March 8, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 51

Opinions often differ but to the accomplishment of great minds the fact of life cannot be changed that is to infer that accomplished reality override all things even perception becomes an after thought.No one can change perception about them and cannot untie the great dreamers from the price of accomplishment they've won like the heavyweight championship earned to towered above every giant defeated in the rise to capture the ultimate prize.You cannot preserve what you don't have and you can only keep what you do have.It is the green rule of the thumb, immortal and unchangeable like the Medes and Persia.Those who come before you might not be the lead before you and those who come late behind might be the lead where complacency begins to lead the unrefined in the other deceptive room.Regardless of what people say no one hardly succeed in changing the reality of what you have become a failure or success.Your state is state unless otherwise it dissipate and dissolve by you .The price of liberty in the most ideal direction of the magnetic world of accomplishment is paid in the velocity of sacrifice undertaken towards the reality of that accomplishment.We win we lose we lose we win and it goes in unending waves.Those left behind at a particular period are bent to push forward another fight and if they could linger get their own victory in due time not necessarily equivalent to the proportion of sacrifice undertaken .It is priceless story of how mankind falls and rises.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 50

The power of childhood memories could be impulse motivation point for beautiful dreamers who just badly needed to get independence to thrive their arts .🥒🐔 .Their exposure maybe subject to fortunate and unfortunate influence in their immediate environment and sometimes people are gifted in converting bad experience into good use or vice versa and where that happens the rest is hilarious history.To be frank it takes reliability and sincerity of purpose to be consumed by motivation.Count yourself worthy and hold your salvation with awe and quite unfortunate most folks fail to realize they don't deserve what they have in life enjoying the sweats of others who had to thrive over pain to make the world a better place to live for them .No matter how you say it they simply won't condescend to realise this hell of amazing facts.That opportunities and preparedness must copulate for others to eat breakthrough like a breakfast in the golden morning of stardom.
We can defend our home as long as we poise to make a change and position ourselves in the most fortunate place to be reached.Not every place is blessed the same and it takes favour to locate them or a little reflection.We re not oriented the same way and every one with own folklore and myth about life are not headed to the same destination.Most people will not just hate your position in life good or bad but also wish you dead simply because they just don't want you to exist.They behave as if they too greater than the graveyard and life is too short to waste and he who optimises his spiral time investment in wealth generating arts are blessed with prosperity and peace of mind.
Being at the right place at the right could also be a privilege of choice and a matter of which destination you re headed at a particular time.You cannot deny your destiny a glorious place in history even you try the hidden impulse of your subconscious mind would revoke late passion to quit and quite impossible when you re stuck midway in your pursuit that you realize it just doesn't make sense to quit.

My Oysters .part 28

Then we re terrified at this awe of two trillion galaxies poles apart 
That's to say 1.5 sextillion SQ km of spatial landmass in two trillion places,
O my goodness in monumental proportion we marvel rapaciously
At the yet unknown spatial landmass that harbours them 
On top of the overwhelming mass of waters and water travels
Across the tireless water layers on top of this unknown spatial landmass 
Of which I am the first mortal in human history 
To discover in real terms spatial landmass do really exist
And the spatial landmass looks credibly the same 
As the earth's landmass with its terrific canyons,deserts,lakes,rivers,ice glaciers,snows, wildlife reserves of gigantic creatures,such as dinosaurs, mountains, etcetera 

Ukraine War Is Over.

Finally and frankly the war in Ukraine is going to fizzle out gradually as united states stop funneling aids to Ukraine with immediate effect.This also included military weapons, missiles and all form of military equipment and sharing of intelligence especially when Russia attempt to strike into Ukraine.Also no more satellite coordination will be provided for Ukraine to empower it to strike deep into Russia. I was baffled when Donald Trumps said if they don't stop providing military support to Ukraine Zelensky would not come to his senses .I think the European union leaders keep supporting the war effort while Germany and Italy had stopped their military aids .France and UK still adamant in their approach.Nevertheless United States warned UK not to provide any form military aids , weapons and intelligence to Ukraine with immediate effect.The deliberate malfunctioning of starlink throughout battle frontline in Ukraine was a glaring evidence .This was in line with what Elon musk said at the beginning of the month that he would turn off starlink in Ukraine .The Ukrainian commander had reported accordingly to prove the story starlink was beginning to malfunction.The Italian prime minister jettisoned the EU plan to continue to fight the Ukrainian war and he announced that in the fifth of march ,2025.The German governance had announced all military weapons and intelligence and aids to Ukraine must stop with immediate effects.Infact the outgoing German chancellor already had already warned Zelensky to make peace with united states' that America is the lifeline of the war in Ukraine.Apparently Germany had reached the limit of his capacity especially in the air defense system the so called patriot air defense system.
However fearful of this break of the united states' from cold war military pact he signed to support its allies, government all over Europe are increasing their military spending .This inferno of increase in military spending beginning from the UK where Keir Stammer British prime minister struggled for so long to cede eventually to conservative opposition leader's superior parliamentary debates with kemi badenoch.
Methinks the war is over Russia had won already and EU is nothing without America which caused the war in the first place.Take a look at military spending for instance between January 24 2022 and Dec .24 ,2024,the united states' war expenditure totaled a whooping $120b.and followed by Germany in distant second at more than $20b.What a shame?With no defence the total military spending of the entire Europe still couldn't challenge superior funding power from the United States.Russia had boasted in 2025 Ukraine would evanesce from global map.Trump lamented if he was in government the war wouldn't have happened in the first place and he said stuff happens and been able to stop would be his number one priority.
Moreover it is not only fuñding but the level of technology and advanced military weapons and missiles under Kremlin control is particularly amazing.The European union president Ursula Von der leyen announced the proposal to increase Europe defense system to £ 600b .or close to 800b.euros .Where would they get their equipment as the most advanced instrument came from Russia far ahead of America in military technology.For instance the United States does not have a single hypersonic missiles at the moment.Tsar world largest hydrogen bomb with more than 50 megaton belong to Russia.Best nuclear warheads and best nuclear submarines that could wipe out nations in the twinkling of an eye belong to Russia.In a meeting with Keith Starmer when asked about the war and trump said can you take Russia all by yourself Starmer with body language shrugged no.

