is based on human accepted prejudice based on the individual subjective evaluation of the use value of economic goods.
When Smith and Ricardo began research their thoughtful experiments they used the ancient thought as point of departure at time the concept of capital was not well developed.That the value of commodity is tied in the amount of labor used to produce it.For instance if takes 20 hours to hunt a beaver and ten hours to hunt a deer they conclude one beaver could exchange for two deer.This indicates both equal 20 units of labor time and cost of production is the direct hunting cost on the open fields.Not excluding indirect cost as production implements like trap,to catch the beaver,bow and arrow for hunting.Like 12 hours to make beaver trap 8 hours for hunting amount to 20 labour time hours and with $11 per hour, then $220hrs for 20hours of labour time.Unlike deer cost analysis of bow and arrow for 4hours and hunting time hours  making total of 10 hours and $9 per hour and $180 for 10 hours of labour time. People will move out of deer production into beaver production initially due to more profits from the beaver production.Based on the equilibrium ratio of 2:1 in term of labour time .
Now Smith now apply market forces the law of demand and supply to this analysis especially demand for beaver and supply for beaver production moving away from deer production.Too much demand makes the price of beaver to fall in the near future perhaps due to inadequate beaver production may switch adventure in favour of deer once again or producers may find it hard to get adequate supply due to prolonged labor time.As income of beaver products drop below $10 the income of deer producers rises to $10 and people move away from beaver into favor of once neglected deer balancing the market equilibrium.Regardless of market forces as a center of gravity the market equilibrium acts as center of gravity and this is how labor keep swinging to determine the true value of commodity.
When Marx came he spotted the imperialistic nature of labour exploitation by capitalists to launch scathing remarks against the free market classical school of Adam Smith generation.If labour determines the overall value of commodity he argues the capitalists wouldn't have made enough profits beyond their casuistry at exploiting their workforce.This led to his evolution of exploitation theory of capitalism.Later critiques of labour theory had added use value and exchange value of commodity.
The rise of cryptocurrency, robotics technology and artificial intelligence era in the era of web 3 could change everything mankind never envisaged as stipulated in neoclassical marsolism .This could end imperialism Marx lamented decades ago in the Marxian theory of surplus value that man is the ultimate creator of surplus value exploited by capitalists.Neomarsolism theorised the end of neocolonialism and the gap between poor nations and rich nations could evanesce and global poverty stop.
The question is : Would the demand for human labor not retired by to robotic labor?Of course no doubt human labor highly inefficient human labor is going into extinction beyond mere oversight functions for regulatory obligation.

Marsolism Theory of growth.part two

By and large the directions of economic growth.
One thing is common in all of the underlining growth theories it is the unparalleled analysis on technology.This axiom cuts through all growth models excluding classical growth theory that exudes gross disrespect to technology disdaining the quality and quantity of technical progress in economic growth.The neoclassical laid emphasis on factors such as labor, technology and capital formulating a cluster as steady economic forces to generate economic growth.The Slow Swan growth model the most prominent of the neoclassical growth school.That labour and capital leads to total output and with addition of technology augments labour productivity growing more general output through increased efficiency of labour.Therefore neoclassical growth model by production function is utilised to measure economic equilibrium and economic growth respectively with the following form:

Where Y =income or The GDP

         L--number of unskilled labour in the economy 
         A--Determining level of technology 

Given the dynamic relationship between labor and technology production is then later refocused or restated as Y= F(K,AL) to mean that technology is labour augmentation or workforce augmenting and also workers productivity depends on the rate of technology use and deployment.

Unlike Neoclassical growth model as if with prophetic eyesight
 The growth model of Neoclassical marsolism assumes the entire production function is technology driven both by input and output and input and output multiplier respectively.That economic growth and economic equilibrium is robotic driven as depicted in following form:

            Y= R0(R1,R2,R3)
Where Y = GDP

              R1--electronic capital(crypto)
              R2--unskilled robotic labor in the economy 
              R3--skilled robot in the economy 
 The dynamic relationship between labor and technology by production function is restated as Y = R0= (R1,R3).The production function of this growth model would continue to shift until R2 is eliminated from the aggregate production function of economic growth and economic equilibrium respectfully.
The most radical macroeconomic theory of growth the neoclassical marsolism banish human labor from the pantheon of aggregate production output,infact in the final banished unskilled robotic labor for the most advanced labor marking the extinction of human labor.
 Assumption of both neoclassical growth models in conventional neoclassical and neoclassical marsolism.
1.Both assume capital is subject to diminishing returns in a closed economy but still in a closed economy neoclassical marsolism assumes even electronic capital keeps growing in the face of extreme volatility.
2.Infact in a steady state economy impact on total outputs is never the same as robotic outputs never stop growing.
This is terrifying and mind blowing how much more in a free economy.
3.Both experience steady state per capital income increase and long term growth is near infinitely determined singlehandedly by technology growth .
Although we do not envisage cultural hazards in a closed and unclosed robotic economy.With the wonderful world of AI and robotic engineering, technology is the factor of production including techpreneurship and virtual land is infinite.
Neoclassical marsolism foresee inequality of wealth and mass poverty eradication and that the problems identified by dependency theory would be finally resolved by neomarsolism spreading wealth generated by humanoids and technology across the world uncensored.It also fullfil the prophecy of structural change theory and resolved Malthusian theory of population growth to some extent doubling world population creating more problems as we now robotic humans on planet earth.It enhanced the mutual benefits of human capital theory and also retire the theory partially though human oversight functions still badly needed to regulate use of the robots and mutual welfare between both beneficiaries humanoids and humans respectively.

Speed Of light.part 3

I woke up this morning to head to my phone and I opened my TikTok and a scientist began to examine speed of light and I was just laughing when it says in the  documentary that's Einstein says no object exceeds the speed of light.It all add to my understanding these fake guys don't understand the speed of light and they don't even know that everything was designed by the speed of light and how can an object exceeds the speed of light.Within cubes of conscious age everything is designed by teletons that is particles of light and how can an object exceeds the speed of light.Excluding the black holes and dark matter as components of unconscious age and abstraction field of inexistence or unknown existence functioning under the speed of dark forces the only forces faster than the speed of light there is no object or atom or datom that can be faster than the material that design or use to either design them or evolve them.
In the Universelair on TikTok the scientist makes assumption and says and I quote "What would it be like if particles existed faster than light ?Well Einstein's relativity tells us you can't accelerate any material object to reach the speed of light but if you put in an object that exceeds faster than  light you can still run through the equation and the equation don't mind but some interesting properties emerge the tachyons what do you get? They exist faster than light it will require an infinite amount of energy to slow them down to the speed of light infact they can never reach the speed of light and because they re going faster than the speed of light they live backward through time."
See this is a loaded any objective object that is faster than light does not exist and the black holes dark matter and the tachyons are not part of material design of existence they belong to the unconscious age of abstraction field.

Social Security System in America .

The blogger Ibikunle Laniyan threats the latest inferno from the white house as Mr president shakes America down to its knees in an attempt to make America great again.

Elon Musk is cutting the over 60,000 work force with social security department by half in the latest shocking news from the Whitehouse.This is long overdue and these are some of the things I ve written about years before it happened.
I do not disagree that they re many dissenting opinions about this topic this very inferno .You know something it could make America more efficient even when it's privitised.The social security payments in America could be privitised and almost all of these roles maybe taken up by private insurance cooperation.The truth mankind is often times indifferent to change even when they voted for change they re still against it.This tells you about the scary powers of overwhelming change and despite American voters voted in favour of Donald Trumps they still are against it and the program he endorsed.
However it has been argued part of the reason the advanced societies not growing faster bedeviled with low level of economic growth since 1873 was due to patronage of social security .There's no doubt high level of unemployment benefits reduces propensity to take paid work.This also reduces the urge to pay and resistance to increase in tax payment and wage demands, inflation and government deficits.This tends to reduce the rate of investment,savings mobilisation and economic growth and I think quite unsustainable in the long run.How can you keep heavy barrier to high unemployment growth and abettor of high inflation?
It is affordable if replaced by negative income tax and you know as countries get wealthier an increase in the population of people to undertake benefits from social security could be covered by private insurance.Hence there is a link between higher social security payments and lower economic growth .I do disagree with those who says low spenders on social security like UK and US record low economic growth?Is the US low spenders on social security paying over 70 million beneficiaries documented or undocumented , identified or unindentified? Or high spenders like Denmark,Belgium and Holland record high economic .There's no empirical evidence high social security expenditure in America for instance has been able to reduce and eradicate poverty in America citing the evidence of 45 million poor people in America.i do believe that it was due to lack of poverty eradication as the main goal of the social security expenditure that militated against the eradication.I had suggested economic social security that should incorporate this objective and set target to eradicate mass poverty in America at defined period should be adopted.I think is right too if privitised due to unpredictability of the human nature and allegiance or probity in relation with critical matters about money.For instance the poor people in America can be made rich in two years and exit poverty and their households.
During the second world war Roosevelt institutionalized social security and called it new deal to assist the elderly unemployed and retirees at a time when 25%of Americans were groaning under unemployment.This challenge of unemployment ended when the war ended and inflation took over from the 50s down to its curb in early 80s.The program was driven by the need at the time and seem to have outlived the usefulness.If it continues it could bankrupt america.
Be that as it may, some sources says social security no longer blessed with surplus and a contributor to the government deficit and national debt.Since 2010 social security has run annual deficit using treasury department bonds to pay benefits.This caused government to borrow money from the public to repay those bonds. Consequently raising government deficit and national debt at about $36 tr.world highest.Many social security lovers disagreed with this fact of program deficit living on outdated intelligence that was moribund since 2010 when deficits began to accumulate.
The total cost of social security expenditure for instance in 2022 is $1.2tr. and $1.3tr.in 2023,23% of federal budget, 10% of what my company WOICO project returns if just 10% of the money was invested.Do you know how much that could make for America ? Terrible wastage and I think quite wasteful .I mean almost half of American GDP being wasted on annual basis and a staggering $100tr.in a decade and poverty would be alien in America forever if generated from my program.I think it should be privitised.

