February 2, 2025

Two Wizards at abesi.Act 1 Scene 1.part 2

Tumulus: Did the medley at his hut not impress thee?A gangster in the slosh arrested and disembark treachery.
Maximus: Before noon tomorrow we shall take too east riverbed and forced them to retreat.These hordes of pyrates,mafiosos,gangsta, highway men, plug uglies, malefactors ,felons,outlaws, scoundrels,tearways, swindlers,cutthroat toughies,pickpocketters, juvenile delinquents,gunmen o disgusting vandals,....
Tumulus:oh tautology you goon.Yeah ,desperados, perps....
Maximus: Lawbreakers closeted the eastern riverbank,those mobs, rough neck,yobbos,ruffians,gangbangers,..
Tumulus:Yeah those punks hid with squirearchy repugnant to the shallom at abesi's forest.Tap the bees fight frenzy from Sullivan and yarn the dummy once again in the nocturnal expedition.Waow! The morning glow simply shall be immoderate.I LL be back to Sullivan's hut and now stays alone upon fleeing home town.
Exeunt the Tumulus dancing away upon the hooves of matching horses and met Sullivan.
Sullivan: Hear you come again my master.
Tumulus:We lay siege before noon at the River abesi and bees fight thy boon our boon shall avenge for the victory.
Sullivan:Come in to my hut and witness the fabulous and esoteric occult of the bees and waxing charm.
Tumulus:My Sullivan roses are many in your huts.
Sullivan: Let me salute thee my Lord thou art schooled me afar and thy fame thrashed away mine complacency from my household.They flogged me to run and they flattered my feet to be esteemed at the feet of thee you wizards at abesi.
Tumulus:We hardly command awe with plug uglies o malefactors flock to eastern bank and here in droves they re treat to safety in aftermath of the bees fight.
Sullivan:They came in fortnightly some Lawbreakers succumbed in agony and could provide us snippet to unleash havoc at east bank.
Tumulus:Are they interested in counterspionage?"
Sullivan: That is the magic and now found them their old ilks disgusting.I LL strike before you know it.
Tumulus: Maximus is fond of sword and battle not too fond of sorcery and thy exemplary mode displeases him to loathe.
Sullivan:Not too worry before noon admixture an abracadabra unleashed in the Indian files first brawl from the trenches kinda sequel bees fight and before the sun goes down shall have Victory.Take this charm and cover your right hand and one for maximus to manage exhaustion when the wasp had recessed from the warring fields for they know no one beyond their masters.Then the battle begins after the bees fight and weaklings in their butt shall be taken to the cleaners."
Tumulus exeunt back to his huts and exchanged banters with maximus and in no time he rode into trenches in the eastern bank prior to the trenchwarfare.
Tumulus:I see you exult thyself for the battlefield.Plead thee take this Sullivan's charm and cover thy right arm too for safety in the warring fields.
Maximus:Oh you met Sullivan!"
Tumulus:Yeah could launch the bees on rampage before noon and nocturnal strike could wax stronger in the face of awe fleeing gangsta and pyrates .
Maximus:I go in full faith and meet me in trenches a third of thy men hid in the woods.The pyrates had disembarked shortly into the farmfields of the squirearchy where they obtain swallow.
Tumulus:I LL be there too.
Maximus exeunt and evanesced into the choking dust behind the dashing horses to the admiration of Tumulus.
The eastern bank was on the marching order as some pyrates had fled the bees fight before Maximus begins the massacre with his battalions.Some drowned in the river and others fled into the swords of the raging battalions to soar the inferno of massacre.Tumulus disembarked too in amazement to the hatched strategem who deployed remorsed pyrates in the counterspionage.
Tumulus:Too fast too soon.
Maximus:What a miracle of the bees and waxes?He 's taken over our esteem from the battalions they seemed to listen to him and we shall have to kill him , otherwise our kingdom is gone."as they spoke in trenches.
Tumulus:Maxy ! Maxy !! I disown you finally as my companion and today count me out and never contemplate loosing me.The end of the road for the two Wizards at abesi's and war is knocking soon at your hut and by the sword we rise and by the sword we shall fall."
Maximus: Wait!Wait!!"
Tumulus exeunt the battlefield of wasp in the stealthy maneauver of painstaking crawl down to the tributary of adjoining woods enroute sarebesa.

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