March 7, 2025

The Possibility Of dreams.part 49

The dishwaters by shallow dreamers are everywhere the main canker disenabling the profit and reward of liberty derived from the transaction of public goods.Then they take decision when they re choked by the growing menace of information arbitraging at their backyards inducing counter development as the chronic benefits of social malaise . Consequently beautiful dreamers hardly exist who coexist with hunger, affliction and misery and every vital social safety net denied them.
The beauty of dreams as well as the beauty of history cannot deny the productivity of meagre portion left behind.When in the invading mode of distant future the new generation of historical artists may be forced to acknowledge the glorious contribution of prior era and revisit them .The progressions of history and historical identities does not wobble beyond the sanctity of this trust . Beautiful dreams shares nativity with shallow dreams as the same context would say beautiful dreamers lives in the same nativity with shallow dreamers.Sometimes they re exposed to the same pedigrees of technological information and yet they lack motivation to conceptualize the paradigm of wonderful times.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 48

The public goods terminates at the very translucent transaction of clueless folks who make inconveniences, inconsistencies and incompetencies their perfectly broached subjects undermining the prior generation of historical intergrity.The sordid state of history to the students of history can chastise the inconsiderate inconsistent incongruences of prior period to reenact paradigm of wonderful times .We re freedom fighters to obey the fundamental laws of liberty and the enshrined character of process architecture to catalyse the new dawn.
Given the propensity of mankind to consume bad information and sometimes the irremediable politics of human prejudice we re befuddled with heinous setbacks that silence the rising voices of hungrier nations.Those who build trust with human movement saves a nation from unborn calamity and insulate against the deterents of public justice.The plight of development planners often begin with the erosion of the sanctity of trust and those who profit from the gullibility of human dissipation takes advantage of destroyed or heavily damaged public destiny.When these items we evaluated are strictly lacking we re simply destroying the necessaries of egalitarian propensity to protect and produce public goods.The dearth of public justice depreciate the collective worth of mankind in general.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 47

The sanctity of industrial purposes and the hallowed musters of the world of human movement at the most rational perspective leads to the pathway of freedom.While freedom varies markedly across the board the prime virtues of human administration must be progressive and not necessarily be terminated at the very axis of social administration.The possibility of dreams beyond the dark patches of prior historical intergrity emanates from rising outbreak of technological processes and allied freedom incorporated.
The public obligation as an evaluation of the total pursuit of public destiny requires urgent appeal to every juncture of development planning and planners often fail when they deduce the prime energy of human institution from the exigencies of public disposal.The scholarship of liberty thinks differently when the free flow of information exchange reaches the doorsteps of capacity building especially in reaction with the principal motif to audit process architecture and ensures material properties of fulfilment.The value system does not exist where the exchange is suffocated with parlous crevice of information arbitraging reducing the propensity to gain mastery the true spirit of liberty.We re freed according to velocity of the exchange we choose and to further loosens slavery rapid growth of the exchange velocity saves the day.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 46

Let us fight for the unseen and under seen times and we make projection and forecast of the type of future we desire.We assume the optimism we Ve never met as if it were a being by mere emotional build up.Does it mean our emotions could see into the distant times unforeseeable?Do they have eyes as the physical cortex and vice versa?
The answer is yes is the most mysterious galaxy of human universes and all other organs uses the gadgets of emotion tosense like sensors the environment and surface tension it brings.It helps the tongue to feel,mouth must feel before they speak,sight must feel the environment first to see  and emotions too goes before thinking, observation and it uses reflection to catalyse the activity of cultural appropriation.You can't do a thing without minding your business and ready to face the karma.

The Possibility of Dreams.part 45

The trials we face in a lifetime are scheduled for capacity building exploring the misfortune of pain trap to enable the fortune of a lifetime when we think random thought of impossibilities cannot give way to construction of constant thought of possibilities.As the information exchanges the same free flow we should just let it grow uncensored and leveraging effect it can bring goes beyond security of lives and properties some sense of social stability but musings of material fulfilment unchallenged by practice.
It doesn't just test our ratio of fortitude and resilient stronghold we prepare our minds for the growth of liberty when capacity building is gestured and not alienated into the fringes of historical obscurity.To survive timelines of trials and test avalanche before every artist is so bad that there's no alternative provided misfortune strike.And we face karma or recompense or retribution when rewards are distributed in the most unpredictable mode of entry and exit.The principal motif of human struggle even when going in the right direction is never clarified and often clueless until the terms of accomplishment are achieved.Little wonder they call it'trial and errors 'and often misconstrued with the clarity of those who lead themselves and not for those it is so branded who follow the crowds.Every mode of entry into the consumption of human arts, begins with the most cluelessness of the ends of your dreams and not the beginning of what you dream.We lead the way by mere trials and constantly learning from our errors the spirit of innovation emerges where the stability of motivation ensures that the the artist leads the path to probity and accomplishment.
Society like individuals indivisible and indeterminate proffer solution to myriad of circumstances they found them by learning from the pitfalls of human error. 

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 44

We hope to expect that the days of trouble are gone with the fulfilment of our dreams which should prepare us for unending wishes of good things.The power of purpose to strengthen our resolve to public duty denies us the wherewithal in most cases to pleasure trap including excessive personal enjoyment.It takes extreme sacrifice to deliver the transaction of public goods and decelerate random thought of impossibilities at the leverage of unbroken information exchange.
We cannot doubt the fact the society that fails to open up to the blistering pace of social change is destined to be doomed sooner or later.If only we knew the unaffordability of the truth of yesteryears faced by prior generation that they had to face to allow little space for the volume of change they could afford in their time and the shallowness of their position and adamant position to rebuke the truth of history we shall have to think twice to patronize even the immodesty in the inquisition of our search for freedoms.
Tricking the pattern of power market system to deliver in real terms of change management the transaction of technological freedom we desire as earthings beyond random thought of possibilities.Depending on the level of motivation the patronage of technology power in the larger ecosystem of power market frontiers untie the burden of Beautiful dreamers when they collide with market barriers to string choices and decision to redefine their essence on one hand and public essence on the other hand.We may not always be certain the reciprocal effect of altercation but we re dead sure the art of peace making and freedom fight salutes in the long run the operational discharge of public goods.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 43

