chest 's fire the damask steels ,musketry ,munitions and Artilleries
Sheltered in the trenches a stone distance from the river bank.
Accompanied them into the Bazars at sarabesa's sabesi square
Fiery drunk to stupor,the mayhem triggered,
From the south of sarabesa's ignition torched the west, south agog,👂
The bees waspy on the maze,battle was begun in the
Uncharmed bees were deployed and it malfunctions
Across the trenches battles mustered menace ,
Decussance was denied agog to make pyrates flee
But not Tumulus beyond the smouldering iron of the cauldron,
Deerhounds pitted with uncharmed bees stampeded
To yarn velocity for the dissemenative purports
Alas escapades bell the cat,Sullivan's decumbents had deployed uncharmed bees,
As the fours in the pillories of abesi's.
Atesmus sobbed deeply what has Galicia gotta against him.
Animus shot him on the foot;so you fool your trusted boss'?"
He fell and interrogated he the defalcation As the deerhounds,startled distance as nuisances in vain .
Defencelessness swooped his broken visage,
Prior to noon Tumulus had doughtily fought back,
As delinquent Atesmus fled Animus for safety
See cosmic script on the vantage point
Fell from his knapsack,deplumated bumpkin on the prowl for solitude .
Deference on the decumbent as depilated Galicia hid in the trenches
In the atrophy of broken defilade and backfired cannon
A fleet footed hazel fled upon the horse hoofs winced like the eagle
In aftermath of detonated fuses that nethered a handful pyrates and vassals on the edge.
And a snippet reached Sullivan's hut in record flight
Saith Sullivan'Uncharmed bees again'retreat in apoplexy with the mendest plow,
Animus now a destress in bees waspish fallen canvass,
Clung to drawn sword,threw the bash with cannonballs
Retreated back into shelling and munition,
A thousand pyrates in the bazaars by squirearchy
Had fallen by the way in the swindling ball game.
Dismayed by hard fighting Tumulus the generalisimo of the glorious nights
Weary into the circumvented but pitched battles
And trapped in the middle well timed Sullivan's travel was beyond compare
not anachronistic injury at sarabesa's massacres ,
As pyrates and squirearchy fell and fled the hidden places
Deserted Country houses and forlorn Bridges in the open country grimaced,
As the earth Gods and earth goddesses return within earshot
Animus raided the country houses with cosmic script
Unearthed the conceded occult of the ancient .
That held them bound in aftermath of a dozen nights of massacre
North country reprisal was gashed as the adjoining Sarabesa 's bridges were detonated by thousands of Molotov cocktail,
Wow epilethic epiphany?
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