February 26, 2025

My Oysters.part 10

Victory is mine in the freetown
Victory is mine in the slavetown 
Everywhere I go beyond my stupor 
Even times stampede 
The glorious morning of dreams
Often the days of accomplishment 
The pattern of accomplishment,
Then swings in favor of prosperity 
then changes that come being freedom
And justice to every achiever never dies
It stays with victor and not with the looser
He who makes hays in the slavetown and freetown 
Is a destiny builder of many generations 
But who will help him when vicious times spite him hard?
None and life is strange and quite unfair.

Elon Musk's Lion Heart.part 2

Despite the losses in Tesla shares slump and Elon musk looses $52b.almost the same size he gained when Mr Trump regained presidency, nevertheless he still maintained his lead as the world's richest man.He's definitely the greatest mind in the history of world business in in it's entirety.
Tesla lost over $100b.from stock market value and out of a trillion dollars worth of the company.They were against his involvement in government relations seem to endanger the stock market welfare of Tesla.I think the rest of the world is leeching America and the fraud musk uncovered gave a hint where the loot goes often not staying in America.We know bad information and political power often seem to influence stock market direction .The rest of the world were feeding fat on America and to stop this wrath and cheating the rest of the market retaliated when musk uncovered trillions of dollars in fraud in the treasury.
In a CNN post by Daniel Dale 'Eight Ways Musk misled Americans' I was appalled at the level of ignorance displayed by a seemingly bureaucrat who disagreed with Trump actions and his choice of government auditing by DOGE under Musk.
This is what the Americans voted for.
He started by saying Elon misled the Americans with his statements in the attempt to cut public spending.
In my first book Neomarxism How To Conquer World Poverty I uncovered and scrutinized this theory wrote about this challenge of spreading wealthy through Economic power and ostracizing and banishing of political power from the top and be replaced by economic power.I wrote economic power knows how to manage power efficiently better than political power .He quoted Musk irrationally out of context thinking he was right forgetful of the fact that Musk was open mind ready for criticism which was why he used the word 'some of the things I say will be incorrect and should be corrected "I was surprised Daniel Dale couldn't read in between the lines making a fool of himself the type that haven't been able to simply read and evaluate balance sheet analysis from theory into practical reality at the same time use it to generate unprecedented maturity of monumental wealth to himself.He then concluded since then Musk had made a lot of lies and falsehood 
Is he saying USAID scrapped by DOGE not funding terrorism world wide?Forget whether the money was diverted to fund lavish lifestyle of celebrities or condom elsewhere around the world for Goodness sake is it democractic to finance terrorism and to such extent over $350b.according to Trump was spent on the war at Ukraine?From the issue of pentagon contract down to the issue of baseless tax credit under trump and Biden to false claims on spending public fund on new York times to Gaza condoms and saving objective adherence by DOGE to misleading statement on social security and FEMA spending on migrant housing is Dale saying something rather sensible to assume the trillions of dollars worth of frauds uncovered by the richest man in the world is fraud too?I thought people like Dale be rational for once.
Political power condones fraud and abuse and not with efficient use of power by economic power.We need to understand that system of government as marsocracy which trump is trying to use with no sufficient guide they will make progress but little and I love that is a starting point. 

Elon Musk's Lion Heart.part one

Elon Musk's my dreams rival and the only capitalist I wanted to rival once I entered into the billionaire group is having serious challenge in business as shares of Tesla slumped worldwide .In the face of discovery of over $4.7trllion hole in the American payment system most fraudulent payment system in the world the shares of Tesla plummeted and Elon lost over $90b.in its estimated networth .Yet he refused to back down after 21 DOGE employees resigned.Truly he s a lion's heart with no rival.I cant imagine it happened to a man like us and never in the history of the world did a capitalist loose that much.
To me Elon is easily recognisable as the most intelligent person ever in business history keeping his stake in Tesla below 12% with $56 b.pay package per annum and he risk not loosing anything if Tesla crashes.Most of the looses were linked to his Tesla stake.Let Tesla crashes Elon still retains his wealth and could be even richer with Twitter now in crypto business.Space x ,boring company,XAI too can make more money for him.

Incorruptibles.part one

You cannot smear me "
"What?You want to be smeared?"
You cannot try it "
"Because am a virtuoso"
And so what? Meaning Yu re raving"
"Am a Gụrụ in my field"
"Are you applied?"
Am using you differently."
"Are you dumb?"
"Yeah or are you overlaid?"
Meaning what?"
"So you re dumb and knew nothing more than 'smeared' nor of its synonyms?You re real dumb"
"Let me teach englishism of the English man.You say are you applied or overlay or bedaubed,besmeared? You feel so because you re do made that you could not be smeared 
You cannot be daubed ?So you believe because you re a virtuoso,crack jack, hotshot,Marvin, cognoscenti,postmaster,wizard,adept, connoisseur,dabhands,fiend,maven,maestro,jack of All trade,all rounder,buff,Crackerjack,meister,addict, afficionado etcetera .Think differently please.

Marsolist theory of growth.part one

The growth of macroeconomic theories in mordern time has assume a fundamental constant and it requires far reaching effort to enhance the nature of growth model to exceed the pace of technological change in the long run.
However over the course of time a couple of macroeconomic growth theories were pronounced and therefore was begun to evolve from the embryonic era of classical nations down into the mordern times.
Economic growth is primarily defined as the increase in the production of goods and services measured by a growth in Gross domestic product when measured and compared at two different .Whereas economic development refers to institutionalization of this growth diffused at every sector and division of the economy depicted by rising productivity.
In the ultimate measurements of the growth the three most widely used economic theories ranging from classical, neoclassical and mordern theory of economic growth.With the emergence of Abraham growth theory of marsolism,the fabric of growth models has assume a frightening dimensions entirely from neomordern perspective.
In the front lead of influential growth theorists beginning with the Adam Smith of the classical school,the classical growth theory,Robert Slow and Trevor Swan of the neoclassical growth theory,and Roy Harrod and Evsey Domar of the mordern growth school.Regardless of conceptual differences,the same objective was to conceptualise growth and explain reason behind it.
Unlike classical school,that argues that the importance of economic growth is found in studying in the rise and fall of economic growth ,how it contracts and expand;the neoclassical economists such as Solow and Swan had different views entirely.They argue that economic growth depends on the nature of consumer behavior and that the behavior of economic participants within the system determine the ratio of inherent growth generated.
The modern theory of growth argues that by unraveling the foundational riddles of economics we unleash growth .Harold and Domar differently argue that economic growth is determined primarily by capital accumulation.That economic growth is directly related to amount of capital available for investment a spillover effect of savings rate in the economy at a given period.This model as a proposed Keynesian development economics propounded 1930s,1940s died over 40 years ago and was only relevant in the developing countries .
There's no iota of doubt in the fact that the failure and inadequacy of Harold Domar growth model led to the evolution of new concepts in the field in 1950s.The rise of Swan and Solow
The classical marsolism in its theory of growth assume that growth in the economy is driven by change in the nature of power market at a particular period.The growth theory of neoclassical marsolism believe of all components of power market the most influential is the technological power that singlehandedly determines the direction of economy and by  

February 25, 2025

My Oysters.part 7

Who stays in the slavetown?"
"Practically none
None whatsoever 
They all fled slave trade beyond he
Yet he slavish himself to be freed
Allegories of unknown rants from the free Soil of the infamous skies
Did I hear him say it?
That backwoodman Infront of his balcony "Unbundle me from the former and enrich my horse in the latter 
Then shall I applause my fate,the promises of Nirvana fulfilled"
Did I hear you say slavetown "
Anecdotist grimaced
"Yeah you hear right slavetown owes
Me a fortune "
"Wow Alakazam "

My Oysters.part 4.

The medley goes to the east 
He goes too to the east 
The medley goes to the west
He goes too to the west
The medley goes to the north 
He too goes to the north
The medley goes to the south 
He too goes to the south
Philistinic predilection,thoughtless Barrons,
As well as thoughtless serfs 
Are they latitudinarian, undogmatic and freethinking?
A freethinker in the land of the weak?

February 24, 2025

My Oysters.part 12

And here we are as earthings beyond 
The planet mall
We befuddled by our limitations much dreaded to cerebrate 
A handful did and ovation soared like never before 
Still like a drop of water in the ocean of the unknown age
Wispy and wistful on the wishy washy plummet of our resolve
Let no restraint on the porch of cerebration
The witch hunters and blackmailers not much detested
Not much needed in a corpus of social life
Yet mendest plows soars at the heavenward
Who spite the thoughtless for the years to come?
Practically none none whatsoever 
Unless their seeds thereafter the road to cerebrate 
Is forever coded and closed and we shall say 'let the gloom be,
Sarcasm as well as paradox as wel as irony
Fly on every damn sense of humor beneath and above.
Of course mortals are fond of springing surprises 
From the cannons of its sorcery.