The random thought of possibilities crystalises from random thought of impossibilities even as the constant thought of impossibilities gives way to random thought of impossibilities with the random thought of possibilities grow into constant thought of possibilities .That is how the streams of rivers of faith build up impetus in the psychology of those who gain motivation from the permission granted to free flow of information exchange to change their lives.To gain mastery at such steady state of priceless horizons must indicate not just critical access as well as affordable and unaffordable access to expertises beyond them but also the capabilities to create access to information beyond the limit of their capacity.Those who cannot handle this pressure of temperature are better adviced to follow up with established standard behind the streams of the rivers of faith(STOTERFA).We build capacity in everything prenticeship and to use technical information it requires mastery of certain techniques which they cumulative calls education.Unfortunately education is fast charging itself with new methods of learning and critical access to new information exchange, changing fast beyond the capacity of prenticeship to handle.This explains the operating gap of those who get ahead and those who ate excreta and are left behind.The difference between them,black and white,top and beneath, leadership and followership,poor and rich,skilled and unskilled workers and business owners or capitalists is infinitely information to be precise technical information.
The vast majority of mordern artisans is infinitely involved in the production of information and the more technical information they process the wealthier they become flashes forth even better with addendum of corporate branding.The truth about the total transformation of human institution begins and ends in this context of pedestal to make much vaunted human administration materialise beyond our wildest dreams.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 42

We remain vigilant to the charging of the changing faces of history and we re mixed to outmode the rebukes of yester years s shallow to the unpremeditated frontiers of neomordern thinking caps as unprecedented riches emerges with the entry of web 3 of the internet ecosystem and the possibility of global eradication of mass poverty within sight.Those who are not Informed are compelled by the bristling nature of information free flow are forced to consider their ways and reprice their liberty payable in the growth of capacity building for further wealth creation.This outbreak of universal wealth Springs from the growth of power market and colonies of power market frontiers to which mankind plays as actors of their own destinies.They reap from uncommon prosperity transfer and universal capitalism the big bang fruit of technological freedom and technological power drawing inspiration from changing faces of information exchange.Although the concept of motivation may be distracted by bombardment of information flow mankind is slowly adjusting to the new approaches to power market's wealth transfer.
There's no doubt information is power knowledge which is technical information is power and the spread is mysteriously tied to the apron string of information exchange and composure of knowledge management.This procured the right environmental exposure badly needed for every homosapien to rewrite personal their inhaling pages of history.And to those that have early access to the exchange the better and to those who fail to gain early entry they break barriers by purport of uncommon innovation changing history even more with what ought to be better than prior approach.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 41

We re not where we ought to be in the context of universal gravitation of purpose betrayed or not assumed at all levels, cravings including outstandings left unpaid in the scale of social debt obligations .This backlog tends to pile up unpremeditated for the successive times sometimes unserious generation of great dreamers we would come to rely on sickly underperforming in the most pathetic situation and perhaps often worse.This is often insane .
We never leave to forgo our own regrets even if public system forget them but it never forgets and forgive and that's why it uses the book of history travels back through time to remind the unborn generation what the prior generation did with their lives.A good profile of historical identities simply denotes as checkered antecedence would bring them out in record speed and undiluted sympathy to pour either traduce or accolades on the unfilled context of golden dreams;the damage of destiny by insensitive policies and lack of capacity building in most common cases reason behind successive history stunted and downcast too and provided threshold is set of such drive,the remaking and rewriting of history often not hard to emerge especially in mass punditry inbuilt America.Great dreamers never die.
Isn't it great that the greatest of the greatests are springing up in both mainland and beyond as it was with the mainland china emulating the Americans and Russians before them .Great minds hellbent to change the course of history they were taught and reminded , drawing passion from the winds of change in the immediate successive times and no far fetched into distant times.When they dig deeper their faith tear down the wall of hostility and circles of adversities launching phenomenon never before heard even in the tedious contours and critical times of their forefathers.
Now that the world is a global village the blistering velocity of information exchange makes a mockery of distant time's accomplishment as petty and unmatched to the yearnings of neomordern times.It does not stop indolence from growing too and I think it degenerates as information exchange and free flow of information break more barriers known or unknown.

March 6, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 40

Societies like nations are meant to decay but the cultural appropriation context of their formation using the concept of collective responsibilities to administer the strategic effect of threshold bonding into stronghold and catapults human administration often an undefeated milestone.The extent of human environmental and social change accelerate the public system of change management at least for every social interval and public goods undertakings.
Damage control and resistance to envisage decades prior to damage outbreak aptly matters more.It explains the difference in developing countries and advanced countries and their sustainability and vulnerability to survive the quagmired nature of struggling atmosphere.
When the state of pleasure trap in a given society or state exceeds the paraphernalia of pain trap, effective damage control might be counterproductive in the long run .The concept of collective responsibilities also declines where motivation decelerate in the mechanical infrastructure of public goods.It is the greatest trap often set in mordern history in which both the weak and strong nations ,rich and poor,until now finds a common ground to resolve but nevertheless lacks the capacity to muster the badly needed solution.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 39

The proportion of possibilities decline as the ratio of artistic personalities decline unable to convert artistic assets into sometimes loanable social and economic assets or public heirlooms.The state of the society whether it guarrantees social or economic stability or not it will have a change of cultural ideology during social deengineering process and may not regress the quality of social life but sometimes engineer its most effective mechanism or something close to make the first generation of social engineers with the most valuable work of arts.The system may suffer setback which is unethical and may adapt too quickly due to rigorous structure put in place by first generation social and public engineers.
With the ethical consciousness and ethical administration of the human institution at timely interval the use of artistic assets may be forced on the publics to save themselves prior insanity of the broken infrastructure of public goods.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 38

The social malaise of information arbitraging quite a common predilection thoughtless and advanced in every country not excluding advanced countries.Hence the destinies of beautiful dreams go up in smoke, rotted in eternities of fractured egos, unconsumed arts and artistic smithereens to consume rising insanity of artistic personalities.Instead of economic personalities we express ourselves in the most warped settings of beleaguered family of human species that deny the sanity of the state be breached when the state of chaos begins.Art works are not fluidic phenomenon in the concept of human movement that warrants the collective use of this social assets for which artistic assets are converted when optimised.
The gross violation of this optimisable techniques endanger the critical unusabilities of unoptimisable artistic assets that recede in the optimal use value when not converted.The concept of free flow of knowledge, information arbitration and information exchange discrediting discretionary use of knowledge management to enforce the cut remains the underlining factor behind the groaning scenes and dearth of beautiful dreams in every country of the world.
However we quite share the consensus that classified information due to their highly technical safeguard not often good for public discretion and public relations.Inordinately so to mean that where there are specified doses of intelligence transfer and information arbitration badly needed that could assume the critical responsibility of public goods and ensure social stability,the conversion of artistic assets into public heirlooms is not inconsequential.
Social malaise also exist where social efficiency is guaranteed and it takes silencing of the voices of the unheards with derelict artistic assets to ensure the optimal use .It entails that the public process of government efficiency doesn't last forever and the good structure at some point might be faced with structural recession that eitheraybe caused by the system itself or by vague contribution of this inherent saboteurs whose voice were once silenced.Does public schemes ever get a consolation to grant reprieve to those denied of the contributory powers to state progress?Barely does it guarrantees nor often ready to pacify the horrendous situation and someday at unpremeditated proportion strike back.This is social deengineering not reingineering which could succeed should they have either bad or good intentions.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 37

