Tumulus:I was impressed by what he did to weaponise bees and haven't thought it lately.
Maximus:We shall fight with the sword and thunder with the sword.
Tumulus:I mean dude won't you mimic that?Can u unsheathe for once?
Maximus:I strike quickly the houses of squirearchy and cease and desist from the fringes of mutineers in the red forest.
Tumulus:Old conservative approach?
Maximus:To be vigilant is to command dread and the weakest shall demise in trenches and not the valiant in the battlefield.
Tumulus: Mammoth had gathered at his hut and we not replicate him struggles to command awe in the forest.
Maximus:Shall we not brave the odds to dislodge the fifth columnists from the forest with the same tools that brought us this far?A copy cat dog shall not be moved to stand when taken to the wall could dissipate in dingy cloud.
Tumulus:To win tempest in purple mountains of abesi down to riverbed of the mob and fuguemen we shall chase them back to alien coast.
Maximus:Rebellious dissidents in the public brawls shall be convinced and won over from mutiny.
Tumulus:Swords and spears fell before the squirearchy in the first attempt before Sullivan's breakthrough.
Maximus:Take your weapons nocturnal expedition at the river bank shall not retreat into failure.Return thy men back into trenches.
Tumulus:Westward moved my siblings impatient in the abesi terror fled back from sarabesa.The coast frees from the terror in aftermath of Sullivan's bees fight.
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