My Oysters.part 11

Cheers for those at the other end of the river bank,
To whom it is given the brighter prospects of the yonder heights 
Nothing is finite like creatures like earthlings,
Like existence,like ontology,like cosmology and cosmogony,
Still a finite mass of the unknown 
The age of darkness,the ages of the unknown
The true eternity of everything existential and much dreaded non existential 
What do exist is finite because it's been known 
What does not exist is eternal because it does not exist. 
Quirky as I am strange life have I lived
Beyond the charging of my environment 
The current ones among us the body builders,the body snatchers ,lovers and thinkers 
Even medicine men around us
Should they add body paint and feel differently from the rest of the pack?
Aren't they finite ?
The melange of insanity has no end 

My Oysters.part 10

The boatswain of timese bosun's and lords of filthy lucre
Triumph of the triumphant,the victories of the dancing victors,
The medley of broken troths,the failure of the faileds
A tale of two cities beyond the planks of times 
The world at polar pools of opposite to itself,
A bodacious bodge at the valleys beneath.
A paramount ensembles of the crying planet ,
To trade commerce of crucifix for streets of gold
And what cities of golden hills, without the partaking of the seemingly unbreakable wilderness 

My Oysters.part 8

The beauty of my fate,lords of the infinity 
Beneath my footsteps and above my boodle,
Transient days flee  and they mock the sanity of their times
How can they be freemen when free will
Was slained long ago
Expelled like fugitive from the freed
Behold frequencies of slavish will
Promotes the apocalypse of the freewill
That freewill may thrive in the land of the free
Not in the slavetown where mammoth hibernate in slavery 
That freewill may thrive in the free-range of free soil
And thereafter Armageddon says "freedom to all nymphs"
And almost all mortals are nymphs
Beyond the accolades of black power's genealogy 

My Oysters.part 9

Friends of the earth never before found
Friends of the graveyard their worst enemy 
Subconsciously they sing the days of impending death 
Art bound by evils of broken tongues 
The earth laments no befriend him
As hagiograpers delight of make-believe heavenward plow
That never be smitten beneath graveyard of no return 
Thoughtless serfs and thoughtless freemen 
Pour accolades on the follies of their existence 
The earth laments of no friend and desolate time 
Befriend him in the land of no return 
In the klieglight of never ending waves

My Oysters.part 6

He stays in freetown the home of the freed
A freewheeler dancing to the pantomime 
Of the freewheeling.
Yet he is not free and shackled by penury,
Freetown denies him of freewill
And lo freethinking,free range and free soil too denied him
Behold he stays in slavetown the home of the slaves,
A slave wheeler dancing to the pantomime of slave wheeling
Yet he is freed and freckled by prosperity 
Slavetown denies him of slave will,
And lo slavethinking in slave range and slavesoil too deny him misery
A tale of two cities slavished by a tale of two contrasts
Wonder shall never end.

My Oysters.part five

Are they freethinkers in the archipelago of freethinking to catalyse the free spoken among men?
Barely a freethinker,barely a free spoken in the land of the free
Indeed the biggest insanity of all time.
I traverse the cosmos my yonder oysters applaud 
Freedmen born of freeborns the vicinage of the farthest beyond 
Not a prickly evidence that the broken earth groans to unveil
Irregardless of their broken ventures held on rampage
In the heinous jaws of the gullibles
Cheerio I bid them forlorn 
Like a freestone,a freestanding freeloader 
In the supposedly land of the free but tardier 
Indeed the land of slaves ,the slaves of Sheol,

My Oysters.part five

Are they freethinkers in the archipelago of freethinking to catalyse the free spoken among men?
Barely a freethinker,barely a free spoken in the land of the free
Indeed the biggest insanity of all time.
I traverse the cosmos my yonder oysters applauds 
Freedmen born of freeborns the vicinage of the farthest beyond 
Not a prickly evidence that the broken earth groans to unveil
Irregardless of their broken ventures held on rampage
In the heinous jaws of the gullibles
Cheerio I bid them forlorn 
Like a freestone,a freestanding freeloader 
In the supposedly land of the free but tardier 
Indeed the land of slaves ,the slaves of Sheol,

My Oysters.part three

Free reeds entangled in free and easy earth 
In the nebulous free range of thoughts and follies,
Cast over free soil of alien freedom,
Yet free soil extinct in the land of the serfdom 
The home of the weak the land of the slaves
To everyone who claims to be free,yet a
goof of death
Beyond black power's genealogy,all men nothing
But serfs of Sheol and servants of hades 

My Oysters part two

From broken petals to broken roses
A valley's rise above tardier beneath 
The muses are fractured by lentigos,
The gropes in broken visages whose
Bizzare loops ,
The pundits barely fill the hiatus tis extinction 
They extinct,
A rancor free zeurtergeist,they hardly found
Then free and easy they live beneath the freckle 
Free and easy they die beneath the freckle 

My Oysters part one

Take me from the blues 
I am a victor more than the golden hills
I am a victor more than the league of victors
I am a victor more than than devil's on the mountain 
The beginning of my colossus and regalia 
The exit of their stardom,
And as they extinct the golden hills 
I instinct my entry with golden foundries 
Of unbreakable times and smother of dreary days
The eternal kingdom that barely ends
Beyond the finiteness of mortal foibles
Let me be;Let me be
The Cosmos is my oysters.

We wish Osun State A Nirvana

The mayhem in Osun state is making me sick and I couldn't come to term with perilous effect of power abuse in the country.Change is still alien in this part of the world and to still grapple with such challenge of power abuse is to me a monumental disgrace to black people still persisting in 21st century?My heart goes to adeleke and their contributions not just in Osun state but to the country as a whole.
The issue of devolution of power settles this context and successive governments have playing politics with this most important resolution that constitute the fundamental fabric of any state.I did some write up in this regard.How come the commissioner of police is somehow more powerful than a sitting governor so much powerful that it could make the state ungovernable under a sitting governor at any fucking period?Too bad and that's what it is.Stuffs happens and this is Nigeria still battling with the predicament as elusive giant of Africa.
The people have chosen adelekes to govern them and so be it .The bitter truth former Governor Oyetola couldn't come to terms with.
We wish Osun state a nirvana and quite a nirvana indeed we shall get.Shallom.

Squirearchy At Alupluto part 4

Carcasses ,mangled limbs and blood of the slain,littered from  the meadow down to the forest and badlands.
Dungs of poops, coprolites,middens,guanos, dunghill,sewage,spoor,slops,ordure, excreta,excrements were everywhere.
A visiting envoys and league of plenipotentiaries in their work-study
lamented the dire situation and the victory that ended in sarabesa's forest.
The doomsayers a deconium backward had wrought the marvel of prediction,
To the waiting derision of contemporaries,
The plenipotentiaries the doomster generals ,the erstwhile handringers,worrywarts,fatalists,chicken little Cassandra,naysayers.
"How does it pan out for sarabesans?"envoy sat at the rancid riverbed gropes in his visage
"The potheads ,speedfreaks,cockheads,crackheads,acid heads,hopheads,freaks, junkies,druggies, burnout,dopers haven't repented yet.
They fled the island to no avail and hardly do they remorse at Sullivan and Tumulus massacre
What pilule, medication ,dose,lozenge,bolus ,gelcap do propopose for recalcitrant nation?Has the monarchy tilt towards remorse?"he drawls,formalises,avouches,couches,spouts in 
"Not yet"
"Has the victors consult the grandame,dowager,bedalme,whitebeard,gaffers, senior citizens,gaffers and medicine men?"as cicerone the drillmaster drilled old student.
"Barnabas was slain,his generals and pyrates 
Swindlers of the hoipoloi,beneath the six-footer soil 
Bathed by graveyard worms, disciples fled until interegnum and return."
"Remove the king again as in the queendom era,
Seven kings in succession, still the rainfall and streams of reform equally fell into graveyard 
A month after the threatened monarchy hadn't shown remorse."
"Banana republic!"
"Impenitence the war not yet won"
"Hordes of Duffers,butterfingers,tawpies,bunglers,fumblers,lumoxes,stumblebums,louts, clodhoppers,lubbers,gawkies, and butterfingers swarmed the sabesi's square until the detonated bombs 
Littered grounds with their wasted body ,"
"The duchies the principalities,the condominium  and the Commonwealth very weak and asinine.

February 23, 2025

Act 1 Scene 111.part three

A memorandum, a billet doux was sent to the monarchy 
To vacate coronation or be deposed and driven into badland
Dotted with tangled boscage not fit for human passage .
 What a bizzarerie ?
Blabbermouths blackjacked the Sullivan's and Tumulus at the river bank mooted the deposition.
To usurp the king's boutonniere ,garland,norsegay,corsecage for the novel morn,
Bloodshed, homicides, bloodbaths bloodletting and massacre at sarabesa's 
Was no compare
They shot at the bloodsuckers in the vampire's palace,
The squirearchy 's abettors and clandestine recruits of human trafficking 
They mobilised the hoipoloi revert to galleries,collonades,gallerias,walkways,arcades,Allers and alamedas,
In a public consensus chorus doesn't sit apart but in the household,
"Begone vampire king!begone vampire 's king!!
Few handfuls of abberants, crackpots,crack brains, freethinkers,codgers,enfanterible counter culturists, screwballs,weirdos, maverick had chorused .
The leagues of cowboy,cowpoke,gaucho,vaquero, cattlemen, horsewomen,wranglers,waddies,drivers and cowherds,cowpunchers, caballeros barely belong they.
There were no bootlickers,flunkeys,toadies, lickspittles, minions, henchmen,brownnosers,apple polishers, apparatchiks, lapdogs,me-tooers,partisans,leeches,hanger ons,boozehounds among them either.
But the millenarians sworn to the knight of old .
To battle courses as truthful as knight of old even in furious sun,
Dissonance, katzenjammer, hurlyburly,
Williwaw,bouleversements,ruckus shindy hullabaloo, pandemonium slowly gathered apace.
Won't we learn and unlearn so we may unravel bupkes of this morsel?