The public good of the state is not significance in the atrophy of the public goods of the individuals especially the industrial revolution of the individuals .When the collective sanity appreciates an indication of rising artistic assets at market prices of steady state of liberty.This form of flow allows the growth of human movement to use artistic productivity to insulate the welfare of this social relation that is ochestrating this sometimes bizarre concept of human and environmental sanity .The contract of liberty is acknowledged at the time of the free flow and the strategic quality of that information arbitration that metamorphosed into human change first before environmental and social change for the maintenance of public goods infrastructure.The cannons of human development index to deny the quantity of human movement and ostracize the concept of human movement as ethical inadequate to the yearnings of the state which expect the stable condition of those who reside in the broken cities.The literature of public goods supplied by prior generation fills the rots of public system expenditure when disengaged from the proper discourse of human responsibility.This detaches and buries collective sanity of a nation not learning from it's past to reshape the unknown future.Most sources of critical social irresponsibility afford the state the dearth of beautiful dreams and state of accomplishment at a particular period.

The Possibility Of Dreams part 36

The price of liberty is paid in the timely consumption of artistic assets and not by the lull whatsoever in the environmental aggression .The character of that human liberty is more or less tied to the apron string of that artistry embedded in the inventory of the artistic personalities commercialized and exploited in the  appreciable value of that artistic assets.Circumstances and conditions differ to work apparently to  the glorious gorges of these timely invested assets if not infringed is optimally valuable to determine the collective sanity of the human arts and the concept of environmental responsibility that measures the collective worth of that assets.As circumstances emerge with different texture the prices of liberty mirrored in the appreciable rise of that assets also rises .It barely lays dormant but the most collective measures unearth the benediction of cultural appropriation and the sum total proportion of cultural activity found in the use of that asset above the loggerheads of wobbling times and seasons.When they re actively engaged with perilous circumstances it could signal a change in the proportion of human challenges at a time.It doesn't enhance the quantity of public goods unless it is felt in the nature of human administration at a time.The sanctions of public goods unleashes the aggregate but collective sanity of the state of human consumption.The quality of human consumption is low in a society where the use of human movement is either jettisoned or ignored for the wanton good of the state . Consequently the commotion of the public realm is common where the consumption of arts to denote the consumption of arts is not morally undertaken .The quality of information exchange in the form of arbitraging to deny discretionary form of arbitration is staggering.This enhances and accelerate the cut in the institutional inflow tells a lot the unbroken growth in the collective insanity of the state and to reduce that insanity by crude proportion the free flow must be empowered.The state of society is unchanged until the free flow including the terms and conditions of that free flow is enabled to heal the sick heart of the social and public relations.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 35

The pleasure trap in the mordern cities is so much to distract the hardly motivated folks from achieving their dreams.As they tend to waver easily and steadily loosing focus especially when the quality of human reflection is not so much advanced under weight of uncommon vision may be inadequate to handle the operating risk of volatile distraction .The real pressure does not come from home but peerage pressure outside where negative influences of bad friendship may ruin the focus of even passionate kids.Stay away from bad association and mimic if possible good character but unfortunately the bad association as they say bringeth quick fortune which may choke the pedestal if any at the end.
However it must be borne in mind that the quality of time investment grows with the extant quality of human motivation and the use of arts at human disposal.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 34

Naturally and humanly possible most people are not twined to get concentration into top gear and hardly get motivation to do valiant things so it is easier for them to settle for line of least resistance.It depends on the level of motivation for one person to dream big and struggle with that difficult dreams .Most folks would rather not just follow the crowds but also assist others to build their dreams.They re wired to do so and such lifestyle is often determined by the ratio of environmental exposure they have and their very willingness to imbibe the exposure.That is the kind of settings we re talking about and being wired by such settings.This context set children apart from them and I think everyone or every child growing up have almost the same mode of exposure but the willingness of a few to inculcate the strategic exposure into the ways of thinking,patterns of motivation and lifestyles tend to differentiate great dreamers and shallow dreamers.We do not disagree that the prevalence ọf pleasure at childhood not mated with some degree of pain could be a disservice to leverage on the pattern of great dreamers and most kids are destroyed from the fringes of self doubt when forces to motivate them are sparsely bequeathed to succour with such motivation.Exposure to the pain could be in such modest ratio that can be handled by the children's bearings and could be counterproductive should overstress their capacity to handle.A child with good mind and good artwork respond too quickly to such environment and reproduce wonderful works of arts in record time.
Above all motivation is key and perception being everything as sort of reflection imbibing the much needed exposure enables fortunate kids to explore the impossible with their little minds.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 33

Nobody is going to do it and in most cases most strugglers get no commendability until the eve of accomplishment.It is as bad as that and I tell you none whatsoever.The path is dark and lonely and inventors,innovators,scientists and reformers maybe tied with ruthless approach and reckless parade of effrontery in a way alien to most people which is why they re sometimes tagged as controversial laden with tireless wobbles of controversies.That is how they re built.The uncommon but unconscious nature of common sense plays to their own gallery as they deem fit taking that ruthless but uncommon approach to get difficult task executed .It depicts them sometimes as if they re inhuman or subhuman regardless of the mode and form of accomplishment,man must devise every means possible to get their goals, objective, vision, destinies and plans fulfilled in record.
Once we re passionate with our motivation we get things done easily and errors of inaction known or unknown could be easily dissolved in sight.Getting off close and far flung distractions is a key to that musings of motivation.

