How suddenly he felt a bijoux of his own rhinestones, birthstones,solitaire or scarab?
To make a traduce of Sullivan's travels prior to the resurgence of 11th hour
Had confided with infidels in the north country for a probable reprisal ?
A birthstone of his own goofs?
Had he not crashed the embryonic bridges
And not compelled by nature to go baits and switches,in repudiation,in disavowments,in switcheroo , probably be bloodier.
And the crown jewel and demise his own crown jewel.
Behold scary cliff, canyon, Barrancas, ,hogbacks,cuestas,bulwark, embankment, escarpment , declivity now quarantined the sordid tales of two cities with unrelented satire,
Maximus pedigree had gone bally ragged ,dragooned and alarumed by the time sun went off its elliptical oval,
Though not a bambino,a hoyden,a nipper,a moppet,a squirt ,
A bantling,a cherub of remorse to make him grin,
Who sings his lullaby, canticles,noels,cantatas, drinking songs of penitence?
Not a partsong, madrigal,motet,Chanson,Arial,serenade did he cerebrate at the 11th hour of Sullivan's travels?
From felony to treasonable felony maximus maybe rotted in gaol
Should he revert to alupluto?
Would Tumulus a guardrail,a handrail, a balustrade,his bannister ever beam clemency without implosion,
To refrain him with perpetual bannisments in the north country?
A dozen night thereafter angels on horseback had rottened
As they looted the country houses for cannisters shots and gourmet.
With the Cosmos scripts ransacked the ocults of yonder heights and baronies hidden beneath the bunkers.
What a great loots!
Barouches,hansoms, Hackney, Hackney coaches,broughams,buckboards, cabriolets,stagecoaches,post chaises,calashes,barouches had adorned his holdings ,
The Sullivan's travels nudged with opulence,
A denote of regalia dancing with barracuda and the fellow hatchet men,firebreathers,pitbull fighters,tigers,Sharks of the morning dew,
The liegemen and vassals sing his threnody ,
The Battle raged from the fringes of deadwood and riverbank sometimes confrontation with the bushmasters,
Mambas, moccasins,sea serpents, diamond back rattlesnakes,menacious Cobras, hognose snakes, worm snakes,indigo snakes,puff adders, fer-de-lance,vipers,horned vipers,blacksnakes,serpents,green snakes,sidewinders,taipans,sea snakes,garter snakes,copperheads, pythons,
Backslider Galicia invariably undermined by badgerings and hecklings
Fled the earthwork and beaten by python
as the liegemen and pyrates ,
Fleeing the deathbeds at sarabesa's massacre,
Animus doffed with mantilla or babushka beneath helmet at own bootstrap, like a buttinsky,a prattler,a rubbernecker,a pepping tom a stool pigeon a tattletale,
Oozing sensation in the stagecoach drove down to his rescue in aftermath of the inferno set at sabesi's square ,
To which the scroll had recommended which unbundled centuries of mysticism,
They crisscrossed the periphery,from the backland down to backwoods, country side,outlands,backwater, Backcountry,
Deep down into remote badlands,where the fiefs of fiefdom had fled,
Atesmus was arraigned for probation in the open countryside .
Six warlords balkanised alupluto the banana republic of kleptocracy and mendacity.
Tumulus had met Sullivan's hatchet men
And proposed battlement in captivity
As they exit country houses guards were left behind
To police battlement, crenellation, machicolations,alcazahs, blockhouses, redoubts,citadels, garrison houses,breastworks,parapets from south to east and west of sarabesa's moonlit landscape
In aftermath of massacre a heinous silence befell the land,
And to the riverbank they revert for bestiaries, allegories,tales, anecdotes, mythologies,beasties,apologies,morality plays and parables
Like bedtime stories, folktales,novella and exemplum,
Beyond bibelots,gewgaws,knickknacks,tchotchkes, kickshaws
To ease the menace of the aftermath as guards under their vigilance,
Intermittently disseminates snippet through horsemen ,
Keep them abreast at the lucids of the conquest memoirs ,
Vassals and liegemen now feudal lords
With a caveat ,
The golden thump of fair play -not to bestialize invoked in the gatherings at country house ,
Under surveillance of Tumulus and Sullivan.
Who had won the sweepstakes, biathlon, ultra marathon, gymkhana,scrimmage,tug of war, pentathlon at sarabesa's?
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