February 24, 2025

Squirearchy At Alupluto part 4

Carcasses ,mangled limbs and blood of the slain,littered from  the meadow down to the forest and badlands.
Dungs of poops, coprolites,middens,guanos, dunghill,sewage,spoor,slops,ordure, excreta,excrements were everywhere.
A visiting envoys and league of plenipotentiaries in their work-study
lamented the dire situation and the victory that ended in sarabesa's forest.
The doomsayers a deconium backward had wrought the marvel of prediction,
To the waiting derision of contemporaries,
The plenipotentiaries the doomster generals ,the erstwhile handringers,worrywarts,fatalists,chicken little Cassandra,naysayers.
"How does it pan out for sarabesans?"envoy sat at the rancid riverbed gropes in his visage
"The potheads ,speedfreaks,cockheads,crackheads,acid heads,hopheads,freaks, junkies,druggies, burnout,dopers haven't repented yet.
They fled the island to no avail and hardly do they remorse at Sullivan and Tumulus massacre
What pilule, medication ,dose,lozenge,bolus ,gelcap do propopose for recalcitrant nation?Has the monarchy tilt towards remorse?"he drawls,formalises,avouches,couches,spouts in 
"Not yet"
"Has the victors consult the grandame,dowager,bedalme,whitebeard,gaffers, senior citizens,gaffers and medicine men?"as cicerone the drillmaster drilled old student.
"Barnabas was slain,his generals and pyrates 
Swindlers of the hoipoloi,beneath the six-footer soil 
Bathed by graveyard worms, disciples fled until interegnum and return."
"Remove the king again as in the queendom era,
Seven kings in succession, still the rainfall and streams of reform equally fell into graveyard 
A month after the threatened monarchy hadn't shown remorse."
"Banana republic!"
"Impenitence the war not yet won"
"Hordes of Duffers,butterfingers,tawpies,bunglers,fumblers,lumoxes,stumblebums,louts, clodhoppers,lubbers,gawkies, and butterfingers swarmed the sabesi's square until the detonated bombs 
Littered grounds with their wasted body ,"
"The duchies the principalities,the condominium  and the Commonwealth very weak and asinine.

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