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 32

Accomplishment is priceless to the defenders of destiny and those who underate the prices and sacrifices to be paid are farthest driven from the shores of that accomplishment; in that they bicker with glories of accomplishment not understanding in real terms they re indeed damaging the benign path toward their destiny.It is nothing to be humiliated to them as well as revel modest rays of commendation to which the muse of motivation is often accustomed with commensurate encouragement for further exploration.It has been said to me by a veteran madam Funmi who sang at the national stadium in celebration of fela when he died in the 90s,she said if nobody praises you try praise and encourage yourself.I think it perfectly fits perfectly the sacrifice of a becoming in any shape whatsoever and motivation is the highest plaudit or applause you could pour on your action and determination when no one else is there to encourage you.

March 5, 2025

The Possibility Of Dreams.part 31

The society and the state of the society is structured in such a way the possibility of beautiful dreams with the most ideal settings of human justice is next to nothing impossible and the gloomier chances created you name it are no chances at all.The mindbogling looting of public goods unceasingly assume a frightening dimension, threatening the life of the human species from the surface of the earth  with whom they re bound to coexist in the ephemeral passage yet a futile passage.Those who can quickly make a point of reflection from the ambiguities of unaffordable social life are positively doomed to play trial with the solution they proffered .In most cases in awry times the majority who complained should not be allowed to breathe in the first place due to high risk of menacing inaction they help contribute to further damage and worsening the extant virulence yet they pour tirade on a meagre portion of those who almost die or die trying.

March 4, 2025

Act 1 Scene 3.part 4

A falstaffian indulges in falsum, in falsi crimen,barely fault a contempt,in a falsetto of eulogy for  fastbuck and not a faugh of faute dé mieux did he swallow nor was he faux naif to tone it down.
Delving deeper amidst the feculence untarred the februation and fecundation of his fedifragous  and riparian feal and divot.
Dancing fellahin  to the Felix culpa and fe lo-de-se-like oddysey,
He stamped his feet ludicrously in the fight fire for fire emission fought back tears while fighting a loosing battle .
Roasted in the immaculate cat and dog fight.
Did he fight the good fight with the fight song?
Not the figural figurantes of his own kismet to smother figure of contempt from his porous vicinage.
Filipendulous crushed to the barnacle of filiopietistic filaments 

Persistence.part two

"O I was surprised getting to America you suddenly turned into a poet."
"You like my proses and epodes ?"
"You Ve gone mad again "
"Eminentissimo gone mad?My poesies,clerihews,laments,madrigals,idyls, limericks,villanelles,jungles,pastorales,runes,rondels,triolets,my poetries,my rondeolets,my anacreontics,dithyrambs,epopees,psalms,epic,haiku,elegy,epigram,tankas,lyrics,odes,ballads,senryus,eclogues."
My free Verster's"
Have you heard it now?"
"Free Verses?"
"I mean my lays, versification,vers libres,blank verses,minstrelsies"
"Vers libres"
Refer to my Poetry".
"Oh my goodness and you roasted me like dishwater."
"Regret too late"
"Poetry saves from eclampsia delinquents and senile permitted it."
"Times speaks with age and age speaks with time."
"See the kind of flashes he flashed across to my face with licit mind lit with vocabularies."I love tautology sometimes nothing much just synonymous encouraging you to learn."
"Oh I see our brother has gone mad again"
",But this is a positive madness."
"The white melt before him"
"Why won't they ?A rare gem afterall.
"Did you publish there?"
"Yes I did "
"Why won't he egghead?"
"So you left medicine for good?"
"Yeah since I kit my hospital."
"You have hospital there?"
"Wonderful black man making a different."
"My ravenous,esurient,hoggish,swinnish,piggish,unslakable,wolfish,edacious was catalyst."
"Unslakability here I mean and such routine not for the ectomorphic , cadaverous,willowy,rawboned,scaggy,anorexic,puny,lank,syplhlike,tweedy,reedy,rangy,spindling,waspish, skeletal like u."
"Tortoise he abused you."
"Me .What an insult?"
"We re dead o"
"He cannot am a farmer too and with labourers under me"
"Good you produce food.I beg your pardon but don't appalled with my eductions, sequiturs,surmises,suppositions,inferences, deductions,but you have dismantled the evocation with your exploit in your farmyard.You re an eidolon of the visionary and hallowed mind too.A paragon,a nonesuch,a paradigm,a touchstone,a personification,a phantom,an archetype,a quintessential epiphany.
So you re not cheapo, El cheapo,a chintzy,a fire sale,cut rate,a super cheap,ultra heap,a dime store
You can count on me as your levee,quay,dock,berth,mooring,wharfage,dockyard,pier,jetty,embarcadero of more apotheosis.Shallom!"
"Nice 👍 inspire of your bombardment we say nice to meet."
"Yeah but it seem you people think am under a spell a voodoo of obscurantism , spellbound, ensorcelled, mesmerized and beguiled?Nope it's just the attitude over time."
"As such you can't change your attitude.It could be an insult to folks and people might be forced to hate or love you."
"Whatever. I continue to uphold my stanchion,plinth,socle, reinforcements,stilt, architrave,cornice,pilaster,pedestal,crutch,column,frieze, cantilever,very bracket,brace,arch, foundation,support,pillar,shaft,my entablature "
"Over madness again "tortoise moaned 
"Jesus save us from slavery of this oppressor."
"Am an oppressor?How?Learn and copy and paste.Copy good characters.i told my brother the same.if you don't you die in my slavery my embarrasment,in my embalment, reinterment,immurement, entombment,inurnment, obsequies, inhumations,reburials,sepultures."
" Bury us as slaves?"
"If you don't learn you LL be my eternal slaves."
" I will feed you too."
"Okay you wish to die in my entanglement, entrapment, double-dealing, landmine, subterfuge, duplicity,snags,artifices, deception ,plots,ruses, envelopment?A subsistence farmers who can't even afford to feed himself feeding others? Sound strange."
Uhmmmm.i need a loan to expand my farmland"
"What?"his heart beating tremulously.
"I LL get you a loan but if don't pay I will take your land to repay loan."
"Like how much ?500,000 dollars?"they moved closer to the land"I see you re lucky to inherit these but I saw you will need a loan.i made a pledge to help my old friends with no strings attached."
"I get free non collateralisation.How about that?"
"Good.You remember old good days when we were vêry small and very close."
"Yeah almost everything but you misinterpreted my gestures.Your epexegesis , exegesis is wrong.Your annotations,roadmap, paraphrase, interpretation, restatement, clarification, edification, disentanglement,deciphering,unscrambling, justification,decoding, elucidatives too poor."
"Okay we LL make it up.Dont kill us with grammar "tortoise said sweating profusely as if like a woman in labour.
"Just mere figures of speech my brother am dead here and buried.Eternal slaves of his tongue?"
"He who does not know a slave of him who knows.The white men colonized with their education their grammar to detriment of our mother tongue."
"And you re spreading the slavery?"
"We re just joking anyway."
"When re u bringing the money."

