February 23, 2025

Act 1 Scene 111.part three

A memorandum, a billet doux was sent to the monarchy 
To vacate coronation or be deposed and driven into badland
Dotted with tangled boscage not fit for human passage .
 What a bizzarerie ?
Blabbermouths blackjacked the Sullivan's and Tumulus at the river bank mooted the deposition.
To usurp the king's boutonniere ,garland,norsegay,corsecage for the novel morn,
Bloodshed, homicides, bloodbaths bloodletting and massacre at sarabesa's 
Was no compare
They shot at the bloodsuckers in the vampire's palace,
The squirearchy 's abettors and clandestine recruits of human trafficking 
They mobilised the hoipoloi revert to galleries,collonades,gallerias,walkways,arcades,Allers and alamedas,
In a public consensus chorus doesn't sit apart but in the household,
"Begone vampire king!begone vampire 's king!!
Few handfuls of abberants, crackpots,crack brains, freethinkers,codgers,enfanterible counter culturists, screwballs,weirdos, maverick had chorused .
The leagues of cowboy,cowpoke,gaucho,vaquero, cattlemen, horsewomen,wranglers,waddies,drivers and cowherds,cowpunchers, caballeros barely belong they.
There were no bootlickers,flunkeys,toadies, lickspittles, minions, henchmen,brownnosers,apple polishers, apparatchiks, lapdogs,me-tooers,partisans,leeches,hanger ons,boozehounds among them either.
But the millenarians sworn to the knight of old .
To battle courses as truthful as knight of old even in furious sun,
Dissonance, katzenjammer, hurlyburly,
Williwaw,bouleversements,ruckus shindy hullabaloo, pandemonium slowly gathered apace.
Won't we learn and unlearn so we may unravel bupkes of this morsel?

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