Act 1 Scene 111.part 2

Maximus stirred the hornet's nest, wasp 's nest of his own baguette,cabochon of his zircon,
How suddenly he felt a bijoux of his own rhinestones, birthstones,solitaire or scarab?
To make a traduce of Sullivan's travels prior to the resurgence of 11th hour 
Had confided with infidels in the north country for a probable reprisal ?
A birthstone of his own goofs?
Had he not crashed the embryonic bridges
And not compelled by nature to go baits and switches,in repudiation,in disavowments,in switcheroo , probably be bloodier.
And the crown jewel and demise his own crown jewel.
Behold scary cliff, canyon, Barrancas, ,hogbacks,cuestas,bulwark, embankment, escarpment , declivity now quarantined the sordid tales of two cities with unrelented satire,
Maximus pedigree had gone bally ragged ,dragooned and alarumed by the time sun went off its elliptical oval,
Though not a bambino,a hoyden,a nipper,a moppet,a squirt ,
A bantling,a cherub of remorse to make him grin,
Who sings his lullaby, canticles,noels,cantatas, drinking songs of penitence?
Not a partsong, madrigal,motet,Chanson,Arial,serenade did he cerebrate at the 11th hour of Sullivan's travels?
From felony to treasonable felony maximus maybe rotted in gaol
Should he revert to alupluto?
Would Tumulus a guardrail,a handrail, a balustrade,his bannister ever beam clemency without implosion,
To refrain him with perpetual bannisments in the north country?
A dozen night thereafter angels on horseback had rottened
As they looted the country houses for cannisters shots and gourmet.
With the Cosmos scripts ransacked the ocults of yonder heights and baronies hidden beneath the bunkers.
What a great loots!
Barouches,hansoms, Hackney, Hackney coaches,broughams,buckboards, cabriolets,stagecoaches,post chaises,calashes,barouches had adorned his holdings ,
The Sullivan's travels nudged with opulence,
A denote of regalia dancing with barracuda and the fellow hatchet men,firebreathers,pitbull fighters,tigers,Sharks of the morning dew,
The liegemen and vassals sing his threnody ,
The Battle raged from the fringes of deadwood and riverbank sometimes confrontation with the bushmasters,
Mambas, moccasins,sea serpents, diamond back rattlesnakes,menacious Cobras, hognose snakes, worm snakes,indigo snakes,puff adders, fer-de-lance,vipers,horned vipers,blacksnakes,serpents,green snakes,sidewinders,taipans,sea snakes,garter snakes,copperheads, pythons,
Backslider Galicia invariably undermined by badgerings and hecklings
Fled the earthwork and beaten by python
as the liegemen and pyrates ,
Fleeing the deathbeds at sarabesa's massacre,
Animus doffed with mantilla or babushka beneath helmet at own bootstrap, like a buttinsky,a prattler,a rubbernecker,a pepping tom a stool pigeon a tattletale,
Oozing sensation in the stagecoach drove down to his rescue in aftermath of the inferno set at sabesi's square ,
To which the scroll had recommended which unbundled centuries of mysticism,
They crisscrossed the periphery,from the backland down to backwoods, country side,outlands,backwater, Backcountry,
Deep down into remote badlands,where the fiefs of fiefdom had fled,
Atesmus was arraigned for probation in the open countryside .
Six warlords balkanised alupluto the banana republic of kleptocracy and mendacity.
Tumulus had met Sullivan's hatchet men
And proposed battlement in captivity 
As they exit country houses guards were left behind 
To police battlement, crenellation, machicolations,alcazahs, blockhouses, redoubts,citadels, garrison houses,breastworks,parapets from south to east and west of sarabesa's moonlit landscape 
In aftermath of massacre a heinous silence befell the land,
And to the riverbank they revert for bestiaries, allegories,tales, anecdotes, mythologies,beasties,apologies,morality plays and parables 
Like bedtime stories, folktales,novella and exemplum,
Beyond bibelots,gewgaws,knickknacks,tchotchkes, kickshaws 
To ease the menace of the aftermath as guards under their vigilance,
Intermittently disseminates snippet through horsemen ,
Keep them abreast at the lucids of the conquest memoirs ,
Vassals and liegemen now feudal lords 
With a caveat ,
The golden thump of fair play -not to bestialize invoked in the gatherings at country house ,
Under surveillance of Tumulus and Sullivan.
Who had won the sweepstakes, biathlon, ultra marathon, gymkhana,scrimmage,tug of war, pentathlon at sarabesa's?


Act 1 Scene 111part one

Tumulus and his warriors Sullivan's acroterions flashed across their war 
chest 's fire the damask steels ,musketry ,munitions and Artilleries 
Sheltered in the trenches a stone distance from the river bank.
Accompanied them into the Bazars at sarabesa's sabesi square 
Fiery drunk to stupor,the mayhem triggered,
From the south of sarabesa's ignition torched the west, south agog,👂
The bees waspy on the maze,battle was begun in the
Uncharmed bees were deployed and it malfunctions
Across the trenches battles mustered menace ,
Decussance was denied agog to make pyrates flee
But not Tumulus beyond the smouldering iron of the cauldron,
Deerhounds pitted with uncharmed bees stampeded 
To yarn velocity for the dissemenative purports
Alas escapades bell the cat,Sullivan's decumbents had deployed uncharmed bees,
As the fours in the pillories of abesi's.
Atesmus sobbed deeply what has Galicia gotta against him.
Animus shot him on the foot;so you fool your trusted boss'?"
He fell and interrogated he the defalcation As the deerhounds,startled distance as nuisances in vain .
Defencelessness swooped his broken visage,
Prior to noon Tumulus had doughtily fought back,
As delinquent Atesmus fled Animus for safety 
See cosmic script on the vantage point 
Fell from his knapsack,deplumated  bumpkin on the prowl for solitude .
Deference on the decumbent as depilated Galicia hid in the trenches 
In the atrophy of broken defilade and backfired cannon 
A fleet footed hazel fled upon the horse hoofs winced like the eagle 
In aftermath of detonated fuses that nethered a handful pyrates and vassals on the edge.
And a snippet reached Sullivan's hut in record flight 
Saith Sullivan'Uncharmed bees again'retreat in apoplexy with the mendest plow,
Animus now a destress in bees waspish fallen canvass,
Clung to drawn sword,threw the bash with cannonballs 
Retreated back into shelling and munition,
A thousand pyrates in the bazaars by squirearchy 
Had fallen by the way in the swindling ball game.
Dismayed by hard fighting Tumulus the generalisimo of the glorious nights
Weary into the circumvented but pitched battles
And trapped in the middle well timed Sullivan's travel was beyond compare 
not anachronistic injury at sarabesa's massacres ,
As pyrates and squirearchy fell and fled the hidden places
Deserted Country houses and forlorn Bridges in the open country grimaced,
As the earth Gods and earth goddesses return within earshot 
Animus raided the country houses with cosmic script 
Unearthed the conceded occult of the ancient .
That held them bound in aftermath of a dozen nights of massacre
North country reprisal was gashed as the adjoining Sarabesa 's bridges were detonated by thousands of Molotov cocktail,
Wow epilethic epiphany?

Squirearchy At Alupluto part 3

Baal-ha-batim in their hearts long estranged from baal-ha-botsa,
Wherein gallantry,obstinately melt with androcentric allotropes for his gift of the garb.
 Their very ayurveda and allotrophagies of the avellaneous feet.
Here in appassionato,he reiterated his apophomic tenses,
drew accolades from the apophantic garb to applause the avoureneens.
Behold, we invoke Sullivan's apopemptic parting shot ,
That bade them aloha slung in aut vincere auto mori for the apotropaical mission ,
Green aventurine bade ave atqua vale promotes luck with morsels and angels on horseback:
"I ve sent him(Animus) tens and tens of thousands of bees in the kit,
For your a votre Sante and avouchment 
Bury them with all possible speed of death
There's no pause whatsoever in their pitiless fury
Tis their preys bland vamoose on deathbed groans
O no clemency tis thou pass them beneath the gates of hades
Let the blood of pyrates littered the streets 
To avenge their almain treacheries,allemandes, bloods of the serfs,vassals and liegemen alike
A land of treachery in the thunder of perfidy and earthquake of kleptocracy
And valleys of slothful dreams
Let the wrath of Sullivan's grovel upon them
The wrath of the charmed bees in the terror of the golden blues,
Be the charge o Animus with bees of Sullivan's 
And cosmic script of Atesmus till daylight drifts
Let the city cry like a woman in labour and not like the serf in the farmfields 
Animus for purport of anklosis, spare Galicia the rod of avunculucides 
Not forbid Tumulus at his art to nail the posers if need be
And begat much pyrhic victory as much as feasible for the bajillion hungriots. 
Coast home to my roost en masse in golden billows"
They vamoosed into vanishing distance with fury of dust ricocheted behind the Earth's pall.
O the drapes of the earth,the Earth's pall.