Persistence.part one

A firestorm a flash a blow up an ebullition of my eccentricities,with no clemency burst forth"
"Eccentricities "
"Don't you know what that megalomaniac is?"
"I say my partialities,my temperaments..."
"To denotey genii,penchants, individualities,bents..."
"What is wrong with you tortoise?"
"To exude my neoriticisms,wonts,turns,natures, predisposition, predilection..."
"To connotes my marks,ways, proclivities, inclinations, addictions..."
"Tortoise are you drunk?"
"my abnormalities, perversions,patterns,customs, individualisms,airs,erraticisms, tendencies,quiddities..."
"You must be crazy are you from the trees like the ape."
Of course you bet your sweat on that and definitely he is."
"Don't be naughty boy.Simplify"
"Good you re slow mover that's why they call you but he's an eagle gunsmithing and punsmithing in the sky of etymology."
"I mean attitude, character, characteristics,traits"
"Oh I see move on."
"Better be"
"Not particularly heavy words why is he gobsmacked?"
"O Jesus what that?"
"He says you re startled or confused."
"The horse is loaded".
"See my attitude changes everything but consistent is key in your routine and that's why they call it routine.You stick to it over time before any known transformation envisaged in your life."
"Finally you re a doctor too."
Truly persistence is key."
"I want to know how?"
"What do you want to know?"
"Your attitude matters.We started together and you did quit because your grandma died who was supporting .I told your sister stipends could save you and you said she's not sending enough and you quit the tutorial and you can't even get a job.
What you abandoned ten years ago I Ve achieved mine".
"Attitude is the attorney of accomplishment.I agree with re right".
"Spasm, convulsions,seizures, breakdowns,throes and relapses fell under my feet .We treated some of the worst cases in that hospital before we moved onto America."

Most Memorable Day:A trip into Wole Soyinka 's forest.part one

Life is wonderful and things happen so quickly in our life that we dont sometimes know how to explain them and couldn't quickly unravel the mystery behind our journey in life let alone comprehend how far we have come.The most important thing is for us to keep growing watching our progress by leaps and bounds and avoid faltering.No one cares what you think but what you do matters with your life and keep people rattled or terrified including you too amazed at what you have achieved.It can bring a lot of envy if they re substantial in nature.
On March 3,with my younger brother Ajibade Emmanuel Laniyan also known as white power 001,I made a trip to Wole Soyinka 's forest after more than 30years in Lagos and hesitating.This in line with my father's vision you re Soyinka too or another chapter of Soyinka.Nevertheless I went there in grand style seeking solid support from the greatest black man on earth our dear own known and unknown Wole Soyinka most prized blac.amoor of all time.You might say it is the biggest understatement or litote of all time but indeed the biggest axiom yet to be uncovered by larger swathes of mankind especially the black people .I had to write a book to commemorate him almost a thousand pages contemplated changing the main title of the book from Wole Soyinka the Bard of Kongi to Wole Soyinka:The Greatest Black man of all time.
We left home around 10 o clock and got there around 2pm took a bus from iyana ipaja garage.We paid the bus fare of 8,000 naira for two people and we took off and landed at shagamu and we were almost misled by clownish driver as he whisked us like thunderstorm to ijebu ode.Being conscious of the direction and additional cost of squandering your transport we got mid road to ijebu ode which was about 73 km from Abeokuta and we almost wasted the whole day but luckily alighted and boarded another bus.We had to return back to shagamu and entered Kuto as directed by online guide and we paid 2k each and got down at NNPC where we boarded okada  and the rider collected 1,500 naira for two people and we finally landed at Wole Soyinka's forest.
I was so happy in my brother's presence at least we made the journey did a short videos of the narrow front forest juxtaposed on the other side of the road by ashabi 🏠 house.Then I lamented see the greatest black man on earth lived in a slum?"Should I say in a forest?I could not stop taking videos and as we waited and okada rider evanesced into thin air my brother called my attention to the approaching security man in mufti .Then we moved to greet the amiable,calm and unassuming Mr Adebola too nice as his master entertained us for the day and he advised us to follow the normal routine of letter writing tradition and he will surely read it and reply us.
Then shortly after he told us papa wasn't around I pleaded that he should let us into the forest as our tourist guide to which he promptly objected and also promptly accepted."See there's camera everywhere around the house but once we get to the drainage basin,the tour stop"to which we promptly agreed .Then we take the video as we moved slowly sometimes discussing about his life and the level of patronage he gets and people seeking his endorsement and patronage for projects etcetera.He said the forest was more than 9 acres and  we used to stroll whenever he's around.
When he was asked to recall papa's most memorable friend and most memorable words he said it was engineer tokunbo and recalled that the don concluded that he had experienced and achieved everything in life beyond death and nothing there's it to achieve in life am.He was a fulfilled man.Adebola had worked for prof for more than three years and was fond of the man who used to celebrate them every Christmas or December distributing money and gifts to them.The humblest man he'd ever met.

