February 1, 2025

The Battle Of Dreams.part 96.

The prospects of beautified dreams and the joy of the memory that lingers is enough to inspire the long process of beautiful accomplishment beyond the infatuation of the mutual benefits it procures.How much more the inherent benefits it trigger to the bottomline of the human divers emboldened by the gravity of human change and social status envisaged in the campaign.Mortals differ in their critical choices of moral accomplishment and the nature of the decision and process they take and undertake to effect the attainment.If the dreams much linger and the vision clear enough this schematic provision of objective schedules hardly take time to begin or launch its campaign once believe in the process is actualized with the alightment of action points.Every vision in the threshold must identify the action points for a beautiful start or to begin and it sometimes lighten the yoke of pursuit.If the action points are rational I call it "objective pursuit".Action points must be time sensitive and strategic allocation of sensitive locations with right resources human and Intangible to begin or launch campaigns.The action points' schedule is vital and sometimes if it fails restrategisation at the drawing board could trigger different approach .The formula for objective pursuit and moral accomplishment is not compelling to the drivers until there is enough conviction to take decision amidst arrays of conflicting choices acclimitised for the beauty and not breach of the moral accomplishment. People who take the pain to launch the beautiful campaign across the whole enchilada of case problems posses the ergonomics of  unconstrained filip not granting concession whatsoever in the hardy terrain of congealed atmosphere even when the unfair odds or apparent oddities are starkly arraigned against them. The beautiful ones are not yet born in this critical mess of no return decimating the archaeology and geography of rational choices that should uplift mankind out of this quagmire of apparent oddities.We re responsible for the kind of choices and decision we take to face the rising storm they may trigger.When the environment is too shallow to support them and the change of location not ideal or preferred choice the best option is to choose rational elements in the environment and if there's none the artist should move farthest beyond bring in response and resources and if quite simply indifferent the artist should raise intellectual capacity to the unleash new measure to clean the Augean stable.
The essence of human change collectively is social change but with the texture of social relation and the nature of social change it triggers the essence of social change is to defy the collective response of human change derelict human change.Development in the mordern neoliberal system begins from top down and not necessarily from the pawn of human movement unceasingly against the absolute invocation of marsolist that preaches universal capitalism for universal prosperity.
Egalitarian dreamers launching contemporary contempt  against this nebulous structure automatically trigger a new approach to mordern development management.Triggers of political and economic campaign to be successful must begin with the most pragmatic context of human movement.To justify the fact the essence of social change must be human change in the same way the essence of human change is social change eliminating contextual relevance of mordern neoliberal underpinnings.

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