February 22, 2025

Robotic construction technology.part four

According to AI in the construction statistics the cost of construction of 80 to 100 store yed skyscraper is $2.5b.per unit,that is to say a whooping close to $25billion dollars for 10 towers or staggering $2.5tr for 100 skyscrapers .This is simply unsustainable.Assuming in Lagos alone, about 100,000 220 stories are to be constructed we shall have Lagos Meddlesex Robotic Cosmos corporation a subsidiary of MEDROBOX we shall cut cost exponentially instead of buying them in western open markets.
There's no hope for a country with bad urban planning and nonexistent landscaping infrastructure and may not survive if it fails to tap into technology massively.It will definitely perish and if we could achieve we shall save the country from imminent crash .

Robotic Construction technology.part Three

Too much unskilled labour in the Nigerian construction industry and infact most worrisome is the dwindling ratio of skilled workforce in the industry in Nigeria calls for the strategic needs of robotic workforce.It can also tackle the challenge of Brain drain and cost of construction in addition to stoppage or reducing to the bearest moment the high incidence in collapse building in the country.For instance world highest incidence of collapsed building is in Lagos.
What we shall have to do a thousand years building this great country or more than we can now do it in 90 days  or less .This indicate if the rate of one million skyscrapers by forecast we plan to build in the country nationwide permit me with finance readily available,it can be done in 6months not five years as previously stated .This cancels gap between Nigeria and advanced countries in full year.
To achieve this milestone we shall proceed carefully deploying the service of skilled labor and construction workers who have track record not by prejudice and most black people good in robotic technology.

Robotic Construction Technology.part 2

Chinese construction firm the builder of Minsk City Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) a subsidiary of china's Broad group commences the construction of world tallest skyscraper Sky city to be completed in 90 days.We can achieve the same in 90 days or 60 days as earlier noted.It had earlier constructed 30 stories in 15 days.

In Japan while the markets for construction robots will grow to 420m,in 2025 from 200m.in 2017, labor pool in construction will fall in 2025 to 2.2m from 3.4m.in 2014.80% of US general contractors complains they have difficulty filling vacancies for skilled workforce.Younger generation are now going into construction industry and the average age of US construction workers is now 43 almost ten holders than it was a decade ago.The construction robots by 2057 according to Urbana-Champaign and Midwest economic policy institute of the university of Illinois,could replace half of the jobs in the construction industry
The robots can lay 380 robots per hour six times faster than a human brick layers.It seems robotic machines offer promising palliatives.

Robotic Construction Technology.part one

The world is changing fast but we black are not changing at all.I have a dream to turn Nigeria into new York or hong Kong in 6 months.
To build 60storyed skyscrapers it will take 20 days or 57 towers in 19 days based on current technology.In constructing 100,000 skyscrapers in Lagos it will take same 20 days provided all land allocated to each construction projects start at the same time.But if splited into phases based on the ratio of robots available say 4 phases each phase taking 25,000 skyscrapers about 60 days.
About 220 floors or skyscrapers may take three months and if divided into 2 phases 6 months is enough to construct 100k skyscrapers provided construction of each phase starts at the same time.
I will use engineering construction firm Arup Beijing the construction consulting company behind Minsk City in Changsha,China who is also constructing 220 floors in the same location to handle construction and transfer technology and we commence after building blocks elsewhere. Similarly after building the skyscrapers the job of cleaning it also belong to the same robots. we shall deploy the use of A1 human powered robots built by Israeli company Verobotics to inspect and clean this league of Middlesex's robotic company MEDROBOX and sister robotic company MEROBOTICS in partnership with Verobotics and Robocore the robotics solution company to provide dozens of robots to handle the program and implement the periodically cleaning projects.it has worked in Hong Kong which has over 9,000 skyscrapers more than any city world wide.

February 21, 2025

Time Sonnets.8.part

From unfairest creature we desire avenge
And free liegemen and vassals in glorious nights 
And anklose the anisogamous elements of the mammoth aluplutans
Look whom they be enslaved a lifelong they gave us more bounteous gifts that we shouldn't swine,
Lofty trees ,reddish stalks with baren leaves, 
With summer's green not girded up in sheaves,
Sweets and beauties, fragrance and regalia of golden age of liegemen 
Faded off in the earthquake of nebulous earth
And demise fast as they could reap earthly rewards,
No breed salvaged for the days of revenge 
Nor husbandry of sweet remorse to pluck their judgement from the stars
And to swindle them with the dearth of plagues in seasons to come.
Stifled brutish folklores from the nebula of anecdotage and mendacity 
Nor shall sweet remorse returns in earnest as thou wanderers wander in terror of mischief,
When in tortuous lines to weary times, torment growest,
To spin offs of bootleggers, Megadeath in their niffs,
Silenced forever not being allowed for littering of the earthly passage and utering bare truth in folly breaches.

Street Gangsters.part 7

Gbenga moved over into the campus at the university in lightning speed as if in pomp and pageantry and a call on his iphone resonated again.
"My boy where are you?"
"I just entered the campus now.Where is faculty?"
"Social science.Moved down a bit longer from the gate and turn by your left and then ask.Or you beehive of activities in front.i mean student crowd."
"Yep"the phone had just went off another ringing tone ravished his curiosity.The mother had sensitised the department his son would be resuming in the office as another lecturer.Just like that! She must be an influential figure in that establishment and all the ladies already fond of him with the way he was described to the teeming fans of his mother in the faculty.The announcements with her influence had made the uninformed guy the center of attraction in one of the most popular facilities in the campus.
Unknown to him he had gathered the inexperience image of a celebrity lecturer and something unthinkable in that part of the world.
Shortly before he went straight to his mom's working place he briefly dined in the varsity canteen .His stomach rumbled an hour after he stepped into the campus and had taken with little change he stole o his mother's bed at the same time he took the iphone.He eyed the restaurant he d chosen the first time he went to the varsity after graduation and bagged his PhD.He entered with confidence passing through from waterfront side where he could eat the seafood,drink a little wine and remember the good times his parent were together and beautiful dining table with all children eating together with their parents.He almost burst into tears when he recalled the few enjoyable and carefree times they had shared as united family.He saw couple ate munched joyfully reminiscent of his old parent days of yore.When they mentioned their kids which he could eavesdropped and his interest was piqued at this painful memoirs.
He eyed the waiter and gestured for attention.
"You have fish and pepper soup"
"Yeah how much"
"Three plates"
No morsel"
"Yeah"as he handed over the currency notes to the hazy waiter.As she departed to bring the stuff 
"Can I afford to earn ten thousand and spend it in one day on feeding?oh my god mum is really trying.I can't blame her much.I must work hard too."he hrouched.
He eyed the approaching waiter and amorous looks beneath her cheeks with his handsome and rakish eyes with dark hair falling over her eyes in response.
She shoved the wayward lock back from her forehead it fell back again and repackaged it making her wonderful and beautiful after dropping the tray of pepper soup.
"Are you a student?"
"Take this spoon."
"No but I finished here"
He ordered for wine as she cleared the trays from the enterprising couple as they exit the canteen.

Squirearchy At Alupluto .part two

Dithyramb as divergent thinker hit them hard.His chandelle from the earth,resized chapeau, overlooking Sullivan's divergent  strabismus and now perfectly seated,on a cloisonne ,a champleve , a chalybeatened chamfron on the horse ,
As he bade him sayonara,a cheerleader in au revoir,
Beyond yellowbelied chickenshit,pounced on velocity of the horsewhipped horsewheel,chatoyant dust in gathering mould,as it winced, terror flung and splurged particles in the air,
As charioteers flexed in the mocking sun of the chariot race,the sarabesan jingoism on rampage .
Atesmus in the hocus pocus with Sullivan's cohorts 
To weed out chronic chiralgia and humbugs,
Had foreseen returns of chilliasm in the millenarians and chilliasts back into town, 
In the aftermath of the sarabesa's hoopla,
curled and aesthetised in the chinoiserie of Nirvana.
"Nirvana comes to town but let perfidious hats quarantine.Behold ,amplify the chip shot "saith Atesmus on the God's acre.
The colony of horses from Animus and Galicia stood at curlicued distance.
Sullivan bade them cheerio at the chip off distance.
Sullivan's chiromancy chirology had chiseled them a sojourners'charm and a magical choke hold .
Now chop fallen grumpy horses like gazelles expedite on the chop-chop,
In the journey of no return,to avert chop boarded souls on the chopping block,
As they pledged for sarabesa's massacre they vowed in equal rage for the cicumboreal clinkers.

February 20, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 30

The Possibility of what we do begins from the contagion of what we believe and we re certainly committed to them to broker the limelight of becoming.This mindset is a winning attitude that streak of lightning foment the best path of a becoming.Incidentally the world of constructive spirit enables the use of human art to sufficiently provide evidence for evolution of human movement into the desired mode of accomplishment.The texture of limelight fits the fiddle and perfectly tailored to this boon of animal spirit of man .The battlefield in the battle of dreams when they re filled with possibility seen only by the artistic personalities is never any longer an arduous task once there's clarity in the gallery of gallantry well connected and evidenced in the ministry of action.
From gloom to boom we persevere and not from boom to gloom,that could extra grace to rewrite both aspects of life maltreats the individuals towards the neplus ultra unconsciously or subconsciously.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 29

We should be transformed periodically by the nightmare and occasional haunts from the moment of truth when mortals are driven to the fringes of circumstances beyond our control.We make a mockery of such brazen sensation but I think to rational elements who are prone to such belligerent reflection it is effortlessly discharged for the purpose of human change.This type of industrial minds is strictly the best public resource for epochal leadership with uncommon gallantry for social reforms and human transformations.Consequently the prevalence of human administration and public transformation could be reward of public integration.Such integration occurs when members of the public have been indoctrinated and fully adopt the plethora of public sciences at their disposal.We lampoon leadership for intentional neglect nor do we spare the nonchalance of followership at the plough.
However we re not immuned from the fringes of the facts that the profit of liberty of the human persons is a grand child of public goods.And dreams often die before owner execute them reducing the prospects of human liberty payable at the price of a cause for the common commerce of effect.Therefore the gap between the point of Instinction that whisk the dreamer into the fantasy of dreams and exit at the same is often times a turning point in the life of homosapiens who make choices and take decision to determine the fate of mankind.Good or bad action must be undertaken decision taken and historical hiking of human survival endorsed.