March 2, 2025

My Oysters part 27

May you be comfortable with the terrifying proportion of the Bard 's assumption!
A horrific nature of 2 trillion galaxies hung in empty space,
A staggering a trillion planets in our milky way ,
Terrifies even more the jaw dropping and awe-inspiring nature
of the space land mass size in our milky way,
Tabulating the earth's landmass of less than,
As an empirical point of departure in a trillion places,
From 1.5quintillion to 1.5 sextillion SQ. Km of space landmass,
Spatially over which a trillion planets were hung 
By the eco magnetic and telectromagnetic laws of resistance and not by the law of gravity,

My Oysters part 26

My trip into Lagos with access 
To diabolical exposure and evils of mordern books
Hath turned into ditheism and atheism
Yet the spirit of my hagiological supercalifragilisticexpialidocious root follows me unmoored 
In my trance had I not seen the map of the space 
That the black holes and dark matter constitutes 
The routes and path to heavenly kingdom
That to get to heaven with man made rockets 
We shall journey above into black hole entry 
And wades into the danger of dark matter and black holes 
The rocket ships shall be needed to penetrate 
Deep down into hell beneath and bottomless pit 
By at least 43,000 miles in ten places
And another 430,000 miles in ten places 
A mind blowing 4.3 million miles beneath the earth surface 
Then we break into space and terrifying water layers in the space
And we begin by 4.3million miles in a thousand places.
A staggering 4.3billion miles water travel journey
Battling through water layers beneath until
The discovery of space land.
Rocket ships must travel faster than the speed of light 
To reach space land in record times 

My Oysters.part 25

You don't know before you set out at dawn?"
"That destroys humanism"
"Nope but glorifies a great achievers."
In everything and every sphere of lifetime 
At every strand life is colonized by the principalities of fiefdom 
Who distributes and redistributes fields of honor
To those out of the fissures and the filigres of the fissures 
At auctioned times punch-drunk as they deem fit,
Who turn dodunks as slaves in slavetown 
Unless the weapons are mercilessly deployed 
They don't have victories that they deserve.
Go to your battlefield every morning to Excell
Before the sun goes down."
The weaponry and musketry of gallantry hardly fails
To recompense the fugitives from the fissures ,five and dimes of misery and emporia of serfdom ,
Although the curlycue,ringlets, convolution,incurvature,crooks,dogslets,hairpins, inflections be real,
As insurmountable cannons of time often dismantles every behemoth,
This wisdom, tradition ,myths,odwives tales, anecdotal,folklifes, folktales,fables,tales,yarn etcetera hardly fails.
And was never glaciated and congealed from the transaction of this virtue 
Be a warrior and let your time fly with your eagle.

My Oysters.part 24

The road is a repository of booby traps 
Get fieldpieces to defend your realm"
Like what?"
Your nesciency rub it in your face"
"Why the affront"
"Take embankment and run the journey is long"
Your submachine guns, Roscoes,self loaders,revolvers"
"You re shedding blood you ranting dog"
"Life is war"
'The battlefield of dreams "
"Exactly,side arms,six guns,forty-five, sixshooters,carbines,semi automatic,riffles,AK47,spear guns, assault weapons,handguns,.22,matchlocks,firelocks,smoothbores,zip guns,culverins,arquebuses, blunderbusses,shotguns,armguns,flintlocks,twenty two,breë bloaders etcetera "
"Yeah you mean metaphorically!"
"Both literally and metaphorically as the needs maybe."
"This is serious "

My Oysters.part 22

Behold dirty little secrets, dirty little stinking mouths!
"Dipsies in the dipsy doodle not engrossed
In the diluvia 
Are consumed by delusterants at valley's beneath enshrined"
 Refrain afar so the wit can use them this league of dodard and dofunny folks and do dunks
Frequenting streets and cities as cannon balls 
In the dog and pony shows of lustery infrastructure,
To seal the doggies'doggos and the dog's deaths.
We as dorsiferous earthings cuddling golden courses on camelback 
Lulled to face the crucifix of accomplishment and the hijacked necklaces of dream.

My Oysters.part 21

Differentiate a deserticolous friend from the stable of desert rats and desert worthy friends
Long after you deserted frenemies 
He turns you into a desert and runs.
Waow what a cataclysm?
Anyways to destigmatize, despumate and desquamate,
 Let me blindly and despiteously prefer the latter like you ,
No one ceases to be a detentu a detenue, Until the golden morning of accomplishment ,
To the egregious losers deuteranopia remains
Until the pearly herald of that golden morning,
Devilment,devilers of devilment not alien to devil may care passage of dreams
To flock delusters to groaning thorns of an adventure,
 Every morn salute your dharmshala,salute your dharmashastra,
And lo the diapason!
A dianoetic virtue of gallantry a diamondiferous aristotelian that never dies,
Beyond this dicatrixes the road is nothing but diaphanous 
And not a theft of diaphoresis as embodied in this virtue
We embalm diluents in the diluvia as nature's treasured troves 
As diaphoresis for the transaction of purpose 
And algorithm of material fulfilment 
Shallow morning bringeth no hays
Where diluents ranging facts, intelligence and expertises 
Jettisoned prior to being refined and reconfigured 

My Oysters part 20

Demiurge in demiurgism it is he who serve the demitasse of Chief and mischief, fortune and misfortune 
No one dares you to compel yourself into this battlement 
The exit point is glorious than the entry point
Yet it is to sweet together but the theories run away 
When practice come to town and he was asked to deny his betrayal
He saith no and why did he object?
He says theory was my greatest enemy 
And we cannot live together.
He gave solution to my frenemies and maketh me feel infeel ,unsecure and insuporious insuperable.
Tell me the deringuer :who can battle terrifying derechos
To a standstill 
With the simple magic wand of derechazo to deracinate hurricanes?
Gallantry gallantry gallantry upon gallantry gallantry gallantry,

My Oysters.part 19

You think all roads leads to your destiny 
Many are delustered to grovel and bid for 
Wrong path
And may not know it even at their bough of senility,
You may never tell when the fortunate kids begins to falter 
That the old may come to the rescue.
What you sow onto life you shall get
It is proven he who thinks small shall get small 
And he thinks big shall reap big
As the measure of thy unction be so shall thou be
Begin the journey when you feel the apparent odds are against you,
Draw the bow,the arrow and the sword,
They don't fall before you not to kill the birds
The memoirs of history is enough to change the course of history,
Watch if you meet a lusterants and if you do
You shall be made instantly with no rancor of time and Influence 
But they come once in a lifetime.

My Oysters.part 18

Delusters are trickish folks and they re so many 
In the path towards a becoming of great minds 
Great minds too at one point in time were branded 
In the same manner too but remorse to do things right
Often differentiate them and before you know it
As they say the rest is hilarious history 
It sounds so embarrassing and funny sometimes 
How funny history becomes enriched history 
And men of shallow times and hollow history 
Became gemstones of checkered antecedence 
It happens so quickly in the twinkling of an eye 
And the most difficult battles to climb the mountaintop 
Is as dead easy to these nuggets of times
As it was easy for camels to break through 
Desert effortlessly with heavy loads on the back
As if nothing happens in the journey where 
Often times thousands and millions meet perdition 
In the desert storms,in the canyons and gaols of wilderness times.
Run from delusional delusters and if you re one yourself 
Being your own greatest enemy remorse, from your moral infection in your valley of indecision .

