February 1, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 95

We are as worthy to the uphill task of gigantic accomplishment as long we stand tall on the pedestal of gallantry.We hardly value our pursuit by nature of struggling temperature until the accomplishment is actualized and we re greeted with standing ovation everywhere.This could create a self awe to the very personality of the human achievers or reflection of the human driver behind wonderful accomplishment constantly interrogating downhill times the artist had considered perhaps quiting the pursuit due to the painstaking mode of struggle.We barely appreciate the beauty of such achievement until we ve lost the accolades here and there gathering rust of hate and public contempt instead.The integrity of pursuit lies in the actualisation of accomplishment and not necessarily guerdon and the accolades that go with it.Sometimes we achieve  and no praise to it and no benefits whatsoever but the same perseverance  is vital to push forward for better beneficial struggle.We re not dismayed in such vicissitude of pursuit where change in the nature of the struggle with the same energy can trigger better benefits and this is not to despise the fact the fortune of social work often for charitable causes are not justifiable in the solicitude and solitude of the realm,the state and the people.They do as both are beneficial given that the egalitarian wealthy class could lend support to social safety net with private wealth than those who raise finance from the wealthy to support charitable causes.
According to Davido afro beats sensation,"We rise by lifting others up" and we make the world a better place to live in the process.The prospects of those who fight for a cause are not so wealthy after accomplishment but untill posthumously history speaks about them,the accolades seem not to end and it goes beyond the ovation of a lifetime.

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