Squirearchy At Alupluto.part one

Atesmus a compelling deipnosophist in the dejavu of deistic deixis,
At tiffin ,at dejeuner with Sullivan and cohorts 
Amadavat,amadelphous haunted by the spirit of freedom,
Left them gobsmacked and deliquesced
Not only did they chop deliquescence raw at this seemingly delphian and deliquium's obtuse angle,
luxed from ramblings of his anecdotes,
Enticed him to drop the demotic script sole scroll of abesi's occult,
At the feet of Animus and altisonant Galicia hooked like a dementia preacox.
A schizophrenic psychosis?
Yeah not a demur to mulsify rage,
No wrinkles whatsoever in his visage burned to frazzle 
Who let so fair an unfair smashed account in the rendition of unkempt antecedence 
In the horror of childhood and adulthood memoirs
To decay barefoot barren antecedence in stinking air 
To demist Demogorgon and demonolatry from the sabesi's square at sarabesa's 
Unthrifty stars in dainty conceit with virtuous wishes 
Freedom of liegemen and serfs from the squirearchy,
Atesmus debunked their mysticism 
In the eternal summer of tumultuous winds shaking darling buds,
To shake off the earth devour from her own lion's paw
In the mist of hue and cry clamour in the land of no return,
And every unfair in unfair dote of vassals in the mocking sun of vassalage rehearse 
What vicious pilgrimage and heinous repose for mangled limbs in fractures and butchered blokes astray,
How many a holy souls and obsequious tears 
Hath dunk vicious teeth and nebulous cheeks stolen from sarabesa's 
As it were in river abesi so it is in the sabesi's square at sarabesa's 
Galicia and Animus salute in parade Sullivan's effrontery to poke him for brotherhood,
For diverse a weeping morn have they seen,
From golden deface at abesi's meadow to the iridescent loops of the sarabesa's mountaintops,
Triumphant plough overtake trickish dawn
Freedom of the serfs as well as the liegemen,
Frosty nightmare of Immaculate spears arrows bows matchetes guns and cannons rattled the days and night ,

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 28

The protocols for public management not a fluidity to succumb to the conventional norms for the mere changeability sake when it comes to the direction of public administration .As with all forms of public reforms it must begin with the most rational mode of human movement.When the sublime mastery of human administration is evident in the interaction between human and environmental relation and environmental relation and social relation on the other hand the evaluation of such relationship integration and relationship interaction,the burden of proof is established for further process transition.They form the basinal process that guarantees the possibility of objectivity and potential possibility of highly ingrained public administration preparedness.Nothing is built nothing and something is built on nothing' an old author 's adage.The possibility of dreams and the inherent objectivity of beautiful dreams obtains undiluted impetus from this patchwork of context to which we re tied for the purpose of public goods attainment.When we dream we provide basic ideas and fundamental framework for the purposeful management of the human institution and possible method of effective human administration extracted.
The ultimate of goal of social relation and public life often start with the beneath and should ordinarily end at the beneath.We grow from bottom rise and fall from bottom and to know how to fix from beneath the head is a walk over.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 27

The price of freedom becomes exorbitant in the estrangement of beautiful dreams and the wherewithal to undertake the ministry of action comes from the objective mindset of stronghold infrastructure.When the battle of dreams is drawn from the menu of Instinction unless driven by the egalitarian ethics of social work it is worthless in the real sense of cultural appropriation.The system that supports the outbreak of threshold and stronghold arbitration also provide intense musings for the acceleration of human administration when doctrine of human movement is launched with the fundamental goal of public goods attainment.
However the society relaxes on the utility and versatility of public system administration to create enabling turf for the fermentation of social ideals upon which public system is sustained and embraced.The evidence of workable and full functioning system in any society at any given time beyond this analysis of constipated jargons is manifested in the growth of living standard and better prospect for enhanced infrastructure without with our knowledge by all ramification is in vain.
The most comfortable proof of advanced social life is witnessed in the ratio of affordability,ease of accessibility aá¹…d comfort of public security and does not require any draconian measures whatsoever to convert the rewards of social work into egalitarian premium.Life is affordable in this context and often undertaken periodically to improve on the extant framework where deem fit.The character of public system administration and public administration respectively is an impossible attainment without a fundamental mastery of the spirits of human administration.It requires growth in the quality of human administration as examined elsewhere and evaluate the mode of transition from the quality of human movement down to environmental and social administration and public administration.How the Infrastructure for managing human administration will tell volume how environmental and social administration will perform to effectively transit into the mode of public administration.The way public administration is managed speaks volumes when this contextual volumetric analysis is examined .

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 26

We shall not fail to recover from our failure to unconditionally move on in the lonely walk of destiny fighting with animals spirit with vision beyond our capacity limit.Most visionary vignettes reduce the intensity of pursuit once the clamour of pursuit is satisfied in the first waves of success entry.Some undaunted and seemingly relentless fight on without any consideration whatsoever of their construction of logic to persuade the uncommon touch deprived of uncommon leadership for ages.
Complacency by its complex nature of withdrawal syndrome or unchallenging spirit of comfort zone could be anathema to the overall welfare of public goods.How much worse the ruthless return of its reckless parade in the uncertainty bunt of new herald?We re not sure of what will happen even in the immediate future and our plans is to basically give us a soft landing.The most miserable life ever obeys the opposite of this barometer and quite insensitive readership thinks otherwise truncating the yearnings of a labourer that could be achieved by the osmosis of they believe.
I think the difference between achiever and non achiever is quite this evidently mooted logic in this context.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 25

We dream the dream of our head in the lonely walk of destiny and we battle the dream of our head for disposal of timely relevance and venture into the unknown responsibility of future times.In the future time we require freedom and freedom first before justice and equity and fairness.The justice of the nation as the first order of public good terminates the impending liabilities of Time even before they re made visible to the circumstances of the future time.We re not gifted to see but the inspiration or forecast ahead of time save the day.
Those who built houses knew someday they will sleep in it.Those who buy clothes knew they will wear them in the immediate environment and those who buy cars knew they ride in them in the nearest future.Superficial needs besides the demand of daily needs is constant though after attainment they cease to communicate and command relevance.The public system says the nightmare of public system's cluelessness endear the volatile nature of society to the growing state of social debt so easily preventable but quite unthinkable.

Time Sonnet.part 7

Tumulus bullet headed  battalion delighted themselves with bulimia of bulimarexia, 
O binge-vomit syndrome in their cheeks,
Across the camp fire firebrats revel the breezy night.
Those hours of wonderful loots at abesi's rampage of bees
Amidst the gravy bunces, quidnunc- hungry,chawbaconed and bullet holed terror of battalion's close-knit bulldogs carted away the boots in record time.
Bunkmates had profited heavily from bunkmentality.
Let not the bunkmentality of the bunkmates as the rot,guff or bunkum ad infinitum prevail and not be uncensored ,
In them the bunt ere be dispatched and unleash,
Bunts of battlefield await Sullivan's winces in the stinging battle.
Over the dead's conquest they relished and make graveyard worm's their immortal heirs.
Now at river bank in sarabesa's, Tumulus and the battalions, who in one wringing tone of bellicose dote 
Clandestinely scribbled in pasquinade to charade bazzars'loots 
The conceit of the bazzars'impudence,scorned the boots .

Act 1 Scene 11 part 3

Animus:Sir am ready my armour drawn with fury fully ready.
Sullivan:Wait no one has heard from Tumulus .
Animus: Convinced of his pledges?
Sullivan:Yeah as we did fortnightly,
Animus. And the turn out in the open country,the scandal mongers and the uncharmed bees?

Enter Atesmus with the scroll on battlefield.
Atesmus:Messages from the threshing floor at abesi's came in earnest.Tumulus was ahead on the great wall of Sarabesa.
Galicia:How dare you suggest the possibility.Bees fight our uncontested domain.
Sullivan:A plea of Submission.
Animus:You know sarabesa too well.
Atesmus:The squirearchy was begun in the city beyond the sea level.They too began as serfs.
Animus:What ?
Sullivan:Yarn more
Atesmus:Once upon a subtle grovel of time,a pyrate family as migrants from north country invaded sarabesa took inhabitants as farmfields serfs settled and grew to be the richest in the island of Sarabesa even the squirearchy feared them.
Animus:Heavily feared squirearchy?Are you kidding me?How dare you lie?
Sullivan:My plea of Submission still wields.Silence.
Atesmus:At their clemency every free serf turns a mighty squirearchy and nothing special about them.The pyrates and oracles resides in the country houses at sabesi's square theocentre of the island.
Sullivan:Hence we shall invade the country houses with bees fight before Tumulus expedition.
Atesmus:Go first to river bank at night trickish salute the fishermen to lure them as tourist guide.Salute them'Sabesi!sabesi!corgito ego sum?'
They LL raise an applause.Then inquire as espionage from north country and entice them with consignment from sea .They take you down to the country houses.The main genealogy hath emigrated back to north country.He who conquers the estate of mystic houses become the next Pluto rat of the pyrates.
Animus:Are we safe with his tactics?
Sullivan:Shall I go with you to inspire thy mind?Rise up early with Atesmus and let him bid thee in the morning of inquiry.