My Oysters part 17

Beware of delusterants !
They revel in delusteration and steals the time of life the prime energy of youths
You see them in the streets and bus stops,in the churches and mosques
In the busses and ceremonies 
It is not too hard yourself from the menu
And to those talkatives if you like them if you re the type who loves eggheads ,do they make intellectual conversation?
If not they re not your type.
My little friends on the streets bring me to wisdom
And a handful of them
Do I barely have them?
I think none or less and I could reflect I do inspire them than they do
This overwhelming embarrassment provided a muse
That the cities and streets barely have them
And when you see them and asses with my criteria 
They re never complete and I had to manage them
And we sharpen each other.
Delusterants are those you contribute more to them
And they contribute so much little to you
You think you need them or you think they need you
One day is coming you would realise either
I think you need them to keep yourself up to date than they need you
But when you slack and hardly fill yourself 
Or hardly do great stuffs with your intelligence
They might move like lightning speed and leave you behind .
Only then would it dawn on you you badly needed to be on your toe
And when they evanesce into vanishing distance 
You may come back to your senses
And start to be yourself.
Unless two friends maketh themselves rich together 
The path of friendship is nothing but evils of frenemies 
Unless they make it and wish each other welfare of the success 
They found together the path of friendship is nothing but evils of frenemies.

My Oysters.part 16

Run run from declivous federation
The ruins of thy gangling fortitude 
The prime energy must composed 
Into your true purpose and before you know it 
The time flies away into imponderable 
And you re old and may not even regret 
And obtain consolation from the remainder 
Unless you have gems to show for it the entire lifetime is wasted
Quarantine your self from the vulgar streets
Larger swathes just exist for existence sake,
And knoweth not the value of time when it's worth a penny
Let alone when it's worth a fortune.
Those who made the leap quite early would the reap the beauty of the sun
When the sun looks down on you beaten by time
The price tag is called accomplishment and nothing more and nothing else.

March 1, 2025

The Discovery of a bigger Ocean

There's no end to wonderful discoveries by mankind and I was baffled at the latest strings of discovery in my TikTok account and the possibility of gartha theory's evidence in application.
Recently the scientists traveled 430 miles deep down the ocean and then they find another ocean inside the ocean and which proven the evidence of the possibility of gartha theory.Does that means the suggested possibility of larger city in the ocean inside ocean afterall true?Of course it is based on my study I devised seven layers theory of the earth in which water layers that is about seven times ocean or more in the constant in the general ocean water layers.You can mistake but you can't afford to unlearn what you should not learn and beautify the dignity of what you know and so what we know about ocean is wrong.
This new ocean is said to be bigger than pacific ocean, Atlantic Ocean combined and you went down 430 miles beneath the Earth's surface you re baffled with such baffling proportion .In my new findings they have to go six times more than they did and surely would not be able to make erroneous verdict from the discovery.At the end of each layers of proposed water travel layered by journey of every at least 430 miles beneath journey in the ocean loop the possibility of larger discovery of bigger ocean is scarry.Hence the discovery of much bigger ocean is possible beneath the newly discovered earth cannot be quantified until the end of the earth opens up into bigger space and we shall have to go deeper beneath in the space journey.It is inevitable, we shall travel diverse water layers and finally we shall have to reach the landmass of the space.To begin to reach the end of space landmass we shall traverse its water layers.
We shall now be more serious with rocket ships and faster rocket ships down beneath instead of mere upward rockets but downward traveling beneath rocket ships with fierce hydrogen bombs until we travel to the end of the earth and burst into the space after exit the pillars of the earth and we still continue to travel until we reach the landmass of the space.Nobody knew space has a landmass but it does and terrifying mammals live there .it is the shortest route and fastest to discover all water layers beneath from at least 430miles beneath.We might have to water travel beneath down till we reach the earth surface by traveling through the water layers by more seven times or by ten times about 4,300 miles beneath till we exit the water layers of the Earth's surface and we burst into space and travel probably ten times water layers beneath and probably might travel by 43,000miles across space water layers to reach space landmass.Infact, we meet gigantic mammals the like of which the world has never seen already living in the space floor.The space has floors and land and the space map must be found.

My oysters part 15

A dehiscence of gallantry as closefisted degringolade,
Nothing more than a degustibus of broken dreams
In appalling contrast to the pigeonholed looser,
De gustibus non est disputandum in lucid piety of broken dreams,
O that writ polarized him above this enemy- the valleys in men
Tame unflinching tame unbreakable in tbe marrow stone through of they can b 

DOGE Demolition plan part one

In the US congressional hearing where Mr Garcia of the DOGE committee democrats blasted the trump administration and demolition plan.The plan focuses on demolition of Department of education, department of Labor,US department of health , consumer protection agency , center for medicare and medicaid services and social security system.
We debated the rationality of social security system transformation for those who followed me closely in one my essays.The rest were not explained but certainly of teething but terrifying proportion in the history.

Russia Ukraine War Ended.part one.

The war in Russia Ukraine finally with ordinary phone call between Russia and Ukraine and Russia got what he wanted and rest of Europe in jitters begging America to include them in future negotiation with Russia Ukraine and America respectively.
I was shocked myself with all the noises from 32 countries in NATO and European union they were embarrassed when in one hour ten minutes phone negotiation between the top two most powerful presidents of the world Russia finally got what it wanted.The first negotiation -No Nato membership for Ukraine never;second Russia to keep all current 30percent occupied region in eastern Ukraine;three,no NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine never;no.four United States will not sign any security guarrantee for Ukraine never.This is quite shocking in an hour and ten minutes and Zelensky was informed in another phone call that lasted just ten minutes.They had already signed UAE agreement to end the war and encourage Ukraine business men in UAE earlier.
According to former trump white house security adviser United States had surrendered Ukraine to Russia.What do they expect before?No wonder Russian authority had vowed Ukraine would soon disappear from world map forever.The time had come.Zelenky had said if not America Russia would take over the whole Europe.That , Ukraine had 980,000 soldiers and next country has over four times much smaller armies and France truly indeed has 200,000 armies to say the fact.Trump new agreement with Ukraine and Russia to begin to sell rare earth metals a strategic minerals in Ukraine would enable America to recover $350 b .it spent on the war and possibly could exceed a trillion dollars.This is tragicomedy!