February 19, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 24

We believe in our aspirations and muses that cannot be thoroughly understood to begin with the complex mind games .This simply means that those who could face challenge take on charges beyond capacity building.This metaphor for human development indexes the good of victorious keys to unlock the secret into the city of golden hills.
Man as the birds of passage learns to face trials beyond his capacity and in return improve the motivation to grow capacity in response to the operative task at hand.We drive ourselves into the future by taking a leap of faith in what we know and what we do and never afraid to overlook the consequences passive or dire but just a platform to participate in the making and remaking of beautiful destiny by beautiful dreams 

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 23

Beautiful dreams wake us up and we go to sleep every day to encounter diverse dimensions of the beautiful dreams and the wonderful island of the passage into the world of subconscious age and subconscious world.Things are insoluble during daytime are dissolvable at night and as the beautiful dreams begins sweet charmed roses of beautiful sleep swings the wonderful mind, into wonderful recess of the night easing wonderful brain and wonderful eyes into the mystic world of beautiful dreams.The desire to leap beyond into thousand of years in our very single step of bedding the simple retreat of bedtime with pyjamas eager for the drowsy hours.Why are the sweet dreams so sweet as the beautiful stars?What a beautiful history with beautiful life in lucre of beautiful dreams our eternal treasure as earthlings.Everything may be lost but only beautiful dreams stay with us both on earth and graveyard and beyond.

Act 1 Scene 11 part two

Animus:Thou art boor not my heels to fracture.
Galicia: Servants not content to constraint their rebukes and dare to challenge their masters sooner or later be boored.
Animus:Thou wisdom o thou wisdom thou art no alien to mortal shore.
Sullivan: Charmed fees barely fails.
Galicia:Like bees
Galicia:Your patience is cosmetic and pale and paled patience is no patience to me.That effrontery that make you talk at night burry the fallen angels once again in thy wizardry.

Enter the Sullivan's roadmaster.

Galicia:I beseech thee master overlook this tike,prick and goth.
Sullivan:Am okay you re granted.None a tike but a carmine, crimson,my reddish ruby, scarlet.But my stardom too take much painful cuss, wandering from home to find fortune with in trenches.
Animus: Roadmaster where is the despatch? People burnt down take parole from grill .
Who stored cannister shots?
Sullivan:The king's household.
Animus:The prince of the kingdoms.

Act 1 Scene 11

Tumulus:If I may trust the flattering jeers and heels of the horses stampeded in the goons'streets 
My suspicion of Maximus expedition predates some tapestry of leaks,
canker of rampaging escapades and venomous callithump in the open country,
Maximus now sits tersely in his treachery ,
All this banal an unheralded ethnarch,
Lift me pother impuissant with saddening thought above the hellish plough,
Revenge dreamt him dead like a savage found him dead
And choked treachery with kisses of death,
Swindlers of eudaemonia at sarabesa's 
No longer the detent in pawls
O how sweet victory in heavenward charm
Summon them
Beyond flooded charm of uncharmed bees at night
"So saith the etymon and eudemon of the oracle.
As he pawed he to his feet, chalice lowered from gulp,
Pointificates hock his bossom cat's paw to broker the expedition.
"So tomorrow by noon when maximus shall be asleep,
Cacodemon in the spirit of good hope
Shall strike "

Enter Sullivan's armor bearer Animus.Boored

Espionage and counter espionage from abesi's.

Animus: Abesi's serfs retreated as maximus piscators fled the riverbank.
Sullivan:Any counter espionage from the north country?
Animus:The serfs and the squirrels fled the open country and there was no columnists in sight.A handful pyrates beaten blue by bees nursed their sores with palm oil.
Sullivan:Pollinate the fugue men.Hetetofore ambush in the novel rose bellied under tort speculated in the ambulate of guerilla warfare.
Animus: Artilleries,shells, beyond bees supposed 
Galicia:Thou art goth a tike,a boor to renounce Sullivan's antics.
Animus:Do you insist?then shall I refrain thee.Prior bees trenchwarfare frozen prior to terror.
Galicia: Uncharmed bees goof little stuff.
Galicia bored him and Sullivan's to the rescue 
Sullivan: Tumulus come from the East artillery.
Animus placated and reprieved.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 22.

I was aghast to realize leadership in most cases lack original thought let alone blessed with revolutionary ideologies that could shake not only nations,the world but also millennials to come.Thoughtless leadership and thoughtless followership are the single biggest risk to mordern civilisation.They briskily risk a war when they face rival nation and they re forced by power of rivalry to fight to think.Otherwise a rival nation could overrun.It is the greatest anathema to ancient and modern civilisation.The struggles of prior generation endless and successive generation may not realize the significance until they turn to the book of history and force to rethink and embrace ideology of mighty nations .And only one firebranded step is needed and then others follow in the blind cloud who may not enquire how it all happens.
The successive times often boast about it and hurl public ovation to the reformers and luminaries.As long as they applause dies they forget the mess before the great relief came and that is the nature of human being.They condescend when in need and stop to meed when surplus is intimidatingly at their prestige.They then cast aspersion to those with no experience no achievement in that regard and infact cited their expensive lifestyle forgetting the erstwhile most disturbed period of their history.They also cast aspersion against competitors that have had or still have similar experience.Those climes that fall under the receiving ends might some day be fortunate to produce the new breed of strategic thinkers that could wrought similar marvel.
The mordern technology excluding the internet, electronics and computers that we use today have been experimented , experienced,used before and deployed extensively before by prior civilisation.The prior civilisation might not condescend to calumniate those who haven't the experience.But when the successive spiral of civilization that came thereafter recycled the same technology which they call discovery and begin to calumniate those who barely have and resort to call them savages launching campaign to wipe them out there's every tendency the fall of such civilisation in the either imminent or unforeseeable future is guaranteed.

The Battle Of Dreams.part 116

When we observe public system protocols to the letters the widespread and prevalence such as fraud, poverty, inefficiency , inequality of wealth etcetera could be a rarity and public good The principal motif especially apex public good such critical attainment of justice and equity.The Commonwealth of public existence is the growing spectre of public good and Intangible public assets are public goods.When they're preserved through engineering of cultural appropriation the structural fabric of public system is born or reborn.Otherwise if impugned society perishes and the progressive accruals of these Intangible public assets insulate against long term public wreckages.It is a clarion call the immense role of this public obligation not yet defined in mordern times be deployed with essence as focal point and public heirlooms of mordern society irrespective of the development stage of nation state should not be allowed to liquidate for society to phase itself into extinction.
The essence of social work timely liquidating social debt comprising of social malaise and various internal dislocations, as they arises,is the principal goal of public actors.The essence works earnestly to avoid this public bankruptcy.This essence declines ordinarily in quantum terms as the refrains restrict this knot of hallowed public ordnance.In the critical rendition of public system use equity and equality of wealth is possible and the poverty extinct and universal prosperity from universal capitalism not a rarity.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 21

As we desire to discharge material evidence of public goods the length and breadth of social work is quite scary.Obviously we are bound to the fact that we do not negate the process ideals of each posture as long as we secure the wits end such resistance is an aberration.Unfortunately with the growing distraction of every day life,the quality of motivation declines and rapture of applause in favour of inorganic posture accentuates as integrity declines.The best of mordern technology benefits still inadequate to cater for the magnitude of social work at hand.The public heirlooms are public goods and requires panache of beautiful dreamers drastically to engineer the most ideal public choice suitable for various timely procurements.The effective use of politics of human prejudice not withstanding the expected barriers of moral choices accelerate profitability of doubts alongside our belief to catapult serenity in our choice of destiny.As long as we re burdened by moral expectations of executing social work capacity building assures the ethical consciousness in the nature of posture at our disposal could signify the mutual relevance that can be transferred from the threshold at the point of Instinction to the stronghold infrastructure at the point of fulfilment.This is where evidential mastery of material existence is indisputable.
The concept of integrity in relation to support of authorship inference in this context empirically proven in the quality of leadership at the termination point of dreams.Strategic thinking springs effortlessly from the meagre pantheon of pro organic posture driven thoughtful leadership rather than in the other way round or cross migrant between the dual choice .
Hence it is embarrassingly obvious this entry mode of operative inadequacy, automatically triggers a decline of leadership output.The quantity of leadership not only declines at the top but its root is underpined by structural cracks and erosion of strategic thinking capacity associated with porous intergrity.
We re nothing when beautiful dreamers lack the right proportion of posture and as they decline in the intergrity of followership which lack this trait it similarly also feed into the leadership klieglight when these palliatives and inconsistencies fade out and structural glitches begin to emerge.Beautiful dreamers make the world and we re nothing but potential beautiful dreamers often pillaged in most cases by these hordes of moral distraction we face in the streets and cities.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 20

The possibility of objectivity in the context of process architecture that juxtaposes threshold and stronghold, confines the objectivity of dream towards the transition of the threshold into the fields of knowledge and then finally terminates into the ministry of action as evidence of stronghold with proven properties of material fulfilment .The organic posture of process infrastructures does not need the salvation of its ego and ego activity in the terminating point of effect ends; a snowball from the causal point of Instinction unless it exhibit exhaustion.The entry of exhaustion specifies the whacked wavelength of debilitating point torment the posture that requires moral adjustments and strategic review necessitating the use of inorganic exposure where prenticeship and mentorship call the shots.
We re not made alone in the scheme of things to go it alone and we share requisite benediction from the contribution of external engagement.We imbibe the functionality of strategy review and leveraged from the provisions of capacity improvement to enliven the district of unsuccessful activity for the wits end.Nothing occurs on the surface without the root beneath and sparingly deviced to benefit from the ambitious ambience of organic and inorganic posture of process management to avert structural infraction for final boom.
To those often so talented organic exposure could save the day and there also those who could gain mastery of capacity building either through digital media or documentaries perfectly fit the fiddle.The labour of organic posture is simply integrity of the highest order and the prestige of undiluted intelligence a rarity in mordern society to optimisation of articles of faith is prized beyond insanity of jumping the bandwagon.
Be that as it may, whichever way you find yourself as life artist, an opportunity to dream subject to muses of the day known or unknown the platform badly needed to entice fulfilment,the power of vision enroute the choice of posture must lead to destination.

Willow : Google's first Quantum Computer.

The world is full of marvel.Google's quantum computer basically shuddering and take a look at Google 's quantum chip as part of quantum computer did the unthinkable.Google gave it a test and succeeded in what would have take most advanced super computers ten septillion years to figure out and quantum chip did in five minutes.
Hence if converted into space travel with quantum rocket I figure it out based on my calculations mankind can reach the boundaries of the universe at least more than ten times per day more than 3,650 times per year and at least more than 200,000 times in a lifetime.In other words man can get to Andromeda the next galaxy several times in a lifetime.
Instead of using morden rockets as it were for my company space project I l invent quantum computerised rockets that is to say my quantum rockets should be moving faster than speed of light close to the speed of dark forces.This essay I wrote to preserve this breathtaking discovery into the nearest future when I should commence my space project.The most powerful discovery of all time that could only be superceded by my next invention stoping the aging in mankind and aging should not pass 35 years that is to say eternal life in space making mankind multiplanetary species.
I doubt Google the inventor of Quantum chip could have figure it out this way and this idea would have converted into timeless space travel.Of course we shall share capital to further this research.
I also figure if we get financier to further my oxin research of noton, teleton,daton and datom not atom please, mankind can live forever and eliminate aging at 35.We make it happen by tapping into the potential resources in Africa which have four million gods especially in Ile ife with over 2,000 gods mated with oxins we can create a superhuman age of eternal men in Africa.

February 18, 2025

The evolution of mordern aviation .Chapter 5

An attempt to fly was predated by thousands of years of trial and errors by mankind and especially the case of little children in the sportish passion to merely fly a kit.Simply through ordinary passion to conquer the sky the love to fly subsequently snowballed from the era of kite flight to the mordern era of revolutionary jet engines.
Early Evolution.(1400-1980)
In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci drew a plan for flying machine.There's no doubt popular history agrees that Da Vinci's dream of flight laid the commonly accepted conceptual foundation for the universal vision of human flight . Cutting edge designs such as the "Ordnithoper " which mimicked the flagellation and motion of birds' wings was credited to his pantheon of monumental discoveries.Although never got constructed became the singing tone of designers in this field ever since and raptured human imaginative amusement at conquering the sky till date.
In sept.18,1901 Wilbur wright a business man from Dayton Ohio lectured a group of distinguished engineers with the title "Some Aeronautical Experiments."which he conducted with his brother Orville Wright two years before.In the prior period they had gathered an immense research and drew inspiration from manifold empiricism of scientists to experiment successfully in the later years.
The era of balloons and gliders that came in the 18th and 19th centuries .The Montgolfier brothers in France in 1783 launched the first manned hot air balloon and displayed mankind's practical step at conquering the sky.Then came the father of aerodynamics Sir George Cayley,in late 1800s developed the first successful gliders introduced the concept of rudders and fixed wings.
Nevertheless commercial aviation has changed alot since 1903 when the Wright Brothers from Ohio made the first successful attempt to fly in the sky.This is quite amusing considering the unbroken sustainability that persisted down to the world of propeller driven jet airliners in the era supposedly dubbed the golden age of commercial aviation.The making of the then almost impossible dream of long distance travel and safest travel come alive is deemed as one of the seventh wonders of the world .
On December 17,1903 the Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur wright right there at kitty hawk , North Carolina made history and took history by the neck to unleash this seemingly impossible innovation and launched their flying machine Wright Flyer successfully into the air in a sustained flight.The first attempt in 1903 was a simple and it flew 37 meters and lasted 12 seconds .The third aircraft Wright Flyer 111,in 1905 stayed airborne much longer in a controlled flight .With better engine coolant and larger tank fuel, accelerated prolonged operation the third flight recorded 39 minutes and covered over 38 kilometers.They quickly dissembled it to avoid been copied by competitors and not until in 1908 when they got a contract in France did it flew again.This time they carried a passenger Charles Furnas became the first passenger in aviation history.The first passenger service started in 1914 from St.Peterburg - Tampa  airboat line between st.peterburg vs Tampa across Tampa bay in Florida and it was about 20 minute flight another significant milestone.This was begun the era of commercial aviation.

Glen Curtis and Loius Bleriot further developed the technology following the success of wright brothers.When in 1909 Bleriot became the first person to fly across the English channel he not only opened another milestone in the aviation history but moved mankind closer to the golden age of mordern aviation that erupted like a big bang in the 1920s and 1930s.Charles Lindbergh's solo flight aboard the spirit of St.Louis demonstrated the evidence of long distance travel . Airlines like Pan Am and Lufthansa consolidated this golden age era of aviation civilisation.They offered commercial flights that pioneered global aviation network.
Another milestone erupted during world war 2 when new waves of rapid advancements in military aviation technology necessitated the emergence of bombers such as B-29 Superfortress,down to fighter planes like  P-51-mustang .The era witnessed Radar technology and improvement in air combat and navigation.
They understood the principles of aerodynamics with their carefully built aircraft including the use of movable rudders and ailerons that paved way for evolution of mordern technology behind the aviation industry.The historic flights sparked similarly mordern evolution in aircraft design and technology with this first powered sustained and controlled airplane flight to storm the sky.Hence from the arrival of several iconic aircraft models like Douglas DC-3 like the Lockheed Constellation celebrated for its speed and comfort, that emerged thereafter and became efficiency workhorse of the skies ,the road to airspace reliability and welfare of the travellers was finally guarranteed.
Flying a modified Vickers military aircraft the first transatlantic flight took place in 1919 with John Alcock and Arthur whitten-Brown .They were paid £10,000 in the offer prize from Daily Mail in London, England.It was successful flight of about continuous 72 hours from USA, Canada, Newfoundland,any point in England or Ireland. Technological delivery was sustainable and subsequently led to the birth of the transatlantic flight beginning from 1927 when Charles Lindbergh's solo flight to conquered the Atlantic in the shocking forays of the commercial transatlantic services added another significant milestones in aviation history.Lindbergh secured £25,000 prize money for the first solo non stopping crossing of the Atlantic whereas Charles Kingsford Smith and crew from Australia was the first to cross the pacific in 1928 and in 1929 was the first to travel around the world. This kind of technological confidence consequently over time made mankind crossing diverse continents in hours rather than days of what appeared to be almost impossible dream for millennial.
With mordern advancements in propeller technology safety and comfort in airspace travel ballooned beyond stratosphere.The evolution of variable pitch propellers advanced the efficiency and safety of these flying machines in addition to the use of lighterweight materials like aluminum in aircraft construction improved quality of flight in the aerospace.This brings better performance and reliability and catapulted comfort into unprecedented heights adorned with spacious hubs,gourmet meals and flight refreshments and attractive services.
This spiral of sustainable evolution led to emergence of jet age in the 1950,which revolutionise commercial aviation.The de Havilland comet as the first commercial jet airliner entered flight in 1952 and inspire of initial flaws paved way for future jet airliners. Although the development of jet engines was begun in the 1930s and 1940s,the use of this jet engines as opposed to propeller driven aircraft made planes faster at much higher speed and altitudes and characterized by new designs and optimized for high speed and high altitude machines.
They shrunk distance much more efficient and opened new horizons for passengers.The era of mass travel that unleashed amazing introduction of jet engines that allowed faster planes and debut iconic jet airliners such as Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 catapulted efficiency and accessibility in air travel.Boeing 707 entered service in 1958 to prove the grand possibiity of mass air travel.Despite its high flight cost with limited adoption, Concorde's first flight introduced the world into supersonic passenger travel .Evolution of jet engines by Frank Little in great Britain and Hans Von Ohain  in Germany made mankind proud at the same time dignified the relics of history.The first operational jet aircraft was German Heinkel He 178 in 1939 and later Messerschmidt Me 262 and experienced military service from 1947.Military aircraft Jet powered B47 by Boeing came in 1947.
There was a great boom in aviation history and industry with these jetliners due to the nature of high accessibility and affordability .It changed travellers perspectives,the velocity of air travel and turnover in addition to making massive impact in globalisation and global connectivity shrinking distance making the world a global village.Air traffic control system and safety protocols also improved exponentially.While Boeing 787 Dreamliner consumed advanced materials for reduced weights and grew fuel efficiency, cutting edged avionics system inclusive of fly-by-wire controls and GPS navigation.
Mordern challenge 1980-2004
Mordern challenge in aviation stem from climate change friendly machines clean energy and electric and hybrid aircraft deployment of the use of sustainable aviation fuels(SAF).Space tourism began anew with Blue origin by Jeff bezos and Space X by Elon musk.From the era of da Vinci's sketches to the blown era of jet engines mankind's voyage of innovative prospect hold the charm to break into wonders heights making mankind a multiplanetary species being the main vision of this author.